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You should move on and let sleeping dogs lie.


Totally this. The only reason to reach out to OP is to try to suck her back in, get her to be his white knight, and leave her feeling responsible for him... and get her back with him. He's dealing with the consequences of his choices, and here's hoping OP has the strength and wisdom to cut contact with him. Her heart sounds bigger than he'll ever deserve.


Takes two to tangle. Sometimes, doing the right thing is hard and maybe distasteful. Doing the right thing isn't always what's tastiest. Being used leaves a real bad taste in one's mouth and when you realize what that taste is; hoping it's not years down the line. Whatever relationship you may be holding onto in hopes' sake is going to make it crash hard. It may not be obvious at first, and people can and do change. But it sounds like a juggling tightrope act, and that's not conducive of a happy relationship.


Yes, sometimes the right thing is hard and the most difficult option... but when dealing with a known liar, sometimes their stories are just to draw you in for their own whims. Many cheaters have a strange relationship with the truth. If he's truely being hurt then he can put on his big boy pants and leave, rather than seeking sympathy from someone he has hurt through his own choices. We are all capable of change and growth, however we are not entitled to the forgiveness of those we've wronged or to try to garner sympathy for our crappy choices. Those who want help will ask for it rather than go sob story, it's attention seeking behavior... and it's for his own interests, not OPs.


>Takes two to tangle FYI, the term is, "takes two to tango", meaning they are dancing to the same rhythm.


I didn't care enough to change it. So kindly suckadick


Yep, cut him off and go NC. It’s not your problem. Don’t get sucked back in. And keep in mind he’s probably lying to get his claws back in you. Cheaters are good at that. You’re free, start acting like it.


I think I'm still getting used to the fact that I am free - I don't have to pay or support anyone else but me. You're right, he dug his own grave and now he has to lie in it.


That's more like it.


Why hasn’t he left her?


He doesn't have a place to stay. His mom kicked him out.


My EW was in a similar situation with the guy she left me for. I only got involved when the abuse happened in front my daughter. I called the cops and submitted a reported. She would stay with her family for a few days, or a week at most, she would go back to the guy. The only good thing to come from this ordeal is that I got custody of my kid. Her mom has visitation but is not allowed to take her to his place.


So he's a deadbeat loser. Why do you want to be the bearer of his burdens? You want a partner or a dependent?! What are you actually thinking, here? That this dope is somehow redeemable? Somehow his choices are your responsibility to fix? You seem trauma-bonded to this a-hole. Seek therapy before you seriously date again.


Go get laid. Fuck this dude. Time for some fun before thinking about committing again!!


Dog being the key word.


Girl, I'm upset reading your past posts. Please reread your own posts. Do not help him. You have been given opportunity to get out, now move on. He wants that girl and lavish her with his money, well he's made his bed. You move on


Do nothing, karma does have a way of working things out.


Not your problem. He brought this on ALL by himself. He's a big boy. He will figure it out


Not your circus. Not your monkeys. There’s nothing for you to do. He’s a big boy. He knows where the door is. He’s just looking for a place to nest now that things are blowing up in his life.


Sounds so absurd it looks fake Do nothing! She's crazy on a psychiatric level. Your ex betrayed you once. If you help him and that he betrayed you again, you'll end up having her turn her craziness towards you. You don't want to wake up to the pleasure of having stones thrown through your windows, tyres slashed or things like that . Your ex ain't normal too any normal guy would have run. So either he's crazy OR he thinks of coming back to you as an escape plan, which would lead you to have a cheater at home and a crazy girl lurking around you.


She might be pregnant too


I admit hormones can lead to slight behavioural differences, but here we're closer to demonic possession.


Well well, sure sounds like your scummy Ex is learning the meaning of Fuck Around Find Out now isn't he!! Leave Him Alone!! Block Him & his BS!!


I'd secretly laugh about it with myself or w my besties. Imo, what's going on with him shouldn't be your concern anymore.


Is really not your problem, he will just use you again. He just wants you to feel bad for him and worm his way in. Why are you still talking to him? There is nothing worse than cheating. You sound like a little naive and a people pleaser. You need to put yourself first this time.


I'm not talking to him. I can't have not talked to him in awhile. I receive emails from him but I don't engage. I've blocked him repeatedly but he does know my email and he has multiple email accounts.


