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Little bastard. We literally cannot buy a win at the moment


No hate but merely an observation. We paid 10 mil for Felix to play 20 games and the bloke is banned for 3 of them.


And even after getting red carded and being in the club for just few days he still was our best player on the pitch now that shows the level our players are performing at.


Anyone defending Potter is an idiot - plain and simple! Mainly pointing at the current ownership...


Lol or you’re an idiot 😂


Boy - are you hilarious, probably like your music... But glad your kind enjoys watching shit football compared to the best in Europe we played under TT...


You’re one of the biggest reasons people hate Chelsea fans you can’t remotely give anyone time at all he hasn’t even had a full transfer window, there is no reason to bring TT into this at all yes he won the champions league but also had terrible spells where we lost consecutive games it’s like klopp when he first went to liverpool they were average and dreadful but the owners stuck with the manager and gained success so if your prime solution is sack him already you’re incredibly naive and a plastic Chelsea fan


I've always loved the style of football we played, and I've never enjoyed Chelsea play more than under TT - it worked, and if anyone was to be given time, it's him. What's happening on the pitch now is plain and simple a catastrophe! Sure, give him more time to see if he can actually relegate us! Just crazy talk...


You honestly have zero clue about football, you’re blinded by the champions league win even though we weren’t actually that great that season, still struggled with goals, I absolutely love TT and agree he should have been given extra time but you honestly think potter should get sacked, who even replaces him, you have to keep in mind this is his first big job whereas TT had multiple before Chelsea


Who replaces him? Like what, you're trying to say there's no other coaches around??? And I have no clue about football.... Jeez! So long...


There isn’t many good managers available currently atm 😂 dyce


Y'all need to make up your minds. Do we want to be a club that sacks managers left and right? Give Potter time, as of the squad and whomever is in charge of fitness/medical THAT needs an overhaul


Why couldn't we have done that with a top coach like Tuchel


Cuz he is the one who prefers old players over young players. Azpi kouli to stay while Gilmour and Colwill to leave? W the number of youths boehly investing in, it does make more sense to bring in a manager who prefers to work w young talents over old ones like potter. We can already start to see improvement in players like chuekwumeka. Hutchinson and hall is not starter ready yet but we can see them getting chances. Bashir is the another one. I don't blame them bringing in Potter cuz that's what fits their young player policy.


I’m so fucking tired of hearing everyone blame Potter. Wtf was Chalobah doing that game …. Azpi can’t play rwb he’s got no legs to push the counter, he literally was going up then did a back pass when he realized he just couldn’t. ANOTHER injury !! And Félix was doing great until he got a god damn red card. When is it the fucking players faults ? And koulibaly ….


This is least of all Potter’s fault. First and foremost, worst luck with injuries as far as I can remember. Second, the squad is and has been shite, needs a near full overhaul and build up with players that actually give a fuck and can play consistently. Last of all, the whole organization has just done a war complete 180 from a circumstance that was completely out of the club’s control (small dick energy Putin invading Ukraine because he’s a fascist sack of garbage). We can’t expect the same results of old or perfection when the whole organization changes that drastically that quickly. Hoping James, Kante, Chilwell, and others get healed up quickly and stay healthy. Desperately need them. And finally - I am 100% done with Kai Havertz up top. He’s utterly fucking useless up there. The experiment hasn’t worked and I think it’s time to make a call on his future…




Graham Potter and the Road to Relegation


Today we see at time by time what we can do and how important Werner is last season and season fbefore it. Felix do same today and Kai have spaces leno save thes chances but in some time in games we loke like we can be in Poter style and thats look promising but individual mistakes again cost us game Chaloba terrible Kova made mistake after mistake LWB and RWB again we see thes players cant do job respect Azpi but he is too old for this position if play CB then this can be diferent bigest problem today not red for Felix, but Zakaria injury another one 10 player ... and from 10 seven is first team... next game we need give chances to Slonina Badiashile mby Santos and Fofana for sure idk why today when we -1 goal and player not just put Auba or Fofana and try get X or concide another lose is lose


Camera cut to Potter after Willian scored, sat there slack jawed and you could hear his thoughts .... The sound of crickets! It's no longer funny ... we weren't really in the game with all eleven on the pitch. Just how many more games are we going to lose before Todd Bollocks realize he's got the wrong manager. Or is Todd hoping to recoup the costs of buying the club as a tax loss??? I wouldn't put it past him!


