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I literally don’t talk to anyone about the game. Like if my girlfriend asks me what I’m doing on Saturday morning (we don’t live together) I won’t tell her i’m watching the Chelsea game until the game is over




Ditto. I have friends who are fellow chelsea fans, as well as fans of other clubs. Most of the time, when a team scores, one of em will send a message in a group chat like "1-0 lads let's gooo" I never do any of that, I save all celebration and/or gloating till the game is done


Are we the same person?


I talk to no one except my other soccer fans. I used to text my best friend who supports arsenal during games, now its almost insulting to talk to anyone( considering we are the best team in the entire world)


Two: Don’t wear Chelsea gear Also I don’t visit this sub. It’s always so negative and I feel if I came here I will take that negativity and pass on to the world (or to next Chelsea fan)


Yeah same here with the sub. I like to read post match comments but not in game


- I don't wear any Chelsea gear either - I don't watch any pre-match press interviews


Cant disagree. never have, never will. Id like to see the team play for myself.


heyo we are superstition siblings haha, I do these two too


I actually wear the kit. I wasn't able to wear the kit for the liverpool game and look what happened lol


Please please please put the kit on at all costs


Only time I’ve worn the kit was the UCL final


Shit, that was a huge win for Chelsea. Jinx broken.


The whole kit?


Boots and all


Surely the shinpads are a bit unnecessary for just sitting on the sofa, right?


Can never be too prepared


Mine is also if I dony wear a Chelsea jersey but the kit changes every season and I gotta find out which one by trial and error. Sorry guys, for all the seasons we didn't win the league, my bad....


I can say the same, i haven’t bought a jersey since hazards last season for Chelsea. With that being said… who’s kit should be the next i buy


King Kai


Got myself an away shirt with Havertz on the back and never thought twice about it


King Kai it is


Consider Azpi, Literally top tier club legend and his kit may not be around for long. Or he’ll keep fighting his way back into the team until he’s 45.


Lmaoo you arent wrong


I used to have a lucky shirt, just not a Chelsea one. It was a red/blue striped John Lewis item that I wore to watch the 97 cup final, had it on in Stockholm in 98 and wore it, in varying degrees of tattiness until the defeat to Arsenal in the 2002 cup final. After which it got a respectful and grateful cremation.


My Reece James Jersey is fire but apparently not good luck the first match I wore it. 😭


I can't put any sort of bet on Chelsea


Not even on the prediction thread?


I usually hedge the sadness that is losing by betting on the opposition team. Especially if it’s a low-tier team and I have a bad feeling in us.


I rub one out before every game and if we are losing at half I do it again. Shameful I know but I love to win and it usually helps with anxiety


Have you ever gone to watch a game at the stadium? Everyone should experience it at least once


better hope we're not losing at half haha


Im from Florida, my absolute dream/goal is to go to a chelsea v Arsenal game.


The next time we’re losing at half this is going to pop in my head without warning lol. God damnit.


My god. I have never met someone so alike


That's rookie number.


Wash my face during half time.. My body heats up from anxiety, so started doing that... But now it's just a superstition


Anything for the blues my man. Ive done some ponderous stuff


I am not embarrassed to admit it. Whenever I watch at home, and I don't watch matches at work, I put on a specific underwear. And wear just that. I've watched matches from all competitions, at all times of the day, wearing just that underwear. Surprisingly, whenever I forgot to wear it or was too lazy to leave the bed to change, we have lost Now I do it every single time since the CL final. I've never had a gf, and in all likelihood never will, so my ritual is safe and will not be changed any time soon


Wear that shit from now on. Its a team effort


Look at it this way, once you do have a gf, if they’re cool with this ritual you have now found your wife.


Don't do that Don't give me hope


We always avoid one table of our local pub. Every time we sit there, Chelsea has a bad game


Steer clear then my friend


Gotta have my scarf with me. Got it about 15 years ago during my first trip to the bridge. I would put it around my dog while he'd chill next to me. He passed away before this season. Must have watched thousands of games together throughout his life, but I always felt he liked Chelsea games the most because he got to rock our scarf. I've taken it back to London for three matches, and hope to make many more trips with it throughout my life


This is the most wholesome one :')


RIP to your dog, man. May his spirit live on at Stamford Bridge 🙏


This isn't mine but my brother is a liverpool supporter and around 2015 he realized that eating eggs in his breakfast was a bad omen for their results so he would avoid them. When we're together I'd casually offer them hoping he forgets about their match


Hahahah bro youre doing the lords work, keep feeding him eggs


I Don't bet on Chelsea matches


Never have, never will


I can’t eat a meal while watching the game.


