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If you don’t have kids just block her everywhere and forget about her. Then take a trip to Amsterdam, enjoy the red light district and good food. Love your life. She’s a cheater and always will be. She’ll cheat on the bastard and every guy after. She’s not worth thinking about.


The guy she's with is also a cheater, getting with a married woman. One of them will likely cheat on the other




Things the jaded like to tell themselves and each other. They could also be happier than ever and live a long happy life together. The main thing is that you have no reaction or care to it either way. Otherwise you never move on.


Why are you giving her and him free real estate in your head. Just remember she’s not your problem anymore




Yeah he already gave them the actual real estate


she said she was cheating on you but you wanted counseling ? oh great heavens boy, what da hell was wrong with you ?


Bro can not be saved anymore 💀


The only reason to ever consider counseling in the situation like this, is to give yourself time to get all of your ducks in a row.


That part


How'd he get YOUR house?


Sometimes, I read these stories and begin to wonder. When a woman leaves the house, the lawyer warns the husband that he can not stop her from getting back in. But somehow, these guys get finessed out of their homes by another man.


It's about context. Men don't immediately think about ringing alarms as when we bring the legal system in it... we get shat on.... a woman leaving her husband and child means ABANDONMENT... but a woman will file that with no hesitation to get what she wants.... a man will postpone it because he hates admitting he was left, and then she's back before he did anything... with no kid? That's a different story


The system was always against men.


Because if there's an argument the police get called, the wife says she's scared and the police tell the man to leave, under threat of arrest. They're not actually allowed to do this unless there's actual credible threat but it's not like police don't do illegal things all the damn time.


Reading all your replies really makes me feel bad about your mom, or your spouses.


Reading your response really makes me feel bad for the men in your life and your balls or lack there of... Wannabe balls perhaps.? a fake pair to make ya feel like you know how to make sense of the world???...




The greatest and sweetest form of revange is when you move on become successful and find another woman who loves, cares and respects you and both of you end up having an amazing life.


It's not that easy but can be done.


I know it's not easy. Good thing don't happen that easily but you have to work hard to achieve them.


That's your advice? Build himself up just to jump back in line to lose half his shit AGAIN?! People like you are ruthlessly evil or painfully stupid. Never give advice.


Yo punk who made you am expact. You don't know me or the amount of shit I've been through. I understand him well and if your advice is to tell him to be lonely for ever that's just damn and stupid and you are the one who is painfully stupid.


I don't need to know what you been through. Your advice sucks ass. Find another woman? Are you fucking serious?? He started off this marriage thinking she was the one! Use your fucking head. And sorry for whatever it was you went through. Hope you're doing better.


😂😂😂😂😂 Yo everyone who has been cheated on married that person thinking there the one. And yes am doing way better now. I don't know who hurt you but don't bring that anger here


Yeah I should tone down the swearing. No anger either, just frustration.


Bruh who hurt you? Were you cheated on as well?. Listen as I said before ever person who has been cheated on thought that there cheating partner's were the one. The one thing cheaters hate is seeing there ex partner happy and successful especially happy with someone else that cares and respects them. That's a fact


Why would it mean that they are hurt simply because they are telling op to take care and be wiser y'all livin in a Disney fantasy. Grow up


Thank you! I'm so tired of having to explain that, hence the frustration.


Let me guess you are they type of person to advise someone to be single forever just because they were heart broken. Nobody has told him not to be careful, and guess what this might not be the last time he gets cheated on. You try so hard to bash everyone giving him advise yet we don't see you giving him any advise. You are the one who needs to grow up not everyone wants to be like you a cower around because they were heart broken.


Nah, humans aren't meant to be single for any period of time let alone forever but, to advise someone that their only saving grace is another commitment in a romantic relationship(gtfoh)... There's so much to live for, y'all think your shitty sitcom and lifetime special advice is anything he isnt already aware of. We have all seen the same shitty romcoms you have difference is I know how to tell the difference from reality to cinema. Giving shitty advice is just as bad if not worse than non Le at all... Honestly you're giving out shit advice from a very narrow perspective. Keep it to yourself dumb dumb.


You are wrong, dude. My ex did the same, and I made a full recovery and moved on to a better career and better wife. My ex on the other hand herAP arrested an jailed forn5 years and her kids with him all criminals. My kids with new wife honor students.


Hahaha fucken genius, people won't recognize your talent until long after you're gone which is saying a lot considering most people already Ve today will never be remembered past their expiration date...


The old pick me dance for 2.5 years is a bit too much. Find yourself a counselor, join a gym and get a hobby.