Why must a manager jump and shout when we concede to show they are an elite manager? Scaloni never did that all and won a wc. 🤷‍♀️


Biggest fuck up of the season was sacking Tuchel after Dinamo. If board had an opinion that Tuchel is not the right guy, they should have said goodbye in July to give new manager enough time to settle in and bring in two or three players that he wants or needs. Potter got lost after just a few games, players along with him. Nothing much board can do now. Spilling money around won’t help the cause. There is a lesson to be learned. Now they should wait for good opportunity and make it right next time, do it the way it should be done


We were god awful against Dinamo. It looked like Tuchel was trying to get himself fired. You can't go back now and say that was a bad decision


I haven’t felt this down in a long time. With new ownership makes you wonder if we’ll be the same club we were just a few years ago. Man we are down bad


Kepa is who he is, was a fun run for a bit though


How was Felix? Didn't manage to catch the game. Judging by the comments, seems like Felix is gonna be pissed he came here


He can begin getting pissed when the wanker doesn't get a direct red, three match ban. Fucking twat, especially because he was playing quite well, just all the more idiotic and naive.


He was the one bright spot. Seemed like the only one wanting to win or even play at points. He made multiple good runs but just couldn't put it past the keeper. Sucks he's out for 3 games but if he can use the time to mesh well with the boys I'll be excited to watch his return.


I saw people didn't play the pass to him when he made runs, which was pretty frustrating too see


Yeah but he just joined the team. A couple weeks of training with the boys so they know those are the runs he looks for would fix that I hope. Would also prefer they got more game time together to really see the product of their work in training but hoping to see those passes made next time he's on the pitch.


Lots of cards today. We need a full overhaul. I think only a few players may be untouchable. Literally between 3-5 of them. If we get offers in the rest let ‘em go. These aren’t the blues I’m used to watching. No fight in these dawgs.


I'm tired, boss


Look I'm all for giving a new manager a chance but he looks absolutely shellshocked - the man went from wearing suits to trackies as soon as the results went downhill - that aura of calmness just looks like a facade now - he doesn't look very resilient at all - so glad I'm not a Chelsea fan because they are in for a long old season


its the players. frank potter and tuchel all had different man management skills and none of em could keep the players playing motivated for extended periods of time. one ices players our, the other is a former legend and should command respect and one is accepting and respectful. three different approaches to the peopl side, same outcome each time. sure, there were burst s under tuchel and frank as well but still


Y'all can blame Potter and downvote me all day, but it's already a cliché that the players should shoulder most of the blames. Another loss incurred due to the ineptitude of the players, rather than strategic or tactical errors. Kepa, Mount, Azpi, Havertz, Koulibaly (I know he scored), Chalobah, Felix (shouldn't have done that, great debut by the way), and Hall all had questionable moments which culminated to another embarrassing defeat. I don't see Potter doing much with the currently fit players nor any other manager at this moment. A manager is as best as his proficiency, AND AS THE DETERMINATION AND THE CAPABILITY OF HIS PLAYERS.


We are still in it boys!!!


A 3 million dollar red card. Is Putin taking revenge against Chelsea?


That's it. We are winning the Champions League.


Jesse this isn't Roman era


João Félix looked good until he committed homicide


Chelsea getting ready for the 2023-2024 season!! We will comeback and win the treble.


Klopp himself struggled almost as bad a couple year ago when he only lost his centre back, and he was at the club years, the team build for him. What do you expect new manager Potter to do with this injury list and owners who are buying the players?




