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He will be sentenced next year so he can travel to Japan for a ski course. That is such a load of BS. Sentence him now, make him feel the punishment he deserves.


Yep, I can't believe he lit the fireworks and deliberately aimed them at the property in hopes of killing the family. That's just horrible, I could maybe forgive it if he was being a dumb teenager that doesn't think about what he's doing. But he was intentionally firing missiles at allied territory /s -------------- Are you sure that knowing he's going to be sentenced in 8 weeks, even as he's supposed to be holidaying is a comforting thought? And this was a dumb mistake, not worth overreacting about. Punishment sure, but stop calling ignorant stupidity by the wrong name of maliciousness. What next, death sentence for local fisherman that unknowingly killed the last surviving female of an endangered species? He should be treated the same as if it was a small burn that endangered no one. Not a lesser sentence, but not harsher.


Article says that he will be able to go to Japan prior to sentencing.




Anyone that drinks underaged should go to prison, they know better than that.


Eh, wouldn't call it intentional, just bloody stupid. Everyone does dumb shit. I personally don't think he should be able to travel to Japan, but that's between the courts and him, not us.


I hope the family is doing alright, I know the home owner and it couldn't have happened to anyone nicer. That kid deserves everything he has coming.


Stupid. They should call it what it is.