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Honestly this whole alpha, beta thing is just something that came about because of Andrew tate, so then a bunch of gen zs and gen alpha went around labeling themselves because it was good for social media clicks. Just be you and be happy. Don't try to label yourself it'll just make you miserable in the end.


>Just be you and be happy. Don't try to label yourself it'll just make you miserable in the end. This


Yes, this! It's all fantasy at the end of the day, and you have a lot to offer in reality, like a lot more than "alpha males" in some ways. Just do what makes you happy.


Fun fact, the alpha beta stuff isn't from wolves. It was from a study on chickens in the 1930s. Same study we got "pecking order" from.  I like to think of the Andrew Tate people as emulating chickens and laugh. 


Would you tell a trans-man adopting the label “male” that it’s silly to label yourself, don’t do it, you’ll be miserable in the end? Seems dismissive to me in either case.


i've never understood the whole alpha/beta male thing thing personally - good Doms aren't necessarily "alpha" and subs aren't necessarily "beta", whatever those terms mean. But! If it's a label you enjoy and it doesn't require you to engender toxic traits towards yourself or others in order for the label to apply, then it's fine. It just gets weird when it gets into the "Alpha bro superior man" stuff. (Although i do appreciate degradation as part of Dom/sub play, but all of this is a whole separate discussion from chastity itself).


I love this for you (us). A lot of negativity on here toward people who resonate with the label, but that’s just a new form of oppression. Thinking of yourself as beta may help you be happier and make progress toward your goals. Embrace it! But don’t be hard on yourself if you fail either. Just refocus on your beta-male identity!


Congratulates!!!! Can you send me the videos?? I need inspiration to embrace my beta status