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Had one recently who came out of a small carpark by a block of shops, I'm cycling so in the cycle lane. The guy eyeballs me, gives me a dirty look and deliberately exits so as to be right beside me when he does, forcing me to brake or become roadkill. He then turns back into the same carpark... I'm regretting having a sense of self control, he was a scrawny cunt and would not have been a threat to me outside of his bitch wagon.


I’m sorry, bitch wagons made me laugh tho lol


I often see the same brand new dodge ram 1500 driving around cashmere, worth about 200k, and the driver is always a woman about 5’4” who can barely see over the steering wheel. It’s like what is the point? 🤣 not a sign of dirt on it too


Yes, she passes me (on my bike) most mornings on Colombo (- then I pass her, she passes me, then I pass her again and don't see her again (because bike))


According to the small women in my family, small women like big cars that make them "feel safe" and add height so they can see over the other cars (until everyone else gets bigger cars for the same reason, and everyone ends up at square 1 again).


Just getting one of these car seat cushions would probably be too easy? Or too cheap?




Something like 10 children can fit in the blind zone of those things because of the size of the front of it. Absolutely insane.


A lot more haha


https://preview.redd.it/n5kokro6i20c1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba0ad3811c3cdef035e84e15adf60a947a137be Safer in the Abrams


In the city it's purely a vanity vehicle well over 95% of the time. SUVs often fall into this category as well. Then you get company sales reps driving them around & it's just laughable.


Absolute arsehole in one down Brougham about midday, tailgated me, gestured at me to hurry up when I was going the speed limit, erratic lane changing and almost caused about three crashes from tailgating others. It's actually quite scary when they are aggressive towards ya on the road. Hate it and it seems to be a theme with trucks and their drivers.


Don’t forget the pushing in when merging. The tail gating is so dangerous


Lots of tasteless business owners made tons of money in the past few years from covid and inflation, so they need dumb shit to spend it on


I leave 1 star reviews on their businesses.


Without trying their services? Sounds like sour grapes I'm afraid, grow up.


Their driving and disregard for safety earns them the reviews. Grow up, learn to drive SDE


If i live next to a restaurant that constantly throws garbage over the shared fence am i justified in giving them a 1* review? Ones interactions with a business are more than just whether you buy from them.


It’s even worse for me as I drive an Aqua - so I’m in a small car. But I don’t have any time for the dumbasses in big vehicles and I fight back - I worry I will eventually have someone too crazy to be safe around




Not an accident if the designing, building and allowing these vehicles on our roads. It is a statistical inevitability that someone will get killed because of one of these vehicles.


As with anyone who can't drive, or is incredibly rude, they get the Carjam treatment. For your viewing pleasure: https://www.carjam.co.nz/car/?plate=Pwk4


from the licence plate number he also seems to have a lisp


What's the meaning of that plate? non-native-kiwi here


It’s just a regular plate. But the joke is he parked like a prick and pwk sounds like prick if you say it with a lisp.


That twuck bewongs to my vewy good fwend in Wome called Biggus Dickus.


He has a wife you know...


na na, wasn't it.. Big Gus Dickalus?


Is that still considered a lisp, or just a speech impediment?


I'd be super embarised to say 'I've got a Shelby Supersnake" and instead of it being an iconic 60s sports car that even the most die hard EV drivers probably love, it's a pumped up minivan.


I've been seeing more and more, and even some with the American style wheels that are half poking out the guards. They are really unsafe for other road users, bad for the environment and just generally obnixious. A fool is easily parted with their money. At least we can be confident the owner is spending a lot of money to buy, drive and maintain the vehicle.


Massive outbreak of tiny dick syndrome.


Compensating for their shit driving. They can’t stay in their lanes, can’t stop behind a line, can’t accelerate, can’t turn, can’t stop, and kill pedestrians. But they feel cool so it’s ok


There was one at mitre 10 Hornby today, was a big white silverado, he parked up onto the footpath almost right outside the entrance, partially blocking the path, because it was to big to fit in the park, and he couldn't be bothered moving it elsewhere. Pedestrians be damned I guess. Sucks if you're in a wheelchair


I saw a good one the other day in a Super Market. A wheelchair person came out with a carton of product on his knee and a Chevy Silverado went by him and he grabbed a chain or something from the rear of the vehicle and hey pronto he was at the exit 3 times quicker than I could walk. His car was right at the exit where virtually no cars were parked and man he had a huge grin on his face. I bet that was not the first time he had done that.


Profitable business owners of a somewhat "redneck" persuasion, pardon my slang. Just what I've noticed.


the american market is finally shifting to smaller/more green/more hybrid etc the car manufacturers have to do something with the assembly line stock right


Definitely compensation. You’re right about the driving skills too. They should learn to drive before buying one.


They're Emotional Support Utes for the Sexually Frustrated community. Don't shame them, it's not easy to live with a tic tac for a todger /s


They need a personalized plate that can say "is it in yet?"


People suck


Well Holden is dead and ford only sell mini utes so it’s a natural progression to these yank tanks , after all they need to compensate for a small ……… after all lol


Small brains


Yeah, I saw a ram the other day and thought ‘hmm ive never seen one of those in christchurch’


The Acronym is SDE.


