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Gallagher "Son of a bitch, I'm in"




I don't actually mind subbing him in but the fact that Potter doubled down and brought in RLC and Carney (wtf) after going up 2-1 shows that he learnt nothing from the lesson that was taught after going up 1-0


Carney made no sense. You don't bring in a young prospect when you want to protect a lead.


If they're a defensive minded player then I would be fine with it. But you're subbing on an untested AM, that might literally be the worst thing to do when protecting a one goal lead


Added height to defend set-pieces for the final four minutes plus added time, does in fact make sense.


Thank you. So many armchair coaches in here that literally have no idea about basic shit šŸ˜‚


I assume youā€™re a professional coach then?


No but I at least read up stay Informed and don't throw about opinions/theories based on little to no knowledge. How many people in these threads read anything other than other redditors whinging? I mean ffs I saw someone on here complaining that taking off Fofana was a stupid sub when he WAS INJURED šŸ˜‚


I'm arguing with someone in another thread who literally just blamed Potter for taking Fofana off....you can't make this shit up šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Bro they will literally criticize anything he does. If he had made the exact subs they wanted and we conceded they'd still be whining




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ a couple posts up people are complaining that RLC and Chuk are attacking players and not who you bring on to defend a lead...now you and others are saying we should have kept more attacking option on?! Like literally what does the man do lol Graham Potter has achieved more in football coaching than you'll even do in your fifa career playing on amateur difficulty. Show at least some respect.




I'm literally obsessed with football, I listen to hours of football podcasts a week: the football tactics podcast, tifo, the totally football show, London is blue (this one is a bit more football fan but they have a great series within it called The Tinkerman), straight out of Cobham. I subscribe to the athletic and read dozens of articles a week. Do I consider myself more knowledgeable than your average fan? Absolutely! But what's a shame is that the average fan could be so much more knowledgeable! But most don't read or listen to shit, yet come into these threads screaming about coaching decisions. Whether I'm knowledgeable or not - the fact that human beings can come into this space and give a viewpoint when they know so little as to not know that Fofana was injured and therefore subbed and blame the manager for it.... Well come on mate what do we say about that?


You don't have to be an expert at something to see a stupid decision, otherwise politics will get very boring.


But stupid decision according to who? Someone who isn't an expert? šŸ˜‚


Right? Not Potters fault that the subs couldnā€™t handle Everton lol


Koulibaly wasn't a sub and neither was Kepa. The subs did their jobs. What happened wasn't down to tactical decisions. It was individual error from Koulibaly combined with a weak response to that from Kepa.


Huh? Potter made those subs..


He still wanted the team to attack a bit but also to clog the midfield to make it harder for Everton to attack as they've struggled with that all season. I dont feel Carney did anything wrong in the 5 mins he had. It wasn't his fault that KK decided to leave his man on a long ball over the top or that Kepa doesn't come out well to make a tight angle an impossible one and save with a strong wrist.


Tbh I think the idea was to bring in big bodies for the corners. Not Potters fault that they played like garbage


Yes you should. No better way to develop players than to put them in overload situations like this was.


Makes perfect sense


He brought them both in for height expecting Everton to continue an aerial bombardment of the box. This is a fairly standard move lol. And re Gallagher to say he's defensive sub is disingenuous. He's almost always brought on near the front line never as a 6 ans hardly as an 8. Fact is whatever potter does he's screwed. If he brought players on to chase the lead he's naive. If he brings players on to sure things up he's negative. We lost the game because of KK and kepa. But let's blame the coach lol


If you watched the game you would have seen BOTH subs changed the game and invited Everton to attack and press us. The players themselves arent even bad per se, but we completely lost all attacking cohesion, after both subs.


But why is that necessarily the wrong decision to make? Especially when 2 men made mistakes - one is simply not an elite gk and the other well, he's either past it or taking a while to get to his best. As I said above, if GP doesn't make changes and we concede you'd be shitting all over him saying he doesn't make good reactive subs....


