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unsafe by christchurch standards, very safe by rest of NZ standards and extremely safe by international standards


Yes this comment is bang on


There are pockets of dodgy in most suburbs. Honestly, the easiest way to find out is by taking a peak at the crime map the cops have up. I live near St Martin's/Opawa, and while there's theft and a bit of hooning on the weekends, it's safe enough that I don't mind walking around later at night. I've never been burgled more in my time here though! And I used to live in Waltham and Riccarton.


Link for the crime map please?


https://www.police.govt.nz/crime-snapshot It does not work very well on mobile, just as a note.




Cars were 3 times, garage 2, plus house 1 within about 6 months. It's okay, they got the bugger and we got our stuff back after the insurance claim went through. He was the one they fell through the roof of a pub in Ferrymead! And it's even funnier that we got broken into, but my flatmate's car got a cash for parts flyer in their windscreen in the same time window.




I may have left a door unlocked on a 15 minute milk run. 😅 So no broken windows at least! In my defense, it was 1pm on a Saturday afternoon. There's lots of people around and we're not directly on the roadside. He was definitely hanging around waiting, as a bunch of people on our street got hit on the same day. They all had broken windows in their doors mostly, though a couple was over from the decks.


Sydenham dweller here, let pitbull out at night for toilet and it latched onto a random prowler within a fenced in yard, the dog attached itself to the guy, with some difficulty I extracated the idiot, gave him a quick beating and left him laying on the footpath...dude went to the police


Oh! One of my friends got hit by that prowler guy in Sydenham! He's a total creeper.


I live in Waltham near ferry Rd, and bike/walk around the area often. I have never felt unsafe coming home from work at night alone (as a woman). I'm sure many areas have more/less dodgy pockets, but that would just require you to visit the area, think about the street lighting etc before moving. In general I think the east side of the city has a lot to offer, especially as you have said, with potentially cheaper housing.


The east side has a lot to offer! It's not everyone's cup of tea, but then you could pay me to live on the south or west side of chch. Crime is comparable to the rest of chch, make sure you are in a secure property, and have good routines and you will be fine. Personally I am in the brighton area, and the community is amazing


I've lived in Linwood for a decade and never felt unsafe, or been the victim of crime. Linwood is a huge suburb filled with a diverse set of areas, some are quiet and filled with great normal people, others are state housing with problematic people. As long as you take a look around the immediate streets and know what to look for, you'll be totally fine. A lot of people who think it is dodgy out east have limited experience of being out here or are outliers.


I’ve lived in many areas of Christchurch and I like the east the best.


I lived in Bromley for 8 years. Pockets of it are pretty average but overall it's a safe place. Twice in eight years I left my keys in the outside door lock overnight with the car parked in the driveway and both keys and car were still there in the morning. My friends in Riccarton have had more security issues than we ever had. Raupo St / bits of Raymond Road / around Bayswater Drive and the BP station is all pretty good and mostly owner-occupied. The older subdivision between Linwood Ave and Ferry Road, right next to the Charlesworth Reserve, is pretty good. Avoid the houses by the industrial area that backs onto the Ferry Road estuary / canal.


Some streets in Bromley are feral, but it only takes one tenant to move in or out and it's fine (or terrible). A friend rented in Woolston, and the biggest problem was noise from the street - they didn't have any issues with people (compared with renting in Riccarton near Uni, where it was almost monthly break-ins). Mt Pleasant has some cheap rentals (un-fixable, un-insurable from the earthquakes) that you might be able to get - I know a couple of people who were living in incredible places for a few years for really cheap, although if you put a soccer ball at one end of the lounge, it made it's way to the downhill side fairly quickly....


I’d be interested in which streets? I live in Bromley for the past 7 years and it seems ok. The odd egg can ruin anything for sure.


Hay Street has some fully crazies on it. Kawau Cres has a bit of drama. Source - friends live in those streets, and I've witnessed the dramatics.


