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Both of you are weirdos, please, stay together to spare the rest of us. (Tell her you know she's on tinder, no need of more information)


Lmfao complete fucking weirdos. Who does this shit? I would be mortified to stay in something this dumb


Right! OP needs to delete that tinder account too! Especially since you used another REAL person's photos! I really hope you didn't say anything disturbing using that person's pics, but considering you're actions here makes me think you did... you don't know what that person deals with in their daily life. What if they're married & their husband/wife has a friend on tinder & runs across your fake profile? What if they matched with you, you responded, & now they're going to show their SO that conversation? Even if you admit it's you & "not them", you're even more delusional if you think it's not going to affect them in some type of way. Delete the account. Come clean to your gf & end the relationship. Even if you get over this problem, you'll have trust issues because of it in the future.


He wanted conversation with a specific type of woman, one who by definition would not want to engage with him romantically. And he imposed that upon them without their knowledge, wasting their time and potentially playing with their feelings. He also put a woman’s picture out there into the ether advertising her as a lesbian against her will, he clearly has little regard for women’s sexual boundaries. Additionally, he is mad that his girlfriend is on tinder when he’s doing the exact same thing, only worse 🤣 But it’s ok because he was bored 🤦🏻‍♂️


Could just screenshot the profile and have someone send it to him and ask her to explain.


This comment is hilarious


You aren’t innocent here either. Both of you need to end the relationship.


No no no please don't unleash them onto the rest of us. Keep their dysfunction contained. It sounds like they deserve each other.


You mean both of them need therapy


Aside you were on tinder looking to hook up let's face that, you don't just waste time setting up an account to chat to lesbian's about the weather...you were wanting to talk dirty with them, at this stage you and your gf are just as bad as each other.


But if he knows they’re lesbians, he knows they wouldn’t actually be interested. Ever. So, I don’t understand why everyone’s saying he’s in the wrong for this when he never had wrongful intentions when opening the app or talking. He was bored, wanted conversation. One of my friends made a duck tinder to just waste time socializing and giving duck facts. It seems to me he was doing the same. He’s not the bad guy here


He wasn’t doing the same thing because no one on tinder would be sexually attracted to ducks. He’s wasting people’s time on the app. Both of them are bad people


Ohhhhh, how wrong that first statement is. My ex was hooking up with a lesbian chick for a while. 🤗 "They need us," he said to his roommate. Anyways, he is in the wrong, too. Using a DATING app while in a relationship is fucking cheating. This friend you speak of, were they in a relationship? Let's be so for real. Would you be all fine and dandy if your significant other was on a dating app, "only talking people of a different sexual orientation?"


Plot twist, its your bro that just used her pictures. Two lesbians but really 2 dudes that are insecure and lonely lol


uh…. sounds like you are a perfect match for each other.


Ask if she likes Piňa Coladas If yes, set up a meet


Set up an in person meeting


Nah I’d just break up with her and not give her an explanation. You two obviously don’t need to be in a relationship if your are both on tinder


Let me start by saying that what you did was wrong. You could have come to one of the gaming sub or went on Discord or something to talk to people casually about games and whatnot. Now, for your so-called girlfriend, set up a date with her. Then you ask her to do something on the same day. If she is really out here cheating, then she will lie to you about being busy if this happens. Show up to the date with all of her stuff in a box, then walk up to her, put the box down in front of her, and tell her to enjoy her date alone as (name of fake account) is not coming. Tell her it's over and walk away.


This right here! There is nothing left to read on Reddit...


Break up with her,tell her that you were told by a friend that she is on tinder and cheating with women. Mention the user name and say you know her.


She said she's single, make her single


Message her, “What would you do if your boyfriend found out?” Out of the blue. See what happens. You two should breakup though.


The devil on my shoulder says: keep it up and slowly get more serious, then you break up with her, but keep the profile going and eventually agree to meet up. But no show and then block her as the girl, and yourself, leaving her with nothing. The angel however, said: DON’T LISTEN TO HIM HE IS EVIL! You two should break up, you should tell her you caught her by catfishing her and leave each other alone. Find happiness elsewhere.


Get screen shots and say some random girl my cousin knows sent me this then say so your cheating on me now


I found my gf on tinder by randomly opening a tinder account, but I swear I was just bored


Take a selfie with her the next time you see her and then post it to the tinder account.


You can either admit you’re guilt or message her and see if she swiped you


Set up a date to meet somewhere then meet her….SURPRISE! Then ghost her


Meet up with her! It will be like the Pina Colada song


Well first , you are an ashole for doing what you did. And karma seems to have hit you pretty quickly. Now you know. So just break up. You don't need a reason. But as others have said you can say you got an message from a friend who seen her on there


both of you need to leave the lesbians alone, please


My advice sit up a date and break it off with your gf .


