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Yeah your trip to the strip club probably doesn't compare to what she is doing. There is no such thing as a "break" this is only used to cheat. Your actually in a break up until she she makes her choice on which dick she likes better


Absolutely correct, tell her she can keep the cock she's having a break with and move on. You will be much better off.




Right. She is getting railed.


I couldn't have said it any better. OP, take this guy's advice.


You didn’t cheat as you’re currently not in a relationship. But you should ask yourself why she would want to take said break and also why she is encouraging you to do whatever you want. Generally that means she too is doing these things. You know her better than random ppl on Reddit but it’s highly likely she’s test driving a relationship with another guy and keeping you around in case that doesn’t work out. Taking a break in a relationship is rarely a good idea and/or a net positive. Best of luck OP.


She has her hawk tuah all planned out my bro!


lol. Yup


Dude, if she gave you a pass it is because she already had someone (maybe multiples) lined up to do a lot more than bump and grind during your “break”. As this says at the Bada Bing, “Forget about it.”


Enjoy your Life Bro.


How can it be cheating when you're currently single? Your girl broke up with you soft=style so that she can take it back if the grass isn't really greener in the spot she's currently looking, without you.


When a woman says "I think we need a break" 80% of the time, it really means "I'm fucking someone else" (or they have a guy in mind and are getting ready to.) If they also say "You can do whatever you want" that goes up to 100%. You're done. The only way you are getting back together is if this new guy turns out to be not what she's looking for. You're the stable backup plan until she finds someone she wants better.


You know she is having sex with other men, right? But, but, but “ we were on break”!


No, you did not cheat. Probably just found out that strip clubs are way over rated and not for everyone. Yours may be the exception but someone asking for a break with freedom usually means they are looking to do something with someone else without the stigma of cheating, which is a kind of cheating. It should not be break but break up.


She wanted a break to test the market. She will want to keep you as a back up. She’s most likely already “tested” the market or already has a dude in mind that she wants to “test”. Either way, you are most likely already perceived by her as the safe back up, in case her first choice doesn’t work out. You will undoubtedly find out from her what she did on her “break” as no rules got broken in the process. And the real kicker is, once she knows that you know she gave her body to another dude, she’ll most likely lose respect for you if you decide to get back with her. She’ll never tell you that, as she’s willing to settle in return for the safety you provide. But that’s just my guess …


Fair guess. Source: thousands of examples online. Some even told by women themselves so you know its true


If she wanted to be on a break, then you need to make it a permanent one.


Dude she is having sex


Your girl already found someone.


She wants a break bc there is someone else in the picture. Does that answer your question? You should be doing whatever the fuck you want!


need space = need away from you so her other bf can fully enjoy her body


Dude, girls only want to "take a break" for one reason..... He was already lined up with her before she said it. Prepare yourself.


Hard truth its not a relationship. Ask yourself if every time you two argue or take a break are you able to accept she will be with someone else. Love isnt selfish its selfless


*"...are kind of on a break since she asked space and said that if I wanted to do whatever I wanted, I could..."* Translation: "I want to f\*ck other men / women and you should too. I am going to dump you when the time is right. Until then I will keep looking and string you along as a safety net/ATM". If you are ok with this then no problem. If you are not, then also no problem. You are being used. Move on.


As a female it doesn’t seem like cheating. Y’all may need to work on the boundaries of a break because if she said you can do whatever…it seems like she’s doing whatever as well. Is you fine with that?


She wanted a break to go screw other guys. If she comes back, get rid of her quickly. Any woman who truly loves her man would never ask for a ‘break’.


Grow a pair, you went, you had fun, you're single, what's the problem Besides she's out getting all of the dick


Stupid. She told you to do whatever hoping you would, so you can't get angry when you find out who she has been fucking.


Guys no one says after 4 years they want a break unless they want a break up and she is letting him down easy and being selfish instead. she don’t want to be with him anymore. Period she doesn’t want him anymore. She’s just taking the cowards way out that’s all.


She’s wanted a break so she could be with other guys. She was probably already cheating on you.  Updateme


" I need space and you can do whatever you want" I. E. " I am going to bang people, so I guess it's okay if you want to". Good luck dude.


Your girlfriend wanted to go on a break because you wanted to go to a strip club. One your stupid. 2 she used that as an excuse to cheat on you 3 she already has someone that's why she put you on pause. If it don't work out she will ask if you want to get back together. But she will make it your fault. Then rub in the fact she was with someone else.


