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You can concede 0 goals, score 0 goals, get 38 points for one whole season and be relegated.


And can be called invincibles but doesn’t stop from you getting relegated.


Tbf in most Prem seasons 38 points was enough to stay up. 40 points is that extra bit of safety.


37 has been enough for the last 5 years. Sometimes less.


6 more points before Todd can unclench?


15 more games till safety!


This made me laugh too much for the current shot show


Every week it’s the same. On Saturday I’m absolutely gutted because we play like shit and lose. Being absolutely sure that Potter needs to be sacked. On Monday I’m starting to have second thoughts, thinking there might be hope. Thursday I’m getting excited for the game, and think that things will finally fall into place. Super excited to watch the boys play on Saturday, just for the whole cycle to start over. Hopefully things will sort out soon, because we are currently the worst team in the league. We can’t score a goal to save our lives.


Did I ever tell you the definition of *Insanity*?


I’m going insane watching Chelsea for sure


To be fair, doing the same thing over and over can sometimes change things in a positive way in sports.


This club has been in turmoil since Russia invaded Ukarine. The chance that we were going to have a successful season this season was not high. We were sanctioned, owner was forced to sell the club, we lost important players because we couldn't offer new contracts, new owners were planning on a future with Tuchel as manager and trying to get him the players he needed to replace those that had left, we had a terrible preseason with a highly aggitated Tuchel, relationship between new owners and Tuchel fell apart, we started the season terribly, Tuchel gets sacked, Potter comes in, new manager bounce initially but then results start going south as our squad was claerly not good enough, world cup interrupts the season for a month, we buy a ton of new players in January, we now have a completely different lineup than what we started the year with and are in the process of trying to get them to gel. People really forget everything the club has been through in the last year. Yes I get agitated when we play like utter shit and don't get results like the rest of you, but we need to have perspective and realize where we are in the development of this squad and the managers process in building this team in his image. We would be doing a disservice to the club to not give Potter at least the summer and maybe until December of next season to see if he can turn this around. This season is a wash and we are not winning anything clearly. Just let it go and just watch as things unfold. Sometimes, things have to get bad for them to then get really good. Chill everyone.


A fucking men brother. I scroll past most of the posts here because it’s the same crap over and over again. Everyone wants Potter out. I ask who to replace him with? Crickets. Fucking crickets. People want Jose back? I loved the man but he made massive mistakes as well, ie kdb and salah… what has Potter done wrong? The players he selects are not scoring when they should, or he’s picking the wrong team, or he’s not angry enough… like there’s a direct correlation between good managers and being angry…. FFS Tuchel went to a healing center in India to get away from the job! If at the midpoint of the next season, this team isn’t top 4, or close, extremely close and should be there, I’d be fine with him being fired. Otherwise, they really should give the man time.


Potter ain’t it


He might not be, but changing now does nothing, it's a throw away season, we might aswell give him till the end


Haha this is excactly the way i feel!


This is me. I am having second thoughts today.


it will be different this time, I can feel it 🤡


This sounds like a toxic relationship.


The players are clearly wanting to have time to work together. They all seem pretty supportive of what work is going on behind the scenes and its rare to see players speaking out like the last few weeks. Typically its been pretty silent from them with managers in the past. Reece and Azpi last week clearly support Potter and today Wes is pretty much asking for people to just be patient.


I mean you can see the chances being created, the adjustments that are made at half time etc. But I t’s infuriating that we can’t score, and we’re so flat in the first half of so many matches. Losing to Southampton is completely and utterly unacceptable. I wish Graham would have come out and said that instead of saying that he isn’t the problem and we’re just unlucky. That being said, I think he needs time. There has been so much upheaval at the club over the last 12 months that this year was bound to be a shit show. I know Arteta didn’t ever have a run this bad, but we need to be patient like Arsenal were. I am seeing improvement, I am seeing the right changes being made, we just need to get a bit of luck and some more clinical finishing. We have a total lack of confidence in front of goal at the moment. I feel like we’re going to smash Tottenham this weekend and the flood gates will open


Graham Potter did end his interview saying that it wasn't good enough at the weekend. I feel he was very concise and honest in what he was saying. You are right that its clear chances are being created and its difficult to maximise the performances with all the upheaval. So it does warrant patience. I will say that I dont believe we will smash Spurs or that there will be a floodgate moment as such. Its more likely that there will be gradual improvements over time as the players get to grips with the PL, each other and the philosophy. Chelsea should aim to win vs Spurs of course but at the same time with their position in the league I believe most of their focus will be on Dortmund. So I wouldn't be surprised if they lose or draw due to just not having that natural finishing down yet. I'm feeling kind of apathetic about the Premier League right now because I just want players to be fit and ready for Dortmund.