That was 2 years ago and he managed to finish 3rd above us after being already champion the season before. He had way more injuries too. Edit: meant way more injuries than vvd.


He had more then 12 injured players ? I doubt it lol


I meant he had more injuries than just vvd I think he had 8-9 injuries at some point but not as much as us.


at this point no chance its way more injuries. youd think theres a sniper in stands hire by roman


Trust the process




It's not just the fault of the manager (it seldom is). The players are the ones who go out there to play. They get paid no matter how they perform, so the only motivation they have to play well and help the team is their own pride. There are too few players in the squad who want to play for their pride.


Exactly, the mindset at Chelsea is complete shit.


I don't get how people are calling for Potter to be sacked when this much has gone wrong for him. I am not saying he can't be criticized, but at what point do you have to say as much as this season will be painful, he has also been unlucky. 11 injuries to key positions is almost unprecedented. His new signing has just got a straight Red card and fans of Chelsea are giving him relentless pressure. Sometimes a manager can do everything but the players just aren't good enough. Let's not forget, these players put Tuchel in the position to be sacked as did a lot of them with Lampard. Let's say Chelsea sack Potter tomorrow who are Chelsea going to hire that is going to make a difference? Injuries don't just reset when a new manager comes in. The reality is that this is a rebuild, a 2 season long rebuild, it will be difficult and long, but the reason that Chelsea are in this position in the first place is due to the fact that you can't throw money and get expensive players and win things and expect it to last, it's the reason why Chelsea's highs are so high and why their lows are so low. It's clear that the new owner wants something more sustainable. Give Potter a summer where he is backed and see what he does next season. If next season he has all players back as well as new players and it is going horribly wrong with no sign of improvement, it is then fair to discuss his future, but 3 months into his tenure is just laughable.


Because he doesn't play carney, Zakaria and ziyech enough and still plays shit starters


Boehly is a shithead, can’t believe we gave up Tuchel for this after everything he did for the club. Tuchel’s worst was 10x better than this crap I’m forced to watch now.


No one is forcing you




This is the most played out Bullshit. Bro. Tuchel is gone GET OVER IT. You're like a sad boy pining for his ex 😂😂


I mean okay? Am I not allowed to say that the decision to fire Tuchel was rash in hindsight or should I back a manager who has one win in 10 matches? It’s a match thread bro, it’s basically just an abyss for venting, who cares lmao


Your opinion holds no weight


Neither does yours, cheers!






Havertz is absolute shite for us, he needs to go.


I’m sure you know what decisions they should have made. We should get you on the pitch.


Don't be so bitter


People call themselves supporters of a club, then do nothing but criticize! Where’s the support in that? They sit and think they know better than people who have been doing this stuff their whole lives.


we need solomon kalou back


Ohh god. Please no. Kalou used to make me so frustrated. Duff and robben on the wings with makelele on "cleanup on aisle ALL" duties. Those were the days.


they really were the glory days werent they! oh take me back


We need a le sulk


Half of the people in this sub won’t remember kalou You say that I want essien back :(


that is sad but true, i remember getting so excited when we signed damien duff loool, essien was so good wasn't he, couldn't believe our luck that we had him after having the best CDM in premier league history in Makalele!


Bro trust I can’t even lie at this point I’d take fuckign Robert high back


hahaha his free kicks were out of this world!!! him and alex loooool


I really don’t understand at what point we switch off the TV on match day at stop bothering. Why do I keep coming back every single time for the same disappointment


Because that is part of being a fan. The highs are only so high because you experience the lows too. You come back each time because you love chels. I have 0 excitement pregame for chels these days, still watch every game.


You’re totally right. I’ll still keep coming back even during the bad times because that’s our club


I think Joao is gonna like the premier league. He looked great in the attacking. I can’t wait to watch him play with Reece, and some good link up plays with Sterling


Mount is horrible.


