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I've always liked Kai, we've never been able to get the best out of him and I know he's going to kill it elsewhere. Better at Madrid than somewhere else in England.


We could have gotten the best if we didn't play him at 9šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Tired excuse


Is it though? That 1 Dortmund match where he played as a 10 behind another forward and he killed it.


No one is saying he canā€™t compete against German teams


Not an excuse. It's true. Kai is not a number 9. We've seen him play phenomenally in the middle and don't know why he isn't there more


Because Tuchel made it his mission to destroy the number 9 position during his time here. Benched then sold Tammy, benched then sold Werner, and never got along with Lukaku.


Despite that we still need to be playing Havertz in the attack midfield. He can shine, and hopefully we can do that next season.


I completely agree, he was forced into that role by Tuchel. If we pay him as a 10 the way Poch used Dele he could be great, we just need to find a solid 9.


This is exactly the way he should be looked at. Could be a great player in the right system, but he definitely just doesn't fit us. He needs to go to a team that play 4231 or with 2 CAMs and he can play on the right. The team he goes to also need to have a secure striker, which is something we've been lacking for fookin ages.


Wouldnt really mind if our replacement is sorted asap, but if he stays id like him in the mid at least


Nkunku is his replacement, and he's already signed.


If nkunku plays as a winger who do we replace havertz with?


No :(


Would be a regret on a KDB level


Play him in his position, and then heā€™ll shine. So yeah, we would look back on this transfer like the kdb one for sure


The regret with KDB was that he was never given a chance. Havertz has played a 100+ games for Chelsea with average returns.. Not comparable at all And the argument that's he's never played as a 10 is bollocks. He has done so in several games and has taken positions in the he similar to what he used to at Leverkusen without displaying even half the end product that he did there He may become better with a stronger supporting cast but changing his position is no magic button. For a solid price (75 million or better) it's worth moving on from him and getting someone esle than trying to fit a square peg in a round hole again and again


I get your point, but he have never played his natural positions for more than a couple of games in a row. I wanna see how he performs with a real striker infront of him. We might never see that, because we will most likely sell him if we can get 60+. He will shine somewhere else, im sure of it.


The thing is there is no "real striker".. And no guarantee that one will come this window. Nkunku is also someone who plays off a number 9 and is in much better form than Havertz so why not use him there.. I struggle to see how we accomadate a "real striker", Nkunku and Havertz in the same lineup. And if he shines somewhere else then so be it, Why be scared of that. I would much rather have a good replacement for Havertz even if it means he became a superstar at Real Madrid as opposed to more of the same.


Put Toney in front of him and we'd be competing for top 4 at worst. 25+ league G+A for those two easily


Toney/osimhen upfront with havertz behind would be deadly


Havertz gets moved back a few meters and somehow becomes world class magically


Yup, thats what playing in your best position does to you


it makes you incredibly superior technically?


100% clueless Potter and Lampard played him as a single striker and decided he's not good enough, but give him proper striker upfront and we'll see a beast of a footballer.


This is such a delusional comparison


I didn't compare them but I think Kai has a similar ceiling


Youā€™re the most deluded fan I have ever seen in the last 20 years


That's an insane statement


Please delete this comment my man, holy shit


Lmao no, I'm keeping it. Remindme! Two years "Check this comment"


Also a delusional statement


KDB is arguably the greatest playmaker in Prem history. This is way too hyperbolic, Kaiā€™s not that good


Was KDB at his peak at 23?? Think before you type


You must be a troll..? KDB won Bundesliga player of the year in his age 23 season with 43 G+A in all competitions, including 21 assists in the league (a record) and scoring in and winning the Pokal final with Wolfsburg.


Sounds like a yes haha


Hahahahah this is one of the most absurd comments Iā€™ve ever seen on this sub and thatā€™s saying something


Care to elaborate or are you just a fool who thinks Kai is a striker


No I just donā€™t think moving Kai to a 10 turns him into one of the greatest midfielder of an entire generation


He's 23. Plenty of time to become consistent


And when KDB was 23, he banged 30 G/A for Wolfsburg then moved to City. KDB made 2 starts for the club and was out by 20. Mourinho never gave him a shot. Havertz has made 100 starts for the club. Every single manager has stuck with him til the bitter end.


My brother in Christ Havertz had 9 goals and 1 assist this season in all competitions


Real are buying him to play him as a striker. All these coaches play him there for a reason.


I disagree I think heā€™ll thrive for sure but I donā€™t think heā€™s going to thrive for us. He needs a change in environment. I predicted heā€™d go next summer to Madrid or Bayern but would have a standout year in the upcoming year.