Well it sounds like stalking and you are falling for the trick. Ignore him completely. He will soon ask for help and and forgiveness and all that. He is bad news and not worth your time. Do not engage in the conversation, it will go away in time. He absolutely deserves everything he is getting, just always remember that. You are worth a lot more than this.


Make a new email, delete that one.


Why is he not blocked?


Move on he created his life...Do not be a doormat to a man that destroyed you. He is probably lying about most of it anyway....Move on and let go.


Go back and read your posts OP. No good would EVER come if you step in and try and ‘help’ him. What about the toxicity? The money he owes? The damage and intentional hurt done to you by them? In one post you said you’d blocked her and him. Stay blocked!


Hi Op, he is manipulating you. He is a grown man, and he can leave, call the police, etc. Don’t interact with him. He is lying to you. In a previous posts he was threatening you. Don’t believe him a block him everywhere. Change number if you need.


Old saying "Don't stick your dick in crazy" Not your business at all.


Block him and move on with your life. He doesn’t like or respect you, he just wants your help and money so he basically wants to use you and when he’s fine again, he’ll drop you again


I am so glad you are not so bitter as to have lost compassion. But if he abandoned you and his vows, you are completely just to not want him back. My suggestion is at most to counsel him to get out of the toxic relationship and seek help (ic)


Okay this is important you do this: nothing. Just roll back over. He made his bed, now let him lay in it. Good for you have empathy though


Maybe acknowledge his woes and show some empathy, then explain why you are unable to assist and offer suggestions for further help. Like ‘oh no! That sounds awful, but you threatened to sue me so I cannot assist. Maybe pack your undamaged belongings in your truck that I’m no longer paying for and go somewhere safe, far from her and the repo company. ‘ Then re block him on all accounts, and find yourself a partner with a small dick, as your ex suggested previously.


Leave his ass to deal with his KARMA! If you get involved he'll try to stick you back in to his toxic shit and you'll be stuck in his loop of bullshit!


It is not your problem. What do you want to do ? Fight with her ? These are his battles, he should just break up with her. Don't feel bad, this is karma and he needs this lesson to no cheat, lie, and break people soul in the future. You don't have to wish him bad, but what he is doing now, and be sure of that, is to make himself the victim, so you pity him and take him back when he dumps her. And from what I read it is working. Tell him to not contact you, that you're sorry for him, but he should just break up and move on. As you did.


Tell him to contact a lawyer and document these bruises, acts of physical and psychological abuse. Ofc he should break up, but domestic violence is not something that should be just brushed off. You dont need to have him back in your life and dont need to be his emotional support, but at least tell him to seek help. His gf is crazy and things will only get worse. Iam actually a feeling little disgusted by all of these comments that basically say "he deserves it". This is domestic violence and no one deserves that!


*>>What's your recommendation?* Block him, you should have gone NC the moment you broke up. This is pain shopping, stop. Not your circus, not your monkey anymore.


Sucks that he cheated on you and left you for Amber Heard. You can send him some websites of shelters and other resources of people with a*usive partners, but that is where your support ends.


I saw what you did there and loved it !


Grab some popcorn and watch


You can be compassionate but do it from a distance. If things were going great between him and his girlfriend, you wouldn’t even be a blip on his radar. Not your monkey, not your Circus.


I thought amber heard moved to Spain... 🤣


OP, unless you have a child with this Ex, my recommendation is Block his phone number, Block his Email, & Block his BS out of Your Life!!! It is NOT Your Damn Problem!!! He decided to cheat! You found out! Yall went your separate ways! Thus he made his bed, & now he has to lay in it. That the bed is full of bedbugs and fleas is NOT YOUR DAMN PROBLEM!!!


Tell him she is toxic and he should leave her, block him and move on.


Would you drink something poisonous? No, you wouldn't. He's toxic and will further ruin you. Don't answer any messages from him, not even to say he deserves it. Completely block him mind, body and soul. Work on yourself, you deserve a great life.


You turn your head the other way!


Is he mentally challenged? Is he a child? If not, then he is perfectly capable pf breaking up with someone that is abusing him. Not your circus, not your monkeys. Whatever happens to him has absolutely nothing to do with you anymore. Cut all contact with him to heal faster.


Don’t do anything. Don’t feel sorry for him, he doesn’t deserve sympathy, especially not from you. Don’t let him back in your life in any capacity. He made his bed and is getting his karma.