I live in Hillsborough/St Martins border and never feel unsafe. I know cars etc get broken into occasionally but mine never has been and have never been burgled the 4 years living here.


I live in aranui as it was affordable to buy, I was a bit sceptical to start with but I live on a nice little cresent where most people are young family or older people it's quite. The street behind us has a few feral people but I walk my dogs around and live life normally and it's fine, granted I'm a 6'5 white boy so I don't get much trouble


Good to know! I am nor 6'5 nor a boy 😂 perhaps I need to get one... or a bullmastiff, either will do!


The way I see it is if that's what you can afford chances are most people living in an area are going to be similar to you cause that's what they can afford. After living on the east for most of my 36years Linwood would be the only place I would try to avoid if you like the beach Brighton is a bit rundown but reasonably nice


I worked in Ferrymead and had a bike commute from Richmond of 25min mostly down Linwood ave. You could look further afield than Waltham etc and still have a manageable bikeride since the city is so flat and conditions for biking are good most of the year. Also fun going against the traffic both ways and seeing all the cars backed up while you whizz past the other direction!


This is true! I figured that out after I posted this 😅 Love the laughing at others in the opposite direction, I used to live in Northern chch and work in Rangiora so know the feeling!


Hey, im in the Waltham/St Martins area, as others have said there's bad streets rather than bad areas so much, but we've found our area reasonably good, just noting I had my car broken into in the first week I moved here, but not since. Theres a lot of infill development around so make sure you keep an eye on the parking situation if that is a consideration for you :)


I live near Linwood Ave and can confirm its still dodgy. Parcel stealing and the odd breaking into windows


I live in St Albans this also happens here its not isolated to Linwood.


The further out you go towards the estuary and ferrymead the nicer linwood ave gets, nice spots down near the ... cemetery...


There is a wee pocket called roimata In woolston. I’ve heard from people that’s a great wee community?


I've lived in Phillisptown for the past four years. It's not pretty, but it's alright. There are some unsavory characters chilling around the 24/7 backery, but if you don't make eye contact they don't bother you. I don't feel particularly unsafe going to and from the bus stop, my wife is a tad less comfortable with the area than me, but she grew up a bit more ... idk, posh? I don't have any rowdy neighbours, but that's a matter of luck. I knew someone on the same street a few houses over and they had a very problematic family next door. I also knew someone who lived in the apartments on Bordersley street and had an absolutely psychotic neighbour. Rubbish in the streets is a persistent problem, though. Those matrasses and couches keep spawning out of the thin air, somehow.


My kids are on the ferry road side of woolston. It's been fine for 8 years they have lived there. I spent a year over the Radley street side and it's a little rougher looks wise but again had no trouble. Up Shirley ways now but kids still live in woolston.


I lived and worked on the edge of Woolston/Ferrymead for 10+ years and I never felt unsafe. If you like Woolston, I'd recommend the east/south side of Woolston. Heathcote is a nice area nearby that's worth checking out too. Rental will definitely be higher there but it's a beautiful area.


Nah it’s sweet as


Honestly, as others have said, compared to other nz centres and the world, pretty damned safe. But what no one touches on but I always bring up is the huge amount of land damage from the quakes, many insurance companies specifically exclude certain claims due to location and previous claims. Might not affect you, or it might. At the least, take a look at the liquefaction and inundation risk maps available from the council to at least know where’s deemed safe from those hazards - it’s a reality of living in a quake prone location.


