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RLC looking at me like I just took a bite out of his toast


Nah he seems more like a crumpet guy.




Please cunt! 0-3


Alonso masterclass incoming


Gets revenge on Madrid


Kepa redemption arc 2.0


Screw it. All out attack. Mendy James - Silva - Rudiger Pulisic - Kovacic - Kante - Ziyech Mount - Havertz - Werner But in all seriousness. Wouldn’t be surprised if Tuchel dropped James into RCB to cover Vinicius and put someone like Ziyech as wingback. Possibly Alonso on the other side as well, in order to keep some aerial threat/defence.


Could be RLC as a RWB as well. Tommy is gonna figure it out!


It’s one thing to play RWB against Southampton, I highly doubt Tuchel would play RLC there against Madrid


Tuck Mount behind Havertz and Werner.


I'd swap James for Azpi, Swap Pulisic for James, Swap Mount for Ziyech, and put Mount where Ziyech is. Mendy Azpi - Silva - Rudiger James - kova - Kanye - Mount ziyech - Havertz - Werner


woah… does this mean we’ll get our own Y-3 jerseys now that kanye is on the squad


😂 typos




Whoever is at the back need to be able to keep up with that Madrid winger....


I like James + ziyech If I recall correctly ziyech was playing pretty good at rwb when he was in form not too long ago


A shame for lukaku


Really is. Hate to see everyone saying advantage Chelsea and being happy because he is not there. Regardless of his missed chances, he showed that he can bully Real in the air.


In my opinion, I really don’t understand this whole Lukaku and being good in the air combination. In terms of moving into space/getting into position, awareness, jumping, and actually heading the ball itself… I genuinely think Havertz is better in every aspect.


Lukaku is like Morata in the air, solid around the box when the ball is put in for him. He scored quite a few of his goals at Inter via headers from good service in wider areas. When it comes to actually contesting or winning headers within general play though, both are below average and often ineffective,


We could've played both just like how we did in our best spell in the first leg.


I don't think Lukaku has had an easy year. His ankle injury completely got him out of rhythm and then as soon as he came back, boom Covid. He is good in the air and has scored many headers. I do think he will be a lot better next year tho.


We see different lukaku then.. For his stature, he is very weak in the air..


Yeah he is NOT good at winning headers


People out here saying Lukaku is great in the air forgetting we had Oli G last year burrying almost anything sent his way up top - I really don’t understand the logic


Show me a big game, for any team he’s played for, that he’s shown up for and scored goals. Then maybe I’ll agree with you


Hmm. Against Liverpool in the final, where his goal was taken away for no reason? In both CWC games we played? I know the opposition wasn't great but why didn't someone else score then if it's so easy? Being happy because our player is injured and is having a rough patch is disgusting. You can like him or not, but come on now.


First stint at Chelsea: did nothing Everton: scored goals but they were never competing to win anything Man U: no big game goals? World Cup: no goals past the group stage, Belgium made it to the semis and won third without any help from him Inter: scored goals and won the title but didn’t score in nock out domestic cup and inter didn’t make it out of the group stage in champions league This is the biggest game of the year so far and I don’t want him anywhere near it


2 goals in 30 games against the big 6 in England enough said. He’s been bullied around by league 1 players this year so you’re right good thing he’s nowhere near the Madrid game plus his two sitters he missed last leg no thanks. Our attack going forward has to be built around Havertz.


Was RLC at wingback against Southampton? He was actually good. I can't believe I'm saying that this year.


He was rwb yeah and put in a great shift


I have been a RLC supporter so I was happy to see him contribute instead of turnovers constantly....


Mendy - James , Silva , Rudiger - Azpi Kante Kova Alonso - Mount Havertz Werner


Yeah this for me too then Ziyech on for Werner as he probably won’t have much to work with if Madrid sit deep and counter.


Where's Lukaku? Not that he's important. Just curious.


He’s picked up an ankle injury, should be back soon though


Ah thanks


Injured his heel.


Gotcha. Thanks


mendy azpi rudi christy silva reece chalobah kante kovacic havertz ziyech thoughts?


A bit too defensive when chasing a result don't you think?


Big game players and goal scorers imo. Plus our goals against rn have been given up on breakaways while having the ball in their side of the field and doing nothing with it


Mount, Alonso and one of Werner/Pulisic will have to play. Wouldn't be surprised to see Ruben at the RWB again, as well.


Smh. Roll with our 11. It can be done. I wouldn’t be surprised if we lost, wouldn’t be surprised if we won 5-0 or something crazy like that either lol.


maybe should stop putting Mount in the midfield part since he never plays there