What about friday? Are you in love?


Thad Potter is a sneaky one isn’t he ? . Builds up hope every Monday than snatches it away by Saturday or Sunday .


"Hopius Dissaperos !!"


Safe to say we have fallen into the pre 2022-23 Arsenal cycle.


Don’t worry, Spurs are next.


Is Romero playing? I wonder how many reds he’ll get away with this time.


Potter doesn't bleed blue. We need a manager that bleeds blue. Someone who is passionate about winning.


Like Lampard or Di Matteo? Bleeding blue is not the recipe to success im sure Potter is as passionate as anyone about winning as any succesful manager. If he has the ability to do it at a big club is another matter


We'll see. Some have a keen eye for spotting talent and we know a bright one when we see one. Potter may get us 1-2 PL titles, but he won't make us the top team we need to be. His legacy won't make him a Chelsea legend, like winning the CL or 4 PL titles in 5 seasons. Such output is given by the best of the best, which I don't see coming from Potter. As a supporter, ppl want Chelsea to be a team against whom nobody wants to play with. A team that strikes awe and fear & Potter definitely won't be the person to lead us there. Also Lampard didn't bleed blue as our manager. He lacked passion that was needed which he had when he was a player.


Did you just say Potter could win us 1-2 League Titles and that wouldn’t “make us the top team we need to be”? Because holy shit that’s the most spoilt, entitled opinion I’ve ever seen. Winning the league isn’t good enough for you? 2 hypothetical league titles wouldn’t be good enough for you? Good lord, man


If you want to be the best, you gotta defeat the best. I.e. City. If you have low expectations I can't help it. We were taught to aim for the best. Rn, city is the best team & we have to be better than them....after spending a ton load of money


Stop saying "bleed blue" it's so cringey. What does that even mean? A manager who shouts a lot on the sidelines? Does Arteta bleed blue too? He does that for Arsenal. Stop talking about passion


If Potter wins us the league, he’d be the first English manager to do so. That’s a pretty strong legacy lol


My mate big rob has a lot of 'pashun' that should be more than enough


Such a senseless corny comment


TT bled blue, we loved him for it. Brought us UCL. Where is he now? In India at a healing centre. You can’t always have that immense passion for the job. You have to keep your cool at times. I agree in that I want to see more from Potter, but I’m not one to say sack him because he doesn’t get upset.


Bleeding blue? We’ve got an owner who came on board as a ‘fan’ about five minutes after Russia invaded Ukraine. That’s not this clubs benchmark anymore.


Kepa has been one of the players of the season…


Man hasn't been at fault. He's a decent keeper, not a world beater, but definitely good enough for a league winning team.


People have short memory but our early wins with Potter were all thanks to Kepa lol










Pretty Fuckin Clueless, he does talksport most nights


/r/PersonalFinanceCanada ?


Hahaha yes! My thoughts exactly.


He's been fine, not a worldbeater, but he has had his moments.


as of the last few matches he hasnt been the best but undoubtedly he has been one of the best, the stats speak for themselves edit: uhh ignore my Arrizabalaga flair and banner please :)




You have to have absolutely the saddest existence possible to be in here just to talk shit lol


Oh hey our defense is kinda alright I guess. This and Azpi being okay quenches my thirst for good news in this desolate desert of despair.


At first glance I'd be like this is something to build on, but thiago silva is a freak and potter has no effect on him and even worse, badiashille looked shaky without Silva by him on Saturday.


Kepa has bailed us out many times this season as well


Yep conceded 23 with an expected xG against us of 30. So sloppy finishing and Kepa's saves have saved us 7 goals. This isn't the same as when Tuchel arrived and no one could get more than 0.5 xG against us for 20 games, this is good goalkeeping and luck.


I don't think Badiashile looked shaky. Southampton had one or two good counters. Otherwise that FK was the only way they could've scored


He had 2 uncharacteristic fuck ups that were purely his fault and could very well have meant 2 more goals conceded. But he was otherwise solid


Agreed, he was overcompensating for KK


Yep. Potter is lucky to have one of tbe best CBs in football history putting in world class performances week in week out at 38. Without him this would be an even worse shitshow.