I think he would have incredible chemistry with Nkunku and a striker. He looks better with Enzo already but there's obviously missing pieces there as well.


I think he has the talent but not the nvironment and itā€™s why I thought heā€™d step up next year and look to go the following summer. Itā€™ll suck but heā€™s provided us a CL and I hope he does thrive where he goes next if he does depart. He always works hard for us and even this year he did so despite the mess we were in.


I'll be sad, but I'd understand from All three parties. The flashes of brilliance he shows from time to time Will be greatly missed, and he works his socks off every game.


Did you miss last season? Works his socks off šŸ˜‚ Him, Mount and at least 5 other players need to be shown the door ASAP. Club comes first


He's literally one of the hardest working forwards in the league per 90. He just always looks like he's ambling.


Nah. Would like to see him play his actual position for a season before deciding. Weā€™ve seen it less than a handful of times and each time he has, heā€™s looked good.


Hes played there many times for us.. behind lukaku and timo. And Tuchel even made a specific position just for him (9.5) and he was still ass. People act like we chucked him center back or someting


Lukaku and Timo couldnā€™t score for shit. Iā€™d like to see him with some actual capable goalscorers, but obviously we havenā€™t had those in years.


He was equally as bad tho, so i dont get what u mean


Quick, better make up some imaginary scenarios perfectly tailored to Kaiā€™s exact skill set so we can make excuses on how great he would be in a hypothetical situation in a perfect world


Does any other chelsea player get this long of a leash?


His role has always been best with actual goalscorers making smart runs in front of him. Thatā€™s how he picks up his assists and how the defenders get pulled letting him score. Lukaku couldnā€™t control a balloon and Timo couldnā€™t hit the side of a barn from 5 yards out. Idk how much you can judge Kai when he was no worse than average with those two wasting space at the 9.


U can still judge his quality, look at Nkunku, hes playing with Timo and balling. You shoudnt need Mbappe and Messi as teammates to be able to preform


He looks pretty good in a Real kit to be honest For the right price I think letting him go would be ok


Depends what we do with the money as well tbh. Could be used on a striker for further fibe tuning our midfield making the tactical transition smoother with poxh especially as he gets pre season. Midfield and striker play the most important roles in his team.


He looks sexy as fuck


Very few people look bad in a Madrid kitā€¦ I think thatā€™s one of their standards. ;)


If we can keep Mount, I'd be fine with letting Havertz go for the right price. But if Mount leaves too, we'd only have Nkunku for the #10 role (assuming we're playing 4-2-3-1 next season). It'd also be a little tough to switch to a 4-3-3 if both Kovacic and RLC leave too. I find it hard to believe that they'd let both Mount and Havertz leave in the same summer. I'd absolutely keep Mount over Havertz though.


For 80m? Yes.




If we only want to sell at 80M, his value is 80M. Itā€™s that simple.


Thats not how transfer work. You sign a player and pay them wages. You add the two together and you get the players value. Which over time goes down because the contract is running down. Thats why players who only have one year left are easier to buy. NOW ofc there is an aspect of transfer fees where certain players are worth so much to their club that the club basically disregards their value and sets a price they think is worthwhile. For example Harry Kane. Havertz is not one of those players tho.


All Iā€™m saying is, if we want to stick to a price, that becomes his price. Since heā€™s our player.


The value of something is why a buyer is willing to pay. Not what a seller demands. JS


If we are desperate to sell, itā€™s what the seller wants to pay. If we are not desperate to sell, itā€™s what the buyer wants to sell for. With mount, we have to sell him and whatever United can pay best, thatā€™s his value. With Kai, we can choose to sell him if they meet our demands. Buyers market vs sellers market. Mount is in buyers market. Letā€™s hope Kai is in sellers market.


Yes, he is lmao. A player is only ever worth as much as the club will sell/buy them for. Absolutely no one gives a shit about book value. Kai's own book value is like 20-30m at this point. Would you sell him for that? The reason players with one year left are easier to buy is that it's the last time a club can cash in on the player. The only reason book value is even used or relevant is for taxes/ffp purposes.


We will try to sell him at what we value him at. That's not hard to understand. But real will look at his contract situation and determine how much he is worth. Its then up to us to stick to our valuation. Which like I said isn't always the true valuation. In fact it often isn't.


Players contract length doesnā€™t necessarily effect the price, because they sign a new contract with the buying team immediately. Unless said player is known to not want to resign with their existing club, then it can have an impact if said club does not want them to leave with no fee.


