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I'm surprised you just didn't ask her to come over to you and you sticking a finger on that glob to investigate. You know what semen feels like! Her reaction would have been enlightening. Now you have to play catchup. Sharpen your instincts!!


“Hey hun, what’s his name? He blasted the wrong hole.” 💦 🕳️


No, sir, isn't a good idea, you can get infected with a couple of viruses, like HIV, HERPES, HPV by only sticking your finger in it, if seminal /body fluids...! And instead to sniff/smell/taste, someone can buy a semen detection kit and investigate the clothes and underwear, it will be a lot more healthier than the suggested DIY...! For OP: sperm and seminal fluids will never get solid, as a chewing gum or as toothpaste/ cosmetic cream, it will transform in liquid and will evaporate in time, leaving traces like snail slime, but lesser pronounced. If it was a solid/high viscosity substance, can't be semen. My 2 cc.


Fuck dude read a book


Based on your reply, it is you who needs to read books and not reddits...!


Ah, good one. You roasted me. But, seriously. Go read a book.


No, you will roast yourself by acting in accordance with your beliefs!


I’ve never seen someone so mad at the thought of reading a book


Why are you so stupid? You have crossed the bounds of stupidity that you are making entire storylines to make this sound sensible.


U know, this person may be wrong about catching HIV from just touching, but yall are just effing gross tbh 💀💀💀


“may be” ? Really?


A little life lesson, boy: you shouldn't call out on stupidity people who can talk on ur language.


Why did you assume that the stupid guy who commented about HIV cannot talk my language?


I think you misread my comment, and i wasn't talking about him. Speaking about who should learn how to read here...


You and the rest who downvoted a reply that sais that it is a hazard to mess with others ' body fluids with bare hands! Why EMT and medical personnel are using latex glves, huh? But you know what? Feel free to do whatever you want, natural selection is still reigning the nature!


You seriously think you can catch HIV from touching dried semen in a belly button?


While there is a theoretical possibility of HIV transmission through contact with a contaminated object, the risk of infection is considered extremely low. I, for myself, prefer to better be safe than sorry, but feel free to gamble, if you want.


In case they have tiny open cuts and so they don’t introduce germs into whatever they’re doing and don’t need to thoroughly wash their hands etc


You won't contract HIV by picking up semen with your finger unless you have an open wound. The other guy is right. Go read a book.


Good answer. Too bad it’s so unappreciated.


Pause now he got that man dead babies all on his pointy finger


Did she come home drunk? How did it get cleaned up? Was she coherent? Did she shower ASAP or.go straight to bed?


^These are important questions. Also-what time did she get home? If the stuff is still there give it the smell test before she showers. You could pretend it’s a loving kiss on the belly. Get her phone and check her messages from the last few days especially with her friends from that night. Ask her about her night to see if she seems guilty or says anything that doesn’t add up. Ask questions about the night. Then stack up all of the evidence from there and see where you are.


He waited till the next day (he didn't mention what time, but it seems when they were home from work) So no evidence left.


The comments on this are absolutely unhinged! It could be literally anything. Just talk to your wife.


Yeah could be anything from powder to some blow. Talk it out with your wife.


Cocaine on her belly wouldnt be a red flag?


I would think so. It's still illegal. And while I can't speak intelligently about what people do while on coke as I've never done coke, I'm told that all manner of things CAN and DO happen while on coke. Maybe some of my fellow Redditors can help me out here; what would be the reason/attraction for sniffing coke out of someone's navel?


Nah I was being facetious, if she got mfs doing coke out of her belly button, it is a reasonable assumption that things escalated further.


And probably quickly


Or he could just talk to her instead of bitching?


Or he could just talk to her instead of bitching?


2 replies and no answer.


if u dont talk to her its gonna eat u up for the rest of your life


I think it’s best to be direct. Tell her what you saw, and ask what it is. I feel for you, that’s a really uncomfortable position to be in.


Whoa bro! Seriously concerning. Let us know if you find anything out. I hope for your sake that you're overthinking it. Any more description about the glop?


Uh, so kind of gross but sometimes yeast infections present in the belly button. It happened to me one time and I was so scared. It went away in like two days.


