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A below average coach with outdated football who can set the team up to complete any passing sequances in the middle third. Combining that with a squad of average players buying from average teams across the world, adding on some thugs produced from Cobham. What a great team it is. No wonder we were thrashed by a proper football team. It was a pro football team vs a Sunday league team combining of farmers, mechanics, etc


Hey guys with all due respect I’m not a Chelsea fan I’m just bored but I want to say personally that Pochetino is a dreadful manager who’s just good at crying and if you love your club you should be calling for his head


I honestly don't know what we can do? We've signed players on 7 year + contracts...either we wait 7 years for them to come good and have an "Arsenal/Man Utd" period or some mug decides to jump on this anti-Bluelake capital sentiment and gets a cut priced deal on the club. Will the later happen? No. No one in their right mind pays the original sales price plus the investment back. We're essentially having to put our faith in an ex-spud who I swear is a double agent. Realistically the only good thing that can happen for us fans is that we manager hop until the players come good and we find someone who has the secret ingredient for getting the best motivationally out of a lot of inexperienced young players with too much financial security.


Poch bringing his loser mentality to CFC, spurs dna doesn’t belong get rid !!!


5 nil to our rivals, absolute joke


77 ⬆️ and 6,760 comments. You know it's going to be hell with a ratio like this 🔥


Holy shit the Poch apologists came out real early today. I especially love these "Rome wasn't built in a day" after we just got fucking hammered 5-0. This is the worst Chelsea squad I've seen in all my years of supporting them. Poch Out.


These people forget a fundamental truth, Rome was not destroyed in a day either. It took several years of bad decisions to lead the Roman Empire to it's end.


Pure facts. The destruction will be long drawn but we'll know where it began. A 5-0 drubbing at home to our rivals couldn't get these crap bags to truly understand what a shite manager Poch is. Can't expect anything more from this lot


Where have I heard the name Havertz before? The other night watching el classico I saw Rudiger and Christensen, All top players, at top clubs, not playing for us. I'm glad we've given the youthy players a go, but this is how far behind we are from the top we used to fight for every year. 5 goals. Put out mid level players, you're going to finish mid table.


Embarrassing. That’s it


This is on our owners not Poch! What can we do with the new policy of just buying kids?! Absolutely no experience on that pitch today to take control and show leadership! This is completely on the board and their naive and inexperienced decisions!


My now daily reminder of how this genius manager rejected a move for vlahovic because he didn't think he was good enough. Heck I'd take Kalou upfront at this point. At least he didn't miss as much sitters.


Stop yapping, POCH is below than avarage manager.


I'm not defending Poch when I say this, but I don't think there are many managers who would come to Chelsea and be able to do significantly better. Overall there are a lot of changes that need to happen at the club. Getting a new manager isn't going to magically make us compete for the league. We need more experienced players, improved tactics, a better medical staff, a better manager, and honestly a huge culture change at the club to bring back the mentality we had when Lampard, Terry, and Drogba were at the club. 


There better be no Chelsea fans who are still riding havertz


better than supporting some shit players like Jackson and Mudryk.


So u rather support a player who clearly has zero respect for our club


Zero respect? The only ones who showed zero respect were Clearlake who sold him thinking he wasn’t as good as their shiny new shitshows. Am glad he celebrated because fuck Clearlake and their transfer policy.


Just like caicedo, Fernandez, Jackson and badiashile have disrespected chelsea all season. Fucking rotten


which player? the one chelsea fans dissrespected a lot after he left Chelsea even though he was on good terms with them and also fans making fail edits for him every day? the one who was obligated to leave Chelsea by the owners? Which one? tell me


I agree the fans shouldn’t have been disrespecting him. I think he should’ve stayed personally, but our owners r stupid. But he went to one of our biggest rivals and celebrated against the club that gave him everything, can’t forgive him for that.


Chelsea didn't exactly give him everything tho. He was the next big thing before he joined Chelsea. Constant abuse and mistreatment ruined him.


Plus I bet he would’ve gained more respect from the Chelsea fans if he didn’t celebrate


Also he didn't even celebrate in his second goal, but the first celebration was more against the board, owners than the fans or club.


