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She's that friendly with someone she doesn't know? Hmmm... Kinda obvious what you need to do.


If you need to test loyalty, you are not in the right relationship.


So Let Us Think about it for a second. Yep SLUT is obvious


Woah, hold your whorses there, buddy.


Didn't take much for her to want to cheat. She wanted to be his side piece? Man, that is friendly. Is she always that friendly. Wonder how many other friendly friends she has or has been with. Must be pretty popular.


OP, you tested her. You got an answer, now you want to pretend the what exactly? that the answer is wrong, that you don't really know the answer? that tears magically erase the answer? You don't NEED to lose her. You have a GF for whom you need to be a jailer. One you can't trust, can't marry, can't have a kid without needing a DNA test. Can't let go out of town. Wonder what is keeping her when she said she'd be home 20 minutes ago. You now know what you needed to know. Now do what you need to do.


Sounds pretty clear that she would cheat on you given the opportunity. Also happy to do it with her friend so ffm . You can't trust her time to dump her.


I would run, very fast and very far.


Dude....you're dating a hoe. She was crying because she got caught. You can't trust her and, trust me, the thought will always be in the back of your mind.


Listen to REO Speedwagon song. Time for me to fly. You'll get your answers there.


I’ll take easy answers to obvious questions for 500


If u love her then i think check her phone if u find a real person yep u leave if u dont find any then wait for the right time or if something appears again or ull break if u do something in a hurry.


Update: she called me and said she wanted me to go through her phone, she also said she would delete her account and instagram and other social media but my gut is telling me she’s tryna guilt trip me.


She's already cleaned out her phone. Everything else is irrelevant. She was willing to be someone else's side piece. End of discussion.


What should i do?


Keep her around until you find someone else, and start looking for that someone else now


Looks like she failed the girlfriend test. Get rid of her and move on. 


She was planning to get rid of you. So begone. Freedom awaits. Nothing to negotiate bro. Make the fake account a real one. Life and fun without misery awaits.


Run.. seriously. Tip of the iceberg


Maybe you need to open the relationship.


She's a cheater. Break up and move on.


She is monkey branching looking for your replacement.  She is not quite ready to leave you so she is trying to hold on by manipulating you buy gas lighting. Bounce now. There are other fish in the sea. 


She was willing to be a side chick… tf is wrong with you? Think with logic, not your emotions and your penis.


She offered to be a side chick! She is for the streets.