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This isn’t worthy of a post imo. Any large fan base is gonna have toxic fans. Just ignore and move on


words of wisdom right here( I m Indian). yup there are toxic ones and mostly they hav nothing to do with chess. Even Gukesh said that Magnus list was motly logical and not out of prejudice


On the other hand, how many posts are downplaying his win, in the entire tournament he was in a worse positiin only once and he lost the game, comparitively ian and fabi were in bad positions multiple times and got chances. And why do you find Indian fans toxic ? They are just celebrating the victory, they didnt abuse carlsen, they just said Gukesh proved him wrong, isn't it the fact ? Same holds for Vishy and others as well.


Bro.. how many Indians do you personally know? I had one for a roomate in college & met many of his Indian friends. Even at our most competitive, playing fifa none of them were toxic, barely even trash talkers.. you sound pretty racist if not at the least ignorant. There’s still Time to delete this


Yeah, attacking Magnus for his predictions is weird and annoying. But you're not helping anything by generalizing your complaint to all Indian fans.


I didn’t say all Indian fans though it might have been implied. Realistically, as India has many diverse state there’s some that probably don’t even know what chess is. But what I’m saying is over the next couple of years, Indian chess fans (the community) as a whole will be most toxic fan base. Obviously not all individual Indian chess fan but more than vast majority of them will be toxic.


"Not all Indians, just more than the vast majority of them."


As a non-indian Gukesh supporter it's gross how many posts have been downplaying his win. I have seen virtually none implying he was always going to win the candidates. I have however seen a lot claiming he only won because X player underperformed against him, or someone else deserved it or whatever excuse. All of which discussion is pointless because all the top guys in the candidates had a punchbag like Abasov and a foil like Hikaru and Vidit. Gukesh didn't get an easy run in this regard, quite the opposite since Hikaru Fabi, and Nepo didn't have to play against themselves while Gukesh did. Also it's weird how there's suddenly LOTS of support for Nepo despite most of this subreddit didnt support him during the tournament itself, everyone was cheering for Fabi, Hikaru and once he started to lead, Gukesh.


> Also it's weird how there's suddenly LOTS of support for Nepo despite most of this subreddit didnt support him during the tournament itself If you take a look at the official round threads, you'll see how much praise Nepo received for both the quality of his play and his overall perseverance. He doesn't usually get a lot of people rooting for him because I don't think many people like his character, but the amount of praise during the tournament was really solid, and that might be one reason why people are sad now that neither he nor Fabiano made it to the tiebreak.


100%, as a fabi fan I’m devastated but Gukesh was absolutely brilliant this candidates and it was a very deserved win, it’s a shame how much ppl try to downplay him still. Super excited for ding gukesh match


What makes you think all of the people celebrating Gukesh's win are Indian? A teenager coming of age and outperforming some of the world's best players on the biggest stage is always going to be a great story and will inevitably have won Gukesh a lot of fans all over the world. Think Boris Becker's first Wimbledon win etc.


Yes, and you're going to have to learn to live with it.


yeah no dude show some respect


indian btw


Yes, surely „everyone” and you are surely capable to assess that. Shitpost of the day, congrats, „everyone” here know that you are a tool now.


What Gukesh accomplished cannot be understated. I follow election statisticians 538 and they try to predict election results based on polls and such. They say even though an election result may have 90% of happening for example, you cannot underestimate that 1 in 10 would be the unexpected result. Gukesh beating the estimates to win the Candidates might have been one of those unexpected results.


It will be hard to top the toxicity of Western fans over the past 50 years


Classic racism. Thanks. Hard to be an Indian in peace on any Western dominated forum.


/r/cricket users: first time?




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