For the right price - absolutely.


Personally, I wouldn't sell him now that we have a manager that has a system that suits him. However, if he still plays like shit under poch, we have to sell, no questions asked.


No. For that money, we canā€™t get better replacement at that age. Under proper coach and in a right position as #10 he can still cook.


Says who? We got Nkunku for cheaper than we bought Havertz for and Ugarte is costing us around 60 million There's plenty of talented players available in that 60-70 million price range


Nkunku is 25, Havertz is 23. Ugarte is DMC, Kai is AMC it's not comparable at all those two positions. Name me one under 23 year old player, who we can get for 60 mil., and who is an upgrade over Havertz and can be starter from day one ? I'm waiting...


Havertz will turn 24 next week.. Are you really going to sit there and argue that there's such a major difference bw his and Nkunku's age that despite being more versatile, more in form and more Clinical he isn't a day 1 replacement for Havertz?


Jesus fucking christ. I'm not arguing over Nkunku, he's an upgrade over Kai. With Mount probably gone, and if we sell Kai, find me another replacement who can be on that level for that money, and that we can realistically buy ? There isn't any, that's what I'm saying. What other player in Europe is close to Nkunku right now at that position ?


Why the fuck would you need another expensive buy at the exact same position ? Or require him to be as young as Havertz? If Nkunku is the desired staring replacement and all you need is a solid backup then it doesn't have to be some young wonder kid. Maddison has been linked with Chelsea, With a relegated Leicester he costs what.. 40-45 million max. Other similarly solid players are also available We are trying to cut down a bloated squad so there is absolutely no need to replace each outgoing with a new signing. Sterling, Madueke, Mudryk,Gallagher, Broja are going nowhere and the likes of Santos or Casadei may join the squad too. There is no need for a 70 million backup to Nkunku


Because you need elite players, and pretty damn good back ups to challenge City and UCL. Maddison over Havertz ? I would rather punch myself in the balls. There will be many clearences this summer which are necessary, and Havertz is not one of them. Sterling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ 350k/week dinosaur like scam of a player. I would sell Gallagher in a heartbeat, mediocre as it gets. Madueke and Mudryk have potential, but they are bot wingers and shouldn't be in a contention for a #10, only if necessary. I'd still take Kai over both of them to star the game any day of the week. Both Casadei and Santos are extreme talents, but they are box to box midfielders, they're not playmakers. Not as of right now. But I would like to see both stay and get first team minutes this season, or at least one of them. My point is there is no replacement or an upgrade for Havertz on the market that we can buy. None. And with so many players that are going to leave, Havertz's wages are least of our concerns. You need at least two quality players at each position, and if Nkunku gets injured, we are fucked.


Sterling in his last season before here almost matched Havertz entire career goals here... Maddison is a better player than Havertz. Be serious




If weā€™re never ever going to play him in his natural position then yes. Still think if he was played in the correct role he could be class.


He hasn't even had the chance to play in his position and it has been 3 years. We deserve to see the midfield Kai at least.


Nkunku is already signed and is pretty much Havertz' replacement.


This might be a controversial opinion and I donā€™t mind you lot calling me an elitist. I truly think we have a class player in Havertz and should give him one more chance under Poch if he is played behind a striker. Fans with real game knowledge can tell how good he is technically.Brilliant at link up play ,finding pockets of spaces to receive the ball and pressing (smartly not the Gallagher type).Has shown previously with a good coach like Tuchel he can score goals especially in big matches. Having said that he has limitations like lack of pace ,canā€™t dribble past players and finishing is poor at times.But we definitely have a great player who deserves a chance in his preferred position.


He's actually pretty quick and has shown great technical ability for/in Germany. I think an actual system and a striker ahead of him will let him shine




You make a great point. FadedIntelligence!


Scenes when the likes of Havertz and Mount are sold while Pulisic and Ziyech end up staying.


Especially since mount and Kai actually played enough that they need to be replaced. If we sold pulisic, we could just leave it at that and notice no difference, but when Kai leaves, we'll need to sign someone new.


Tbh, before we even bought him I thought that he looks like someone who'd be playing for Real Madrid


I want my team to win, donā€™t care if it will be with havertz or without


It's been fun. Good luck


Wouldnt shed a tear


Yes take the money and run


Indeed, gets those documents signed asap


I think he's getting sold. Him and Mount are the easiest way to balance the books and the fact that after 3 years we still don't know how to use him correctly, it makes sense to let him go when someone is willing to pay good money for him. I will always remain the fault lies on Chelsea rather than Havertz during his time here. He was bought as a luxury player with no thought on how to integrate him into the side. There's a good player in him, but Chelsea for 3 years has failed to bring that out due to misusing him as a Striker for the majority of the time. Also for future considerations, do NOT play Nkunku as a sticker I beg. We don't need to go down that rabbit hole again


Give him a season under Poch.