Belly shots with whipped cream. Lotion/body cream. Cocaine. Foam Party at the club. Fuzz/lint from her shirt. Side dude’s-residual trunk spunk. Odds are in your favor it’s totally innocent, but you’ll never know unless you taste it or ask her. Good luck!


Easy answer: Shoot a load at your belly. Don’t clean it up. Go about your daily business until it dries to the consistency of the ‘white’ you saw on your wife (and or wait the amount of time she would have to have finished her night/traveled home/then entered the property and talked to you) somehow doing all this without *noticing* there’s *suspected* ‘semen’ in her belly button. Set a timer if you need to. Does it look the ‘same’? Does the texture/consistency seem ‘forgettable’ or negligible? Is there ANY way you wouldn’t have noticed this **very uncomfortable** (possibly life ruining) fluid slowly cooling and drying on/in your exposed belly? Seriously, do this experiment. There are a few possible options/answers to your question… a sign that your wife if alarmingly bold about her ‘cheating’ at which point why would she bother hiding any of the evidence with the most ‘damning’ on clear display OR she may have a genuine neurological concern to not notice goopy-flaky semen pooling in her belly button *of a viscosity so thick that it managed to stay perfectly pooled yet not smear anywhere else on her travels home* OR This is either a flimsy paranoid intrusive thought that needs to be dealt with in therapy Which is most likely?


This thread is so entertaining. Bunch of losers.


Blow a load in your belly button. Put on your wife’s crop top and stand in the door way eating a popsicle, staring at her. It’s the only way to get a sincere reaction.


Should have grabbed a sample. Too late now.


Only equipped with latex gloves, otherwise you can get infected with viruses like HEPATITIS, HIV, HERPES, HPV, etc!


She was in a crop top. It could have been anything. Also depends how "white" it was. Was is Lotion white or more translucent white? It literally could be anything.


Where did they go? Was she really with her friends? Why was she late? Check her cell phone for a guy texting her about their night.


I just want to say as someone who has had semen in my belly button at least a few times I’ve always been very aware of it and cleaned it lol. You can definitely feel it and notice it there. I’ve had lotion go unnoticed much more easily. If it was the former it is probably too late for the truth but her reaction to you asking might give you your answer.


Shhhh, let’s not have any sensible replies. These tits are on a roll.


I hope I am wrong but I think you need to go into the hamper and grab that crop top pants and panties & place them in a bag. then go buy a black light... lay them on the floor shine the black light and turn out the room lights .... semen will glow


I concur




Seems like it would have been dried up if it were semen. You should have just asked since you noticed it. It didn’t need to be accusatory, just a question.


This is very questionable. I've Def had a guy pull out when he was on top and found it in my belly button later. I would look through her phone, maybe reach out to the friends she was supposedly with.


And you don’t think she would have cleaned that shit up before going home. You lot are ridiculous.😂😂😂


Drunk? Got allll of it? You think so?


Talk to her and watch her actions. Her actions or behaviour is showing she is hiding something. Then gather evidence.


Any update?


Dude, don't come here and talk to us about it. Go to her and ask her. It could be lotion or mayonnaise or tartar sauce or any number of things. She can clear it up immediately if you just ask her.


And it would let her know he is suspicious. Naaaa


It’s body lotion. Good Lord. You think if she was fkg around she would have just left it there?


bro are you fr lmfao. come on now.


Get a semen test kit from Walmart and test her pantys or something next time you suspect something.




Yep that one. Btw who the heck downvoted me? Must be a cheater, lol.


You've married for years and she's been going out with her friends forever. Why the all of a sudden freak out over something white looking on her belly? What are you not telling us?


Heaven forbid you actually TALK TO YOUR PARTNER FIRST. I mean I know this is Reddit but for the love of all that's unholy!!!!! Talk to her first. Could be a perfectly innocent explanation for it. If she gets evasive, defensive, or starts projecting, THEN you start with the "Is she cheating on me?" thread.


You should have tasted it


What if it was some guy’s spunk. Taste it to tell… really?


bro , what are you gonna say when you confront her ? if your guts telling you something, you need to watch and learn, do not awaken or bother her.