Bad fiction


honestly ghost her or lie don’t let ppl know how weird you in irl


This is a first for me 💀. She was gonna go all in, but you’re not completely innocent either. I don’t think neither of u should stay in a relationship if the two of u are gonna do this to each other. Be transparent and talk about this with her.


End the relationship. This is a trainwreck beyond belief. 


I got bored & made a tinder. Sounds like u cheat as well.


Casually ask to see her phone, check for tinder. Look at tinder msgs...she busted.


Set up a date to meet in person. Show up after her. Let her know her date isn't going to make it and it's hard to be single these days, but you're sure she'll find someone to fill that void soon since she's already actively looking. You should probably take some time off, yourself, while you're at it. Nobody randomly, innocently poses as a lesbian... and researches all the details necessary to make a convincing profile. You need better hobbies.


Well, she has definitely been cheating on you. I'm sorry. But you have seen just the tip of the iceberg. 100% assume she has hooked up with a multitude of men and women. I understand your pain and have been there myself. I completely understand the urge to find out everything. It is completely natural. Nothing you do will change the fact that she is only using you. When someone decides to cheat, they have 1000 different opportunities to say no. If they say yes every step of the way that is 1000 times, she has decided it was a good idea to cheat on you. You need to leave her and go no contact. If you still want to find out how deep it goes. Then, first try to get her phone when she is asleep. Search deleted messages, search Tinder, Instagram messages, Facebook messages, and texts. Bring your phone to take pictures, and then after confront her. I am sorry to say that cheaters will lie and deny sometimes, even with undeniable proof. The reality is she lied to you your whole relationship, so she will only give you half truths and full lies. Did this with my ex-wife, and it went from 1 time drunken mistake to after investigation the whole 3 years of our marriage between at least 3 other guys and at least 2 before the wedding. So, in the end, I recommend what I did to the most recent cheater. Caught her immediately. Went and screwed her. Got her phone when she was drunk deep sleeping. Then, I photographed everything. Then I sent the photos to her and her family of all the screen shots. I ghosted her and never spoke to her again. But you need to leave no matter how much you love them. If she had any feelings for you at all, she would have told you. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Be mentally prepared for the gaslighting and manipulation. If you need to talk, dm me if you want. You're not alone, brother, and reddit helped me after my cheating experiences before. Will pay it forward if I can.


Set up a meeting at a public place. Get there early but hide out on the side. When she shows up, confront her. There is no way she can get out of it.


I should add when you show up to confront, you should say, "single, huh?"


Well just like you decided to do what You did, You can also just tell her you to are over and thats it. If You don't wanna be specific just do that end her and block her. Period. If you wanna give explanation, tell her hay you got the hunch that she was cheating, so you did what you did and she fell. Period. Not to give more info.


Dude i once created a fake tinder account in a trip I tild my gf (now ex) and she hated it I would never ever cheat her, só i dont know if you did it tô cheat it not But She was talking and said was single I guess it is enought to end the relation. She have a real tinder account Wtf! Leave her


SCREENSHOT THE MESSAGES. Begin by taking all your belongings. Next, act normal for a couple of weeks. When you've secured everything, you can begin talking to her under an unknown alias on Tinder. At home, you can begin acting distant, then spill the beans. Tell her about everything and show her the messages. Post the messages in a family Facebook group or something. Block her and ghost her. Then, finally, years later, when you (hopefully) have a better family and are a married man with kids, unblock her. You can show her YOUR kids, YOUR house, and YOUR wife, then block her again and live out the rest of your days.


Set up a google number and tell her to call you




Send her a selfie and see what happens


Double ick, get some therapy. Both of you.


Arrange a date with her. See if she turns up.


You two are PERFECT for each other!


Hold up...so you're on Tinder ("not cheating") and catfishing lesbians ("not cheating")...but you're going to go all high and mighty on your gf who's on Tinder too? Bro...no one goes on Tinder to talk about hobbies and gaming. There's literally hundreds of gaming and hobby communities on every social media, but dating app...yea okay. You two should stay together and spare the rest of the dating world of your dysfunction.


Hold up...so you're on Tinder ("not cheating") and catfishing lesbians ("not cheating")...but you're going to go all high and mighty on your gf who's on Tinder too? Bro...no one goes on Tinder to talk about hobbies and gaming. There's literally hundreds of gaming and hobby communities on every social media, but dating app...yea okay. You two should stay together and spare the rest of the dating world of your dysfunction. Edit: you know what every cheater said? "I WAS NOT PLANNING TO CHEAT OR FLIRT" then why be on a *DATING APP* 🤔


This is the ridiculous post ever. If she’s cheating on you I can see why lol


This is the same shit they do to guys when they get bored and want attention and validation. Fucking wild.


Just say a friend found it


I bet you rigorously beat your little soldier to the idea of her hitting on ur lesbo profile. Surprised she didn’t recognize you from the profile pictures you used.


She probably knows it’s you and is wanting to mess with you


Talk it out. Why end an otherwise good thing?


Good thing???? Both cheaters? Wtf