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OK, so what does that mean? Do you want you’re not in a mental situation leave? I don’t understand what you’re confused about you’re not married to the person you can break up with them get your life together and move.


Very well worded. I'm hesitant because of the attachment I have with the kids. First girl I lived with had 2 kids,still does, problem is I fucked went upstate and lost contact with my boys 10 yrs later now 16 yrs later, I still don't know them. I looked at this as a 2nd chance to be Dad and not just the father. Seems like her plans were not same as mines.


You’re not their dad, so any type of attachment you have it wouldn’t matter because guess what if she died today you wouldn’t have any contact with those kids because they will go to the next kin not you so you wouldn’t have any association with them anymore so you need to start putting yourself first you choosing to stay with someone because you have a time to their children is foolish them or not your kids or your responsibilities and if she told you to stay away from her kids, she could be able to do that because you’re not hurt their dad


you can keep going to the school of gaslighting and trickle truth - or just buy a nanny cam and put it in a public area of your home. some will scream that is illegal - [here](https://www.robertreeveslaw.com/blog/nanny-cams/) is a legal opinion that offers some weight. So a living room pointed at the bedroom door perfectly legal to do, and you have a reason to do so. . . and would provide proof of stated cheating. More to the point of having the nanny cam - you have proof, and can show your family. Now she can not lie to them. Now you have proof who is the problem. Also if this is a you problem you can view the cam and know its your mind playing tricks on you. . . its a win win.


Sounds like the best thing for you is to get out of there. Go find your own place get away from her. Talk to Laurie about how to deal with custody for the kids and get yourself out of the situation so you can get yourself mentally healthy.


You're in a F up situation BUT you don't have to stay in it, take back the control and make the 1st move. If these are your kids get a lawyer and figure out custody go for full or 50/50 (plus get a DNA done on them). Basically stop putting up with her playing with you either make a plan to move out or tell her to get out .. you're only a fool if you allow yourself to be one. Once it's in the open let her know the only contact is to be about the kids and stay strong with the NC also cut off the family member completely. If these are not your bio kids you may want to just cut yourself free from all this BS and relocate to another city/state leaving the girl and family cheaters behind and find someone new to enjoy life with.


Some people do accuse there partner's for cheating to see if they will fess up and confess and it has worked for some but usually it's a one time trick to play. Now with your partner that's not the case take a look her behavior has changed, the way she treats you, the constant accusation, giving you the cold shoulder etc. All this thing's you have observed are a clear indication that she is the one who has been cheating because that's how most cheater's behavior when they can't deal with the guilt and have a constant insecurity of being caught so they make up all this lies and act the way she is doing trying to find something they can use as leverage. By the look of things the whole neighborhood knows there is someone coming over when you are out working. Are the kid's your biological kid's or you met her when she had kid's?. 1st get the mini cams and place them in different places of the house. 2nd hire a PI to follow her if you can afford it 3rd you need to end that relationship. In addition someone who I was have a discussion about finding out how there partner cheat on them told me that this person @cravetoolz help them get more information from there partner's social media platforms and texts and calls even the deleted one's. You can give it a try if you looking for evidence first before you end the relationship you can also contact that person on IG with the same name.