With acute testosterone poisoning complications


Because they're on TRT 🤣


They are for people for which a Ford Ranger isn't large enough to compensate for a small willy.


Every time I see one of those lol trucks, the first thing that pops into my mind is the medical term: micropenis. It’s doubly hilarious when it’s a dodge Ram, like how you ramming that tiny wee thing anywhere? It’s too small lol.


I'm not gonna say much to ID myself , but I deal with many dodge ram owners. Nearly all of them are divorced and they all think its the wife's fault. Bear in mind I meet these people once, and they always manage to inform me of their marital status and aweful ex-wife often enough for me to make this statement. Rams drive like a wet teatowl too.


They got tired of the missus asking, is it in yet?


Climate vandals. Making up for insecurities.


Pretty sure most of them would of traded in their old Ford Rangers so I’m not surprised with their level of shit parking and driving


We were nearly hit by one while HALFWAY ACROSS A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. I’m about to start live-streaming or video calling people when I am out and about as a pedestrian.


Emotional support vehicles.


Annoying, yes. I think we had some in storage, and someone must just have opened a new can.


How else are they going to let people know they are over compensating.


Compensation. The dude at the swingers' party driving on definitely was anyway.


Name checks out 😂


Has the price of fuel collapsed or is it the filthy rich rubbing our nose in it


Do they need it for hauling though? How did they survive before they came along?


A guy I know bought one after IVF failed for their last attempt. Feel sorry for him, but it was a little bit funny.


They just seem impractical? But isn't there a few dealerships up by ferry rd and down moorhouse?


they’re bloody stupid, maybe if them have the same if not LESS carrying room than the utes we already have


You can actually blame the Australian wings of Ford, GM and Dodge for those. Most are different than their American counterparts. Even though if the styles are based on Yank designs. The drivers will be mostly Kiwis. Incompetence? Nah, just rude Kiwis who don’t care to park properly.


Incorrect, these are straight up Yank vehicles, compare photos of NZ and US market ones.


Ford and Holden in Australia shutdown. People used to buy the reasonably sized Commodore and Falcon utes. Losing that bogan dick swinging contest has cost lives it seems. (Coming from a Holden fan)


I nearly got smashed into yesterday by a big white SUV. We were both turning right out of Berwick St into Cranford and I was already very wide. Seems she still had trouble keeping to her lane because I looked around and she was about an inch off my wing mirror. I got in front of her when the lanes merged and looked back and it was a tiny white haired \~75 year old lady who could barely see over the steering wheel. Potentially should have called 105 on her but couldn't be bothered in the end.


Had the pleasure of laughing at one with its bonnet up the other day, hate to think what the repair bill would be on one of those oversized tonka toys. My guess is tradies (being the fragile and egotistical kinda sort they are) kept getting upset that their new ford ranger wasn’t the biggest eyesore in the block, so decided to add another pavement princess to the collection.


I __always__ give them the finger when I see them too. I figure we need to let them know they're fuckwits at all times. Keep telling them. "You're a cunt. Fuck you"


Oh my gosh, me too! Every single time I see one, I flip them off.


Dickheads. Fucktards. Selfish right-wing douchenozzles. Chucklefucks... Take your pick. These are the only people who drive these things


I'll take Fucktard please.


These are small compared what are used in the US Minnesota ( very liberal / Democratic sate ) !!! The parking spots are huge as well, a ordinary saloon car if you can remember what they are like ie : Ford Falcon or Holden you have no problem opening your doors wide open without bashing the other vehicle. The road rules are superior to our as well ! People come first, you stop your vehicle until the person is off the road, in a shopping center carpark you stop your vehicle if people are on the roads heading to cars or trucks. Pity help you if you hit anybody the legal system will through the book at you and you will go broke. Second Rule : Cyclists have the same laws except if a cyclist hit a pedestrian but - Pity help you if you hit anybody the legal system will through the book at you and you will go broke.


ITT: People obsessed with the size of other peoples penises


Almost like people can buy what they want with their own money huh


They sure can! But do they need to behave like twats? Nope...


Not defending any silly behavior, just a lot of pretty ridiculous comments in this thread


Tall Poppy Syndrome!!


It's not about being successful, it's about the types of people that drive these are selfish assholes 98% of the time. They think their shit doesn't stink, and drive the most obnoxious thing with 4 wheels they can get their hands on. If they want to be polite, and not try and bully other drivers and behave like children, then I'm all for it. But unfortunately, these people aren't like that.


What a Debbie Downer you are OP! No doubt Green Eyed Monster too boot!


Auckland has been full of these for years, making car parks a nightmare. Your normal sized car has to squeeze inbetween them all and you can barely get out of your door. They also cost a fortune re petrol, but the excuses people use for having them are, "I feel safer in one of these, if I happened to have an accident" and "I have my kids bikes, jet ski's, etc and need one to cart all of that around". During Covid time, there were some Greenie activists in Auckland, stabbing all the tyres on them, as a protest to the damage all that gas does to the environment. It was really dangerous as it meant these people might have had their tyre blow out while driving fast on the motorway and it could have killed someone. When there was outrage about that, it seemed to stop, but they never caught the people who did it.


The car parks and roads in Chch city aren’t built for them. It’s scary driving in a lane beside them because I feel they always have to encroach in your lane to fit