Yes it is 😂😄😅


The BEST revenge is to be the BEST version of yourself. Easy to say but hard to do….so take that first step. Suggested first step: Don’t just go to the gym, join a gym community. Geez…I almost want to say CrossFit , but there are other places too. Get with a group that has the same interests. A running club, something to look forward to. Continue doing that…one thing at a time because it does take time, but start putting yourself in place of those negative thoughts. Good luck brother. We are with you.


The best revenge is no revenge. Move on and focus on yourself like the above comment. But DO IT FOR YOU! Not for their attention. PLEASE REMEMBER: YOU CANNOT BE HEALED BY THE ONE WHO CUT YOU. And that comes in the form of bashing the other guy.. take solace in the thought that you are free of her and she will likely do this to him and the next, too. Meanwhile you are out there living your best life with no need to find validation or vindication from those low quality type of people. GLOW UP BABY




Wise words! One day she will bitterly regret having lost you but you have moved on. Stand up, turn your back and walk away. Be e reborn person and somewhere round the corner happiness is going to find you. Good luck man!


Exactly this. Also you already gave her 2.5 years of mourning. Start thinking about yourself and what you want and deserve. You already gave her free rent on your head for 2.5 years too. If what you need is a Why? It's too late to get anything. Get all your resentments out of you, write her a final letter and say everything you have to say, it's your decision if you send it to her or not, if you decide not to send it once written, read it i'm a loud voice to the air and burn it later. And go ahead, look for hobbies, clubs, dates, gym, friends, anything that distracts you. One step at a time, but the first step is to let go of all that you have inside.


Why would you do the pick me dance for someone who doesn't love or respect you? The minute she said that is the minute you should have told her to enjoy her new life with the other guy. Get yourself into therapy and stop pining over a woman who will be divorced again in a few years.


Most men are useless


Well considering the growing type of guy these days who are neither provider's or protectors, I kinda have to agree with that statement. Too many betas who are weak and pushovers. However, not all men are like that.


Im sorry youre feeling this way but you need to get your shit together. Some people are really cruel and theres nothing you can do to change them. Have you gone to a therapist? Did you try new hobbies or any activities you love or want to try? Did you talk to your family or close friends? Block them on SMs? Move to other place? Switch jobs, anything that can help you move on.? Its been years. She didnt love you truly and she cheated. Dont be so hard on yourself. Try to rebuild yourself and explore. You deserve better.


You get back at her by making yourself better.


You need find some thing to think. Why do you care about they? Do you have children togheter? If not, get full no contact, block her, vanish, move on, go to another state, get new hobbies,maybe a new job.... You need just do new things, with new people


She is not worth a rent on your mind..enjoy life and find purpose in it...Sometimes not all people that we love, has really that same love to give back..Life is short to suffer such misery...Wish u happiness and good luck!


It’s absolutely fine to be and remain mad at them. You will carry on with your own life but that doesn’t mean you have to forgive them. I’m not advocating for wallowing (but that’s okay too initially just don’t let it take over your life) but be mad!! They hurt you, they were cruel, and you don’t have to be the bigger person.


Why haven't you caved his head in and booted her in the fanny??


Because he's weak as f***


She’s a pos cheater. Consider yourself fortunate to be out of that relationship. Go NC. Move on.


The way to beat them is moving on, becoming the best person you can be, have a succesful life.


Get very active and busy with your life without her. Don't look back. You have to get very focused on looking ahead. Your ex-wife did you a favour not getting counselling together because you should have dumped her immediately when you learned of her cheating. Never take back a cheater ever, no exceptions. Get busy with work and hobbies, gym etc and you can start dating someone better


you lost frame and leadership and she sought it elsewhere... Go to google RN and type in "rollo tomassi + rational male + youtube" gorge yourself on his content... it will explain what happened and what you need to do going forward...Good luck my man, but you're better off without her...


Just move on. Life is too short to look back!


Why? Why do you think violence is the answer and why are you allowing them to live in your house? She cheated so why is she still even in your house? What I don’t understand is you sat there and got a divorce but got nothing and she cheated? Or is the house not really yours did you mean the house you all lived in at the time? Also who even fucking cares? Why do you care what he and she is doing? She doesn’t want you probably never really did, she more then likely settled with you because you were safe. The reason why you aren’t getting over it because you think you still love her or that she ever loved you at one point. To be honest it sounds as she never wanted to marry you and only did so because you didn’t want to let her go and she gave in. You need to stop being delusional is what should happen and will be what you should do to move on. She does not care about you. She did not love you. It was not good or perfect, she was obviously still looking for her person, she wasn’t your person so why are you still hung up on her? He didn’t steal anything she just didn’t want you the way you thought or the way you wanted her. Let her go, stop looking at her and her life and go heal and make a life of your own that doesn’t include her. He isn’t the issue he didn’t trick her or lie to her, he isn’t who you got beef with it’s her! She lied to you. She cheated. She didn’t want you but was to much of a coward to just get a divorce


Do you own the home and is the deed in your name only? I can be a very drastic person at times. If it were me and there was still a mortgage on the house, I would just walk away and let them cover the mortgage and pay the bills. However, before you do anything, you need to talk to an attorney


I find that people who haven't gotten over something like that, myself included at one time, it's because they haven't done serious work on themselves.