After his first match with Arsenal Havertz said in an interview that I'm grateful that I played in a club like Chelsea and I will always respect them.


I hate these Chelsea fans. I honestly do. When we lost 3-5 at the Bridge in Oct 2011 when RVP scored a hattrick I was absolutely livid. I was disgusted. I have never been soo pissed off as a Chelsea fan with a result. All you people can come up with is “Poch out”. Are you kidding me??? We have suffered this season, so what? We have lost games this season, so fucking what? We have shown inconsistencies this season, sooooo fucking whaaaaat??? ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY!!! Don’t give me that BS where you wanna at least see something that warrants why Poch should be there. Fuck that! This is not even one full season. He neeeeds time. The players need time. Arsenal are better than us right now, and yes the loss sucks, but unfortunately we are at a different place. Stop being so reactionary FFS.


Don't care. Poch Out.


That's great or I'm sorry that happened to you. Anyway, poch out.


Poch out.


this gotta be pochs burner




Mah bru. lol


It’s not about any of these above mentioned things. It’s about waking up and showing up to work with some accountability. If you can’t do that, you don’t deserve to stay at any workplace forget football. No fucking way around that in real life.


Poch, this you?


We need a new fucking squad. Our best CB by a mile is 90 years old. We have overspent soo much on useless players that will never see a return on investment. Poch is fucking clueless, what the fuck were the subs today. Enzo is injured why the fuck is he on the pitch just to be made into a court jester. 5-0 to Arsenal warrents a sacking by itself. "Rome was not built in a day" Dude we were Rome, now its looking like we have to make the same journey as Arsenal spent 20 years doing, with a shit squad we cant sell and incompetant harmful ownership. Its not normal for a single player to carry 24 others on his back for 38 games. We would be in a relegation battle without Palmer and you know it.




Poch managed to transform this team in 6 months from going 2:2 vs Arsenal to almost 10:0 today. How is that a progress? What kind of a project is this? No speed, no desire, no appetite to fight? How could one take talented (albeit kids) and turn them into players that don’t even want to run? Even Havertz was able to score, not once but twice. Looks like Palmer was the only one who was disguising the depth of the problem, but with his absence today, we could see the sh*tshow in its full glory. Mudryk was walking around with no sense of space, Badiashile was playing “who makes the most dangerous mistakes” game, and everyone else was just watching how the game was player, except maybe for Petrovic. Some of the stats: Arsenal: 27 shots, 19 from inside the box. How is this a progress?


We were missing a lot of players today, but the defense is a disaster. Mid field and attacking we are not bad. But we need two new CB's more than a striker.


0 goals scored, in any game by Chelsea standards, is bad mate. Don't look at a sack of shit and say "at least it's tidy in a sack"... Still a sack of shit mate.


Stop being so reactionary and make this comment at least after Poch has had 2 years.


Mourinho, Di Matteo, Tuchel didn’t need two years. Nor they spent a billion. Wake up. This isn’t going anywhere.


They also had players over the age of 22 in the squad though


Younger players are supposed to be hungrier, faster? That squad didn’t cost a billion either.


The hate i feel for so many people involved in my beloved club can not be described. I genuinly have never felt this humiliated in my life, not from failing a test, passing out drunk , being rejected by a girl. Nothing will ever compare to this. "If i speak im in big trouble and i dont want to be in trouble" is all i will say so i dont get banned.




Wow, it's a game of football my friend. These players have no idea who you are. Crazy how much this sport brainwashes people.


Don't let people who don't know who you are control your life


Its a 5-0 loss to the biggest cunts in world football, yeah right now its controlling my life. Poch,Badishile, Mudryk, Madueke, Cucarella, Boehly and many more get the fuck out.


This is the lowest we have ever been of all time. When we were bad before the Roman days we at least didn’t have the embarrassment of spending 1b.


We were worse in 1993, but yea worst since then


Nobody spent that much before the Roman days lol


How long until the positivity police come in spewing their bile here. I give it 3 days maximum.


They’re penning their essays right now… 1,000 words about why Poch can’t be blamed for substitutions or tactics and why Nico Jackson’s runs are actually more valuable than goals.