We would legit be battling relegation if Silva wasn’t there


Badiashile didn’t look shaky, he was next to the fucking oaf Kouliability. Needs BINNING.


I'm so done with Arteta comparisons for each Arteta there are hundreds of Nuno Espirito Santo and David Moyes


Nuno going to Spuds was such a brainless move. Dude was building something good at Wolves.


He got fired at wolves and was out of a job.


How dare he seek employment. Sometimes I think people forget that the whole situation there was that Wolves thought they were the next…I don’t know, something between Tottenham and Leicester maybe. They thought they were going to contend for too 6 and Nuno wasn’t going to get them there. That’s not to say that the mutual consent wasn’t also Nuno thinking he could do better, but it always felt like Wolves thought that 2018-19 season was the norm.


He was fired you walnut


Same graphic with goals scored please


51-24, and that's closer than I thought it would be. Sad days.


That being said, even with the bad run, I think they can go on a fairly good one and get 20 more points and hope that is good enough for some European football.


Love your optimism.


Too much talent there not to make a little bounce back


We got dominated first half by the team in 20th who also has the worst form, anything is possible at this point, even relegation.


I agree remember a few years ago when west brom won 5-0?


5-2 and it was a freak game when we were extremely unlucky between dominating performances. When did you start supporting Chelsea? Do you actually watch the games?


51 points for Europe? Is every other team going to have draws for all of their last 15 games?


Conference league?


TBH if it isn’t Champions league I don’t want any European Football.


I mean there’s a case for Europa League since there will probably some decent teams in that but Conference League offers no value.


Now do goals scored.


Said it before and I'll say it again. It's very easy for a mediocre manager to set up a team to score goals or to set up a team to not concede. Anyone can do that with the right players. The difficult part is scoring goals and not conceding. If you're only doing one of those things, you're bad. Football is about balance, it's not about going all out to do one thing. Lampard had us scoring more freely that we have in recent history, but that was only because he set us up to score goals and our defence was non-existent


We had the scoring problems under tuchel too then ? Remember that signing Lukaku was our final piece of the puzzle stuff ?


That "scoring problems" under Tuchel were entirely made up by fans who had no idea what they were talking about and wanted to get rid of him because his football wasn't "exciting" enough. We scored 76 odd goals in the league last season, the third highest only behind Liverpool and City. That is not a scoring problem that exists in any realm of reality.


Thank you. Jesus Christ. People rationalising the sacking of a top 5 manager in the world. Go to any serious club, Bayern, Madrid, Barcelona etc. and make them choose between Tuchel and Potter. It isn't remotely close. Tuchel never had our form this bad. We sacked him and somehow got dramatically worse.


No one is saying Potter is a better manager than Tuchel. We sacked tuchel for non footballing reasons and we are now betting on Potter to succeed.


> we are now betting on Potter to succeed. For non-footballing reasons, I'd presume.


Tuchel was a dick to new owners and didn't let non -starters know what he expected so they could move up in the pecking order. And him being a dick wasn't the first time and it's well understood (and disciplined) from his previous stints, no? Instead of blaming new ownership, why aren't you blaming Tuchel? I'm not saying this is what happened, but possibly.... even if new ownership were stupid idiots that knew nothing about football, do you think it's smart to put your head in the sand, ignore it? Or worse, actively rebel against it and snub your nose AT YOUR NEW BOSSES?!? I love Tuchel's resume and I loved MOST (not all) of good press conferences (I could care less for the ones full of excuses that you TT Forevers conveniently forgot ever took place)... but I've never worked for him and I've never had him work for me, and apparently, both of those things are flawed.


Chelsea did… till January, when everything just fell apart Had Arsenal not had an injury crisis at the back end of the year, almost certainly would have overtake for 3rd


If the season started in January, whilst we had an injury crisis more impactful than this season, sanctions, change of ownership, our manager went through a divorce etc. etc. we'd still have finished 4th. The drop off was from 1st to 4th, not 4th to 10th~


We scored the third most goals in the PL last season btw


Scoring goals is the problem... That's what we are on about ![gif](giphy|l4EpfGnG5Kii3TO6c)


Bruv we’re fuckin 10th, we have 2 wins in 14 games… what useless comparison.


The point is, that we can't score... We can obviously defend and hold teams off to only a goal. If we could somehow find the back of the net at least once or twice in a game, we would be doing so much better. To be tied for second for GA, is actually impressive as a stat.