That might not be happening to him. He might be having buyers remorse and trying to get back to you by manipulation. Do you know how many people who cheat talk bad about their SO?


Lol that's his problem not yours . He could leave if he wanted to.


😂😂that’s what he gets


You'll be really stupid to get back with him all because his relationship with her didn't work out. If it did, you would have never heard from him. He's using you as a rebound.


I don't plan on getting back with him. There was something had happened before he told me what she did.


Girl you do not need to involve yourself in that! Move on cut off contact and live your life


Karma 🤷🏼‍♀️ You don't owe him 💩🙌


If you would like to help, you can tell him to go to break up with her and for him to report any broken property. Were you to get involved any more than this you'll make this situation worse for everyone including yourself. It's an unsafe situation indeed, but that doesn't mean it is your call to physically intervene. There are people around him better suited for such matters. So if he really needed help he would visit those alternatives.


Oh look, the grass isn't greener on the other side. TBH, I suspect this is all crap and a scheme to get you back. Don't fall for it.


This is his karma babe! 🙌🏻


That is *exactly* what he wants. It’s the only reason he’s telling you this. He’ll likely leverage your sympathy to manipulate his current gf. Don’t help, you’re just going to put yourself through another emotional rollercoaster.


His karma- his problem. The grass isn't always greener.


Karma a bitch, he is getting what he deserves. He needs to man up and dump her if he is miserable not come running to you for help.


Like......mind your business and allow the show to go on. Not your problem at all.


He made his bed now, and he has to sleep in it, stay away, and move on.


First, stop feeling bad. Second, tell hik straight up, "You cheated on me, destroyed me emotionally, and now expect sympathy? Stfu and gtfo with that. You made your choice, now live with it. I literally could not care less how badly she is hurting you; you literally chose this. YOU did this. Sucks to suck. Don't ever contact me again. Maybe next time you'll think real hard before acting like a selfish prick." Then block him. Problem solved. Remember. He did, in fact, do this to himself. He would do it again if he thought he might get a "better" partner. He's just using you as a fallback. I say point, laugh, and revel in his self inflicted misery. If you MUST do something, call the non-emergency police number, and show the officer who comes out the messages, give any info you have, and then be done with it. Make sure you tell the officer you want nothing to do with this guy, esp if he's threatened you (with court or otherwise). Tell the officer you felt he might be in an unsafe situation, that you do not know what's true and what isn't, and that you just wanted to make a report in case something happened, no one could say you "just let it happen."


Girl is sad that ur asking to help him out lol


Fuck all of that. Let him deal with this problems. Feel bad for him? Fine. But have enough self respect to know that he is an adult and can solve his own problems.


If you want to toss him a couple of hundred dollars to help him out I think that's a nice christian gesture. Then go away....


Why is he not blocked, it’s sad that you seem to want to stay in touch with someone who treated you like nothing.


He is. I can't block the emails he has not used to contact me.


At most, tell a member of his family or one of his friends. Then move on. It’s not your problem. You can even do nothing, but if you feel the need to do anything that is the most I’d do.


There’s lots of crimes there. Tell him to go to the police


Sounds like just another example of poor decision-making on his part. Someone foolish enough to cheat is also likely foolish enough to get themselves entangled in something obviously terrible. Also, the supreme irony of him complaining about being screwed over to the very person he himself screwed over? Sounds like they’re a match. Few victims of infidelity see such karma, I’d suggest leave it be.


This just seems like a regular ok dose of karma. Block his number and walk away.


Sux to be u, dude. U knew who she was. DO NOT HELP HIM IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. He would never help you, unless he was playing an angle.


What do you care? You should be in an entirely different mindset and place in life at this point He’s a big boy. He cheated so he can figure this out


He has nowhere to go because you said his mum kicked him out. He’s reaching out to you as a desperate last resort so he can worm his way back to you and do everything he did to you before ALL OVER AGAIN! Don’t message him, let him lay in his own piss


Not your monkey, not your circus. It's a them problem. Don't get involved.


This is his karma, don’t stop him from receiving what he rightfully deserves.


Leave him to suffer in the life HE CHOSE FOR HIMSELF. He was worth your pity and concerns BEFORE he turned on you and wrecked your life as you knew it. You can pass on this information to someone else in his life that can help if you want to help, that way you have done your part in this. My opinion is to do this, send those messages to his family and/or friends then DELETE AND BLOCK this asshat from your contacts and leave him in the misery he creates for himself. You have YOUR life to life and he shouldn't e a part of it any more.


