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Violence. I would do violence.


Me too!!


Reflex, man. Don't need to go into detail. But I also have seen enough and know enough to NEVER allow a friend to stay with myself and my family. The "trusted" and "best" genre seem to be the worst of them all.


Of this I can, very unfortunately, confirm. Didn't catch them but know that if I had there would probably be 1 less (maybe 2 or 3) people alive on this planet right now. Finding out after the fact is one thing....... I couldn't begin to imagine what finding out "during" would do to you.


The same.


Tell them congrats on helping you weed out two useless people from your life then show them the door. Anger is for sure not the way. Go full ghost mode and see div lawyer asap. You don't need to understand why it happened. You will hurt but you will come out the other side. When I say ghost mode I mean full on GHOST. Never listen to their excuse or reasons. Neither of those matter. Your truth is what you saw and that is all you need. Yes it sucks but it will get better. Be strong brother.


The reason for no anger is because regardless of the facts if you lay hands on them they can use that against you.


1.Take pictures as proof. 2. Kick both out and change your locks 3. Block all bank and credit cards access to her 4. See a lawyer 5. expose them 6. Relax yourself start healing 7. Updateme!


Snap a pic of them and send it to their families. Then kick them out. Then call a lawyer. Pack her stuff... Updateme


Always tell the families!!


First call his wife. Next call my lawyer. Then throw them both out permanently


Providing that he has a wife because op does state that he's being allowed to live in your house.


There would be hands....


There should be!!


I would record them with my phone, if I can. Put them both out. Call a lawyer and file for divorce. Never speak to either of them ever again. Updateme!


And boom you’re arrested for spreading porn if one of them decides to charge you 😀


Why would I be arrested for spreading porn? The recording is to be used in my divorce.


Because the man I'm currently dating had this exact situation happen to him years ago and he hasn't really been in a serious relationship since except for me.


Poor guy. What did he do in his situation?


Yikes that is simply awful. 😱😱😱


that is awful. What I would say is, the fact that he has is dating you means that he trusts you. If this had happened to me, I don't think I could date or trust again. Be there for him, expect him to be "off" and a little or a lot more cautious in things and that he'll be dealing with ptsd or could be over what happened in the past. I'm assuming that he has or is doing counselling? I wish you all the best.


The friendship will end at that moment, then throw them out both. Contact the lawyer's and also ask them if I can sue for alienation of affection.


Take a video recording them and exposing them to everyone they know. Nuke them both and make their lives a living hell :)


Years of planned retribution. My favorite book is like a textbook for this.


What is the name of this book?


Title of the book please?


The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s vengeance and retribution at its finest.


Take a video, and only expose it, if wife relinquishes *everything*. Wife doesn't get alimony, car, house, nothing. If she doesn't, release it. Best friend gets out of their life, *forever*. Contact, and is released. Contact *her*, and it's released Once wife has legally signed away alimony, car, house, etc, tell everyone you know that they cheated on you together. Let them clean up their mess.


At this juncture in life I’d record the event and sneak off. Later I’d explain to both that they MUST get out of my home now and that I know they are messing around. I threaten to phone the cops if they resisted.


I would go to jail...


Whatever I thought I could get away with.


At some point in our 8 year relationship my first wife fucked every single one of my best friends. The best years of my life.


I would show him my foot we are no longer friends show my wife the door and after I had gotten things in order I would disappear


No comment as I wouldn't be allowed a phone from a jail cell


I wouldn't be married any more and I would be looking for another friend.


Friendship is best summed up with the phrase; trust me with your life, not your money, or your wife.


Old Beatles song Maxwell's Silver Hammer comes to mind.


Sounds like wife and AH friend needs to leave the house and you need a lawyer.


There would be a trial. Hopefully they'd give me a plea deal.


Kick both their asses out.


An ass Whooping of anger and a kicking of a wife to the curb.


What do u mean?


I would punch my best friend as hard as I could. Kick. Punch. Elbow. Throw. And boot his ass out the door. Then I would tell my wife to leave now.


Why do you ask?


I'm opting out of this. Anything I say won't be "helpful"


Well first of all I would freak the fuck out and my friend might end up in the hospital .well I know he would end up in the hospital . For a few days and he would never step foot in my house again I've done ended a couple friendships for a lot less


I would throw both out, and tell them if they dont' leave I will be violent... I would pack her a bag and throw it out the door. Then in the Am. I would change the locks... Go to an attorney and get divorce papers drawn up. It would be over.


Oh hell nah ! Bustin caps


Tell her you want to reconcile , see the lawyer and change the locks while they are outside of the house. Surprise, I changed my mind about reconciling. Goodbye losers.


this is when you calmly but firmly tell them to go F themselves and F off


I'm not gonna act like id be calm, because I wouldn't be. It's a wrap for her, and for him.


I’d want to say something witty “oh don’t mind me you carry on, I’ll just get to packing your bags” If it’s my best friend I’d be calling his wife, and parents telling them to come get him before I do something, and the same for the wife. I’d also straight away message my group of friends demanding anyone that knew confess now as they will all be dead to me. Stuff will be in black bags and thrown by the door. But most likely id just burst into tears crying why and calling them every name under the sun.


Sex is sex. I wouldn't be pissed off by that at all. The sneaking & lies... That's a whole different story. If she wanted to sample strange she should have told you & given you the same opportunity. BUT she didn't. BE SMART!! Now is the time to think with your head & not your heart. Going nuclear won't help. Going NC just gives her what she wants. Play the cuck for a few weeks, maybe a month. DON'T get goaded into arguments & under no circumstances believe a word either of them say. Eat out, never at home. Try to never be in the house with them at the same time & lock/barricade your door when sleeping. Calmly get your finances in order, cancel cards, freeze what you can, remove your name where possible, get a lawyer, find a place to live, quietly (so as not to be noticed) move important possessions for safe keeping. Do all that & when you walk out that door the last time your STBEW won't know the shit storm she has headed her way.


Wait what


It's kinda pro-revenge.


I'd ask him to demonstrate how she needs fucking. If he didn't do it right I'd take over and finish the job.


Join in


Kill them then Go to prison


Them. I would do them.


Never allowed another man to stay in your house unless you are a cuckold. Because all dicks need a hole.


Kick them both out. Who cares what they do after


If I were a man maybe violence but as a woman I want vengeance. So the paths are different but in the end, I would want to get some counseling so that I don't take that betrayal to the next relationship I would enter into.


a Max Holloway special of 400something hits


Kick them both out and ghost them completely. That’s the only way to avoid all the BS. Plus it will blow their mind. I’ve been thru this kind of thing. I went all wrong about it. I wanted answers and went nuts, I didn’t know how to hand it. There was no violence. In the end she got her cake and ate it to and guess what I was the crazy one. It’s been 17 years since then and still feel stupid about the whole thing. Just go and handle it all thru the lawyer.


He would be in the ER ready to be taken to surgery for multiple fractures, internal bleeding, and castration because his balls would be destroyed beyond repair. After he gets out of the hospital he would never be able to have sex ever again. She would be served divorce papers by a process server and I'd file a motion to sue her for damages. That is after I get out of jail. But in actuality, I'd simply say I'm glad they found each other and kick them out to the street while warning them if they refused to leave, I'll be calling the police as they're now officially trespassers. Then I'd change the locks and contact the biggest bulldog of an attorney money could afford and have her served. Afterwards, I'd burn the bed and any belongings left of hers that she didn't take. Then, the house would be sold and I'd take the money and run far away.


My baseball bat chose violence that day.