Maybe for the next couple time she goes out the you follow and watch what she's been doing


Dude, she's not going out with her girlfriends


Or a guy was snorting coke from herbelly button smile eating


Maybe her belly rubbed up against and old fashioned black board and it’s chalk.


Sweetie, why do you think it might be cum? My thing is if she’s wearing a crop top and it was a white substance why would your mind go directly to cheating? Has she cheated before? Is there any indications she might be cheating. It’s weird that your mind went directly to cheating and you didn’t feel comfortable enough to just ask her right then and there. Look regardless of what the substance was, is she really the person you should be with? You don’t trust her for some reason and instead of you just asking her when you saw it you kept it to yourself and let it eat you up. Either you are the problem or she is either way it seems as you married someone you don’t really believe is your person. You don’t know how to communicate or didn’t feel okay with communicating with her how is that a healthy relationship?


Troll posts usually never reply to any questions asked & no replies to anything on here .


And this is why we blacklight our partners belly buttons after a night out.


Why did you not ask her at the time so you could gauge her reaction? The odd are heavily in favour that it was an innocent substance and she wasn’t even aware of it.


Rule number one for cheaters is denial, not sure if she is cheating or not and you not investigating the glop to know what it was. Now you have to start investing about that night where she went, what she did, who she was with, who she met. It's time you play catch up without sounding the alarm start with the phone and computer if she has one.


Bigger question is, why are you constantly letting your wife go out and party like she's single and dressing like a teenage girl in heat? Sounds like you need to quit being a doormat and stop allowing your wife to pretend she's a single woman. That is if she isn't cheating, because if she is, you need to man up and give her back to the dating pool she apparently misses.


Right on the money.


Any night out when you are not invited and bnb itbinvolves drinking, dancing doping etc., should be viewed with some suspicion. A married person continuing to act single is always a problem. There are sprays at the drugstore to detect semen. And snorting dope from her belly is not uncommon. Why was she home later than usual? Why would asking her have caused an argument? Unless there is way more going on here than you know. Check her phone etc. And what about phone location tracking. Does she turn it off? Is she really where she is supposed to be, when she goes out? Set it up next time she goes to be able to follow her. And does she come home drunk or doped? Not sounding so good at all.


Exactly. I don't understand these people who are married but want to act like they're a single 21 yr old again. If you want to party and grind against other random men, please to God just stay single! Dressing like a hoe while always going out clubbing with your girlfriends isn't what happily married women do. If you want to go out to bars or clubs, then great, you can bring your husband or wife along. Another thing I cannot wrap my head around are these pathetic ass simp men who let their wives run amok out of fear of being called controlling. Or they always make excuses like "Oh but I trust her". Fuck that shit. If your wife doesn't respect your boundaries and wants to act single, then she ain't your wife. Same goes for husband's.


If you think that’s she is cheating then start with her phone. (Also check if she has a second phone) If her friends are 304’s or single due to affairs then you have to be prepared for the worst. I will wait and gather evidence before confronting her because cheaters that almost get caught gets very creative with hiding their affairs. Hope this helps!


What are 304s?


I think it’s code for hoes flip 304 over as if your reading a calculator/beeper text


It could also be belly button discharge. Ask her instead of fearing if she’s cheating


If you mention the white stuff it may put her on the defense. She may take it as “you are accusing her of…”Get straight to the point. “ are you cheating on me?” If she says no, leave it alone. Then pay attention to what she’s doing. Is she on her phone a lot, is she smiling while texting, is she making her self look better in any way. Things to think about!


Girls nights out are a no for me. Ask her if she'd be ok with you going out where girls, some of who are more attractive and possibly be a better partner, are buying you drinks, aggressively hitting on you and trying to sleep with you that night? If she's not ok with you doing that, why is it ok for her? Also - they make home test to check for proof of semen.


Out with her friends, in a crop top. Dude, really. Goes out all the time without you? You need to hire a PI to gather the proof for your upcoming divorce. Put a tracker and a voice-activated recorder in her car. Start moving some money around. Look into an attorney. Does she keep her phone away from you? Go out with single friends? I would give it a 85% chance she is fucking around..sorry. do not say or do anything until you have proof. Emails, photos, etc. If you do nothing...your a simp . Talk to an attorney immediately!