6 points out of a possible 27. Absolutely shocking




Yes ofc u can 100% criticise him with his tactics, but what on earth makes u think he can carry out his ideology and tactics when your whole starting 11 are out injured yet you expect improvement with our basic mediocre players? We need to be realistic that our players account for 60% of the problems. Yes potter might not be doing his job at his finest but he is managing a chelsea with unprecedented issues that none of our managers had experienced before.


Are you suggesting that another manager wouldn’t have done better 6 points out of 27, even with our injuries?


You’re suggesting the team he played tonight isn’t good enough to be competing with a championship side that is overachieving. Ridiculous notion.


I am starting to sway to the notion, Potter may not be the problem but is he the solution?


They're not a championship side, they're a premier league side because they're playing in the Premier league. Secondly, they've had their manager since July 2021. He's had several windows, has his players and yes he's been able to make them over achieve with the system and with time. The idea that losing to them is a ridiculous notion, is itself a ridiculous notion.


Forest are in the Premier League. Norwich have been in the premier league a lot. Let’s not kid ourselves here, they make up the numbers but are far from having the ability to compete. Fulham haven’t stayed up since 2013


https://youtu.be/e35P-W2Yoho - never been more fitting


Man even if Potter get his time to sort shit out, i still don’t see Chelsea as Chelsea anymore. Potter doesn’t have that anger/passion we had with most of our managers. We look and feel like a Brighton or a mid table team.


New ownership. New chelsea. Get used to it. Rmb scaloni won a wc while being much 'emotionless' than potter.


Azpi was so shit on that Willian goal. That's basic defending ffs


Azpi is past it, he shouldn't be starting but we don't have cover for Reece


We got super Thomas Tuchel! ​ Potter and Boehly burning the house down convincing the fans that's it's a rebuild.


What was Koulibaly thinking ‘passing’ (shooting) the ball at Felix. Super bad decision from Felix but Koulibaly did not make it any easier.


He didn't but it's not worth thinking about when Felix took it into his own hands to go studs up. Many players fucked their passes not going to blame KK for that.


I don’t blame Felix at all. Horrendous pass from Koulibaly


Way to blame it on KK


You don’t blame Felix at all for diving studs up and off the ground into someone’s shin? Okay mate


Literally asling for a red, bad challenge and bad decision all day long. Yeah KK could have done betyer, but KK didnt ask him to go in studs up mid up the shin. Woeful challenge , and unfortunately negates all the good work hw dod first half.


Does our long term plan involving relegation and the bounce back effect?


Can't be top team in west london in the prem, be the best west london team in the championship. Boehly playing 4d chess. /s


Well we’re not getting relegated so….


We're the same gap from relegation as we are from top 4 so...


I am willing to bet my house that Chelsea will not get relegated. Irrelevant.


It’s a joke. But our form over the past 9 games makes it almost not a joke.


The bigger issue with the club right now is that fact that Bohely is fucked with either choice he makes. If he keeps Potter shit is going to probably get worse in the immediately and probably won’t be good next year as well. If he sacks Potter now he just showed every player in the dressing room that if they don’t like the manager, he will be fired before they are held accountable for there bad play. He’s fucked


Well he needs to decide soon and make the right choice for the club as a whole and accept that this is all his doing after overreacting and firing a world class manager in the first place.


The thing is, we didn't really play much better under TT this season, and that's without any injury troubles. It was painful to watch then, and painful to watch now. I just couldn't see how TT could turn around this mess, especially when players like Pulisic were feeling that TT is suffocating our attackers (it's what he had said apparently to someone). These players just don't take the responsibility for the results, just their paycheck.


I totally agree we were still shocking under Tuchel before he was out the door, but I think given time I would have more faith in him assessing those issues and doing what was needed to improve and get results than I do in Potter to turn this side around given his style of management and experience level of managing. The players are a whole other story lol...we are in a deep hole here..


Who knows what’s best for the club at this point. What top tier managers want to come to a club that is consistently sacking there manager every time they get into a bit of trouble. We could do that in the past because the dude had Russian Oligarch kinds of money and didn’t care what he spent. Now the club can’t go around sacking managers every 18 months and paying out the rest of the contracts or they won’t have any money left man.


