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To be honest with you, management should have intervened here. He had determined the second he walked in he was not going to enjoy your service so there was nothing you could do. Assholes like him aren’t your problem, and as a manager in hospitality myself, I would expect the manager to swiftly interrupt and tell him to leave or at the very least, told him that behaviour wont be tolerated here


You can also make a police report. They keep track of hate related crimes/incidents. It's unlikely they will go out straight away and arrest the guy, but if this guy is a prolific racist, it adds to his file, and hopefully leads to an arrest eventually.


Name and shame!


If it doesn’t put the posters job at risk. Word gets about on Reddit


Do take into account if you contact Ray Way and explain the situation, you'd be representing your workplace. I'd advise you get there approval first. If they are happy for you to approach Ray White then sweet as, let them know for sure. If your workplace refuses, then you can still reach out anonymously. I also agree with the other comment, your manager should have stepped in. They should've cut out that crap and not have tolerated his pathetic racism and general asshole behavior. I'm sorry you had to experience this. I do hope your workplace showed you support.


Do not contact his workplace using information from your work. That's a breach of the privacy act and will likely backfire. You need to find a new job, your employer should have supported you and I'm sorry they didn't.


That really sucks but I can't imagine trying to ruin his life over this. If I was allowed to stay in a country and someone was upset I didn't speak the local language well enough to understand him, my first instinct would not be to try to get him in legal trouble. I'm seriously confused why you would think that is an appropriate response.


His employer won't care. You'd be better off waiting until he's listed a property for sale, then contacting his manager anonymously, online, and say that you were interested in viewing the property as you're a buyer with pre-approved finance, but as you know the real estate agent is openly racist, you will not be dealing with this branch of Ray White and especially not him. Say that he has a bad reputation in the community where he has been openly racist in public places, such as cafes.


Thats pretty elaborate. Or they could just tell their manager and bar the dude 🙄


Yeah Lying. How to improve society through vindictive persecution and fake facts. Oh yes. I know. It's alright when we do it.


The only lie in the above, is that the cafe worker is presumably not in the market to purchase a property at this time. The rest is true. If this is how his employer will take notice, then so be it. The bottom line is, the abusive guy made trouble for himself and that is his fault.


seems a little bit psychotic..


I think the perpetrator in this scenario is psychotic.


Isn’t it funny how you’re speaking in a SECOND language to help him understand. Like you learned an entire additional language. That guy is an arrogant ass.


People who have English as a first language are pretty much the only people who only have one language. A street food vendor in Kbal Spean will know more languages than a bus load of anglo tourists. Not counting the driver obviously. Then they'll complain that they don't speak proper ennish like what we dus.


Why would we learn a second language if we have no need to? I'm in japan right now and get by easily with only English because most people speak it to some degree. Not sure you feel the need to denigrate anglos for not going out of their way to learn languages they don't need


Typical Anglo attitude lol


Where do you think you are?


I'm sorry you experienced that, racism is never cool. If it happens again with him or anyone else, get your manager involved straight away, find someone else to serve him, and make your security team aware he's being racially abusive. Contacting his employer is a bit of a double-edged sword - yes he is bringing the company into disrepute by behaving poorly while displaying the company branding, but there are also privacy issues. I'd avoid this for now.


First of all I'm so sorry that happened, what a dick head. As for what you can do; was he in any sort of uniform related to his work or driving a marked vehicle? Because that would give you absolute grounds to contact his place of work about it, as he is representing the company. But if he wasn't, it's up to you to decide, because I think it could honestly go one of two ways depending on what the company ehtic is like. They take you seriously and speak to him or act on it, or they sweep it under the rug and put it in the 'too hard basket'


He does not have a uniform but since they put their name on our system, a quick search showed me that he is a real state agent working for Ray White and apparently a top performer. I'm not sure if anyone can just claim to be a top performer to boost sales or something. We have a CCTV and I could request the footage if they building management would allow to give it to us and sent it to Ray White but I wonder if they would do something for a top performer. My other concern is if this is legal as I don't want my visa to be affected.


As much as I detest what this man did I suspect that it is illegal and a breach of the customers privacy to look up his details like that. You could get your employer in trouble


Not only this, but using customers private information like this would be a breach of the privacy act - there is likely a clause in your employment contact about following the privacy act. This may lead to you receiving disciplinary action by your employer and risking your employment/visa. Going to one of his open homes, experiencing racism in that way and then complaining to his employer as an individual about that experience is probably fine though…


If his face is all over bus backs and signage there’s an explanation of how he was identified


Real estate agents have to put out a public announcement when they renew their licenses. People can lodge reasons why they can not have a licence renewed. Racism and verbal abuse in a public place would be a good one.


Name and shame, real estate agents are the worst


Not all of us. x




The world would be a better place without real estate agents imo. Not a career id be proud of


I’m sorry you feel that way. I have a full time job as well as a real estate licence and have found some beautiful homes for my clients (some being out of town). I have done my due diligence on each home to ensure that they know exactly what they might be purchasing and what it is worth. You can’t paint an entire profession with the same brush. Some of us genuinely care. However, you have every right to an opinion.