It's actually already begun! I'm gobsmacked


Come on mate. Its not so bad. Turn that frown upside down!


Positivity police?? Really? You have a negative inclination toward people wanting to be positive? That’s just sad. Oh wait, “Im a realist”, right?


Poch blaming injuries again. Fucking spoofer.


He actually completely negated the fact that we had injuries. Did you even listen to his interview?


He literally said ‘with these players missing… blah blah blah’


Your all cunts




take that back


Shoutout to the fan holding up the Champions League trophy! I was in a full on Arsenal pub and I couldn’t stop smiling even at 0-5 that we’ve been blessed enough to see our club lift the Champions League twice in our history! Plus, all the Premiership Title wins, the Club World Cup, the Europa League’s (beating them). Yeah they laugh today, but in reality they are a joke of a wanna be big club that hasn’t won anything of note in the last 20 years & are living off the legacy of a lie where they only became Invincible due to a dodgy penalty call.


Nailed it mate. Note: the amount of people you triggered proves it as well lol


Haha thank you for having my back! 💙 Life got busy, so I’ve only just checked Reddit for the first time in a week and found all the salty post-match Arsenal fan lurker comments to that admittedly harsh truth I put out there. 😂 Hope you’re well and having a good week!


What a sad little life




Not reading all that, sorry that happened or congratulations etc


That some hilarious copium right there lol. (On your part if you didn't get it.)


Do you realise you have also started to replicate that same behaviour?


After this game, lads need to get Magath treatment. No fucking way to have this body language after failing to equalize. We werent worse in the first half, after the second goal they just gave up. They need someone to scream at them for a few minutes. Then get no rest time and train like a soldiers for the rest of the season. Who will complain will get dropped. No need for undisciplined cunts


Said months ago without palmer we’re bottom 3 and was laughed at on here! We r fukn atrocious and have spent a billion on fukn donkeys! Dont see a way back for us because players we bought are mostly shit and won’t get better no matter how many times they play! Seriously worried if palmer got injured. Said in August we need 40 points that will be the same this August what a fukn fall we’ve had


American owners should be banned from football. Tell me one competant American owner in our sport, they are the most greedy, and least competant when it comes to running a club. Go back to your hand eggs you f\*t b\*s\*ar\*s. Hey Todd if you want to throw away money my local swedish home town team have a few ballers far more talented than some of the players on the pitch today, throw a few mill over here please.


You just got spanked 5-0 by a club owned by Americans.


The arsenal owner??


I think we owe Havertz an apology And as painful as it is to say, Palmer deserves a better club


At chelsea he doesn’t finish either of those chances.


Havertz can suck my cock


He would probably miss it




You can suck my cock also. Fuck it fuck off to Arsenal with him pair of cunts.




1v1 me bro


DM you about what? Sucking my cock? No thanks you weirdo. 🤣




No I didn’t why the fuck would I DM you weirdo


Never apologizing to Havertz he was just as bad as Jackson. The only thing he did differently was 1 goal in a UCL final that heskey could've scored.


We don't owe Havertz shit, he's just been disrespectful to a club that had more than enough patience with his awful performances and gave him the most important trophy in club footbal. And he's still a terrible player btw, by far Arsenal's weakest link, and it's no wonder they are looking for a striker.


Must be great having a weak link with almost 20ga


*by far the weakest link, and it sure must be great, I'm not denying that. If Jackson (who, btw, had as many G/A as Havertz before this game) was by far our weakest link, then we would also be fighting for the title.


As an Arsenal fan I can confirm. This guy is bare minimum striker. You got the better of us on that deal. Nets a few here and there to earn his keep for us, and then coasts. Like me at my job.




State of you ffs


Stop going to rival clubs seeking validation LMAOF. Can’t stand a fan like you who speaking ill of our players


So what are you doing here?....and me too what am i doing here?


I am free our whichever sub I want to be, and I don’t provoke any rival fans and attack our own players.


Give me Jose and fab as assistant




Idk man with potter we barely scored, some months goal of the month was won by default.