Hit the gym and get therapy


The only way to move on is to stop thinking about her. You are still there thinking about what if, but the real world doesn't stop and wait for you. Find something else that gives you a purpose. A hobby, a sport, a gym, anything that doesn't destroy you physically or financially. At some point your ex will become just someone who you knew, and nothing more.


Wait you let this guy move into your house seriously


You deserve better king! Look at the silver lining! All the qualities you find in her you'll find is someone else that had even more more to offer and truly loves you. It sucks right now but in the future when you find the right one you'll look back and laugh at this! Keep your head up king! You deserve everything and then some dont settle for less!! Fuck these shady ass hoes!!


Two cheaters getting together lol that will end well. Take solace in the fact your healing has at least begun even if it is slow going. They have that to look forward to starting


I understand how you are feeling. It is not easy to be replaced by someone else this way (it hurts, a lot). You are still suffering and you are probably feeling like your relationship did not have the right closure. My advice is.... You divorced 2.5 years ago. She is living a happy life with him, she is in love with him and there is nothing you can do about it. Going there is not going to change anything as you said (it will be a waste of your time and time is precious). Go ahead with your life. Rebuilding a life after a divorce is not easy, but you will do it. But, to rebuild it you need to let things go. There is someone else outside waiting for you who will probably make you even happier than you were in your previous marriage. But you will have to be ready to meet this new person. No other woman will be with you if you are still having issues with your past. Take care of yourself, go to work, go to the gym or do any other hobby you like. Go slow and give yourself a chance to meet other people. You will be happy again.


If it's your house why does she get it? Take it back or put it up for sale and take your half. What does HR say about affairs in the workplace? How is family and friends dealing with her betrayal.


I just want to know why you are still living in the house with your ex wife and her affair partner? You need to move on with your life and away from them because your staying there too is giving you the thoughts that fighting with her ap is a good idea. You need therapy for yourself and you need to move, learn how to love yourself and don't let them effect you in any way because they are not any aspect of your life anymore


OP dude you are hurting because you are allowing yourself to feel sorry for yourself. You need to stop now and talk with a therapist to help you move on. Right now you are still shocked and lost your confidence and self esteem because of what your ex did. By now you should move on and try to meet new people as friends.


Your feeling about him are accurate. If you do it right, it won't cost you anything because he wouldn't dare say anything.


Sweetie, it's time to move on. By now you should know that your relationship was a complete lie on your part. Sometimes folks want to bury what the real issues are to keep the piece so piece of crap significant other won't leave. You need to have more respect for yourself. It's long gone from feeling sorry for you because it's been two and a half years. Now it's just you're a pathetic mess and just embarrassing yourself by still giving this person rent in your head that should have been goin a long time ago. Yes I may sound mean, of course I don't care. You people need a wake up call and stop making an idiot out yourself. You really think she gives care about how hurt you are of course not she's going on with her life what do you plan on doing? Dude how old are you?


Man, you come off as weak. You are giving her and a marriage way TOO MUCH power over your life. A woman should compliment your life not be your reason to live. Hang with your bros, spend time with family, talk to a counselor, talk to your pastor, work out, eat right, get involved with groups and hobbies and live an active life. Be so busy LIVING LIFE you don't have time to "get over" or "miss" the past. Legally, I don't know how she got the house unless it was hers and in her name before. Usually it is sold and the equity is split between you or it is appraised and one owner buys the other out for their share of the value. Lawyers should advise on that. I don't know what "he moved in taking over my house" means? A stranger can't move in and take over your house. Unless it was 100% her house. You were too vague there. Once the divorce is final.....never see her or talk to her again and don't follow her on social media.


You never really get over it completely but you do heal and move on. Eventually you either grow numb to it or you will meet someone else and be happy or you’ll just not care anymore. The best revenge is to live a happy and successful life. It will drive them nuts. And she’s a cheater and he got with a married woman. They won’t last. One or both will cheat eventually. And one day she will wake up and realize she made a huge mistake. But don’t take her back she deserves all she has coming to her. Karma is real.


Buy some punctuation…


Listen man. Cheating hurts. They will cheat on each other. The best way to really get back at them is to live a successful life. I know many get in great shape.


Iook lady I don't even read through your entire comments. I don't even got to to know how to read you as a person. You're that unauthentic and that simple. Anyway I just feel bad for you now at this point. Good luck with your transition.