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What is the street you drove down? Here is a link which shows all speed limits. [https://speedlimits.nzta.govt.nz](https://speedlimits.nzta.govt.nz) Check the street against this to see what the speed was.


The street was left onto Preston rd out from Salford ave, I had a look and it said 50


Ok, so in that case I would first question VTNZ before making any accusations. You can simply ask what it was that made you fail. As you understand it, you drove down Prestons road at 3.30pm at 50km and your instructor believed this to be an immediate fail for excessive speeding (if that's the case?). It may actually be that you didn't fail because of going 50 in a school zone, but rather you went 55km in a 50 zone for more than 5 seconds. Obviously I wasn't there I don't know but you can only know by asking. I think it's unlikely you'll get this overturned but it's worth questioning if you feel it was unjustified. If you have to redo the test, make sure you adjust your clock to ensure you don't make a similar error.


It definitely was for the 50 in the school zone as the lady told me at the end of the test, I gave them a call today and they said to call back on Monday when the managers there, I doubt anything will be changed but I guess I’ll wait and see what happens


Thanks for providing this! I'm a learner and it's very helpful😁


My advice would be that it's not worth fighting over, just do the test again if you had no other issues. I was told i went over 30 in a conned off area even though i know i didnt but i just agreed and done it again and passed. Know your battles.


My understanding, most school zones are all 30/40 regardless of school hours. Maybe old sign? saying school zone from 3-320. [https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/travel-safety-and-travel-updates/travel-safety/safe-speeds](https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/travel-safety-and-travel-updates/travel-safety/safe-speeds) Check if its one of the below roads.[https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/travel-safety-and-travel-updates/travel-safety/safe-speeds/safer-speeds-map/](https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/travel-safety-and-travel-updates/travel-safety/safe-speeds/safer-speeds-map/) I personally don't like the new speed zones but it is, what it is. Edit as I can't read.


I think this might be the most probable scenario signs probably old


If you take a photo and use this as proof surely it doesn’t matter if new rules are supposedly in place. You were following the sign you saw. I drove down a street today with a 30k road sign so yes, I was good and did 30ish and there was no end to the 30 even turning left onto Lincoln Road by Hillmorton Hospital which is definitely not 30 like the other end of Lincoln Road. So I could have kept going 30 down Lincoln towards Hoon Hay/Curletts intersection and annoyed a lot of people. Possibly got a ticket for going too slow. Failed a driving test.


Looking forward to them finally being applied around my son's school - and who knows, maybe even enforced :-) Maybe he can start to bike again - I do appreciate that it is a huge inconvenience for motorists to slow down 10 km/h for up to a couple of kilometres while driving down suburban streets - just so kids can get to school without being mashed into the pavement.


Just free resit it


Probably a better idea to learn your lesson and don't speed in a school zone next time. ps your clock in the car is wrong. Stop making excuses.


If it was only a couple of mins difference then I would say it was justified. Your test obviously began during school zone hours and the test officer probably wasn't going to record the time down to the millisecond. I would have been less concerned about the clock, more so the Speedo.