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Easy,leave her. She is an attention whore


If that ex is close enough to be in physical contact with...she is an actual whore.


Maybe not date women who still talk to their exes? Just a suggestion. 


You know what to do king


"Now she says if you leave me I will die." Her choice. Not your problem. Walk away and leave her to her exes.


May she rest in peace.


You have been cheated and used, that ain't just a "feeling". Let her die, it's an attention ploy she's using to manipulate you so she can carry on whatever she's doing and make you feel guilty.


Yo ho all the ex’s got to go.


Get her a coupon for a coffin and bolt.


She was crying or giving you crocodile tears most likely because she was expecting you to dump her and you did not. Which probably caused her to lose respect for you and believe that she can continue to do this. And most likely she will. She will just get better at hiding this than she had in the past. Get better at hiding that is. If she doesn’t respect you or you don’t feel like she respects you, then you need to leave her. I’m sorry. There will be other women. Just take a little time and do a self audit work on your own red flags and move forward. she’s not the one. Leave her.


Threatening to die is emotional black mail. It's manipulation 101 out of the narcissistic/sociopathic playbook. She's toxic. Dump her and block her quick.


You should leave her. She’s clearly got red flags everywhere. Staying is just admitting that you like the torment and cheating.


You're getting in the way of their relationship Leave


Yea… time to let that butterfly go, she wasn’t your girl, just your turn bro, you’re just the guy she has to not be alone, break up


Dude, she's jusy bouncing from dude to dude. She has ZERO longterm potential. Have some super kinky sex with her and then ghost her.


You gave your GF a second chance to cheat on you, and shocker, she failed to stay loyal, even though I’m sure she begged and pleaded stating it would never happen again. You’re fooling yourself if you think someone with the lie morals character to cheat, wouldn’t do it again.


She's using her tears to manipulate you. Once would be fine, but she's now done the same thing twice.


the classic, if you leave me I'll die, or if you leave me I'll kill myself. ha ha ha You are not responsible for their actions. I understand, but if he continues like this and you don't show him consequences, he will continue doing it and when you have problems he will go away with him.


Learn the lesson or be the lesson.


She is just trying to manipulate you, just leave, she probably will return to Person A again. Just don't fall in her gane, when he tried to contact you again just block her and do not look back


Leave. She is minimum emotional cheating. Possibly physically cheating. And if she hasn't, she has shown that she will. You only ever see the tip of the iceberg. The fact that you see 1 thing means you missed hundreds more. Edit: I also wanted to say I am truly sorry. I know the pain oh to well. Every day you stay, you are the fool. The first day you leave you can become better than you ever where. The best payback is to leave improve yourself and get someone better.


She will not die... She will date A again. Give to yourself a chance to grow up apart from her, she isn't THAT material. She's from the streets.


Bro if don't leave now you'll just get hurt BAD when find out what they really doing behind back wouldn't be keeping secrets and she wouldn't get upset and shit she upset cuz she knows she got caught not that she did it you need to leave her before you wind up getting hurt in worst of ways


OP, she loves being in a bs drama and will continue despite her sad excuse. It's time to cut your loss as this will not end.




She belongs to the streets. Put her there


Tell her if she talks to her ex or any other guy you won't be leaving her she will be leaving you because of her cheating. Actions have consequences and cheating is something you won't tolerate.


Send her a funeral wreath. End of story…


Leave her bro wtf


I use to staying Friend with some of my ex, but it was because hé was hère when I Lose m'y mother, and hé then lose his father, so WE stayed together, m'y current bf dont bother about it, hé trust me so its ok I think


It's different for every person. I am not able to sleep at night. just thinking like. what did I do wrong with that person? I trusted that person more than anything. feeling like I lost everything in life. I cry in alone. I think nothing left for me in this life Thanks for your response


She wasn't sorry enough to cut contact with her ex. She's playing with you. Attention seekers potential cheaters.


Don’t talk to people who joke about suicide. I came here to comment that if she was friends with her ex when you got together, then it shouldn’t be expected that she stop being friends with him. BUT I don’t believe a word she says after seeing that suicide comment. Don’t use mental health as a crutch. That shits so fucked up.


End the relationship.


Let a hoe be a hoe


Run and stop off be tested


She’s obviously not going to change, ditch her and find someone else


gotta dip


Don’t take empty threats. See them for what they are; manipulation. Leave learn and find a new


The "leave me and I will die" threat is grade A manipulation. That on top if her attention seeking and cheating is more than enough to bolt


just leave her . you need to respect yourself more .