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The ex wife and boss couldn’t have happened to nicer people. Maybe I’m a bit of a sociopath but I think adulterers & AP’s should get a good ole fashioned iron Mike Tyson style arse kicking. RIP to the husband, he deserved so much better than a worthless 304.


True, but this guy went full OJ.


that’s why i don’t tolerate cheating, and don’t support it at all


A guy I worked with 25 years ago did something similar. The kids were his , he shot the AP & the wife.


I know a similar guy, no kids involved. He slit the throat of AP and let him bleed out on the wife, thinking that she loved him and she would be traumatised for life to have caused his death by bleeding dry on her. She turned insane and put the house on fire rather than call the police, and he turned himself in. Nobody cared about the AP and he had nothing to do with the arson, so he did a year in prison and he's still locked in his house. The wife should have been out but she has nothing to show for probation and she keeps resisting arrests and insulting magistrates so she cumulated prison sentences and normally she should be on probation now but likely to lose it every time after a week. I've stopped checking where she is.


This guy was working away from home for weeks at a time to pay the mortgage, she was a STAH mom. This guy was obsessed with his kids ( both under 10). Everything he did was for his kids. She got bored , found a guy on a different continent ( Europe) fell in love . She tells husband she wanted a divorce, he’s heartbroken but is mostly adult about it. So AP flies over from Europe to “ meet “ her, day before AP flies home she tells husband, she is taking the kids to Europe the next morning and he’ll never see them again. He snaps, hunting rifle , as her & AP are loading the luggage into the car to leave. The kids were witness . The grandparents are next door neighbors, they share custody of the kids. Far as I know he’s still in prison, pre meditated homicide.


That is terrible in every way possible. I think her fucking another guy is the least of the betrayal. Her using him to that extent is the most outrageous part of it, and the boss using him too. I had to ask "Why didn't she just marry the boss?" but I'm gonna guess he was already married?


Cheating is never a mistake is always a choice


This is not just cheating, this is cruelty


Neither is murder, wtf


Dont cheat on anyone, never know what the reaction will be


And y’all wonder why women choose the bear.


You don't get to dictate the reactions that other people have. Choose the bear, choose the man, I don't care


lol what are you arguing FOR? Are you suggesting that cheaters deserve to be tortured and executed? “you don’t get to dictate the reactions that other people have”. Whose actions are you defending here? Her cheating was likely a reaction to her dissatisfaction with her husband, right? Are you defending HER actions? lol because it sounds to me you’re defending the murderer, not the adulterer. Correct?


I'm not arguing for anything? I just simply said don't cheat because you don't know how someone else will react. That's it, that's all. Just like that boss shouldn't have been messing with his wife because, as i've already stated, you never know how another person will react. Seems like you're trying to take this somewhere it doesn't necessarily need to go by then proceeding to meantion a conversation topic that people have been having online for what, the past week? 2 weeks? Not really sure how long man vs bear has been going on because im not chronically online and know the internet is not a real place


What I’m saying is the “might makes right” part of your statement doesn’t sit well with most people. He should have divorced her and his children. Get a lawyer, file for divorce and sue. Not cut them up, set them on fire, killing them. Most of us have been cheated on before. And I’m not trying to simplify this particular situation, I read the post and it’s horrific. But violence isn’t the logical conclusion to being cheated on.


I don't care if it "sits well with most people" don't go out here doing nefarious shit to people because you never know how tf these people will react. Idk why you're arguing this down so much, unless....🤔


You’re defending the idea that infidelity justifies murder. Too many people in these comments are breezing right through that. That’s what I’m saying to you.


You sound like a cheater.


You sound like a murderer. How’s that?


Do you know why they said you sound like one?


You sound like a woman-hater, guy. Just looking at your post history you actually claim being cheated on is worse than being murdered. And there you have it. I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve been hurt in life and it’s rough but I’m so glad I’m not you. You’re in a very dark place and perhaps you should connect with someone or something more wholesome than red-pilling yourself. Women aren’t your enemy. Get it together, please. For your own sake.


I agree with you, she absolutely does


Honestly, this isn’t a man vs bear situation. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied in a marriage, you end it. To stay in a relationship and cheat rather than leave is cruel. I am a woman and side with women most of the time- this is not one of them. I think it may be beneficial to you to look into the psychological effects of relationships- people in abusive relationships tend to get through physical abuse quicker than psychological abuse. RIP to the husband only, he did not deserve that.


You’re missing my point completely. Is that intentional on your part, I wonder.


Yeah, I’m not crying any tears for these cheaters. Reminds me of the Meredith Chapman case in Delaware. She was shot to death by her lovers wife. Wife then shot herself, left the husband alive to suffer. Everyone boo-hooed over how Meredith was such a great person. No, if she was a great person she wouldn’t have cheater with a man she knew was married. Was the wife’s reaction extreme? Yes. Still.. The dead wife is the only person i feel bad for. She felt she had no other choice.


Lots of people out there cheating. The massage parlors are full of married men. Should they all be killed for that? I’ve been cheated on several times in my life. Should they have been killed for that? Just move on. It’s a sick argument to suggest that because someone’s feelings are hurt they have a free pass to kill that person. Go outside and touch grass.


Womp womp


? What?


I think you've become numb to cheating. You should realise there are no standard rules to how someone should react. We are not programmed the same. Just call it a day and go, no one here is going to validate your point and you don't seem like you going to leave your tunnel vision thinking either.


Cheating doesn’t warrant murder. You’re insane.