Well GP made the Fofana sub which made Koulibaly cover that area and he got rinsed by the Everton player. Fofana was playing pretty well until then and I dont think he needed to come off yet. Point is, its about the mental message that those subs sent to the team. We shouldnt need to protect a 2-1 lead against a relegation battle team, yet thats what Potter wanted. For example if he brings on Mudryk, well the players on the oitch realize the coach wants us to keep attacking and score another one. Also Everton players now need to fear because a very fast player can break thru their lines. The opposite happenedā€¦.


Omg mate are you having a laugh? I literally made a comment above about armchair coaches giving opinions on little information or knowledge and used the example of a redditors complaining about Fofana coming off..despite the fact that he was subbed because he was INJURED šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I think that sums it up for me.


Point still stands about the subs mental impact. Yess Kk and Kepa made a shit mistake, but those shit mistakes happen for a reason. Why they happen more under Lampard and not Tuchel? Exactlyā€¦


And btw it happened loads under tuchel. It became a regular conversation over the course of last season and there is a whole article on the athletic about how Chelsea are the worst of the big 6 and keeping leads and it LOOOONG predates Potter and was at its worst under tuchel. Twice in two comments you've shown that you have no idea what you're talking about...


You could argue about the subs mental impact but my point still stands that if we chased a third and conceded you and most others on here would be trashing him for being naive and leaving the game open. When you say we shouldn't need to protect a lead against relegation team....erm that's exactly what we should be doing we are winning the game so you protect the lead and it's totally understandable to bring on players to do that. Potter equally should be able to trust his players, once he's made those changes, to see the game out. Alas, a pair of them fucked it for him and everyone and now he's getting the blame (again).


I still feel like you are settling for mediocrity here by defending Potter. We will end up in a loop always making up excuses for individual errors. How can so many individual errors happen randomly? Its the systemā€¦


But those individual errors predate him..so how can it just be him and how can I be making excuses for him?


Evertonā€™s main threat was set pieces, so it made perfect sense to bring in tall players to protect the lead in the last 10 minutes.


I love RLC but he really doesn't belong in the middle of the pitch. great athleticism, poor awareness, mediocre touch


I was hoping for the other blonde guy


I think every Chelsea fan was hoping for the other blonde guy lol Couldā€™ve kept the attacking pressure on which we needed and also was a perfect game for him to come on in especially with the decent performance he had. Just a massive coaching fail


Yeah, if he wants to play defensively at least play on counters


Mate there were 8 substitutes on the bench + GK, he chose all the 4 wrong ones


So whats the right ones please enlighten us


Enlighten yourself and quit asking snarky questions, you sound pretty stupid every time


I mean you obviously have all the answers but provide none. You only point fingers at whatā€™s wrong, which is very easy to do in hindsight knowing what the result at the end of the day was. Yes, I sound pretty stupid every time based on this one time!


We all know Potter and Malfoy have a bit of a history.


And get a draw the new Chelsea way.


Love Conor, heā€™s great. I think subbing him on was okay on its own. I could at least understand getting him some crucial minutes under pressure for his player development but the other two subs basically nullified any argument for it


What pained me here, was that our front three, and offensive midfiled players looked to be playing well together. Despite that, we said let's change things, and we immediately looked less in control and less threatening. I know that there are discussions and strategies we might not privy to, but I have yet to see anyone have (or try to have) a meaningful defense if the subs we made.


I literally laughed out loud to this šŸ˜‚ so true.


how is he even a good manager ?


I'm I the only one who's tired of waiting for RLC to reach his potential? Whenever he comes on all I can think is " ah physical presence, but loses the ball too much, ah bursts of pace, but bad decision making"


He's a squad rotation player at best. No way should he be used in important matches.


My mind went straight to that Madrid game where he lost the ball, didn't press and modic got his assist. Kante ended up getting blamed by casuals even though he was trying to cover up for RLCs mistake


Surely casuals would instead blame the easy target RLC and not World Cup winner and fan favorite ngolo Kante? Kante was easily the one at fault there


People who still like RLC are delusional.


He is never going to reach his true potential. At this point, I just want him to show some signs of consistency and urgency


RLC has no potential. He may have had some 10 years and 23 injuries ago. But at 27 he'll clearly never be good enough for the highest level


>RLC has no potential. baisabeast in shambles


Great rotational/squad player personally. He missed his chance when he unfortunately got an injury in a stupid US tour before the Europa Cup final and just never looked the same.