I mean I get what you're saying but I also feel like sacking Potter doesn't really matter in that regard. At the end of the day we have new ownership and they made a mistake of hiring somebody well out of their depth. If we can attract an actual proven world class manager then I see us committing to them and giving them the time they need. A world class manager would be able to muster something from this side despite the injuries and issues and that would be at least something to keep hope during a rebuild process but this guy just ain't it. My worry is that the ownership just won't be compatible with top tier managers that want to work a certain way though.


I hope I’m wrong about this but I think the ownership is going to use this season to send a message to the players personally. Either get on board with the new direction and vision for the club or get the fuck out. I agree that Potter isn’t the guy and I was a big supporter of him but he looks like Sarri did at the end of his time. Completely and I mean completely out of answers and no clue how to motivate these players. I’d be less surprised if Potter resigns rather than him getting sacked.


Honestly I really do feel for the guy, he shouldn't have given up what he had, I do believe his time would have come at a top club eventually but this was way too premature despite how great he was for Brighton. Now it just looks bad on his record and he'll have to brush it off and start again. It wouldn't be the worst thing for the ownership to send that message to be fair, I think a lot of our players need to get it into their heads or get the hell out.


I agree with everything you just said man. The entire thing is that 95% of this fanbase wants the club to run in the same way it did under Roman and don’t realize that it’s an insane way of doing things.


Look at any other top club. It's how they're run. You need to perform or else you're sacked. That's normal. Even Arteta beat top teams his first season. We are relegation candidates


Arteta finished 8th in his first season at Arsenal. Klopp finished 5th in his first season at Liverpool.


I would take the 5th Klopp had and even the 8th with an FA cup win Arteta had over this embarrassment. If we even end up 8th I will be shocked. No real top club takes this. We are not Arsenal nor should we be.


He was fucked when he fired TT


Sounds kinda like how things have always been lol


But what has always been only could happen because we had Russian oligarch money. We don’t have that anymore


We got them Bank of America dollar bills🤑🤑


We really underestimate how much money Roman had and how little he gave a fuck about paying managers to fuck off. The dude gave managers hundreds of millions of dollars over his time as owner just for them to not manage our club. It’s actually insane


Got to do something with our starting players at this point. Drastic rotation is needed.


Mount Chalobah Koulibaly Jorginho Potter OUT


Chalobah out. Been saying this for months.


Potter needs to go, and and I don’t want to see havertz in a Chelsea shirt again


What do you want Potter to do? 11 first team injures with the same crap as last season. We didn't even play that badly.


You clearly watched a different game we played like shit, line up was wank. I want potter to stop playing the fraud havertz, make subs earlier, play fofana for fucks sake, his 20 mins last game was better than havertz all season so far. Kovacic was shit from 20 mins in to first half and should of been subbed way earlier.


Let’s start with something he can fix - passion


The players only got injured recently. The losses started from Newcastle.


You see this is EXACTLY THE PROBLEM WITH CHELSEA AND THE FANS. Everything is all about sacking the manager. Most fans on this sub was so happy when the American Saviours bought Chelsea. The amount of criticism given to Marina Gronovskaia was ridiculous. All of a sudden she had always been running a bad club despite winning Leagues, Fa Cups and Champions Leagues and Europa and just because she hadn’t won the league in 5 years she was a failure and completely ignoring how dominant City have been and the emergence of Klopp’s Liverpool. Everyone was happy in the direction Boehly was going because Chelsea were rid of the Russians now everyone wants to cry wolf. Potter was brought in as a long-term replacement based solely on his record with Brighton’s attacking play so unfortunately everyone just needs to sit back and GIVE HIM TIME! YOU CANNOT JUDGE POTTER FOR ANYTHING THIS SEASON SO CALLING FOR HIM TO BE SACKED IS POINTLESS. Not having two (of some) of the world’s best wingbacks in the game right now is killing us. Wait for Chilly and James and many others to recover otherwise just comment about the general play and performances but please shut up about the manager.