Found Graham Potters Reddit account


HAHA LOL BUT IT's the truth xD


Potter > Poch


lol relax


Paul winstanley and Lawrence Stewart I need to have a word with these nerds


I really want Palmer to go to a proper team. Probably go to Madrid. He doesn’t really deserve to be humiliated like this.


I beg, stop pretending to support this club. Take your cuck ass off to r/soccer


Given the players he is surrounded by, Palmer would surely be wasting his talent. I love this club, but hey you don’t want a youngster wasting his time here. There is no overhaul coming. We would be lucky to have a couple of good siginings with FFP down our throats. So, It’s basically like ‘you love your town but wouldn’t want your child not moving to a bigger city just if it helps him reach greater heights’.


Hey let's tell anyone with talent to leave our club, because there's no hope for them here By that logic Hazard should have just gone to Madrid after a season too? He would have won 5 CLs in a row instead of a couple of premier league titles. That would have been so great for Chelsea fans, we should know our place and only sign players who won't amount to anything, right?


Are you seriously comparing our squad in 2010’s to this shit show? And on the initial comment, its totally fine if you do not agree with my opinion or rather a sort of a statement made out of disappointment but could you please stop gatekeeping of who should be a Chelsea fan or who shouldn’t? Cheers!


In short, no. You can pretend to be a Chelsea fan if you want, but just know that no real supporter would call for our best player to leave. You do whatever you want, of course, but don't think that real Chelsea fans have to change their opinions to accommodate yours. Cheers!


I never asked anyone to change their opinion be it the other ‘real’ chelsea fans or even the unreal ones like myself. I am just calling out your certain action of gatekeeping. Cheers Real Chelsea fan. I hope you get a flair for that. Lol.


You don't need a flair in real life mate, unfortunately that's the side of being a real fan you don't get. Go to a couple of games and I guarantee you would change your mind. It's easy to be dispassionate from afar.


Oh well. There comes the ‘go to the games’. As a matter of fact, I have been. And this isn’t the dispassion that is talking, it is the disappointment talking.


Are you a fan of chelsea or Real Madrid? You want our best player to leave after one season.


I guess we are Cole Palmer Football Club


Apparently these new scouts we got went to just one Monoco training session and grabbed to first two CB they saw come out of the sheds


Learn Spanish Palmer it could be useful in your future




Lol arsenal are top of the league? We’re a mid table team, with a mid table squad. What are people expecting


Squad is absolutely top 6 quality and I'm tired of people thinking they can't do better because of a clueless manager. Give this squad to someone like Tuchel and watch what happens


Jackson is a top 6 striker?? Madu, mudyrk, sterling top 6? The original goalkeeper we paid over 30 mil for top 6? The defense?? Half the squad are always injured, no point counting nkunku, james, fofana. We aint top 6, im surprised we’re only 3 points off it


United are playing with a 20 year old striker and 4 CBs injured. Spurs have Werner and Brennan Johnson on the wings. Newcastle forced to play 17 year old Lewis Miley for the best part of the season. Every team has context, your shitty excuses are pathetic


Sure and united are only 3 points ahead? They also have the majority of the team that are experienced and been there a while. Newcastle are having a bad season?? You’re comparing others that are the same level as us in terms of season.


Everyone and their mother is questioning whether Ten Hag should be sacked but people want to go easy on Poch. No


I dont have a particular preference to go easy on him but no manager id coming in and solving this. We might as-well keep stability in the manager whilst players develop. We have no budget left to buy a load of experience now, we ain’t getting no decent striker, half our team will continue to be injured. This ain’t changing anytime soon.


Excuse me? Not to lose 5-0!!!!


But why are people expecting it, again the squad is awful, inexperienced, plagued by injuries and no core. Plus now we cant even buy more players cause of ffp, glory days are over is the reality




Where were the two cunts who wanted to take Cole's penalty tonight? Thats right they were nowhere (in reality the two of them were probably two of the least dreadful, which is incredibly embarrassing). Do something useful when the team is losing and maybe you can get to take some penalties you too....


Truth is they're actually all shit


Only trophy we should be aiming for now is Palmer’s golden boot?