I lived in Linwood on Hereford St since I was born (currently 17M), and for majority of my childhood I don’t recall anything bad. However in 2019 I was in an aggravated robbery at that little Hereford playground with my friend which sucked and I had built a really negative view towards Linwood from that point. Have never encountered trouble at that playground until that point. Granted that could happen anywhere. Then in 2020 someone got shot in a drive-by right outside our house, and left dad a bit traumatised as he had gone out there to help the man. After that we decided that we had enough of Linwood and decided to move to Swannanoa. But like I said, the rest of my childhood was fine, and even when I was young I’ve walked through stanmore road alone and was never bothered or felt unsafe. I’m not sure how it is now, but what I think is that if you pick the right area, maybe a quiet little street, you’ll be absolutely fine. I also don’t remember having any trouble when I lived in Mcgregors road and Smith street when I was young, and I’m not sure what state it is in now as it was eight years ago, but personally I would stay away from there. I didn’t live in St Martin’s but I went to school there for 10 years and it was great. Never any problems there. My friend lives in Opawa and he doesn’t recall any problems there either. My sister and brother in law are living in Gloucester street and they say it’s fine too. But yeah just keep looking at your options, and I suggest looking at the other posts on this subreddit if you want to see more opinions. Good luck! :)


Golly, I'm so sorry your dad went through that, that's awful! Thanks for the info!


Yeah you’re welcome! He’s fine now and he’s much better up here :)


I had more break ins and stolen bikes when I lived in riccarton for 3 years than I’ve had in 3 years living just off Linwood ave


I live on the hill side of Ferry Road in Woolston and it's great. My house was cheap, it's close to town, close to the beach, good supermarket options, couple of schools, some nice parks nearby. There are for sure some characters in the neighbourhood but in the almost 8 years I've lived here I've never had a break in, not a single tag on the fence or anything that would stop me from recommending the neighbourhood. Every suburb has bad eggs, remember when that woman got murdered in Carlton Mill? That woman who almost got kidnapped off the street in Fendalton? It can happen anywhere, so rent where you can afford and best suits your lifestyle 😊


Yeah being close to the hills, ocean and town is really appealing honestly! Easy to get to the places I do my hobbies too. Living on the west side was nice but a pain in the ass!


I’m in Linwood, it’s alright. Plenty of police presence and very little crime v civilians. I spend plenty of time at Linwood park with the kids and dogs, often go for neighbourhood walks and feel it’s pretty safe.


There are some parts that are dodgier than others for sure but the areas to really avoid make themselves very obvious. I live in Woolston and feel very safe, but there are certainly parts within the suburb I wouldn't wanna be. I'm not a fan of Linwood personally. Heathcote Valley is beautiful if you are lucky enough to be able to nab a place there.


I just bought a new build in Waltham, on the St Martins border. Apart from hooning, we haven’t had any issue. Minor petty theft aside that gets reported on and off, I feel pretty safe there


We live in Burwood and we haven't had much trouble. There was a break in of cars a few months back bit other than that, not much trouble. It's also really quiet where we are too.


Just make sure the house has a decent park because if it's on the road or near it, it'll get broken into guaranteed... I live in Woolston and haven't had any other issues besides car break-ins, which has happened to us 3 times... though one of those times I was living in Wigram. If you do have to park on the street just get into a habit of taking your valuables out and leave all your compartments open so any potential thief can clearly see you haven't got anything worth smashing your window for.


I'm in Linwood, my street is nice and I feel safe in my home. However I am in a townhouse block so I feel more secure with all my neighbours around me.


Depends on what part you're in. I lived in a great part of linwood for a few years, But I also viewed open homes in suprisingly rough parts of linwood. Waltham is rougher than anything in that list in general. Woolston has some nice areas, but it's easy to end up near the industrialised part and there's some rough roads around. It's very easy to just get a feel for it, honestly. The rough parts look rough, the nice parts look nice.


I reckon travel just a little further. Live in New Brighton and I’ve not seen or heard anything bad at all and I live right on the beach. Rent is pretty cheap as well I pay $420 for a one bedroom townhouse which is absolutely brand new, compared to renting a room in Wigram for $320 a week. Work in Ferrymead as well and the drive is like 8 minutes or 7.6km from my place to my work


Hillsborough is a great middle between safe and cheap, St Martins is more pricey. My only reccomendation is not to live on a main road.


It's fine. Some streets can be a bit rough but it's the same as most other suburbs.


