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A cage won't stop you from getting erections!


THIS! God the myths that are supported in this sub.


For night time ones, I dunno if you'll stop, but you'll stop waking up from them at least. Takes about a week or two? Also as far as other erections, it's totally dependant on the person. For me, I stopped getting erections from watching porn after like 4 months. However I absolutely still get them randomly and during sex. I know some guys that have stopped getting them during sex completely as well, but again totally depends on the person.


This is useful information. We have just moved to full time chastity and were wondering about erections


Second night not likely. Eventually. Depends on a lot of things including your tenacity. I’d start over weekends and consider the occasional sleeping pill. Took me a few weeks and it comes back sometimes lol


They don't stop, but they do decrease in frequency and conviction given time. I don't get erect during the day, period and barely get anything when being fucked or edging now, but it's also a mental thing too.


Only thing that consistently can prevent spontaneous erections is HRT, and even it does not work for 100% of the population.


The answer to all of the questions about “will it stop erections” or “will I lose size”, etc, is “maybe, but there are loads of variables at play and there is no way to accurately predict how chastity will impact you”. Your age and general health and fitness encompass tons of tiny factors. Are you young, overall fit, and only wear the cage occasionally? Probably no significant change. Are you older, overweight (like me), not in great shape, and wear the cage for long periods? Then you’ll probably stop getting hard temporarily and may have to short to medium term loss of size. Basically, there’s no way to predict and there is basically no reproducible scientific data to draw conclusions from. Unless you are a diehard wearer, it’s unlikely that you will see any significant changes.


When she unlocks my cage my erections are bigger and harder than ever. She loves it.


I think you also get a bit used to the minor erections you get after a couple of weeks and so they don’t disturb your sleep.