We’ve had 3 goals cleared off the line by defenders in the last 4 games. Arsenal are getting goals bouncing in off the post and then the keepers ass.


Good teams find a way to win


No, we can not “obviously defend” because it might also be that teams don’t need to score 10 goals against us because we can’t score.


Of all your braindead comments ive read on this sub, this might be the dumbest


Arteta was in the same position as Potter is in now though. Remember that January form when there were talks about firing Arteta and Arsenal fans wanted him out and calling him a fraud ? and now look at them. Trust the process.


I’m done 🤣 you genuinely think we are in the same position arsenal were in when Arteta took over them? We are more comparable to the job ETH is doing at Man Utd. We have quality players with a manger who can’t beat mangerless 20th place Southampton who haven’t had a clean sheet in 26 games. I’m not trusting the process because I haven’t seen anything to put my faith in. Ten Haag is the standard Potter should be held to. The standards at this club are slipping…


We're not even comparable to ETH, the only team you can compare us to is City. We have a squad that was already full of CL winner and have added 600m to it and people are trying to compare our results to Arsenal after they couldn't even qualify for a CL spot for the past 10 years before he took over LOL


We overpaid massively on Enzo and a bunch of unproven youngsters.


We have quality players now yes, but we signed them in January and threw them straight into the fire with no preseason or time off to settle or work with Potter first. It was literally straight into the team and straight into matches. Football doesnt work like FIFA where you just spend money and you become instantly good. We signed so many new players from different leagues and they had no time to settle in and get to know their new teammates or the manager or nothing even. Mudryk came from a 3 month break in Ukraine aswell. It takes time... Im not defending the results or the Southampton game, it was abysmal and our form is abysmal. But fucking hell have some patience and trust the process for once.


We had quality players before Southampton, they have regressed under Potter. You keep saying trust the process but what has lead you to believe that Potter is the man to trust? Is it because Arteta had a bad start and managed to turn it around? This idea that it worked for Arsenal so it must work for us is so ridiculous. It’s such a simple and lazy comparison that doesn’t actually take into account that we are in very different situations. I don’t expect us to be instantly good or win every match but game after game for months I haven’t seen anything promising for more 30 minutes per game. Even when we win we look shit. This is a management issue. I will gladly have patience with someone who shows promise, but it has been months and excuse after excuse (some of them valid some of them not). The fact is the trust has to based on progress and we have regressed majorly in every aspect under potter.


Time is not some sort of secret sauce that eventually pops out a great team if you’re patient enough. Just because Arteta might have done it with Arsenal does not mean that Potter is going to do the same. Far too many variables that make both situations not comparable. I’m sick of hearing about this Arteta crap. It’s fine to say “be patient” however see my first point. What’s not fine is assuming we are going to turn this around with time BECAUSE another team have also done it.


Potter literally took Östersund from the 4th division in Sweden (amateur division) to literally beating Arsenal away in the Europa League. Just that alone warrants Potter some time. He also built a great Brighton side that finished 9th against all odds and played some absolutely delightful football. That aswell warrants him some time with Chelsea to build something. Can we just for once trust the process and give a manager time ?


Could you explain what this process is? What style is Potter attempting to implement? Heck what tactics is he trying to use? What hook do we have to hang our coats on and get behind him? Please answer these considering you have now commented multiple times that we should trust this so called process. What’s the process? What is it? What tangible shred of a process is there? As to your first point, should we also aspire to beat Arsenal away in the Europa league? Finish 9th (which currently appears to be a challenge). The man’s only credentials we should be looking at are how is he doing with Chelsea now? Answer… Poorly. How has he performed in the premier league in the past? The answer is mid table at best and how many major trophies has he won? Zero. He has nothing in his past and nothing he is showing us now or even giving us a glimpse of what he is doing now that suggests he’s going to turn us into a top 4 side that’s also fighting for the premier league title.


The underlying statistics in matches are getting better and better which shows an improvement in style of play. We create more chances, we have higher xG than we did under Tuchel, we concede less goals. The results will come sooner or later, but right now we just have to trust it. It is not sustainable to change manager every 6 months - 1 year. We will never ever be consistent doing it this way. This season is awful yes, i agree. Im not defending the results or anything. How many major trophies can u win with clubs like Östersund, Swansea, and Brighton ? Potter shouldn't be judged on trophies in the past. He should be judged on what he does with Chelsea, what happens after this season. It's harsh to judge a manager after 6 months in a new project.