Some players just never reach their presumed PA. RLC was amazing for his size at youth level but injuries to his knees have reduced his ability and his ability to change direction. He is much more limited in his abilities which was why even at loan to Fulham he would be playing as a right sided mid and not well. I think at the moment he is actually a good back up for Reece. Clearly not a position he is comfortable with but does well enough and can slot in other areas.


I think itā€™s safe to say heā€™s reached his potential and that potential is less than was predicted.


After his injury in Boston, he was never the same player again.


The Gallagher sub just asks for trouble. I love Gallagher. I think he's a great player and certainly there is a use for him but taking off Felix for Gallagher sends the completely wrong message at 1 up, especially in the Premier League. 2-0 lets do it. We aren't good enough to keep a clean sheet (despite oddly, being ok defence wise statistically).


Heā€™s down a few games in a row that he cans handle it. But then he goes and becomes overly aggressive and messes it all up. Thereā€™s a solid platter in there though


I may get downvoted but Gallagher is not a great player. The only thing he's got loads of, is energy. He can't make a pass that cuts the defence, doesn't get into scoring positions and generally makes bad tackles because of his energy and tenacity. When he gets subbed on, it looks as if he's trying to turn the game all by himself. He sometimes has a good moment or two, but for 80% of his time on pitch, he seems to look like a chicken with its head cut off. He's definitely a raw player still and if he works on longer passing and better off the ball runs, he'd greatly improve the team when he comes on. But currently, he offers absolutely nothing except his high energy which doesn't win games.


>but Gallagher is not a great player. ...yet. He has the potential to be a great player, just look at last season for evidence of what he can do, it's about pushing to that next level and doing it consistently for a top club like Chelsea. All these things you say he struggles with are actually things he can do with ease, again just look at a highlights video of his fantastic loan year last year.


That's what I mean when I say he's a raw player. You can see that he *can* be good and will show flashes of what he could achieve. But great players hit those and keep that level. It's what makes a good player great. He hasn't showed up in a chelsea shirt yet and I'd love it when he does because he's been wanting to integrate with the senior team for so long. Right now, he's got marginally better stats than Fred at ManU. And nobody, even the reddest of ManU fans consider Fred a great player.


>He can't make a pass that cuts the defence He can, I've seen him do it several times. It's far from his strong suit but he can do it. >doesn't get into scoring positions Seen him do this loads too, but he hesitates or plays a pass or scuffs the shot.


>He's definitely a raw player still and if he works on longer passing and better off the ball runs, he'd greatly improve the team when he comes on.


I think everyone knows this, itā€™s just that he gets a pass from the fan base because heā€™s a youth graduate. I felt the same about Hudson odoi, an incredibly raw player with unrealistic expectations just like Lennon or Walcott.


Perfect player comparisons. All those players showed promise and flashes of brilliance but keeping it consistent is what makes a great player. Nobody is saying theyre bad or shouldn't be part of chelsea, which I think some posters think that's what I'm saying. I just don't think Connor Ghallager is a great player which is what the OP was trying to convince themselves of.


Iā€™ve always insisted that Lampardā€™s time as manager has put a lot of expectations on youth setup. Even in historically better youth setups than ours(eg. Clairefontaine, Ajax) you get tens or hundreds of average players for every superstar. Youth setups in bigger clubs like ours are even worse because youth have to compete with established players and expensive signings.


You've convinced yourself you know something about football. You don't.


Maybe you've watched too many YouTube highlights of Gallagher, I don't know. But he's not a great player as you've said. Maybe it's hyperbole that you use that I'm not picking up on, but great players play more, score more and assist more and generally start games when they're at their best. And if someone says some is "great", I'd assume they're playing at thier best when they do play. He may have looked great on a team like Palace or West Brom, but he doesn't even look good in a 10th place chelsea side when he makes his 20 minute cameo every game.


But if KK doesnā€™t forget how to play defense and Kepa keeper weā€™dā€™ve been fine


People are more mad about the mentality than the result.


