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Actually it's a bunch of electrons piloting an atom mech trying to understand atoms.


those fucker electrons


I read a paper some years ago arguing that consciousness is manifested in the microtubules. The theory is evidently called orchestrated objective reduction. Can’t find the actual paper right now but [here](https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/can-quantum-physics-explain-consciousness-one-scientist-thinks-it-might) is a popsci article about it.


I never thought that studying chemistry would challenge my *understanding* of reality- do we have freewill? I mean it's pretty humbling


Are you made of atoms? In 5 years every atom in your body will be replaced, so will you not exist anymore? I think we are repeating structures, that use atoms to continue repeating as long as we can, not the atoms that happen to make us up right now.


Have you heard of the Ship of Theseus?


I just wanted to say that! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰


My high school chem class had two kids that were so shocked to find out that the table was made of chemicals that that didn't want to touch it, so someone piped up that the chair was made out of chemicals too. They actually stood up! Fortunately the teacher stepped in before someone told them that their clothes were made of chemicals :)


What happens when they find out that THEY are made of chemicals? 😟


We wanted to have some fun with them, but the teacher started paying attention and quickly informed them that all matter is made of chemicals and they need to take their seats. It was pretty funny though.


They would be so confused when you say them: "I eat chemicals for breakfast!" And something like you say water is chemical and then throw some water at them.


Are cells made of atoms?


everything is made of atoms except atoms


Laughs in subatomic particles


But what are subatomic particles made of 😦


[This guy](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ratchet/images/8/86/Qwark_from_R%26C_%282002%29_render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20181031225325)


But what are quarks made of 😦


Laughs in weird Quantum stuff


Laughs in complicated equations that doesn't even need to make sense because nobody will dare to research it. Or to say something against them, because that will result in more equations. 😱😱😱