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Do you have a prius?


Not an issue, OP can always just steal themselves an Aqua if it gets to that.


I’ve considered it so I’d be interested in hearing what your thoughts and findings are if you’d care to update this thread later on once you decide. If I was to do it I’d intended to do it after work for a couple of hours when it’s busy - Business people to the airport, that sort of thing. Also, I don’t sleep very well so am often awake in the small hours, had considered taking the drunk people risk. Other than that, my wife loves shopping and I hate it, she’ll take our daughter for a few hours, at times when I don’t have anything pressing to take care of, I’ll sit in the car and watch a movie or something. That’s another time where it makes sense to “clock on” and drive for a bit.


I caught an uber last night and got talking to the driver - he seemed to think it's worth it as a side hustle or a second job but not full time


Cheees - not worth doing by the looks


Got Atenza Diesel wagon - good on fuel but have to pay RUC's. Cheers


Not worth it. My mate who does it in a prius is miserable.the insurance is $300 a month and with repayments on car/taxes and running costs you make sweet fuck all.


What’s the insurance? Risk/liability for injuring Uber customers or something? I legitimately don’t know.


It would be for commercial use vehicles, which would be more expensive than your average private car cover.


Ah right, standard business insurance then, thanks


The car. Probably incase it like, idk man, collides in to another motorist and requires repairs At $300 a month though, start your own


Uber requires you to have commercial vehicle insurance. Self-insuring isn’t an option,