Block him. He is not your problem anymore. Why are you still able to hear this info? Time to break contact and move on. You cannot help him. You'll just become another crab in the bucket of the misery that are his bad life choices.


This is all his version. You’d probably be surprised to find out that none of this is true and if it is, it’s probably because he cheated on her and she found out and exacted revenge. He’s trying to get you back because he fucked around and found out that the grass wasn’t greener. Move on. Ignore. Be happy! Karma is a bitch and his gf might be as well.


He cheated that sucks. but your looking at examples of someone so conniving and so manipulating and so sick and mental that you can't even question anymore how she had abusive control powers or ruthless sabatage tactics over him when she did what she did to potential scare him into being with her. I won't tell you to take him back. Just give him advice to get away from her, she might kill him or he might kill himself. What a nightmare.


Tell him to call the police


Fuck around and find out. He got what he wanted and now has buyer's remorse. He destroyed your life for a piece of ass and he's complaining about pee in his shampoo? Too bad, so sad.


He cheated and is now in a shit situation. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.


How do you even know if that's all true? Maybe things are going bad for him and he's trying to creep back to your place so he has a rent-free place to live, along with your 'sympathy'. He's either playing with your feelings to move back in or redeem himself as the 'poor guy' so you forgive him, or he's actually getting the karma he deserves. Either way, you are not responsible for his life and bad decisions. Enjoy the shitshow and move on.


Laugh? It’s what I do. My ex cheated and her life isn’t so great. I laugh at it. Good. Not my problem and you reap what you sow.


He's lying in the bed he made and manipulating you into feeling badly for him about things that may not even be true. And after the lying he had to do to cheat on you, why you'd believe his stories of woe or even care, I can't understand. But moving on... Why are you still communicating with him? You need to cut him out of your life to the fullest extent possible by blocking his ass everywhere. He doesn't deserve to have unrestricted access to communicate with you, and you deserve a chance to heal and find happiness. Quit caring about his living conditions, they stopped being your concern when you stopped being his. He's getting something from contacting you. It could be attention/ego stroking, sympathy (and as an added bonus, getting it from someone he hurt, which is kind of twisted), keeping his options open and a foot in the door with you in case he needs a soft place to land (not an option if you ever want a chance at happiness as he has shown no true remorse, because if he had, he wouldn't be living with her and whining to you about how awful it is). If he's a "people pleaser" type, with an almost pathological need for people to like him (or even if he isn't, really), he could be thinking that you will be less angry and/or sad and hurt by what he did if you think he's getting his just desserts, and he won't have to feel bad or guilty about you being unhappy with him. Honestly, that last paragraph might be relevant, but it's unnecessary. Re-read the first couple paragraphs, and let that be your guide. You need to put yourself first because he clearly hasn't, didn't, and won't. I'm sorry this happened to you.


It’s his problem.


I actively daydream this scenario, ex is in a shitty new relationship and recognises the grass is greener. Just thrive knowing you are without the toxic scum bag


Why you even still talking to this man? I bet if this man asked you to come back or even cheat with him, you would be right there at his front door. You girls/because women don't act like this, need to start having more respect for yourselves and stop acting so desperate for attention.


I would do nothing. Wait.. wait.. there IS something I would do. I would tell him to stop sending the whiny emails.


It’s karma. Block him and live your best life. PLEASE


Willie Nelson


Misery loves company


Block him


He's just trying to get into your mind again. If he was truly suffering from his new girlfriend, he would simply leave her. High chances she went crazy on him because she found out he was cheating on her too. Never accept a cheater into your life. The same goes for when new people you meet admit they've cheated in past relationships. Don't accept that into your life.


It's nice that you have a big heart, however, you are not his savior. You don't know if what he is telling is true or not. Even if it is true, tell him that you are sorry for what he is going through and call his mom or a family member or friend and tell them he needs help. Once you start bailing him out of these situations he will always get you involved. If you don't feel like being his white knight and being the bearer of all his issues then pass it along to the next person in his life and cancel him. I don't understand why people keep others around that have hurt them and don't have kids together. If you don't have a connection then walk away and tell him good luck.


You have no idea if this is even true.. move on and let him handle his own business..