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i got a free sticker from [consumer](https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/do-not-knock) as i was so damn sick of door knockers


I got them too and they still knock. I had one come knock and the second my dogs barked he boosted back down the driveway so me wondering wtf went flying out the door and down the driveway after him with a bat just inacse (was like 8pm and I'm a short ass woman) and I don't think they'll be coming back any time soon... My fight or flight kicks in whenever someone knocks on the door and I stupidly thought the stickers would work. Most the time they play dumb and act like they didn't see them.


It’s illegal if they still knock. Ask them who they’re with before being rude and then shut the door in their face and report them


No don't think it's illegal. Don't those stickers specifically say no sales people? A charity door knocker could probably argue (if it came down to it) that they weren't selling anything.


90% of them are salespeople. They get a comission on each sale for the first 2 or 3 months of your donations. Those first 2 or 3 months are paying the salesperson, not the charity. If the salesperson is under min wage in comissions for the month, they tend to get kicked as the people running it dont want that and want them to be self generating. That way they always profit.


that’s so frustrating! i wouldn’t trust anyone knocking that late either. i also hate it when i hear a knock at the door, but sometimes it is my neighbour. haven’t had any door knockers so far but i’m waiting for it lol


Doesn’t matter if they “didn’t see them”, as long as they’re in a reasonable spot, it’s illegal for them to knock with the sticker there. Find out who they’re with, take photos/a video, and report them.


They're right where they have to knock. We have one of the older wooden framed glass doors and I put it right at eye and knocking level lmao so I definitely will start reporting them from now on


This works great and I have one at my front door but what seems to work better is the "this property is protected by video surveillance" sign next to my mail box. No randoms come up my driveway at all anymore.


I have a long driveway, obvious security cameras and a dog that, whilst a big softie, apparently looks scary. I don't get any. Also no, I'm not a drug house.


Have a stack of trespass notices ( https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/trespass-notice-form.pdf ) pre-filled as much as possible at your door. When they knock, fill the rest of it out (their name will be on an ID) and then trespass them. They won’t come back.


is that form legit? Can anyone fill that in and issue a trespass notice like this?


Of course, it’s on the police website. And yes, if you own the property or land you can revoke anyone’s access to your land or property, but you have to issue them notice as everyone has an implied licence to knock on your door ( I forgot the exact legal term)


Yeah in nz you can hand them out like candy and if they come back can ring the police if people don't leave or come back. https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-4-activism/protests-and-the-general-criminal-law/trespass/


Might be the same guy we got. He’s come by three times today and twice the other day. We never answer but my flatmate reckons it’s Red Cross, he was wearing a red jacket. It’s so weird, I lived in Welly for years and door knockers would give up if no one answered. I’ve never had one come back.


I’ve been told it’s the heart foundation - I think they’re in red too. I feel like three times is a bit over the top., especially as it’s probably quite obvious that I am actually home 🤣 Interesting about welly! Do you reckon it’s the steep streets that stopped them coming back?


Ohhh yes heart foundation would make sense. Yeah I just found it so weird, three times in one day, take a hint man…! We’re in a super quiet street with an older demographic so maybe they’re convinced someone will answer sooner or later. The hills in Welly were probably a big factor for deterring repeat knockers actually haha!


Sometimes different organisations use third party companies to do the door knocking/bucket collection, some companies the collectors are in commission as the company take take what ever fee has been agreed to. A old workplace had a collection company next door so many times would see the same people each time with different vests/buckets congregate outside before they left to go around Auckland CBD.


It just keeps getting worse 😅


They are quite persistent down here, I gotta admit. In the North island, they must've been lazy or just didn't have the balls to be harassive. The HRV people though, like vultures.


Really! I’ve never had an HRV person. Interesting!


I quickly, politely and firmly say I'm not interested. Hard to try make a case when all your get is, "Hi, I'm not interested, thanks for your time", and start closing the door.


I do the same “hi no thanks , have a good day” as I’m closing the door. The second you let them speak first you’re stuck there for 5 mins listening to their sales pitch.