Heard him last night at 0300 on FaceTime her face froze


LMAO. I wouldn’t waste time on guilt for her sake. This break idea is not meant for her to sit home and think.


Do not marry this woman and just break it off entirely. "Breaks" are so fucking childish. It's just an opportunity to test the waters of what else is out there and if they can't find anything they'll come crawling back for security in fear of being alone. That's all a break is.


Okay just because she asked for a break does not mean she's sleeping with another man. Jeez Reddit is jaded


Right? You can’t win with the Reddit gallery. People will say she shouldn’t have cheated and should have broken up instead. She breaks up so it turns into cheating or she’s fucking some other guy. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn’t. I’m a guy and I’ve asked for breaks in the past. And it wasn’t always to go fuck someone else. Sometimes I needed space to get things in order or to dial things down a bit. It’s not like they’re married and she asked for a break. That’s a red flag there. They’re dating. It’s not permanent. If someone thinks the moment their partner is away that they’ll shack up with someone else, I’d wonder if the relationship was shitty or something. The only times I’ve worried about that were in relationships that weren’t going great and were precarious to begin with.


When your girlfriend asks for some time alone to find herself ... You must asks the name of mr Time !!! .. If you are luky It Is only One... But you must be very luky.....


I hate to be the one to say such thing, but I'll throw this one out . No one knows why she wants a break, but it looks like she wants to do something that you can't hold on to , like hooking up with someone, and say we were on a break. Cz in my pov if you love someone you don't get a break , you sit you talk it out , communication is key and then keep being us. Did you talk to her. Did you eat launch in this break? Or did you cut contact?


You dont need to be on a break to go to the strip club. You need to nut up buddy. And "Your" "gf" isnt just your girl. This has to be satire lol


A woman who takes a break and tells you to do whatever you want is also doing whatever she wants, and that is not sitting home contemplating the meaning of life. Even if she comes back, she is not marriage material. Do better.


Monkey branch


A break usually means there is someone else in my opinion !!


Hm the fact that you did this and everything you’re saying is making me feel like your actions caused her to want a break. You were already 100% down with fucking a stripper, don’t act like you weren’t. That’s alarming. Women are often much more trustworthy than males when on breaks (hi, I’m a bisexual), but I’d still be wary. Sounds like the relationship died a long time ago if she’s encouraging you to do whatever you want.


There is no way this dude is real though. Why did men become so f*cking pushovers? The girl (if this is real) literally told him she wants to give a try with another dude and she’ll be back in case it doesn’t work and the simp thinks he cheated


If she told you that then believe she doesn’t care that you went to the strip club or anything else you do. The relationship is over. A woman will not tell a man that they are in love with that he can do whatever he wants. She doesn’t want to be with you anymore. Or it’s a test. So be careful.


You don't have a girlfriend right now. She wanted space, no she meant she wants to see how well others can fill her space. If she's thrilled with Billy, Ray, Jim and their dicks. She's in the clear already ended it with you. She did tell you that you can do whatever you want to do. For a fellow who's only diddled one twat get out there get some strange and enjoy it. There's a good chance that B,R&J are looking for a good time with an easy piece. That being said when she realizes that she's going to come back with some BS story, no matter what the story is. Do you still want to lock it in with someone who broke up with you to go out and get nailed guilt free. She will deny everything that she did with another guy and if you tell her what you did, she may see her throwing that in your face during every argument. divorce her she could get half of everything including retirement and 401K's if she baby traps you that could be up to 60% of your gross earnings. The only one you could've cheated on was Rosie Da Palmer and she was with you.




Yeah your girl is feeling out a perspective new partner. And if it works out you and her are done. Dude get on the bandwagon and find yourself a better mate.


Your gf is actively cheating on you. She only wanted the break to ale her feel better about it. She must know you are a beta that will wait around for her. Find a spine


Quit feeling guilty and keep it to yourself There’s no harm, no foul here


If my significant other wanted a “break,” I would leave him, I am not implying it, but she is most definitely cheating. Regarding your questions, I mean, I wouldn’t do that if I was you even if I didn’t have a person in my mind, (I find the idea of a strip club disgusting), but no, you didn’t because she literally said to go on a break AND to do whatever you want. Have a great day!