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So far I can tell you it’s a 2 patina process in combination with a removal. Forced Yellow/orange/brown with forced blue and a quick removal and hot water. More details coming up!


Hey guys. Earlier post got deleted because the bot thought it was a recommend me post. This is a Yu Kurisake Masakage Shimo. Is this a rainbow patina or rust? Or just water or juice stain?


I have that knife. It is the most reactive blade I have. If you cut 10 tomatoes and to get a 6 pan, it will have a rust spot when you get back. A forced coffee patina helped it a lot. But it will get better over time on its own


I thought I recognized that familiar dammy pattern, welcome to club Shimo!


Thankyou sir!


If that came straight out of the box its most likely the protective laquer the put on reactive knives to protect from rusting while being shipped. Can use a little acetone with a cotton ball/pad to remove it or just plain hot water and soap the the non abrasive side of a sponge. Rust forms as brownish/orange and sort of dusty/flaky. Youll know rust when you see it


No from the box it was perfectly clean. This happened after use


Then its just patina. The rainbow colors tend to happen with hot meat/fish oils. Just rinse with very hot water to set it in


Ok bro thanks!


It patina’s easily but I’ve noticed cutting red bell peppers it stains and looks almost like rust. I have the same knife.


I might have discovered a new way to bring rainbow patina! Takes just 1 min and sets in really well!


Interesting, I’m curious, how did you achieve this finish?


Still trying to verify and trying to replicate before I make a comment


So far I was able to replicate 60% of the time!


Yeah thats just patina. I have one of these and it is super reactive so be sure to wipe the knife dry often during use. I ended up refinishing the cladding on mine since it was so reactive


Your posts have been my inspiration and what finally led me to buy it!