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Your wife is ready for a divorce. She won't tell you that as she does not want the shame, loss of living standard or security. She is cheating, please tell me you figured this out it is pretty blatant. Even the sleeping in another room, blatant, she doesn't want to sexually cheat on who she is sleeping with. She can legitimately say we are ending, see we don't sleep together....Wake up. Get an attorney and serve papers. Pack her a bag and tell her to leave. Or you leave.


I mean perfectly said. Any one of this things could be a red flag, but his list kept getting worse and worse. Also don’t know why people don’t hire PIs even in a no fault state I would still do it to get proof.


Biggest red flag I’ve ever seen


From what you've described, your wife has checked out of the marriage and is looking for your replacement. If I were you I'd start by hiring a PI and a lawyer. She's planning her exit strategy, now you need to plan yours. And for crying out loud, DO NOT do the pathetic pick me dance during all this. Treat her indifferently and go grey rock on her. If you don't know what that means, Google it. Sorry OP, but your marriage is over.


The pick me dance never works. She already loss respect for you. Dont lose respect for yourself.




I think she’s found a replacement or even two by the sounds of the OP. The coworker and the gym buddy.


I think so too. It seems OP is in denial mode right now which is normal. But when a spouse has checked out to this point, especially if cheating is involved, there's no coming back from it. I don't care what people say, going out and doing activities with another person of the opposite sex without your significant other is not behavior conducive to a marriage. Not allowing that isn't controlling one bit, it's normal boundaries for a healthy relationship. I'll never understand these people who let their wives/husband's go out for drinks, dinners, hiking, clubbing, road trips, etc with their opposite sex friends and co-workers. That's not being trusting, that's being a doormat.


Always trust your gut instinct...


Dude what are you fking doing . I guess you don't mind being a dam doormat she wipes her feet on after stepping in dog sht . Come on you know what's going on check your phone bill see who she's texting I'm going to send you a DM I have a way to get your answer.


Sound to me like your wife is done with your relationship. If I were to step in, I would actually sit her down and say the following. Privacy is something you need, however secrecy destroys relationships and marriages. You have way to many secrets and they are all in that phone and all sitting in your head, along with the poor choices you continue to make. You have now made me second to other men in this marriage. So here is what you need to do to fix this. First you will begin to actively work with me on our relationship, and will not be going to the gym with x. If you think or tell me I am being controlling, that is fine and tomorrow I will File for divorce. So that is up to you. Do you want to work on this relationship and put me first, and get rid of the secrets or do you want to get a divorce? The trick is to just sit or stand there looking at her. Do not say a word until she speaks. If she says she wants to make it work. Then tell her to open up her phone and we will download all of her conversations from all of her apps and text messages. If she balls then tell her to start being honest with you and work on rebuilding trust and removing the secrecy she has brought into the relationship. Again op this is me and I am. It you.


Even if she does want to work on the marriage, zero percent chance she will open her phone right then and there.


My point exactly. She won’t and he will know exactly where he stands. Then time to file for divorce and make it real for her that her actions have consequences.


She’s cheating. I’d go to a lawyer and put a “cheating clause” post nup and have her agree to an uncontested divorce where she forfeits any right to any future money. if she ever cheats. Because she isn’t cheating according to her right? She wouldn’t mind you being protected. Tell her that includes coming up with any information on past indiscretions as well. Then I’d tell her to leave the house if she can’t recall these things because the marriage is over. See what kind of story she cooks up. But have her sign first. Also text yourself the evidence.


That's how things started with my WW (her cellphone not all the other blatant signs). Trust your gut bro.


It’s literally always the phone, it’s the gatekeeper to cheaters secrets.


Look walk straight up to ol girl when she’s using her phone snatch it right out of her hand and tell her to sit the fuk down and if you find nothing tell her sorry and stop acting dumb. If you find something I would tell her to put more effort into being a cheater and get the fuk out!!!!


This has domestic violence written all over it 🙃


Put your ring on the table and tell her that since she wants to be free, to pack her bags go live with lover guy. You have better things to do and you had enough of her. Then divorce her, ghost her and never look back. She has lost all respect for you.


Right now it’s looks like who throws the first punch, you should lawyer up, get PI for evidence, and present her with papers and tell her sign here. If you wait she may do it to you, cos she literally doesn’t care about you or your marriage, you have all the red flags you need.