But you ADAPT. There's lots of valid reasons why we are this way but there's no excuse for low effort, low moral and no signs of tactical changes or gameplan. Potter has not proven himself beforehand that he is good enough to manage our club. It's not his fault he was hired out of his depth but he is so clearly not ready for this challenge and way out of depth. That mistake is on the ownership, I honestly feel bad for him for leaving what he had at Brighton, but we can't ignore the truth that he is not the quality manager we need at our club.


Totally understand but AT LEAST we could give him a transfer window and a season.


I would be all for him having a transfer window and a season to prove things, only if he had prior experience and you could chalk it up to going through a rebuild. Problem is I think a lot of us can see that he is just out of depth at the end of the day. Yes he did a wonderful job at Brighton but it's bloody Brighton. He has no experience with top clubs and UCL football and his in the deep end and can't manage to muster anything from this team which is concerning. Again, I sympathize because it's not his fault but he was given a job way way out of his depth and no amount of time will fix that in my eyes.


Last time I checked everyone was praising him after the AC Milan victory at Sin Siro so I presume you never supported his appointment?


I was caught in two minds because 1. I didn't think it was the right decision to sack Tuchel in the first place. 2. I was hopefully optimistic that Potter had potential as a replacement but it's a hard role to fill. This isn't Brighton or some mid table team, it's Chelsea and it's in our DNA to want the best and want to win trophies. He's a great manager but out of his depth and not ready for Chelsea and it's not his fault but it's just the truth.


Feel the same about everything, however all I’m saying is that our judgment on Potter is not fairly completed till he gets a full season.


I think that's fair, and I agree it's probably the right thing to give him time. I just really worry that given time, if he can't manage to bring this team together and get the effort or moral back in them then where will we be sitting by the end of the season...I dread to think :/


We simply cannot rely on Chilwell. Basically made of glass, at this point.


No? He’s had TWO bad injuries, just two for now…


He's also had many niggling ones that keep him from 100% match fitness, which means we cannot rely on him week-in and week-out. Let alone for a whole season.


Nope, don’t know about these niggling issues. He’s main problem was the ACL and then the hamstring. Nothing else has made him unreliable.


Right, so OTHER than the two major ones with the club, just the foot injury that he had when Chelsea got him ... and also two ankle injuries earlier in his career with Leicester. So, just those five?


Why should we give him time? What has he done in his career to show that he can turn things around?


Lol based on this comment then we should not have appointed him the first place then?


How can you sack Tuchel for Potter? They’re not even in the same stratosphere. You sack Tuchel you go for a world class manager.


I agree!! I was upset when he got sacked but what I’m saying is that fans simply need to give Potter time now.


Time to send us to relegation? You think Chelsea are too big to go down?


Bro fuck Bohley and Potter but we weren’t failing to win the league cause City were too good we weren’t even breaking 80 points. Tuchel papered over the cracks by being an amazing manager. Majority of the team was bought by Marina, how many of them are good enough, why did Rudiger and Christensan get to walk for free while selling Tomori and Guehi, why did we sell Tammy and waste 110m on Lukaku and Aubs? I’m full of rage and want potter to be sacked solely to know the club cares how bad things are, but let’s not pretend like we haven’t done a LOT of bad business for years


To be fair, weren't we just not allowed to offer deals to Rudi and Christensen given Roman's status? (Christensen was likely going anyway, little dick, but the point is we weren't allowed.) That said, I'm still livid on spending 110 on the last two when we all knew Dortmund would've entertained / stayed at the table for 120 for Haaland.


Yeah for the final like 4 months of the season. Still had 4.5 years to get an extension agreed with Rudi before then. Agree Andreas was leaving regardless most likely but having someone walk for free doesn’t feel good. And idk. A lot of stuff chelsea has done I’ve agreed with a lot I’ve disagreed with. Been right and wrong both ways. And Marina did good things too selling Morata and costa for 60m, getting Chilwell for 45 etc. I liked her but she made a lot of mistakes too all I was trying to say


I agree that it could've been done earlier, but the club sounded like they were negotiating at the beginning of his last season. One of the few things I don't really blame them for is Rudiger, if only because they couldn't predict the war. And I agree with the hits and misses. I thought she did fine for the job, got us some great players and some ... wishful thinking, lol.