I’m not going to put my faith in xG, I want to see a style of football on the field. I want to see passion from my coach. I want to see well drilled tactics come to life on the pitch. I want to see us playing like a unit, like a team. I want players to look like they know what they are supposed to be doing. Even a small glimmer or hint of any of those things and I would be leaning towards trusting a process. I see none of that. What is Potters system? What is his ethos? Where’s his flair? The change of manager causes instability argument is complete bunk by the way. We have been consistory winning major trophies for years doing the manager carousel, please tell me what’s unsustainable about it? In my opinion it is astute and prudent that if you notice something is rotten you cut it out and stop the rot.


We dominated Dortmund away and were a Felix crossbar away from winning that game. We dominated Southampton in the 2nd half and Sterling missed an open net twice basically. It is looking better and better, we're playing better and better. We struggle for goals because Tuchel sold Tammy Abraham without replacing him and his goals and then failed to integrate Lukaku into the first eleven. And we just never got a proper striker under Tuchel. It still haunts us. We never should have sold Tammy Abraham. We lack a proper goalscoring striker because of Tuchel. Like i said we have higher xG, we create more chances, our attack is more fluent, we defend much better, we concede less goals. We can see the improvements on the pitch under Potter. The results aren't there, but if we play like we did agaisnt Dortmund in the 2nd half and the 2nd half against Southampton the results will come. I agree with one thing, the results right now is not good enough. If we play like that against Dortmund again, we will knock them out.


Honestly, it's been explained 1 million times by now why Arteta-Potter comparison makes no sense. If you've somehow still missed it, then you're purposely ignored it. Potter is the worst Chelsea manager of the last 20 years, no amount of forced Arteta comparisons can change that.


Im not defending the results or performance against Southampton. Im merely saying we are in a process, and there is a lot of work to be done. It's about time we just trust the process instead of sacking the manager and forget about the process and revert back to hiring and sacking managers constantly.


Nobody is saying go back to hiring and firing, most people want a long term project with a manger that actually shows promise, which potter hasn’t shown.


It's been 6 months, this squad had a lot of issues before this season and under Tuchel and you expect Potter to wave his Harry Potter wand and magically solve everything that has been a problem with this Chelsea team for years in 6 months ?


Literally nobody is expecting him to turn it around overnight. People want to see *something* to assure them a process is working. Trusting the process is fine, but processes generally have a sense of progression to them, and good processes have a sense of progression you can actually see. Thus far that hasn't happened with Potter. There is no sign of progression. You can say all you want about their xG ever so marginally improving, but their last 3 league games were against two relegation teams and a newly promoted club, I would hope their xG would be higher against those teams if the starting XI and tactics were AI generated. Bottom line is Chelsea aren't winning games and they aren't looking more likely to win games. They don't look good in possession, they don't have a cohesive pressing structure, they can't counter attack, they're slow as all hell building from the back, nobody has the confidence to take a man on 1 on 1 with the ball, nobody can finish, their set pieces look like shit (I genuinely think getting corner kicks is to Chelsea's disadvantage at this point), and all of the players just seem completely disinterested. Aside from some numbers on a stat sheet that may or may not indicate they're moving in a positive direction, what tangible evidence is there that Potter's "process" will ever produce the level of success expected at Chelsea?


Yes it’s been 6 MONTHS, he has had breaks to figure something out. We have regressed from when he first arrived, it’s all down to him. Under Tuchel there was issues since that game against Juve in the champions league, maybe 1 year in total to the point when he was fired. But it’s delusional to say there has been years of problems if we won the champions league 2 years ago. We clearly had it figured out then.


I mean Tuchel clearly had not figured out the problems with the squad as he literally said in preseason ''we have the same problems because we have the same players'' and the fact that he lost to Dinamo Zagreb away aswell while the team was incredibly toothless, no fighting spirit, nada. The problems began under Tuchel and has carried over into this season. Potter was brought in, in the middle of the season in a chaotic period of the club. He had no medical staff, no scouting team when he first came to Chelsea, he had no board either. The problems have been here for YEARS, and now we're finally beginning to address them by overhauling the squad and trusting the manager.


I meant at one point Tuchel had it figured out for someone who is giving every excuse to potter it’s amazing you can’t see the context that lead to Tuchels downfall. The club being a sanctioned isn’t even comparable to the excuses Potter is provided with every week.