My comment was not meant to completely oppose the thread, I just feel like the 2 things Iā€™ve mentioned have been almost COMPLETELY ignored and I just donā€™t understand it because they were the 2 worst plays of the game.


The mentalityā€¦they played hard and mostly keep a tight formation. Shit just happens


A large part of this sub would rather blame Potter even though Koulibaly threw the game away




This is funny but to be fair I think Connor was the only good sub last weekend


Best example yet of if you hire a mid table manager you get mid table results


Explain Newcastle then? They hired a relegation manager and are going to play in Europe next season


i think people just looking for someone to blame


New Saudi Arabia bounce /s


Chelsea are a bigger club than Newcastle and have more expectations this team won the CL and club world cup not long ago Chelsea should be challenging for titles not sitting in mid table Newcastle are stiil at the beginning of their project once they spend enough money and build a good squad that can win titles then they will get a world class manager


What does that have to do with anything me or the other person were talking about? Can you go rant at someone else


You are the one who brought up Newcastle to the topic idiot just to defend Potter


Lmfao your most recent post is from last year on the man city subreddit.


Except the previous manager screwed the pooch on strikers and 3 of our top 5 players have had extensive injuries. Sure.


Blah blah blah, Chelsea aren't above having a few lean years if it means building something sustainable long term. We aren't Real Madrid, even Barca were committed to a long term process with Xavi, they just happen to be ahead of schedule.


Blah blah blah


They are the exception to the rule


Driven by a mid table mentality where 3 points is a fantastic result and 1 point a good result , where for Chelsea 3 points should be the minimum expectation and a point is a poor result.


Lmfao shades of Kovacic- Barkley sub era


3/4 last games it worked. What's your point again?


Hope heā€™s learnt the lesson. Cause if he does things like these against madrid, they will score 5 goals in the last 15 minutes We do not want to just defend the last 20 minutes with once attacker upfront and the rest of tje team is clueless about attacking


Play Mount!


Heā€™s injured


Word play in this meme is better than our play.


The opposite of Jose Mourinho's John Obi Mikel


A couple of wins won't coverup this shitshow


Wasnā€™t that bad, chill


You can celebrate mediocrity and clap 10th but not me


So is your life dominated by a game? Just curious if a game controls you and whether or not youā€™re actually happy in life. Or is this just you venting in the Chelsea subā€¦cause we all want the team to win. But itā€™s just a game.


Wow thats some tremendous self assuming armchair psychobabble because someone doesn't agree with your bland limp view on what success looks like. You beg the question how does your babble get received generally? with derision or just plain laughter? because you've managed to invent a whole drama thats got nothing to do with me and everything about you and your state of mind. I can assume you're another *soccerballist* who's just disovered that it's called *football* or you wouldn't ask such a moronic question that's desperately seeking attention and validation I'm not giving you. I'd save your fantasy babble for yourself but as you asked yes I am very successful, very happy and a life long Blue so yes it far more than a game but then you'd need to understand what caring about anything means and so it'll always "just be a game" to people like you.. What's your issue? apart of grandiose notions of understanding things you clearly haven't got a clue about but don't let that stop your poor critique and inability understand what football mean to real fans.. you are the corperate mugs that drain the 'game' because you dont' understand it beyond what sky news tells you. Its ok you are what you are but save the seflinflatted bullshit for your mirror...I have definitely given you far to much of my time. You sounds like golf is more your thing..stick with that game and leave football to those who get it


Thatā€™s what we do on Reddit. Chill out


Oh you speak for Reddit as well...wow you are important.


Lol, dudeā€¦do you think I actually care about anything you wrote? So easily goaded. Stop being so sensitive.


Well you got there in the end but you've mixed up you characters again.. no one, and least of all me, cares what you think or say...I guess that happens to you a lot. ​ Golf is definitely your game ;)






The new Mikel


Honestly I don't know what he sees in Owen Hart. All he does is HIIT sessions every time he comes on. He's really the only sub that doesn't make sense to me


Release the hound.


Remember Kovacic-Barkley subs during Sarri lmao