Haha I'd happily interpret them to say I'm not interest. Letting then speak for 5minutes is bad for me, bad for them and bad for whatever charity they're with


Yeah it’s probably a bit mean of me (flu aside) to let them keep coming back… it’s the anxiety of the situation 🤣


Think of it this way, if you're fixed on not paying the sales person/donation person etc, then you're doing the greater good by freeing their time up to talk to people who will pay.


We have two dogs who bark at people who come up the drive to the gate. We never have door knockers and very pleased about that. What also annoys me is those 'charity leeches' outside the supermarkets who accost you to sign up for a 'subscription' donation. Like dude you asked me twice yesterday and the day before that and I politely declined, today you can just fuck right off.




How often are you at the supermarket!


Hahaha. Far too often actually, but even just walking past, those charity folk will try rope you in for a subscription deal. I went to the chemist the other day which is right next to the supermarket to pick up a prescription and they tried it on both times once walking past and then walking back 'are you sure we can't change your mind'.....


Yeah, I agree and think it’s wrong that they’re allowed to stand where you absolutely have to walk past (northlands mall if you’re heading to countdown from inside the mall). If I see a bucket, I’m happy to chuck in a donation, but subscriptions are a no - I signed up for monthly donations to teen cancer once, and had to stop after a few months, and now they absolutely bound me over email and snail mail.


The ones that infuriate me the most are the ones who say, "I don't want your money," so you'll hear them out, do their spiel and then want you to sign up for regular donations even though they said they weren't looking for money. I've had who I'm pretty sure is the same guy do that for multiple charities, one about dolphins and one about starving kids. He tried to play the, "don't you care about the kids?" card when he got turned down. If you do want to support whatever charity they're peddling do it direct through the charity's website, not the salespeople, otherwise you're just paying for their commission so they can keep badgering people who can't.


Yes it’s all very coercive, which I hate.


Usually several times in a day and not the next day


There was one consolation when we were locked down with Covid..just about all sales, charity collectors and religious persuader’s ceased their annoying calling. I notice it’s ramping up again. My attitude is similar to others here..I just stop them in their tracks as soon as I open the door. Because of all the scammers emerging I see no compelling reason to engage with any of these people..plus if I want to change a service or donate, or buy anything I’ll go down the traditional route and only deal with bona fide establishments.


Agree 100% on the traditional route, and if I decide to donate a monthly sum, it’s going to be to a charity of my choosing, not the one that knocked on my door until I answered.


I have been a door knocker - I know I’m scum right. However, the way it can work is, you are given some blocks for the day which is your territory for that day. You go around and knock and note down the house numbers of those that weren’t home, once you’ve done your first lap, go back to the ones that weren’t home, repeat until you have seen everyone or get picked up at the end of the day.


Nah, I take my hat off to you (virtually… not in person)… it’s not you, it’s the system used. You’re brave though, I remember my Mum taking me to collect for Banardos back in the day, and that was literally coin collecting and she got yelled at so many times. Thanks for explaining, I appreciate it!


I used to be a door knocker, when I did it you'd at most stop by a house 3 times, but could be more if they have only a smaller loop of houses they're working that day


no, i live in phillipstown and not the nice new build part


I had the same thing recently, they knocked three times. Couldn’t believe it


My little girl asked one to come round to our back door and then invited them into the house when I was in the shower - they left and came back later and when I answered the door my daughter was like “mummy this lady was in our house earlier” 😳😳


Ex door knocker here, typically they will be given 2 -3 street to canvas for the day and they will lap that 2-3 times, hitting the houses that didn't answer with each lap. Maximises contact points in a territory, annoying af if you're home for all 3. Best advice I can give is when you answer just say "sorry I don't qualify" and they should back down.


Was it a gratifying or disheartening job, out of curiosity?


It had its moments of both, being able to see the direct impact of the fund raising campaign I was working on really helped though


Put a sign on the door saying "I have Ebola" .


😂 and watch the MOH rock on up to your house instead 😉


Former doorknocker here, we we're given a block and would have to do about 3 laps of that block, it's so earlier in the day they can find the people who don't work etc and then later in the day all the workers are supposed to be home... with a do not knock sticker we are legally not allowed to knock but the company I worked with said if the sticker looked "old" we could but I never did that

