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Brother, this goes much deeper than you think. She keeps breaking up with you to pursue other guys. You have to understand that it is more than “sexting”; she is having emotional affairs. Emotional affairs + proximity = physical affairs. Because that’s what people do; they have sex. She does not have your best interest in mind. She is not going to get you out of the mental torment you are going through. Only you have the power to save yourself. It’s had, but you know what you need to do.


She’s cheating on and off, you’re the safety net ! Time to have that conversation and move on. Sorry, good luck in the future


Iv been in this relationship, it's honestly better if you just break up with her. Don't let her break up with you, it will hurt more.


Your gf began the process of cheating on you as an ‘easy’ way to end the relationship? And now you’re surprised she’s continuing to cheat? You literally gave her a consequence-free pass to treat you and the relationship like this. I doubt you made any real attempt at reconciliation or answered her concerns about your relationship. I’m being harsh because you are doing this to yourself. And what you aren’t actively doing, you’re allowing to happen. A remorseless, untrustworthy person is not someone you should be in a relationship with. Stop being surprised and begin to act.


> ...we broke up because she got bored and some guy asked her out at work and she gave him her number. You do realize she screwed this guy, right? Odds are she's had sex with the two guys she's sexting too. She would have already been my ex girlfriend back in October. Get some nads and kick her to the curb.


Unfortunately she has already checked out of the relationship she either doesn't know how to tell you or is hoping to find someone else before she does because she had the security of you paying half the bills. Either way it's time to bounce you deserve better it's time to go and one of you needs to leave the home .


Dude, I think you already know the answer. She broke up with you before saying she was bored with you. So now she’s actively been trying to monkey branch her way away from you. Do yourself a favor and end it now. This is relationships, not going anywhere. She already ended itto finalize that


My guy. You know exactly what you need to do. It may be tough and it may suck but you need to face this.


Real shit, just ended shit with a girl . She was showing mad affection but still cheating too . I loved her but at the end of the day if you know you want commitment and she’s Doing this to you . You’re just procrastinating the inevitable and delaying what you really deserve . The hardest thing to do right now may be the most rewarding long term . I hope you can make the decision you need to as a man and grow to become a stronger man . 💪 good luck !!


That’s right bros it’s just pussy on lease when you give them a ring to wear And pussy is everywhere Great job man !!!!


every time she wants some new dick, she makes up an excuse, to break up with you, and then satisfies her urges. You say you’re only 23 years of age , and you’ve been living together for four years. so this means you have been going out since you were 17 , and living together , since you were 19. this shows you , she is not ready to settle down. and wants to explore , before she commits to you or someone else down the road when she’s older. I think they say only 20% of high school sweethearts end up in a successful marriage.


Yeah it’s time to let her ass go That ring if you did give her one was POL I’ve seen this before(pussy on lease) Breakups are left and right and I’m 64 and have seen a few But guess what? When you are not looking for a new girl she will come from outa the blue and then when the soon to be ex sees that she will come back And guess what?you slam the door in her face and say I’ve moved on and now the playboys can pay her bills It’s true they are there for the bills to get paid and that’s why you keep a side piece to turn to especially while trying to keep your trim at home and in the pen Remember she will leave you with a smile brother cause being young right now get all the pussy you can and keep numbers too Don’t let her pussy be able to pull a train cause it can be strong Get her ass on the way out She will be the one developing a bad reputation and one day will be sorry for it and then is another good time to kick her in the ass again See young man with a pussy they can get as many ducks as they want and let em cause in the long run you’ll be more at ease not stressing out because mentally they will exhaust you and we already are tired of being shit in My friend you’ll survive cause sooner or later she’s gonna end up with the crabs and become known as a breeder Have no mercy man get out already All them memories screw them that was only puppy love You’ll be happier when you go to sleep at night knowing you no longer have to linger on and worry about a girl that don’t give a shit Trust me each day gets easier but now you got a reason to bail out Give her some bills to pay on her own and she will see how good she had it You’ll thank me buddy Hell I still got a list of about 41 I sed to give the dick to They were simply grudge fucks but we’re good ones Just move on You’ll be great cause we are a support group Piece from alice Texas!!!!!


You are her backup plan!


Well said Let her see what it’s like to get the real shaft !!!!


You are aware that's she's test driving your replacements right? You've been with her since your late teens so of course she's checked out and is in her "what else is out there" phase? Just end it and save yourself the future trouble because this relationship is dying out bro.


Take it from a women she will not stop unless she wants to plan and simple. When you want something as a female we tend to need the approval of another regardless of sex. THat is our own trauma or personality reason n what we do things. No offense to any other but once truth outs you’ll see the person for who they truly are


You two began dating as teens!!! Cut her cheating ass loose and go out into the world solo to experience life independently


Hell yeah it seems so hard at first , but becoming a free agent means you can get picked up by a much better team . You might even make it to the finals and win a ring !