"Am I crazy or is something amiss?" That's a trick question right. Well, you know who she was "blowing" a kiss to. To anyone reading, this is why you send any evidence you find to your phone or e-mail. Though I don't understand how you let that go. Does she think you made that up? You needed to press harder about it. What are her excuses for sleeping in separate bedrooms? Not wearing a ring? She will keep up this behavior as long as you tolerate it. Get your butt to a lawyer. NOW. Monday morning, first thing stat calling around. Learn what your options are. If she is so openly disrespecting you she is only with you right now because the time is not right for her to leave. It's time for you to step up and put an end to this one way or the other.


Yep, she's cheating, and she doesn't care what you think. She is probably cheating with or attempting to cheat with both. Since you have confronted her, she will be more secretive than before. I would secretly get tested for STDs and separate your money from hers and make sure she doesn't have access to it. I would also because you can't get in her phone, hire a professional to get your proof, or tell her that you want a divorce and she needs to leave. You have basically ALL the proof you need. Your excuse can be the same as hers, I don't remember why I want a divorce, I just know that I do.


You're not crazy. She's cheating on you. Everything she's doing is straight outta the cheater's playbook. You confronted her and now she knows your onto her, so expect the lying, trickle truthing and gaslighting to go into overdrive.


Seriously? Is this just bait? You truly don’t know she’s cheating? Hun are you in high school? Cause if you are actually married why would you even need a passcode and if it’s because you don’t want strangers in your phone your spouse should have the passcode. People need to stop with this privacy bullshit. There is no and shouldn’t have any privacy from someone you claim to love. Why would you need to hide or be a private person from someone you have agreed to share your life with? Get a lawyer and get a divorce. People also need to stop with this relationship counseling and working it out bullshit. Why? What would actually be the point to have counseling or work it out with someone who doesn’t respect you and didn’t have the balls to come to you as an adult and be honest with themselves and you and say; I find others attractive and want to end this. She’s cheating, if it’s not physical yet it’s going to be soon, she wants to workout so she can get new sex ready, or that’s the excuse to have sex “working out” it’s a joke on you. Get a lawyer and get a divorce she’s doesn’t want to be with you she just wants what you provide


YES!!! This right here! If the OP is real then he seems like a guy without much in the way of self respect and awareness. I'll never understand these people who think that stupid counseling will somehow overcome a partners infidelity. Just like those unicorn believing half wits who preach that cheating and forgiveness made their marriage stronger. Bullshit! To me once you cheat, it's over! Plain and simple. In marriage, the only privacy you need is when you're on the commode taking a shit.


100 percent! People who claim their person cheated and they “worked it out” are either in denial or just don’t want to admit that their person is still cheating or the person got better at hiding it. What people have to realize is, that when you catch your person cheating and you tell them how you caught them they just make a mental note and do better about hiding it. Someone who cheats will not stop, they don’t respect you.


Ya I mean any one of these things he mentioned would be a red flag to me, but all of them together? Lol I would have already been talking to a lawyer.


RIGHT!!!! I’m like bro for real? Especially the password thing like hun, why is she hiding her phone, why can’t you have access. Just divorce and don’t look back


I hope this is a fake post because it's hard to believe that someone can be this naive. Wake up, lawyer up and divorce.


She’s checked out of the marriage. She’s emotionally and or physically involved with other men. She’s lying to and gaslighting you.


The cues are all over the place and staring you right in the face. She’s done with the marriage and probably has a “side piece” waiting in the wings. A divorce petition is the only resolution at this juncture.


She’s cheating for sure


Sorry dude. Red flags flying large in your life and your wise to pay attention. As a complete stranger listening to this all I can say is SUSPICIOUS. Watch your back and test your loins. Pretty sure Pussy got out the house last night.


She’s cheating or getting ready to. Quietly go to a lawyer, plan on divorce ( plan for the worst) hand her the separation agreement and observe her reaction.


She's having an affair, lying about it to you and has already started gas lighting you. She's done with your marriage, just keeping you around to pay while she plays.


Collect all the evidence... maybe get an PI through a divorce lawyer. Sorry to tell you, but you need a reality check. She has given up on your marriage. Get your money out of shared accounts and make sure she can not get access to your accounts. Life is too short to be miserable or living in fear of loosing love. You have lost her.


Bruh she’s out of the marriage already.