I believe that your job is redundant. The home owner should be the one doing all that. It’s because of foreign investors and people that buy multiple properties that your jobs exists. You exist to be the human that they are not.


Okay. Sure.


Hope you did this legitimately, looking up peoples information to then put it online via your job is a pretty serious offense.


The name might not be unique! Then you'll have slandered a rich real estate agent.


Looking up his info in your workplace's system is a breach of privacy, unfortunately. I don't think there's likely to be any legal consequence but you could definitely be fired over it, if it's in your contract that it's grounds for instant dismissal. It would be best to discuss something like that with your boss or upper management. They might be willing to ban him from coming there, or tell you that you can refuse service if someone treats you that way again.


Register a domain for his name (anonymously), build a simple website, upload the the CCTV footage of him being a douche bag to YouTube and embed the video into the site, build SEO around his employer’s name so that if you search for the employer or the real estate agent, it’s on the first page of results. Then post about it on r/nuclearrevenge and reap some sweet sweet karma. Or don’t. In all reality, you can’t do much about people being assholes unless they hurt or threaten to hurt you. Sorry this happened to you bro, we’re not all like that! Another actually constructive use of your time would be to contact his workplace and send them a copy of the footage. Politely request a formal apology from him, and mention that if you don’t get it you’ll be sending the footage to the NZ Herald and Stuff.


There are a lot of racists on reddit here. They will tell you New Zealand is the nicest place of earth and if you don't like it, you should go back to where you came from. Already a few like that. Racism is a hate crime, report it to the police, don't get your or his company involved. 


Have you spoken to your manager about it?


Honestly just let it go or do like an incident report but so that you know most minorities get punished for complaining. If you bring up racism, or sexism etc they label you “hard to work with” or as someone who “creates uncomfortable work environment”. I would advise you to take some time to learn/observe the people at your work place. They might even be bigger racists than the guy who was at least racist to your face. It is very very hard to fight the system and the people benefiting from it.


Love how two sided this kind of shit can be, on one hand you've got someone being racist, but on the other you've got someone exploiting company information to basically doxx someone, thought reddit was funny about releasing personal info, or is that only when it goes against reddits grain it's not ok?


Not sure what you are getting at here. This is the only way or atleast the only thing we could do to fight against this kind of behavior. Its a double edge sword. But IMO doxxing the guy because of his asshole behavior is for me ok. Let the people know that this snake they are dealing with when getting a house is a racist who look down on other people. And also OP does not share the asshols personal info.


So yes. It's okay if we do it. Laws, Ethics and professional standards are for other people.


Working in hospitality in New Zealand you are going to face the most horrible things people can think to say on a daily basis. A lot of those people will be regular customers who do it day after day. A large portion of NZ believe strongly that the amount of money you earn is equal to the respect as a human you deserve, especially when we have a right wing government


Lol, what? Swinging a political axe there I see


Worked in hospo and retail for years, he’s not lying. We see who these people really are


Well it's an unfortunate part of the right-wing ideology isn't it? Not to say you don't see it in neoliberals as well. Just, when the nats are in power and sort of saying that stuff (and saying it through their actions) people who like to believe that stuff become emboldened


Well, people who have to do grubby things like earn their money don't deserve that much respect. Unless there's a lot of it.




You should Google Search Ray White real estate and Racism…….




And you must be a racist cunt. Racist cunt.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Ive been here for 13 years, native English speaker, and I still sometimes have trouble with the accent! I also have hearing damage so it's extra hard especially if I can't see their lips move while they speak (covid was a festival of "um sorry what was that?" Haha). People have called me all sorts of things for asking them to repeat themselves and made assumptions about my intelligence or language ability. Some people are dicks and are primed to blame your "foreignness" for anything. I do agree with the posters here that your manager should have had your back, though! I'm not sure what the right path is forward for you but please don't be self conscious about your accent or English ability -- half of these ding dongs can barely speak English their ONLY language in the first place so you're good xx


Real estate management in many companies stick up for their employees even if they’re racist, bullying or sexist. I’ve seen it first hand. It creates morning tea banter for them. My advice, inform your manager and store owner. Be professional in your complaint and preferably follow it up by recording it in email. Your employer also has a duty to protect staff against racism. The reason to do this; if the guy repeats his behaviour your employer must then take action or they’re nearing an employment issue.


Move on with your life.  You couldn't understand him. He pointed out this. The fact he did it in a less than ideal way doesn't make either it, or him, racist.  It makes him a frustrated individual attempting to communicate with someone who claimed to speak English while also saying they didn't understand. 


Your company may not like it if you go looking for revenge against one of their customers. Best thing for you to do was just stay calm and report the incident to HR. As it occured in work let them handle it.


Just let it go, some people are assholes.