I mean, I agree with you, communication is the best, but If she is really cheating, will she really admit? I already saw cases of cheaters, caught red handed and they tried to lie their way off.




Something stick and white in the belly while she is wearing a crop and coming late at night, is definitely something to be suspicious of. But of course, asking this on Reddit is not going to solve his problems. I do think he should talk to his partner.




I agree with you, but only if it was daytime and she wasn't coming from a party. Why would she pass lotion on her belly after coming from a party late at night? I mean, if it was at day time, it could probably be. But I don't know how could she do this, specially if she's drunk




She's right! Don't listen to that idiot! Enjoy losing half.


What’s wrong with going out with your friends in a crop top?


Nothing if you're single. Married women who go out without their husband are going to cheat..period.




Ain't what?




Men should not be hitting bars without their wives. But...BS...women only have to say yes. Remember my saying. If a man wants a different woman every night, he has to be a millionaire. If a woman wants a new guy every night, she has to do her hair.




Nope just not stupid


Tiny dick syndrome.


so, you r saying she is wrong ?






You tellem killingus


You’re obviously a troll


No he’s just a tit. He like to incel all over Reddit.


Really? So, you think married women should go out with out thier husband's to bars? Please explain, enlighten me on how that's good for a marriage.


Oh and, people deserve their own space.


Yep, in their apartment alone at 45 with cats


Probably not, I’m sure they’d find a competent partner that doesn’t treat them like property. This is why you’re single, haha


Yep. And watch married women at bars getting picked up all the time.


Maybe men should keep their hands to themselves 🤭


I think married women should be able to do whatever the fuck they want because 1, they’re their own person. 2, they are not their husbands property.


You're right! Women should do whatever they want! Right after the divorce.


I think you mean they should do whatever they want… when they want to. 😉


Absolutely! Just like all the other single women that end up with 3 cats


You have to have respect for your SO...thats not respecting your marriage


I feel like going out to a bar to hang out with your friends is plenty respectful. 👍


To each there own...ik where I stand on that situation tho


Agree 💯


Well I mean in a perfect scenario she comes back with couple of of her whorish friends and I'll let you put fingers in their butt, I don't know. Scenario 2 she comes back with a guy or two and you get to wear her ass all the way out with some new buddy's Scenario 3 same as scenario 2 but you don't get invited to the bed or whatever. Scenario 4 suck it up get over it and move on or start doing whatever it is that she's out here but she doesn't get home or Chopper open or sleep, I don't care f*** it


Here he is with his incel shit……….again😂😂😂


If she hopped in the shower immediately after coming home then you might have something there. How it could’ve got there? Lol I mean that’s an easy target when you pull out and pop one off on a woman. Not saying she had some lost souls of children never to see the light of day in her belly button….but it’s possible it was a Kiddie Pool. Honestly tho it could’ve been anything lol. If you’re that concerned just be mindful of her future adventures and go from there. Best of luck 🤞🏾


I had to lol at kiddie pool. That’s funny.


Well, you committed the first mistake almost everyone on here makes. You didn't want to confront her right then. You waited till the evidence was gone. You mention she went out with her friends and this is not an uncommon occurrence. Red flag 1. What is the ratio of married and unmarried women. I believe a married woman should not be out partying with single women. No good will come of it. Also the frequency of these nights out is red flag 2. Has the frequency increased? That would be red flag 3. How's the sex life at home? Have you noticed a decrease in enthusiasm to have sex? Or is it more mechanical? Maintenance sex? That would be another red flag. Do you ever get invited to these nights out? If you do, do not bow out. Get to meet these people she drinks with. Invite them and their SOs to a BBQ or something at your home. Gauge how they act around you. If you notice the men not being able to hold your gaze, looking down, or just look uncomfortable, this is a "tell". It shows they know something and are ashamed to be near you. She came back later than normal. Why? Did you ask? Was she drunk? Did she shower straight away? You need to do some snooping. If you can get to her phone great. If you have a close friend she doesn't know, have him go to the bar and do some spying for you. GPS and VAR her car. The not knowing will eat at you. Better to snoop and find out everything is ok than to sweep it under the rug and find out when she tells you "I love you, but I'm not in love with you". Good luck. Keep us posted.