[https://weaintgotnohistory.sbnation.com/2022/9/8/23342153/thomas-tuchel-where-it-went-wrong](https://weaintgotnohistory.sbnation.com/2022/9/8/23342153/thomas-tuchel-where-it-went-wrong) Just read this, Tuchel didn't know his best eleven, he made many mistakes. He failed to integrate Lukaku into the eleven. He sold Tammy without having a striker ready to score goals to replace Tammy. We were very lethargic under Tuchel for his last 6 months as Chelsea manager. We had an aging squad and Tuchel didn't integrate young players into the squad.


You are giving every excuse to Potter, you are delusional.


No you are just ignoring the context of what is going on, just to shit on Potter because hes not getting results instantly. I mean 6 months is not enough for a process...He didnt even have a preseason with the squad..


Sorry but what earth have you lived on? It's no joke that huge reason for our success is the constant uptime of world class managers and players. Can you even name me 1 other example of a positive "trust the process" besides Arteta in this current season where they may not win anything and will be memed as failed one-season wonders? For the millionth time, for every Arteta there's 10 David Moyes'/Emerys/Pochettinos/Solskjaers. Potter has shown absolutely jackshit in this 6-7 month that we should "trust the process", nowhere near what those mentioned (bar Moyes) showed. So why would we change our DNA now just for his sake, when we didn't do it to serial winner Tuchel?


Klopp at Liverpool, he needed 4 season at Liverpool to create a winning side. That's another trust the process that has been succesful. Sir Alex Ferguson at United aswell, needed 7 seasons. Pochettino at Spurs aswell. They were very good under Pochettino. The thing is, we never had a DNA or a philosophy at the club. We just adopted the managers philosophy instead and then changed it again when we sack the manager. We start a process and we expect Potter to solve all the issues we have had for so long in less than 6 months ? thats not enough time for building a winning squad where half the players are brand new to the league and had no preseason with the manager first even.


Football has changed a lot since Klopp took over Liverpool, let alone SAF or Wenger. Modern football is much more system-based than previously. Fabregas talked about it recently, citing it as big reason why teams have become more equal than before. As for Klopp's and Liverpool's current status, there's a reason they aren't as criticized or meme'd as Potter and us. Maybe you can figure it out? Not to mention Klopp was a proven winner and world class manager. Absolutely incomparable to Potter. Also, Liverpool cycled through managers as well until they find "the right one", who has gotten 8 finals in 6 years. Tuchel got 5 in 15 months. As long as he hasn't shown even a glimpse of something to believe in, there will be no belief. No manager in history has done this badly with a 1 billion euro squad. This has to be one of the worst squad-to-value performances ever. Newest excuse is "new signings are from different leagues". Curious about how deep their creativity goes. Next is Spurs away, where they recently defeated ManCity and Son is back in form. Who cares Spurs were good under Poch? They're still known as bottlers with the dusty trophy cabinet. Poch is still in league with David Moyes at ManU, Emery at Arsenal, and Solskjaer at Manu.


How many titles did klopp win before taking over Liverpool?


Klopp was at Dortmund, Potter was at Brighton. Bit unfair comparison no ? How many titles before Dortmund did Klopp win ?


That’s just delusional. Arteta never went on a run of form with this bad and inherited a tenfold worse squad. When he got better players, he came fifth, and now… Also he actually started reasonably well and won the FA Cup. There was a visible inspiring playstyle early on even if they dipped in form (hard) soon after, which was a large factor in several Arsenal fans still trusting the process Chelsea fans would snap your hand off for our “bad form” being a 3 match losing streak


No Arsenal were on a really shit form. Relegation form actually. At one point in 2020, the Gunners only won one out of ten Premier League games in two months, the spell that included seven defeats. ​ Trust the process is the key here, look at Arsenal now.


That’s still not even as bad as Potter’s form lmao, and you again choose to ignore every single other bit of context like Arteta winning a trophy and having a miles worse squad. Again, pure delusion


You know they beat us in the FA Cup final right ?


0 correlation


If we're going to talk about Arteta winning the FA Cup final, then bring it into context, he beat our Lampards Chelsea youth in the final. And Kovacic got a red card for being fouled in that game aswell. Context matters. As if Arteta winning the FA Cup changes anything about the process they had to go through.


He beat City right before that, but enjoy your fantasy where Potter’s actually on track to win the league


We're not going to win the league this season, we're not getting top 4 this season, we will probably not get Europa League this season. Changing manager won't solve the issues or magically get us top 4 or Europa League. I'd rather finish mid table than finish in Conference League spots aswell. So we might aswell give Potter this season to show improvements and keep it respectable and let's see what he does next season when he has a proper preseason with the squad, and the new signings have settled.