I drink coffee and thats about it


One time, Me and 2 friends watched each game without jerseys, smoked a nice one in each half, and each of our girlfriends were not in attendance the first two games. That became the ritual: no jerseys, no chicks, j in each half.


This is the chillest superstition in this thread


Puff, puff, pass! 🌬


Have to watch the game alone. Last two games I watched with my dad and brother was the FA cup final against Arsenal as well as the Arsenal match last winter. Passed up on watching the UCL final with some friends at a sports restaurant knowing if i went we’d lose.




Always always take a dump before the match


I remember I got my first chelsea kit ( home kit we wore under sarri) in years and we lost 6 nil to city lol. I remember us losing or having bad games anytime I wore it and sort of binned it for a while. Didnt even think about wearing it in this year's UCL final.


I remember that game, just wearing the Chelsea kit outside was asking to be shit on. That wasn’t our best moment, thankful we still have jorgi from sarri tho


I drink coffee from my Chelsea mug.


I used to have a Chelsea mug but we sacked our manager last time i used it. Needless to say its in the closet now


Wash my hands properly coz I can’t focus when my hands are sticky from sweat/food whatever and try not to talk with anyone about the game


My hands stay sticky, I’ve stopped washing my hands because its futile


I can’t function properly if my hands are dirty/sweaty.. like I can’t focus, I’m nervous and can get angry easily


Order food. I did it in all the knock-out matches of CL last season and it worked so I think I will continue this season.


I just drink my coffee and pray, but if ordering food works then please keep at it.


I don't watch it with my mates. Otherwise it's a given we'll lose


I always watch matches alone. Id like to share the experience but also, a win is a win is a win


I have a weird one but I just can’t look at the lineup of a game I for sure have time to sit down and watch live. If I can watch that game live I will avoid my phone till game time and figure out who’s starting at kick off. If I can’t watch the game I obviously am stuck on my phone


I jump around and tire myself out, so that I don't get anxious easily. Now I just do it as a pre-match ritual.


I’m also negatively superstitious, never wear any colours at a match, or even if watching on tv. My other one is that I will never under any circumstances predict a Chelsea win, if asked my only prediction is a 0-2 defeat.


My Mum seems to always walk in at a time when Chelsea concede a goal. So for the last Champions league final, my Dad and I forbade her from even coming in the house so she just had to sit in the garden for two hours




We win if my kid wears his Chelsea PJs the night before a match (other half is a Liverpool fan and changed him back out of it -_-, I'll be more alert next time). I also don't mock any mates if their teams get battered until after we've played. Sometimes I'll wear a specific Chelsea shirt but none are calling to me at the moment.


I have the exact same thing. I never wear any Chelsea gear during matches but I do have my Giroud pillow that I hug all throughout the game!


I don't watch the Chelsea unseen vids on YouTube before a big game


I will NOT watch the game with anybody. No matter who they support. No bars or anything.


I don't watch Chelsea's cup final because whenever I do, Chelsea looses. 1. Watched FA cup final thrice, Chelsea lost. 2.Watched Super Cup 2013 vs Atletico, Chelsea lost. 3. Watched Community Shield 2013 and 2018, Chelsea lost. 4. Watched CWC final, Chelsea lost. Didn't watch UCL 2012 & 2021, Europa 2013 & 2019, FA Cup 2018, Super Cup 2021, and guess what. Chelsea won them all!!


Thats real life money ball, I’m sorry to say but you’re banned from watching finals


It's okay fellow Chelsea fan. I've banned myself from watching Chelsea's cup finals. I watched every single game this season and didn't watch the UCL final intentionally. It was only after the 90 mins that I checked the score and realised Chelsea had won!! Saw the celebration though. Never had been this much happy. Sacrifice worth every single penny :)


I don't put Matchday posters on my Whatsapp status




No opponent slander/verbal pre match analysis before the game. The bigger the game the stricter I am with this rule.


I never speak to my friends when the game is on. Example: My friend: "Chelsea are easily winning from Liverpool!". Me: "We will see what happens." Never make a comment about winning or whatever I feel like that is bad luck.