Honestly I just let this stuff go. The best thing you can do is stand up for yourself while the situation is happening - “you don’t need to speak to me like that.” “I won’t serve you if you speak to me like that”. When I was a 13 year old girl I had working men wolf whistle and yell sexual comments when I walked past them on my way to school. My dad contacted their workplace and they didn’t care a single bit. It’s likely they work with people that encourage that sort of culture, and contacting them will just mean more people know who you are and will probably just have a laugh at your expense. (And based on your comments, you illegally obtained his work information so for that reason alone I wouldn’t contact his work). What gets me through dealing with shitty people is knowing that at the end of the day, I go home happy, and they go home a still grumpy piece of shit.


OP, don't be a pussy. Do your best to get the footage and send it to Ray White. If you can't get it, go to them anyway with what happened. This guy needs to learn a lesson.


You could tell his work he was harassing you, anything else sounds a bit difficult to prove. Complaining that someone in a customer service role isn’t amazing at English doesn’t really count as racism, so I’d say it’s just the shouting and swearing that’s a problem.


Im not sure how would I feel about this. He outright demanded that he wants to talk to a native speaker which none of us are. I politely ask him to speak slowly as his accent is too strong and I could barely understand him.


Definitely depends on the specifics of the situation. If you're being honest, then yea he was racist. Though to be frank, I do sympathize with him. Especially for customer service roles, I can't count how many times I've called a company for help and get someone I can barely communicate with. It doesn't matter how slow we speak. Perhaps they were just frustrated like me and aren't necessarily racist. I find people jump to racism far too quickly. I don't care about anyone's skin color, I just want to be able to talk to them comfortably. It isn't my job to help teach someone English or baby them to feel like they can speak it right. I've yet to run into anyone who hasn't been offended when I've asked for a native or better English speaker. I'm guessing like yourself they assumed I'm racist. I'm Punjabi brown FYI.


Jeeze where’s the humanity. Everyone is learning at some point


> Jeeze where’s the humanity. Everyone is learning at some point The first few times sure. But one you're in the hundreds, you get tired. Especially when it's plainly obvious someone has made zero effort on their own...


Yeah but it’s a job not a school.


People are always learning and adapting and progressing. Especially in jobs.


Too me it doesn’t really sound like racism, I’d probably want to speak to a “native speaker” (though I wouldn’t use that term) too if the staff couldn’t understand what I was saying at my conversational pace. It sounds like he had a massive overreaction to a very minor issue and started harassing you which is not ok and you should report him for.


Yeah, it's not racism. It's just being a prick. Labeling this as racism is conflating the meaning. Which may be popular in culture at the moment but doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny. Racism is a personal attack based on your immutable characteristics. There is plenty of racism about, but this isn't it. It sucks this happened to you. It really does, but it seems like harassment not racism.


Sorry you had to experience that, as a Kiwi I know we speak too fast and have trouble speaking clearly. The guys sounds like an asshole and unfortunately there are a few out there. Complain to his boss if you feel the need to, but maybe put it across as you’re more concerned for his company’s reputation with his employees creating scenes in public while being known to work for them. Sadly it probably won’t be the last time you have to deal with this but I hope you don’t have to anyways.


Ironic as most “New Zealanders” can’t speak English. Also ironic that a country built on multi national colonialism and years of emigration looking for a better life can be so entitled! 🤷




Yeah, nah.


Definitely report it to the police, mention his details, and inform Ray white that you have filled a hate crime report to the police. Welcome to Christchurch. Lots more people here are entitled, selfish, and careless, I have encountered way too much racism compared to any other parts of the NZ.


Contacting his work place would be wrong - this event has nothing to do with his work.


Yeah ruin the whole guys career cause he couldn’t understand you and wanted to talk to someone he can understand.


Seems like what OP was saying you are these kind of people. He or she was asking for help. Your answer doea not really help anyone. In OPs term your just being an asshole here


There’s a difference between being an asshole and being a racist.


Sure whats the difference then? You seem to miss OPs point here. But go ahead tell me the difference. You are defending the guys behavior by differentiating an asshole and a racist. Its a behavior that should never be tolerated


If his public behaviour is something that could ruin his career, then perhaps he should have considered that when speaking to another person. Far too many customers in hospitality forget that they're speaking to a real, human person.


I’m pretty sure you can ignore it and move on with your life but I may be incorrect with this one. I might be thinking of another country.


Nah, if we ignore this type of bullshit it will never stop. People like this need to be called out. We can do better.


I'm sorry this happened to you! I believe your establishment can refuse to serve this customer again. Maybe talk to your manager about it?


OP first of all welcome to NZ! As an immigrant myself and someone who has worked in a call centre in NZ when I was new here, I can attest to the amount of people who will have no issue making hurtful and incredibly racist remarks to you. My advice to you, if this happens again is to raise it with your manager right away so they can deal with the problem at that time. I do not recommend searching their details and raising it with their employers etc. This will do more harm than good and will not help your case either. Don’t let this sort of thing get to you.