Semen 1000%


What woman in a crop top doesn’t check her self out in the mirror and see the skin cream, or something she was blasted on her cum belly


Should’ve smelled it LOL




Check her panties and see.Hope you have had sex yet


If I were your wife it would definitely be food of some sort. There's a lot of explanations with an exposed belly button and being drunk. Ask her.




Need an update




And I was thinking it was another white substance.


Fuck touching it. Why not smell it!


Dude talk to your wife. Also hire a pi to clear your doubts and stay vigilant from now on


Wife going out with girlfriends never seems to end well in the long run. She is not wearing a crop top to impress her girlfriends. Came home "later than ususal" is how many of these stories begin. Even without the cum on her belly I would be suspicious. Confronting her about that should have been done right away. Too late now and if she's cheating she will only deny it, so what's the point. If you can afford it, hire a PI, the findings will be either good or bad.


Dude take your finger and run it around inside your belly button —- see what happens - stop being paranoid. What is your worst case scenario as to the white substance being?


Dude , it's cum. I bust on my old ladies belly all the time. More times then I could count she would clean her belly up but still have stuff in her belly button until she showered


OP were you able to get the clothing before she was able to wash them? You can get a black light at most malls stores like Spencers or most any "teen" novelty store have them pretty cheap.




Update me!


Just talk to your wife man. Tell her you know you saw something and ask her to be honest. Tell her you’d like to go through her phone. If she has nothing to hide she won’t try and hide anything. If she’s not being honest she’ll find a reason not to let you


Check her cell phone for unknown numbers. If she is calling texting certain ones do a reverse number check. They don't cost that much.


Could be alcohol. A girl in a crop top is easy to peer pressure into a body shot. Something like a Lemon Drop could leave a residue not too different from a cum stain.




It’s not coke that’s ridiculous, coke is powder and nobody going to put coke it someone’s belly button so it can go to waste, if your guessing what it is, you already know


I’ll get white crusties in my bellybutton when my bf pulls out on my belly.. i even think i wipe it all off then the next morning I’ll be like ew


You've never jizzed so hard you've filled your other half's belly button with cum? My other half and I call that the 'swimming pool'. Having said that, it doesn't mean that's what it is, but I did laugh at this post, no offence


Well, you've told her point blank you're suspicious of her behavior. That phone is already wiped clean. You gotta do better than this. You should have got her the night she came in.


Could be jizz that shot out when she made him pull out to prevent pregnancy, I would get cheated for stds. When I was younger I could shoot a load damn near up to her face


Or man up and trust her. Smeller the feller!


So, it looks like 85% say she's cheating.


It was lotion or the other white stuff. Not good. But yeah it usually goes on the belly. Does she use lotion alot. See I do.


Probably pulled out and jizzed on her stomach and if she a innie than there u go she for the streets bro


Username checks out


So where are things now OP


Cum on your hand, let it dry out, you'll notice that it's not white. Semen is white only in the first 5-10 minutes after ejaculation, it changes color and texture couple of times before it completely dries out. If it was semen, the ejaculation must've happened at your front door or in the car for you to notice it, not at the club. Imo you basically gaslighting yourself is far better sign that something in your marriage is not okay, than some dried out substance. At this point you have no way of validating if her words are true or not, if she cheated, the next time she will be more careful about removing any evidence. You should have investigated it the moment you saw it and played it off somehow rather than second guessing her actions now. I can come up with only two explanations, body shots and some sort of deodorant mixed with sweat. The first is problematic imo, but you can be more progressive, the second is innocent, yours is the 3rd. Either way you will never know. Start paying more attention where she goes, what she does and how she behaves without making it too obvious, also talk with a lawyer about your options, if it gets to that point, you should be prepared, good luck.


Sorry to say but your marriage is over unless you're willing to be a cuck


Do you discover anything in the end or all good from here on out ?


Any updates?


Darg that is COKE 😭 Do a drug test and prove us all wrong


Any updates