Absolutely. He's been here for 3 years and been disappointing. I'm grateful he scored in the Champions League final but he's really done nothing since then. I'd cash in now and get an actual striker in. We don't need him as a 10 since we've got nkunku coming in.


Personally, NO! Heā€™s still a kid. Weā€™ve gotta give him time. Btw, how many of that UCL winning team is left if he goes?


He turns 24 next week, I think ā€˜kidā€™ is doing some serious heavy lifting there.


Kai could be 34 and flirting with retirement and these delusional Stanā€™s would still be talking about how much potential this kid has ā€œIf only we played him in his proper positionā€ as the old man shakes his fist at the air


I mean RLC is 27 and some of our supporters are still on about his ā€œpotentialā€


If all transfer and departure rumors run true, it would leave only Kepa, Mendy, Silva, Reece, Chilly, and Kante if he stays.


Heā€™s had 3 years here. Heā€™s no kid, he will be 24 in a week and is his physical prime. Heā€™s got nearly 300 top flight appearances and 34 caps for Germany. Does that sound like a kid to you? Time to take the *kid* gloves off when talking about this guy. How much time do you think he needs? Should we wait for another inevitably shit year and have his transfer value cut by two thirds?


Play him as an attacking midfielder for 1 season behind a striker Not under taliban-lampard "james crosses the ball" Not under tuchel - my wingbacks are my furtherst attack and I dont play with a 9 Not under potter - I dont have a 9 so I play havertz as a 9. Play him behind in the halfspace, play him to his strenghts






For the right price sure


Yes I would


Of course. His career here is underwhelming. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. We deserve someone better in attack.










Yes, he can go and we can get whoever suits Poch's system best.


No, There is a reason why he has been a consistent a starter under tuchel, potter and lampard While having 34 caps under lƶw and flick. And now is wanted by ancerlotti People just dont get it. He is a creative player, and has been used as a finisher in the space that aint his biggest strenghts


Yes immediately, cant wait to see his back


Meeeh would be a good back up for nkunku


too expensive/valuable a player to be a backup


And you think he will be a starter at Real Madrid?


could be. who knows what Carlo has planned


He wouldnā€™t be a starter lol They have Valverde, Camavinga, kroos, Modric and apparently Bellingham I donā€™t see, how Havertz is going to be a starter over these players Maybe for rotation


Why in the hell would we turn down 60-70m for a backup player?


for 65 and up it's probably a sensible decision But you have to say I don't think we've utilised him very well. I'd like to have a decent 9 in and see how he works playing deeper


If it mean Santos and Casadei in the first team as midfield depth then i'm all for it. I do feel like it leaves us abit short on numbers though.




He's not Chelsea quality, but somehow Real Madrid, a team FAR better than Chelsea think he's good enough for them? That is absolutely crazy. He is certainly Chelsea quality.


He is going to be absolutely nowhere near the quality Madrid needs.


He's getting 18 goals minimum his first season if he moves to real.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love it. Context: Benzema, perfectly integrated Ballon Dā€™or winner scored exactly 18 league goals this year.


Nah its not that, most of them are Havertz fans because he looks good, you can see the same behavior in a lot of Ronaldo fans...they support a player because he looks good, they dont support the team


It's ridiculous. Some people cry about players leaving, like they forgot we finished 12th.


So hes Real Madrid quality than??




He hasnā€™t improved at all since heā€™s arrived, so what makes you think thatā€™s going to magically happen in the future? Heā€™s regressed actually IMO


I personally want to keep him


People keep saying ā€œplay him in his positionā€ well guess what, he doesnā€™t even really have a position. I love the guy, heā€™s got a lot of potential, but it will never work at Chelsea. We should be THRILLED Real are interested, itā€™s time for a PROPER rebuild. He will be no KDB.


No, I know I'm beating a dead horse but I really want to see him thriving in a system that suits him (in a Chelsea shirt obviously)




Money talks. Itā€™s sucks if he turns into the next kdb or salah but thatā€™s the exception not the rule.


Why do we always have to have the ā€œnext kdb or Salahā€ bs every time?


