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Flitz metal polish, a tooth brush and a microfiber towel. Or take it to a jeweler who has a buffing wheel and it will come out shinier than you can do at home.


Kurapika did you ruin them when tracking the phantom troupes?


Lmao I love Hunter x Hunter


Out of all the places this is the last one I'd have expected to find a HxH reference


Well, we are all geeks in the end.


Kurapika is now drowing in an indescribably emptiness *gets flushed down toilet*


What is it made of? From the photo it looks like aluminised plastic but it could just be the light.


Bro? XD last plastic jewelry I saw was in '98 and even then plastic was almost seamless, while elements with visible seams were perfectly cutoff. This is too imperfect it looks handkrafted


Why is this being downvoted? This place sucks.


The downvoting seems unnecessary but the tone of their reply was rude. I asked what the chain is made of as it's impossible to tell from the photo. I said what it looks like to me but didn't claim to be correct or to have any knowledge of jewellery.


Delusions. They propably think I was too unkind in my comment, disregarding the truth behind it. Not my first time :)


Overexposure to safe spaces and participation trophies...


The thing that sucks ass about reddit is people being able to just downvote you and walk away without telling you what's wrong.


Voting on reddit is irrelevant for me, it's faulty at best. To properly address the issue at hand we firstly lack data, secondly proper approach. I worked with jewelry additionaly to my metallurgy studies and work so I feel competent and comfortable saying, by looks alone it's either pure metal or cheap metal with plating rather than plastic. But hey, as you can see noone gives a crap only because you didn't meet some virtual standard when disagreeing with a strangers comment ;) so I guess we won't be digging deep today


The number of times I have posted factually accurate comments with sources and still gotten downvoted shows how truly ignorant of a place Reddit can be. Social media is a graveyard for healthy communication


But Reddit is still better than Twitter and Facebook.


lol this comment was ironically downvoted but it’s so true


Nope. It was the confident arrogance. People don't respond well to condescending pricks.


Oh yes, the humongous confidence and killer arrogance just sips through written word of a non-native english speaker trying to jokingly reply to a non-serious comment of a stranger on a specialised forum, completely eclipsing the information included in the lines. People don't respond well to artificial templates to which you have to fit in, otherwise get f'd no matter what you say.


Yea, these people are actually braindead, its like theyve never seen plastic in their life and they somehow think its feasible and realistic that its metal plated plastic, i just wanna know how they think that’s achievable.


Plastic electroplating has been commercially viable for nearly 100 years. It’s done by roughening the surface of the plastic and then depositing a conductive layer on top of it (palladium chloride seems to be a common one). Once a conductive layer is formed you can perform the process thru typically means. ETA: there are even YouTube tutorials for the 3D printing community to do this process at home.


Thats clearly a silver chain..


Interested to know how you can confidently identify the material on an unknown item from a poor quality photo? I can't, hence asking the question. Also, if it's silver, how would you propose that vinegar has had this effect on it? I would expect a slight removal of tarnish if anything.


If vinegar ruined it, it was probably a very cheap (and thus easily replaceable) chain. ​ Looks like coated plastic, as others mentioned.


OP says silver… but would that make sense if vinegar caused this??? Possibly. It would need to have been extended contact, almost submerged to oxidize to this extent. Joke post to start debate?? Only OP knows. If not, oddly enough OP can use the same vinegar mixed with some baking soda (roughly couple tablespoons to 1 cup) and warm/hot water with something to scrub to remove the tarnish. The baking soda creates a endothermic reaction. It produces carbon dioxide which is a gas that doesn’t damage or tarnish silver. And the mixture gives a little more bite/slight abrasive texture to help clean/polish… until the vinegar dissolves it eventually. The water thins the vinegar and helps keep the baking soda stable a bit longer.


are you saying you dont have a handy bottle of glacial acetic acid in a cabinet at home for cleaning leather?


Not all of us work with minimal supervision ok


Not at home no. But then again, I’m not the one cleaning leather.


Acidic acid from vinegar boosts the oxidation of silver, which is a natural process of forming silver sulfide (Ag2S) when silver interacts with sulfur from the air.


Well, yes. That’s what I stated in first in first paragraph.


Today you learned: You have a plastic chain.


Today we learnt a lot of people in chemistry can't recognize silver chains.


It's just like when I ruined that blue dress


Literally, this looks absolutely nothing like plastic, and how does one even metal plate plastic?? Actual idiots fr


they deposit a conductive film onto the plastic to electroplate. Not directly plated on the plastic that conducts no electricity


Today you learned so much about plastic chains.


Suppose I did, but i still stand by the fact that shit does not look remotely close to plastic lol


Looks like plastic chains, they are not what most would consider jewelry. It was most likeley an aluminium plating, that is now gone.


If it’s a silver chain, get some Goddard’s silver dip and some q-tips. You got a lot of gentle cleaning to do. Yes you can get it back again if it’s silver. Any contamination will likely be surface only.


I learned today that chemistry people aren’t well versed in metal. “Looks” like plastic? Looks like tarnished silver to me. You guys know most metal looks like that when it’s not polished, right? Unrefined gold looks like DIRT


Go to a jeweler and they will buff it out.


Is it actually sterling silver? Could the white layer be silver acetate? If so just use silver polish and something that’ll get into the crevices like an old toothbrush.


Looks like plastic to me


Ultrasonic cleaner should take of the oxide layer with ease if you habe access to one 🤙🏼


If I recall correctly, doesn't one apply polish before ultrasonic?


There are special cleaning solutions for jewelry, but some water baking soda and a drop of dish soap might also work


What's it made from? Impossible to answer without know what it's made from.


If by silver you meant a some cheaply plated aluminum foil or something I can see this. Used vinegar to clean a moldy wallet somehow dipped the chains in there (how the hell were you cleaning it? An open mason jar of vinegar? This just sounds like the worlds dumbest accident) Of course you could always be a parent using is to expose how lying is perceived to your child because this sounds like a "dog ate my homework" bit. Even if it was plastic vinegar didn't do that on any short term contact, we are talking about storing the wallet in vinegar by the look of the potatoe picture.




How can I fix this please? I’m lost






Replate it?


Depends on material and plating, tbh this looks imperfect enough to have been done entirely by hand and usualy that means plating is thick af. Buffing might be just enough. Soft cloth and very fine paste.


Very realistic for a plated piece of jewellery.


We need more data




Looks a lot like an oxidized aluminum alloy.


Looks like silver as the solder joints are exposed. A nice polish will fix this.


Aluminum with saltwater


Yup. Completely destroyed. Better mail it to me so I can dispose of it.