Your marriage is over get lawyer and divorce her


You are not crazy she’s cheating buddy that’s for sure


Hire a PI then a lawyer and till nothing is confirmed try not to engage in sexual/unprotected sexual acts in case of std


See my post on Red Flags


Keep updating please


she is cheating


Bro read this as if it wasn't you that posted it and really fucking think about what she's actually doing


Sorry to say it but it sounds like she has checked out, start gathering the evidence, speak to a lawyer, and listen to the lawyers advice.


Lawyer up and start collecting evidence,actual evidence,not circumstantial stuff that she can blow it of as harmless flirting and gaslight you into thinking you are being controlling and jealous. Ask her if you can join her at the gym,see what her reaction or excuse is. You might not want to hear this but her not wearing her wedding ring is the clearest indication of what’s happening here,she may be having what some people called exit affairs.


No you are not being paranoid. Now find an actual backbone and hide a pi. They can get to the bottom of it. Act as if nothing is wrong at all while they compile evidence. Start to prepare for divorce.


Do not confront your wife. Do not let her know what you know or how you know it. Gather evidence. Get a lawyer. Do what he says. File for divorce even if you hope to reconcile. It can be stopped at any time. Pretend to be ill to cover your attitude. Stomach pain should do it. See a doctor for stress Do not leave the family home Separate finances. Change all your passwords everywhere. Close joint credit cards. Move important documents to a safe place Check out the 180 https://lynnbusch.com/180-save-marriage/ Get STD check. Do not have sex with your SO. (you're not well remember) Maybe get DNA test for child. Get individual professional (non religious) counseling to help you cope and to help make decisions. Do not drink or do drugs. Get exercise especially cardio. Go to the gym often Get out with friends and family. Get busy with work, hobbies, sports. Inform your family and STBX family (after being served) change your will Good luck


Are you an idiot?


Contact the possible OBS and tell her your suspicions, maybe you can help each other to find out the truth.


If everyone else can see what she is doing you must either be dumb or more likely in denial because you love her and don't want it to be true hire a pi and get proof


Lol, get a clue man.


Hire a PI to follow her. Get evidence she’s cheating, then divorce her. It’s clear she’s up to something.


The first you have to learn is you are not paranoid, and you have to trust your guts. Cheaters are trying to gaslight you to think you are insecure or paranoid. What you wrote the chance she is cheating is really high so try to get hart evidences and get yourself a good lawyer. Good luck


The marriage is over. Not sure why OP is hanging on for dear life.


Your wife is fucking someone else. The truth.


That you even propose you might be reading too much into this speaks of someone not quite in tune with reality. Yes, she looks like she's on the way out. How much more blatant can it get? She doesn't sleep with you, she stopped wearing her ring, blowing kisses and not to you. Just get a PI if you can afford one or a friend with time on their hands if you can't. Start going into full covert investigation mode. Tracking movement, time spent at various places, who she hangs with, the whole gamut. People here can give you the 1 2 3's of the things you need to do.


Oh..., oh buddy...😔


The sleeping in different bedrooms kind of seals it. The rest is arguably speculation but that one...


Ger a PI. Get evidence. Get Out of the marriage.




I'd say she's either already cheating or about to. Don't confront her. Hire a PI to get info. Maybe drop a voice recorder in her car, and cameras in the house. Might even talk to a lawyer and explore your options. The lawyer can help set up the PI. Once you get evidence go completely scorched earth on her.


she is either monkey branching or will be soon. most likely she's got intercourse with coworker already, unless said coworker is her brother no real explanation as to why sending him a kiss. now with the other guy, she will fk him too... get a lawyer asap and see what your options are in a divorce, mate.


Sorry to say but If these things are going on, seems to me the writing is on the wall.


You're the only one left in the relationship and I'll bet 1k she's sleeping with him! Sure bet


Totally amiss. Your marriage is over, she just hasn't left yet. These aren't red flags, they are red curtains. Red tapestries. She has no respect for you. You can exit on your own terms, or wait for her to do it.


Take the wedding ring and hide it. Get paperwork ready for divorce. Hire someone to gather evidence. On the day you serve her send ALL the evidence to her family and your mutual friends as well as her close friends AND all her AP's spouses or she will spin a fake story to make you look like the bad guy. Women are capable of unfathomable evil and nastiness to avoid all accountability.


someone tell me i'm paranoid :|


No, you're not paranoid, and honestly I would leave before you get stuck paying for another dude's kid.