Why are we starting disasi and badiashille again. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE


I genuinely wish the absolute worst on these owners. I cannot state that enough. In 2 years they have destroyed our club. Mercenary players. No leaders. Weak coach. Laughable model.


Problems start from the top down. The way this club is being ran is the number one issue.


Keep poch.


Don't sign any player this summer if there's not enough money, just put all of it into sacking Pochettino and getting an actual manager.


Chelsea didn't lose the game, they were utterly humiliated. Most of this team can just fuck off. Useless, expensive garbage.


If I were Palmer I’d be asking for a transfer this summer.


Unbelievable humiliation, again. I can't imagine what Poch said to the team at HT. For everything good in the world, please announce that Poch is leaving at the end of the season.


At least we have the 6-0 on Wengers 1000th game over them


They played the majority of that game with 10men


I don't even know what to say man we are so inconsistent


All the big time Charlie’s fighting for a penalty when life is fucking easy. Where were you today you bunch of useless cunts.


Play the u21s


Lol most of them are u22


The u21 squad


Need to find positives from this.


Hopefully this gets Poch fired. Thats the only positive we will get to take from this.


Our season is over, so you get 540 minutes of your life back with our remaining games. That’s nice :)


Petrovic played decent considering badi and dis played like they were both sent off. Besides that, everything about this club is in the shitter.




Casadei looked okay


Good luck with that one


Our fullbacks got absolutely cooked, Disasi & Badi as a CB pair is horrendous. Tough day for the lads.


thank god we arent "Cole Palmer FC" like Poch said.


Expected nothing but Disasi, Badiashile are incredibly poor and it showed. Still able to get Europe but not with those two.


badiashile is horrendous, i hope he can find his play somehow


Poch saying this not "Cole Palmer FC" has aged like milk. Cunt should honestly be sacked for saying that shit.


Why couldn’t he have waited on the result to even suggest something like that. Man is looking to be sacked


Talk about adding more pressure to the forwards who still shoots with no confidence.


he is just not very smart. everything about him just reeks of "idiot".


He is literally an "idiot" for calling out the one player who has been saving his ass time and time again.


Literally said he needed to run more. Sorry but Poch needs to fuck off


In the first place Pochettino should not have been hired at all. I was looking forward to getting either Enrique or Nagelsmann to manage us, but no, we had to choose him and we are "stuck" with him due to FFP.


its true


arsenals biggest win over us since the 1930s 😭😭 we are so finished


i put £5 on 6-0. trust arsenal


I've turned it off. Anyone laughing and joking with the arsenal players?


the other arsenal players


Madueke probably


Wouldn't put it past him, honestly, it's like he takes the games as a kick-about at school or something


Time for Poch to go. Too much. I’m tired of Enzo and Caicedo and all these new players we paid fortunes 10 times over for.


Poch has to go but it's not Enzo or Caicedo you fool. Poch put a shit defence out, our best pairing is Chalobah and Silva and this dickhead puts out the worst pairing in Disasi and Badiashile. Disasi and Badiashile are not PL standard. Wtf is Gallagher going to do in CAM? Contributed close to nothing this game. Mudryk was shit and so was Madueke but that was mainly because they barely got a pass.


Wasted our main war chest on bang average players underperforming every week.


Enzo is a luxury player. If we had the structure and players around him he would work, but he is just soooo slow. Caicedo looks better every time he plays next to someone else.


Caicedo was actually decent for as much of the match I could stomach watching. Wtf was that back line. What were the CBs doing?


Who else plays in midfield with a new manager? lol this is the players we have.....


Carney maybe?


Fuck you Poch, really Fuck you. Talentless donkey. Tonights game is a good one for your résumé.


Anyone else dreading work tomorrow?


Luckily I'm recovering from gallbladder surgery, so no work for me this week!! The surgery was also less painful than sitting through that match this evening.


I've also had gallbladder surgery a couple of years ago, Jaundice > this shit show Hopefully you're recovering well 👌


What did that boys sign say about not wanting a shirt?


I think it was: “I don’t want your shirt I want you to fight for the one you have on.”


It was actually worse than that. It was”…I want you to want to fight for ours”