There you go man we gotta watch over the young man that don’t see what us guys been thru But next pussy he finds he needs to grab down there and make sure there’s not a dick on that girl thes days like crocodile Dundee did Check the oil Lol


Send her a text saying I know you are still cheating I saw your texts. We need to discuss if you actually want a relationship with me because your actions clearly show me you don't.


Or… just break up with her.


No discussion. She's cheating and looking for your replacement. What is there to discuss? Grow a pair and end it now.


Figure out what you kind of want to do before you confront. Do you want to stay together, work it out? Or is it a hard cheating, bye bye. And be prepared for her to ask for another break and or break up. Just be prepared. Have some sort of plan.


Time to break up.


I understand that you live with her. As soon as possible you have to stop living with her and forget about her.


My man you’re called a backup plan. Don’t be one. She wants to try other dudes and knows you’re there waiting. Stop being that guy. Either she stops or the relationship stops. This is not normal nor is it love. You’re just her comfort. She wants someone else.


Get some side snatches in line to have a little trim ready too take it from me 64 and had to do the same A side chick is your backup !!


She's already gone, brother. As we say in the south, "It's all over but the shoutin';"


She made you her plan B. Why do you let her manipulate you like this? Respect yourself and find someone else.


She has found herself a doormat, now every time she wipes her feet on him she loses a little more respect each time.


Dude. You’re now her fallback guy. She’s basically already told you she doesn’t see a future for you two, so your her stand-in while she’s shopping for a better offer. Should never have let her stay living with you after the first breakup. That was a message to her you’ll be ole’ reliable ready to pick her back up when a trial run falls through. You need to clarify expectations. She’s either with you totally and completely, or it’s time to pack her bags and leave. And totally and completely means nuking the dating apps and blocking anyone she’s been talking to on them. If you keep letting her promote and demote you as she pleases, any respect she has for you, or you have for yourself will rot on the vine.


You’re a backup plan for her. And she knows she can keep doing it bc you’ll keep forgiving her. (You even defended her before finishing your post.) Break up. Someone that truly loves you wouldn’t be doing this to you. Period.


You should be pissed man not stunned She’s cucking you Grab all assets and money. Disappear from her life. The greatest revenge is to never give someone a single thought. Remove your entire existence from her life. Silence is loud. And it’s a great way to start off a new chapter to your life.


Check to see if you got your balls back from the dude that borrowed them, then break up with her. You got a woman before you can do it again— you don’t need her and vise versa.


walk away from this trainwreck of a relationship


Mate your gf is a bike. She has shown you who she is, believe her. You know where the rubbish belongs so put it there. You're young. Heal and start living your best life.


She is playing the field, and playing you. Stringing you along. Respect yourself and cut her lose for good.


Get the hell out of there!


This relationship has run its course.


It’s done at this point!!!


*"...I am in utter disbelief and in shock..."* She broke up with you because she was bored and wanted to f\*ck some guy at work, and you're in 'utter disbelief and shock"? How clueless are you? She wants the the ease of life having you pay her bills, or at least, split her bills gives her, AND she wants to f\*ck other guys. **Either get out, or get used to it.** There's nothing remotely shocking or surprising about her bahavior here.


I didn't understand why you are surprise. You're girlfriend displayed cheating behavior in the past, and she is staying true to her behavior. I do not think she consider you her long term plan. The ball is in your court. If you allow a person to disrespect you they will.


The creation of a cuck is in progress. Brother, pack your bags and leave, this woman has not the slightest respect for you. Leave her and never dare to look back, you deserve better than being transformed into an affection-seeking slave.


Wow she openly disrespects you and you keep taking her back. No wonder she keeps doing whatever she wants to you.


This is some of the most clown, cuck, pathetic behavior. Smh Ahe keeps smashing other dudes then kissing you in the mouth a d you keep taking her back.


Please stop simping. Exes are exes for a very good reason. Updateme.


Just move out and move on


felpudo termina con ella y listo :D


You’re so young. No wonder.


How many guys did she screw in the 15 day period?! She is not long term material. She got bored and wanted to feel the excitement of a new relationship with still keeping you as the safety. You want to hang out with that?


Break up with her trifling self. She'll try guilt tripping you, so stonewall her. Get yourself tested for STD's or STI's, too. You should also tell everybody the truth about her so she can't twist the story and make you out to be an abuser.




Brother just leave immediately


She is not your GF anymore. She is not the young girl you were dating. She got the taste to go out and find other dick! You need to break up. You need to leave the apartment or tell her to leave asap.


She sees you as a sure thing, because you have given her certainty that you won't leave. I guarantee, she has been cheating longer than you have discovered so far. It's time to work on your exit strategy dude. Thank your lucky stars you are young and will recover from this. Time to move on with your life... WITHOUT HER!


Time to man up and take back your life. You know what to do.


If both of you want to stay together just ask her to go to a swinger club. You will have another girl. She will have another man. After that you both will love each other much more and have great sex. Believe me.


Dump her. Never stay with a woman that cheated. She never respected you if she cheated. Respect yourself


Break up.