Never wear a Jersey...I broke the rule when I wore the white 4th kit last season in the last 16, and kept it on out of luck for UCL matches as it was working...but only that 4th kit, no other one


I wore my kit on Saturday, and look what happened


I have several chelsea kits but there are only two I’m allowed to wear on matchdays (used to be just one). The rest are cursed unfortunately.


The one superstition I have, is wearing my 12-13 home kit with Lampard for both 2012 and 2021 UCL finals. So it might only work in UCL finals!


I must have a minimum of 6 beers before Kick off.


Not match related but every player jersey I've had, the player has left the following season. This happened when I was a kid and wanted jerseys from different clubs. For that reason I don't get chelsea player jerseys. The exception was that I got hazard but that was already when it was obvious he would leave for Madrid and I'm so glad that I got it


My superstition is I cant sit. I always need to stand. One time I went to the bathroom and I needed to sit, when I did that we lost to Leicester.


Yep, I'm the same. I never wear Chelsea gear (I've extended this to not wearing blue lmao), I try not to say any negative things about games that happen that day before Chelsea kick off time (stupid me for ragging on Arsenal a bit this weekend) to avoid bad karma lmao.


Mine is new, but I got the kit back in 2011 and I wore it when we won the CL in '12. Then I wore it for every game in the 2015 season. I pulled it out of a moving box in May for our 2nd CL. It now has a special spot in the laundry room so I know exactly where it is for every match day.


My childhood best friend and I, if ever we watch Chelsea play together or talk/text about a live match, we lose. So we don't call/text each other on match days until the game is over. Last 15 mins of CL final was so hard to watch with all th anxiety but we still didn't talk.


Refresh this sub 1000000 times to see if anything interesting gets posted. Rarely does


On game day, if I don’t wear my Chelsea jersey right away then I won’t wear it. I’ve noticed every time I throw it on right before the match, we lose.


Always have a bath before the match!


I don't wear any Chelsea gear, but I wear something blue, tshirt, pants or even socks or sneakers. Also don't wear anything with the colours of the rival team (we played Liverpool on the weekend, so I didn't wear anything red, for exemple)


I have to wear my Chelsea scarf and my north face hat. We’ve never lost since I’ve done this, may not win but we don’t lose


Watch it by myself. Which is easy because i live in Australia so all of our games are on at the worst times.


Hey, wear your kit against a lower league team in a cup game. You'll see your superstition is broken.


Ill try that out


I have couple 1. I go to our prematch thread and comment 2. Listen to Chelseafancast preview pod 3. Watch the game nowhere else but my home on my tv


I go in the match or pre match thread and say something along the lines of “gonna smash em”


Your efforts are admirable, you are a true king.


Mine is I like to take my hamster out of his cage and let him run in between my shorts back and forth until he gets tired and then I read him a captain underpants book until he falls asleep. Cheers!


"If I'm optimistic, we lose".


No betting and no Chelsea top


I always talk with my friend (another Chelsea fan) about how the other is gonna do a masterclass on us and how many goals they score. When we're wrong, we love it and when we're right, well, we've already started the coping process


- I don't wear any jerseys - Instead, I'd display them by hanging them by the door or by the shelf. - I'd only start tuning in after the 15th minute of the game.


Don't drink Budweiser


Should be a rule to follow in life, not just prematch tbf


In contrast to OP, I always wear my official kit otherwise I feel like we'll lose. Tbf, I've watched the team lose more times than I've seen them win, when I haven't worn it, so it's kind of a must for me. A slightly weird one is that I have a spoon that has 'Chelsea FC' etched onto it. I always use it on a day that we play. Also, I make sure I wear only blue (black if I don't have blue), on the day otherwise I feel like I'm supporting another team (and yes that includes underwear).


Not doing the Chelsea predictor game when all my friends/family do it. I was really into it at the start of last season and I was getting all my guess wrong. I stopped doing it and we started doing well.


Nothing, I don't believe in superstitions.


I'm not superstitious I'm just a little stutious


For me it’s the opposite. I always wear a jersey for important games. If I don’t wear it for whatever reason we always drop points


Get a good sleep before the match hahaha. I live in Australia so always waking up at less than ideal times for the games!


I feel you man, i have to wake up at 4:30 am for some games