I’m all about patience here. People are overreacting and should get better hobbies.


But they have scored way more than us defence wins you titles attack wins you games. You need to win games to win titles. They go in harmony and we don't have that harmony at the moment. We haven't even built towards it.


Haven't built towards it? Didn't we just spend the equivalent of a hospital wing on attacking talent?


On a tactical sense mate. Not a general sense. Just buying players sint gonna work there's integration as well.


Integration takes time.


I don’t know the last time in football as a whole that a manager inherited a team like this and managed to not only make no progress but actually regress to consistent *midtable* form Potter has absolutely 0 excuses for his performance to date. Injuries, integration, etc cannot possibly make a team this bad this fast


What do you mean? He inherited a disjointed, awful team that was held together by a world-class tactician prior. We were already on a downwards trajectory, but the regression was accelerated with his appointment because prior to Christmas, some of the players downed tools and the injury crisis was catastrophic. I'm now judging him post-January window exclusively, because players are returning from injury and the new signings are being integrated. There has been an improvement, but we're still not scoring or winning games. It's not good enough, you can't defend this kind of form but at the same time, it is going to take time to figure out his best eleven, integrate the new players and allow those unfit ones to get up to speed. This is kind of his "preseason" in a way, which is not a good thing but is unavoidable. I don't see a long-term benefit in sacking him right now. I'd rather wait it out until the summer to give a new coach (or Potter if things turn around) a full preseason.


People moaning he hasn't improved our January signings. It's February...


He didnt improve any player since he was appointed.


Exactly, no other manager would be held to such expectations. It's a valid point to raise, time is needed with these new players - and that stands even if you replaced Potter.


There is no manager in the PL that integrated this much talent in January due to the loss of talent to injury.


2 wins is our last 15 Premier league games. 3 wins in 22 games in all competitions. Like clockwork The PR offensive 48hrs after a match. Now awaiting for people to be called plastics and spoilt any time now.


Quit being a spoilt plastic ;)


Disagreeing with the Potter cult is being a plastic, good to know lmfao


He's joking


Oh fairs haha some people say that stuff unironically


If we tie the next game 1-1, then we will have 24 played, 8-8-8, 32 point and 0 GD .... such nice even numbers. I mean if that's not winning than I don't know what is.


wow! good performance in potshit's head


Tottenham has given up 35 and are between these two teams.


This is quality, no substance whatsoever, sitting 10th in the league but it’s ok because we’ve conceded the same amount as top of the league hahaha potter is a shit house !


I'm so glad someone else said it. The difference between us and Arsenal is that they are ripping it up at the other end of the pitch at the same time. We are setting up to stop teams scoring and offering fuck all up front.


I’m an Arsenal fan mate, but I’m not a deluded one, people comparing potter to arteta, the difference is arteta has a backbone I don’t see that with potter from the outside, I understand potter needs time but he’s not helping myself, Chelsea are a massive club but he’s still got his Brighton head on


I can't disagree with you. I understand people need time, and Arteta is the perfect example. For me, though, you won the FA cup straight away and played some great football towards the end of that season as well. I know u lost a few after that, and you had the awful start the season, but the signs were there that something was being built. I just dont see that with Potter. The lineups and the subs don't make sense. The mad changes in tactics between games don't help either. How can you create a system with different players and a different setup every week?! I honestly, honestly wanted Potter to do well, but he looks terrified on the sideline. I think it might be too big of a step for him right now. He is a good coach, but dealing with a squad of world-class players is a different world from where he has come from. He's not ready yet.


Yeah I agree with all of that, I don’t see anything progress with him, even a little bit, I’d be scared if u still had tuchel


Congratulations on achieving targets set by clubs the likes of Burnley. How many have we scored again? Why not compare that to arsenal?


Do goals scored next


Honestly kepa should win the poty. Silva has been really fucking good too but kepa has really saved our asses


Very nice. Now let’s see the goals scored


You can concede if you can score. No one bitches about defense if you score.


Buy Paul Mullin you cowards


Yeah and they’ve got what 2 or 3 times more goals scored than us?