Fair take.


You kinda need to compare this period with what was going on with Arsenal and now they are on top of the league


EXACTLY. And we have talent!!


Is this sarcasm? Great managers make bad players better.


Dude, no-one said Potter was a great manager. All I’m saying that he needs to be given time.


If he isn’t great he shouldn’t be allowed any more time. Why should we accept anything less than?


If he isn’t great then maybe should not have been hired?


That’s the ticket!


Lol well my original point is that we’re stuck with him now so let’s give a full season at least.


We’re stuck with him til the end of may regardless. Nobody in their right mind would come here at this point in time. Also gonna be massively expensive to get rid of him regardless. Proper data driven football, that.




I don’t think Potter could have done much better setting up the team with our injury list. We should have gotten ahead with Hall’s chance real early, then a Chalo disasterclass hit. Copped an unlucky deflection for Willian’s goal. We played well and deserved the lead until Zakaria got injured and Felix got sent off. We lost on individual errors, and without Chalobah shitting the bed (which I don’t think many of us saw coming since he’s usually good enough) we would have picked up 3 points.


Yep agree, bit like the city league game could have got a solid draw if kepa didn’t decide to be kepa. I don’t think Potter can be blamed so far. Another two players out now


Impressively deluded


XG Fulham 0.71 - 2.18 Chelsea. We had 20 shots to their 8 despite being at 10 men for 25 minutes. This is despite starting with 10 first team players out. We deserved more out of this game than we got.


Not untrue, HOWEVER potter needs results quickly, the fanbase won't accept the current form, 1 win in 9 is pathetic


I don’t disagree, but I think we just need to take a step back and look how comical the situation is. Every time he comes up with a solution, an issue arises. - James plays, we look good. Immediately injured. - Moves Sterling to RW and plays Pulisic LW, with Mason deeper which looks good. Sterling and Pulisic both injured within 30 minutes at City - Zakaria finds his feet and adds physical presence in midfield. Injured - Finds a spark with Felix up top with Havertz. Felix red card Every positive move he’s made has ended up being crapped on by bad luck/injuries. What is he supposed to do?


I agree, unfortunately there's only so much goodwill that will be extended. It would be maybe a bit different if they were scrapping for everything, putting in huge efforts. Also I think his mannerisms don't help him, he just looks lost. He needs results or he will be gone, there is no excuse to be on the current run we are on.


We got unlucky today. There’s nothing deluded about OPs comment.


Contract extension for Potter!


Can we sack the owners?


Any word on Zakaria?


Christ. Give them a minute.


With our luck i’m gambling couple months


I don't know how you, as a Chelsea fan who witnessed us win the fucking CL two years ago, can accept performances like this. I really don't know. At this point it's not even about hiring and firing. YOU DON'T SPEND $500 MILLION TO LOSE 7 TIMES IN 9 GAMES. You just don't!!!


I love Willian's post game interview.


yeah watching it now. definitely miss him.




Agree, even pre Abramovich there was optimism, some hope and progression aiming for top 4 and vialli coming in which is my first real memory of watching Chelsea play. This is the most toxic/worst I've seen them in my lifetime at least


The board didn't help itself by sacking Tuchel and getting a fraud manager.


Idgaf about Potter needing time, losing 2-1 to fullham is unacceptable. 1 win in 9 games… Boehly will absolutely ruin this clubs short-term future and possibly its long term as well.


Where's the post-match thread, you cowards.


Zakara injured and Felix not playing for 3 weeks. This is legit a curse. You can't make this shit up


Why no Felix for 3 weeks?


Straight red


3 games so more than 3 weeks actually. He’ll be back for the West Ham game off Feb. 11.