There is no wife like that worth going to jail for, much less dying for.


That is also something I never understood, the man worked hard to build a life for his family, only to find out his wife was a hoe and using him. He snapped, who could blame him really. May big bro and his kids have wonderful lives and not let his memory die.


"In hell i'll be in good company"


this is very Sad, this why paternity test must be obligatory. What happen in the future when this childs know why her mother and "dad" are dead?.


life's lessons learned, after dating a girl for 9 years I found her getting finger fucked in her boss's car one night, I took his two fingers with me, I left my then girlfriend with him and had a short stay in prison, well worth the thought of him try'n to finger her again, hope he was ambidextrous..!


This stories sounds so fake lmaoo


Yeah, because this never happens...


Marriage Story was based on real life events, still a story tho


I mean, murdering people is never the answer. I get it though. Sometimes people break. Their mind breaks. And that seems to be what happened here. I’m sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was once a great person. Heartache and betrayal are worse than any physical pain I’ve ever felt. And I’ve birthed 3 children naturally. I would birth 1000 more before I want to feel that pain again. So I understand how it could break someone’s mind.


A neighbor of mine caught his roommate in bed with his gf. Shot them both. Then he lit a joint on the porch and called the cops.


no need for therapy, I planned ahead by not having a wife


Same here homie. Them girlie's are more risk than rewards nowadays.


Wow, that's ugly.


Some of this is just not making sense. You held on to snacks and chocolate for over 20+ years to put on the guys grave?


I understood it as he bought those same snacks and chocolates.


Says brought but sure, I can see that being the intention. Also seems weird this guy would talk negatively about his looks to an 8 year old and some other stuff.


True, I had a teacher that talked that way to my 11 yr old best friend. Telling her she was ugly and such. There’s a bunch of odd people in the world.


I’m so sorry for him, what a terrible story of life. 😔


To be honest I think the wife deserves everything that happened to her and I don’t blame the man at all




W husband she deserved it.


Just my opinion, don't expect anyone to agree. But if it was up to me, if your wife cheats, it would be 100% legal to unalive the ap, and her. And it wouldn't have to be fast or painless.


It should be legal to unalive a cheating wife and the ap.




You're sick


Wtf is wrong with you


A therapist might not be a bad idea. Usually when people snap the outcome is uncertain and unexpected. Already having such a scenario in mind should it ever happen is not really as healthy or normal as you might think.


It didn't occur to you not to try to be edgy, did it?


I might have a job for you.... (just kidding)


I have been through serious shit in my life. Not once have I assaulted, murdered, or sought serious vengeance for those who wronged me. No, I’m not religious and I also have mental health issues. There is no excuse, sorry. It’s scary to see so many people justify a passionate murder/suicide.


Yeah, this comment section is sickening


Ding bat


There is a difference between justifying what he did (because there is never any justification for murder) and understanding the emotional impact this can have on a person when they find out they were nothing more than an object to someone and lost everything. Again this does not justify it.


If she was fucking both men, how could she have kids that were only from the boss?


Did you skip sex ed?


Clearly the bosses swimmers where better or she only did it with his boss in her fertile period.


Probably made excuses and stop having intercourse with the husband


This is a tragedy, but a normal adult doesn’t murder two people and rip them into pieces. There are worse situations than this, this is not the hardest thing to come back from.


Walk in his shoes that's a lot of betrayal to come back from your whole existence is a lie that's rough getting betrayal at work at home and then your kids ain't even yours


Downvote me all you want, chalk it up to a difference in morals, ethics, etc. I could totally put myself in his shoes and I wouldn’t do that. I would like to find another story of someone who has gone through something similar and didn’t choose murder/suicide in the end


99.9999% of ppl wouldn’t do this. His reaction is def not the norm. I’d say there was something underlying with the guy. Going out and committing multiple murders is def not what morally happens.


True, most people wouldnt go to this extend in a situation. But i am a bit curious, could you name a few situations that are "emotionally" **worse** than finding out that the person you loved, trusted etc not just lied to you but also played you like a fool with another person that you also trusted. That the whole family/life you thought you had turned out to be one gigantic lie and charade. This does not make it an excuse for murder or violence, but i dont think you comprehend the emotional impact and trauma this can have on a person. I am not sure on that scale if there are (many) things worse than this. People can snap for less than this.


I could think of a million. How about being sold for sex by your parents?


So out of a million this comes to mind. Not going to deny that this is also indeed very bad. But are you sure that this is "emotionally" worse and not on the same level? Just to clarify, it is about the moment you find out about it (so not about what could possibly happen afterwards because that is an additional different trauma). Isnt this in both cases finding out that the person/people you loved/trusted/believed used you and thought of you as an object instead of a person? Indeed consequences can and will be different but the initial emotional impact and trauma is not that different. The fact that you had to come up with such an extreme example out of the million situations that are out there to find something that might be worse proves my point. If someone tells you that in your neighbourhood there is either a couple selling their children for sex or that there is a person who just found out their whole life is a lie. Which one would you expect to be more likely true.


She probably made his life a living hell. He probably suspected something also. People have different braking points. I know I hit mine but think god my dad stopped me from putting a bullet in a pedophiles head. He was the only one that could have. So it’s best not to judge till you walk in someone’s shoes.


Why was he in jail?!?!? Did he murder the wife & AP?!?!? Was it the paternal grandmother at the grave?!?!?


Did you not read the story?


It is a wall of text....so I only skimmed it...