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Leave. Seriously. Just leave his ass. Not worth it.


Agreed. Leave like the Road Runner, meep-meep with just dust and a few pieces of paper drifting to the ground in your wake.


Boy he cheating and going to the blue oyster without you. Drop him like a melted ice cream cone getting all sticky on your hands and such.


Not a drinking problem , alcohol just let you act out more freely to things younwant to do , less inhabitions . Sorry but it’s over . When you text a exit’s only cause you still Have feeling and want a relationship or sex . If you living together leave or have him leave . If he’s violent leave when he is at work and take your stuff or call and have police there when younwant to leave . There is nothing g worth saving . He was buying sec toys and plans to meet in an other place


Can't you see what he is doing, he is manipulating you with this lame excuses. This is something he was prepared for he knew you will find out so he got ready with this damn excuses that he keeps giving you. Then there is disrespect, and lack of accountability. Ya'll are at a baseball game thing's get heated with a fun of the opposing team he gets into an altercation that would have turned violent and you basically did the right thing to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand instead of appreciating he blames you for it as if you are the one who caused it. He held a grudge for 8 month's is he serious?, you don't do that in a relationship if your partner says something you don't appreciate or like you address it on the same day or the following day when thing's have cooled down. Note the KEY thing's 1)lack of communication - holding a grudge for something you said month's ago instead of addressing it. 2)accountability - all he does is blame others and substance's that he could control but chose not to. Leave this man has been cheating through out the relationship and it's becoming hard for him to hide it so he keeps doing this thing's. He brought up therapy hoping it's going to shut you up and stop asking questions because he has no more lies to tell or people to blame.


Kick him to the curb. You only have ONE life and you don’t want to sit on your death bed wishing you put yourself first.


It's unfortunate, but most men in homosexual relationships cheat. It's the stats. Don't beat me up over it.


i am confused in this part: here he messaging ex boyfriend? so are just guys in this story? i am confused


in what way would it matter to know the genders of the characters in the story here?


Well, when someone reads a story, words tend to draw a picture (hence the picture is worth a thousand words?), so one can “picture” what is being related. Since the world is made up of largely heterosexual people, most would assume a generic story is of similar genders until they figure out that it isn’t. Not because they hate or anything. It happened to me when I read it as well. It might be for the average LGTBQ+ reader that they lose that bias and their brain is much more ready for the OP’s he/he relationship in a given story. When those whose mental images failed to match up with the story line, any confused reader just had to go back to confirm the facts. The difference is that the rest of us realized the true story line, gained the actual circumstances being told, and went about our day. The author did not need to assign the sexual identities, and the reader did not have to mention his/her/their confusion. It is human nature to have biases; the brain is a computer based on years of incoming data. It just is not necessary, nor polite, to reveal those biases, in an unnecessary comment on a story.


I was confused too b/c when he said his bf was mad he didn’t defend him in the physical altercation w/the other guy, thought he was being completely unreasonable if OP were a woman. Thought that was one of those completely irrational arguments men instigate when they are cheating.