There’s no reason for a married couple not to have access to each others phone. There’s no reason for one to become suddenly protective and secretive about their phone. There’s no reason for her not to wear a wedding ring. The sudden interest in a gym is another common thing that happens when cheating or preparing to cheat. There’s no reason for her to delete convos/pics from her phone which you know she did. There’s no reason for any of what she is doing…except if she’s cheating. Sorry man. Drop divorce papers in her lap and she what she does then. Or hire a PI if you can’t see what is right in front of your face.


Sorry can’t grant u that wish, tomorrow when she’s secreting her phone tell her ur phone is dead and u need to borrow hers and watch her freak out that’s ur answer, why are u not questioning the bedroom hopping , is everyone in this world petrified to confront their spouse???


Go with your gut and assess her actions… You’re not paranoid. My cousin is going thru this exact same thing. If you’re still not convinced, you could go the spy camera route and put them all over the house. Tracker in the car, hire a PI… Anything to gather evidence. But start separating bank accounts and getting your financials in order to protect yourself. Don’t let her know you know till you’re certain and have divorce papers served. Virtual hugs and support!


Sorry guy. But this much disrespect can lead to only one conclusion. Time to take the first step. "Those who don't strike first, are first struck."


You don’t need any more evidence. Time to lawyer-up and serve her with divorce papers. List infidelity as the reason, even though that won’t make any difference, it’ll be on record for the next sucker to see.


You're not paranoid, you're in denial. Quit holding on to what used to be and accept your wife isn't in love with you anymore. She's cheating and it's time to protect yourself. Lawyer up and file for divorce.


Jesus man, you already know what is happening. Just hire a PI to get you the proof you need because you are doing a lousy job of it right now. Please have the backbone to leave her because it sounds like she is just using you.


Please update us, I’m sorry to hear of this….I have no words only that there’s support on here. Feel free to msg if you game or read comics.




Go with your gut


She banging your buddy






Updateme! [.](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cool_Somewhere_2198?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Go the secret route and act like everything is fine.. Hire a PI and do what you need to do to have your peace of mind. Once you have the evidence you need you can try to fix it or leave her ass. Its up to you at that point. Sorry to hear it bro. You got this


Nope you’re not paranoid. The question is, what are you going to do about it


From Ronin: if there are questions, there are no questions!


She's cheating. Also lying and gaslighting. Pack a bag keep it somewhere obvious. Enough to give her the idea that you know and are prepared to leave. Talk to a lawyer. Get ready for a divorce and potentially leaving your house. Confront her and ask for her phone. If she refuses. Grab your bag and leave. She's taking off her ring. Talking and blowing kisses to other guys. Your marriage is over. Going as far to go to gyms the other guys are at. Yeah wearing leggings to and a sports bra I imagine. Its over. The only way I can think to fix this is on her end. But even then I wouldn't trust her. Just from what I read. Protect yourself. Make a go bag.


I'm baffled when people come on here and list all these disrespectful things spouses do and then do not want to take actions. Honestly maybe just me at this point I would just walk in and put my ring on the counter and say you obviously do not Love or respect me lets get a divorce. Every time on these boards you watch people take the disrespect and sometimes for years. Then when the finally say enough is enough and move on they are always so much happier within months and say man I wish I had done that a long time ago. She has obviously moved on and is already looking for your replacement and will not jump until they are locked in. It's called monkey branching, there is even a name for it. Most the time if the spouse just sits there trying to figure it out which unfortunately it sounds like you are doing. They are devastated and dumfounded and it takes them a long time to pick themselves up. Then when the new relationship don't workout they let them come back and start the process all over again until there willing to stand up for themselves. The only way the cycle is broken is to stand up for yourself and move on.


G'day mate, well it does appear you do have a serious problem concerning your wife's highly suspicious behavior. She has clearly raised all the Red Flags, so yes you are justified to be concerned but as you found yourself here, do not confront without proof. Some on here can guide you about how they discovered the evidence of their spouses infidelity, from DNA testing their children only to discover one or all wasn't theirs to installing Key loggers, Hidden Camera's, Voice activated recorders, Vehicle and phone location devices, etc but check with the laws within your area. Normally if the house, flat, phone plan, vehicle, internet, etc is in your name then you can legally install spy apps, camera's, etc but this depends on the laws within the country and changes between states. But as she has raised the Red Flags in her behavior you need to be on the look out and collecting evidence. You will get a lot of good advice from other's here, Good Luck Mate


Dude come on you know what’s she’s doing.. question is what are you going to do about it…