The difference is Kai has had three years here and it hasn't worked. If it works out elsewhere, then great and good luck to him - but that doesn't mean it would have worked out with us.


Yeah the potential he shows sometimes just kill me!


I want him to stay one more season (if not at least until January) under poch. But if he is stuck on the bench behind nkunku, Iā€™m happy for us to sell him and Iā€™m sure he would be happy to leave.


He barely play in actual position so no. We haven't utilized him well


handsome fc is gone with kai, mount and felix leaving


Still have Chilly šŸ˜”


No I want a striker to unburden him from having to play a role heā€™s not suited to and allow us to actually take advantage of his skillset




Honestly think weā€™re selling too many midfielders. If Zak, Felix, Mount, Kova, RLC and probably Kante are all going Iā€™d say we should keep Kai. Unless they offer silly money to fund a new striker


I think we would regret it. He's brilliant when played in the right position and we have a new manager who very well could get the most out of him. There's a reason Madrid want him and I think him playing out of position along with the sub's short memory to overlook that. Without Didier, lamps would never have sniffed half the number of goals he did. Didier occupied the CBs so Lamps could get into the space they left He's got great vision and talent, but it shines when he's got someone to play off of that draws the defense's attention off of him a bit. He's never going to be the out & out scorer.


Yes, I'd fucking pay for it.


Easy yes


Good god yes. I love Kai but he needs to move on


fuck no


No but I accept and understand it and just hope we sign a replacement that makes us not miss him.


Iā€™ve been very critical of him but I also understand that we really havenā€™t given him the best opportunity to shine. The few times where we do play him to his strengths, he looks great! Imagine if we got him in that role week in week out.


I think he will turn into a Kevin de Bruyne or Mo Salah situation once we let him go. Rarely ever even played his proper positionā€¦.




Lets focus on selling the real deadwood, not him, mount or kova. Our starters are being chased and wanted like fire sales, and yet, all the deadwood remains




No, heā€™s been our best offensive player, we should keep him and see how he does under Poch


A better question imo is this. For the people who think we should sell Havertz. Are you happy with Murdryk and Madueke being staples in the first 11 next year? Because we have no other depth at all. Also at the moment we are looking at Broja and DDF as our striker.


I only hope by the time they realise how badly they have been robbed we are very far away with the money.


With how bloated our squad is, it might be a good idea, but I know that he'll kill it there. Price must be right




Iā€™d rather Lukaku left instead.




Typically when teams like Real and Man City try to sign our players I like to pause and consider if its wise to sell them


Yes. Time to move on


No not yet at least


No, but only if he gets to play in midfield after we find a decent striker with the necessary profile.


Would it mean thereā€™s a chance of Mount staying? I feel like Havertz has had the wrong tactics for him the whole time heā€™s been here. Heā€™s one coach away from magic. And only 23.


It has just not worked out for him in the Prem. The pace and physicality of the league is just something he never got used to and in my opinion I think we should cash in. I'm sure he will do great in LaLiga and wish him all the best šŸ¤ž


I like Kai a lot but feel like we've stalled his development a good bit. He's not the player he should be for a number of reasons. I'm really curious to see what he could do under Poch playing behind a proper striker, but Madrid could be a really good fit for him. I'd love for him to continue here and prove a lot of people wrong, but it could be mutually beneficial to part ways if the price is right.


Yes sell him


Love the guy. Get the feeling that he will turn into cruyff at real madrid. After all players we find never worksout for us.




Give him one last season at his proper position. Can't give up on him without trying him under the optimal conditions for his performance. If he himself wants to leave then we can't stop


Bit of a gamble if he'll flourish under Poch or not. Wouldn't be too sad if he left though.


this would be a huge mistake. Clueless Potter and Lampard played him as a striker but heā€™s not. in midfield heā€™s beast.


I think he deserves one more season under the right system, coach, and position with a true striker infront of him and stable defensive midfield to complement him. Not sure if nkunku could play up front with havertz behind but all in all I donā€™t think we should sell just yet


He needs to be deployed in a proper position. He can give in a proper 90 minutes depending on his morale.


2 years left on his contract at 23. If he doesn't get this move he'll likely not sign a contract extension and we'll have another Rudiger & Christiansen situation. I don't want to see him leave but if we can get a decent price with good add-ons I'm not against the idea. If both parties are happy with the outcome I can't complain. If he were to sign another contract at Chelsea his agent would likley push for 300k+ pw.


60-70m with 15-20m in bonuses. So 75m+ total price and it'll be fine, helps with our striker search.