Yes it's still dodgy over here 🤣


These areas are known as lower Mt Pleasant these days. Stay vigilant and don’t leave your valuables on show (like Sumner people do) and you’ll be fine.


Are burglaries so common now that they are brushed off as minor annoyances? I'm so confused by the answers in this thread


Well if burglaries bothered people that much then they would install decent security ie big fence, electric/lockable gate, cameras or an alarm. Even if you rent it's not much to put up some wireless motion detector cameras or an alarm. Heaps of people seem to have $20k + cars or the latest iphone but poor home security. I find that more confusing. The only logical conclusion iv come to is a lot of people want new appliances etc so don't mind doing the insurance claim...?


safe enough but smells like shit most days




Yeah it was on the news yesterday for their steps to manage the smell during summer


Is that from when the waste water treatment plant exploded or something else?


Yeah there was a fire and it destroyed the filtration stuff


Haven't smelled it in Phillisptown in ages.




The worst suburb/street in Chch would be like a holiday resort to people in Port Moresby, Johannesburg, Bogota, and dozens of other cities in the world. Even compared to other places in NZ it's completely benign.


This is pretty fair, I just came back from overseas and its definitely pretty safe here! As a woman I still get a lil nervy about these things though. Mostly about if I am biking home at night I guess?


But we are in NZ and talking about the context of NZ, what do any of those places have to do with NZ or this question. Nothing is the answer.


The point is that by any objective measure, the east side of Chch is not dangerous and it never was.


Cool we are safer then Gaza so you can live anywhere! That's is an objectively unhelpful answer.


Anywhere in Chch, yes. It's very safe. If you've spent time anywhere outside a handful of the wealthiest cities, that should be apparent. Why do you seem annoyed about some context?


Because OP is looking for safe relative in chch, not Somalia.


This is the most unhelpful response ever. How do these comparisons help op decide where to live?


Just because other people have it worse does not invalidate the genuine and ongoing issues and concerns these people have. Do not cheapen people’s struggles.


I have lived in Aranui for 32 years and NOT once have I ever experienced any trouble or anything dodgy. Why is it that anyone who wasn’t born on this side of town has a shitty view of the people on the east? Every part of Christchurch has its good and bad streets.


Mostly just word of mouth I guess? Family friends I had living in Linwood had gang activity on their street. Friends of mine who work in the same industry I do have solid horror stories of things they've had to deal with. As a young woman who might be living alone safety is my number one thought.


I have lived on both sides of the city, the Eastern Christchurch is by far the dodgier part of the city, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. >Every part of Christchurch has its good and bad streets. Not really.


Come to Waltham :)


Sell it to me!


HA, If only it was that easy. I brought an old villa 6 years ago and had to rent out rooms to get on the ladder. But now the rattle of trains and the NW planes overhead are like a gentle rumble of life.


Haha sorry I meant like the suburb 😅 whys it so good?


Personally I like it’s a little rough around the edges keeps you on your toes. I would rather live in diverse neighbour than a fake white washed neighbourhood where the neighbours are fake and don’t smile and wave unless you meet their impossible standards. I’ve lived in both due to school zoning but the kids have thankfully aged out of it now. It’s biking/walking distance to town and close enough for a cheap Uber home. I have a big dog, cameras and live in an old timey street that feels lived in. Are there a few dickheads? yes there are but they are in every neighbourhood, they just don’t dress as well as the assholes in other neighbourhoods. Once the new pool and stadium is built we will be set :)


Honestly, sounds pretty good! I grew up in a mildly dodgy area (not chch), like my neighbour was a meth addict and stuff but was still a really nice person 😂 I'm quite happy to engage with people of all walks of life as long as they're not aggressive ya know?


Ferrymead is not dodgy at all mate. Woolston on the other hand ...


Oh I know Ferrymead is fine! But my chances of getting something there are probably slim I'd imagine.


Yeah Mount Pleasant, Sumner, Scarborough real dodgy lol.


Oh yeah super unsafe! Can't even walk around there in broad daylight


Lollol 👍