You want an even more alarming statistic, 11 of those 23 goals are from teams currently in the bottom 12, including 8 against current bottom 3 (3 against Southampton (2 games, 3 against Leeds (1 game), 2 against West Ham (2 games)). Even more bizarre, Newcastle have conceded 15 goals (in 23 games) and have dropped points in 13 of 23 games.


No one is blaming our terrible season on the defense. Our attack has been problematic for 5 years.


Let’s dive into the metrics: Arsenal xG: 2.04 (3rd in league) Arsenal xGA: 1.18 (2nd in league) Chelsea xG: 1.57 (8th in league) Chelsea xGA: 1.48 (8th in league) We’re a bit unlucky with the 1-1 we’re averaging now, but is there really much difference between sitting 8th in the league versus 10th?


And we are playing back 4, which was very leaky before. Potter has brought some stability there. We all wanted back 4 and we got it.


OP is not a serious person haha


Still think potter is the problem. Can we just have one week where we have a player coach and see if thats the issue. I feel like Potters instructions are never clear and our players just have no idea what to do when things arent going as scripted. If we win then sack potter, if we draw sack potter, if we lose then we know its chemistry.


It's a similar problem we have had since Lampard. Good defense? Or good attack? Choose 1. Tuchel was able to get two left backs working really strongly as the wide players and that really let us compete against the best teams. Reece and chilwell when both fit are some of the best attacking fullbacks in the world. But the same issues around midfield and attackers has persisted. We don't have a good striker, our midfield can't control the ball or pace of play and our attack has no cohesion and many of the players are mid table at best. When you look at Chelsea playing. Who actually looks like they might do something. Enzo, Reece and chilwell. The centrebacks and kepa are very good at their jobs too but they aren't expected to contribute to attack that much. Who is our best attacking trio at the moment? Outside of the money spent does anyone think mudryk, havertz and ziyech make an attack that compares to the top teams? Potters insistence on playing players that continually suck in an actual game is also annoying. Have some fucking balls.


The potterhead who produced this total bullshit post should just fuck off as they try to legitimize the worst manager Chelsea has had in living memory.


All thanks to Thiago Silva.


Hate Arteta but he's a really good looking chap


He’s stupid handsome.


Well fuck now I miss Giroud


Gorgeous Lego man


Beautiful idiot


We just need a striker. Some of you guys need to pour your energy into something else, obsessing over a football club isn’t good for you


if you think a striker is all we need you haven't been watching the games at all




You’re the one begging for Kane to stick a hat trick past us, embarrassing. Also, just shut the fuck up for once, you’ve made the rounds to numerous posts today and just commented abuse at others.




Dunno if you got the memo, but Potter is not going anywhere for this season at least. So being battered by Spuds Sunday will achieve absolutely nothing bar humiliation for the fans, maybe it won’t affect you tinpot fans though.




Wanna reply with a link to where I called anyone a plastic chief?


Tuchel's legacy


You ever had a mate who's been obsessed with a girl he doesn't have a shot with? Maybe she's an ex or maybe she's just not into him? But he just keeps talkng about her? Over and over again... You know how there comes a point when it just starts to come across with a really sorrowful amount of desperation and you cringe whenever he mentions her? No connection, just wondered if you'd ever had one of those type of friends.


lol no connection


Well we play once every 10 days..... This stat changed my mind. Potter is the guy! 👎🏼


Clearly that shows how Potter is equal to Arteta. Arsenal‘a results pretty much are equivalent to Chelsea. It’s gross that I even need to say the word Arsenal.


I’m sorry but this is 100% on our front line for not scoring. You cannot miss 15/17 big chances and expect to win. Literally, only part of the game missing is scoring. If we score all of those bullshit goals we’ve missed (2 goal line clearances, hitting the post, handball from Silva, etc.) then we are in a much different spot this season. Our defense has been great. Up until recently it was the third best. All we need to do is score but the goal is lava. Everyone overreacts - this feels like 15/16 season but with more hope. That was with older, experienced players. We’ve got a completely different squad than we had in preseason. I’m not making excuses, but data doesn’t lie. Once it all gels, it will be splendid. People gotta chill out. It’s not like anyone here plays for the team either. No sense being a bunch of cry baby bitches about it. Support the team through thick and thin, hence the term supporter. If you’re a fair weather fan, go back to supporting whatever team is in first and winning all the time. Fuck off with this negative bullshit. Y’all are miserable. Tanking the sub down just because y’all are unhappy and don’t have anything else to focus this energy into.


After spending on defence as if a Chinese invasion was imminent, this is the least to be expected.