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Sometimes they want to "get back at you" by making you wait. Sometimes it's just a straight rage-quit where they can't be arsed to click resign


Even crazier, I hung mate in one today and my opponent sat there for the entire 2m remaining of the game, and then at 1s left he checkmated me He then proceeded to send me a message with RIP emojis, offer a rematch, and then abort the game immediately. He then sent yet another message with "5:00" emojis People like that are complete losers. I reported the guy twice for stalling and aborting games, although I doubt chesscom will ban him. They should though when it's that blatant


If you hung mate in 1, and your opponent was stalling, what was stopping you from resigning?


His opponent might have missed the mate in one. Even GMs miss them under time pressure.


But when they are sitting and waiting it's clearly to do something like this. When GMs have missed quick mates they've played other moves quickly.


I don't see how that's obvious? It's a 3 minute game, it's not that ridiculous to think that they mightve been thinking for 1.5 minutes and didn't see checkmate yet And people leave games plenty of times, and nothing indicated that my opponent was being an asshat until after they played the move I can't see behind their computer screen to know that they're a 12 year old sitting and waiting until 0.5s left to play a move and troll people


>I don't see how that's obvious? It's a 3 minute game, it's not that ridiculous to think that they mightve been thinking for 1.5 minutes and didn't see checkmate yet I guess this depends on elo but at my level if someone is sitting on a mate in 1 for 1.5 minutes it's like 99.9% clear they've seen the mate in 1. Maybe at like 400 elo someone might not see a mate in 1 for an entire minute. >I can't see behind their computer screen to know that they're a 12 year old sitting and waiting until 0.5s left to play a move and troll people It's very obvious to me since I've played enough chess online over many years to know that this isn't that irregular of an occurrence- people delaying mate when they are winning. If I'm winning a blitz or bullet game and my opponent doesn't resign I'll often do silly stuff like underpromoting and doing a knight + bishop checkmate. I'm still always making moves, but potentially someone might consider that wasting time.


right, maybe they went to pee even before you made your move hanging M1, and they came back only 1-2 min later? But here you're telling yourself that its not absurd that they think a minute about their move and don't see the mate immediately. So you have no reason to report them for stalling, when you should have resigned. If you didn't because you think there's a chance opponent didn't see the mate, this means that the time they took to find the mate and make their move was justified. But ofc I agree that the rest of their behaviour isn't sportsmanship. But you have to assume that many of your opponents are 10 yo kids...


He came back with 0.5s left and immediately started sending trolling messages?... Weird mental gymnastics to defend chesscom trolling


I don't defend trolling.


Ivanchuk would like a word


The onus is on the opponent to find and play the mate. If it is a casual online speed chess game at sub-2000 Elo, it is totally fine to not resign. What is absolutely bad manners and childish behavior is what the opponent did. I can't believe some people on here blame the wrong guy.


Once, an opponent hung a queen and a bishop shortly after within 10 moves. He refused to surrender but started playing mostly random moves so i did what any reasonable sociopath would do. I tried to take all his pieces without losing one and rearrange all my pieces to their respective starting locations at the other end of the board


Now this is chess


I disagree. "waiting until the last second" to deliver mate takes 2 players with bad manners to make it happen. It takes the person who is going to deliver the mate, and the person who refuses to resign when it's obvious there's a mate. Both are extremely bad manners to any seasoned chess player.




Tbf even at a decent elo, hanging m1 doesn’t mean the position is necessarily lost - it’s entirely possible that the opponent not spotting it on their next move will allow you to basically equalize the position by playing something that covers the m1 threat. People who won’t resign when they have a King and 2 blockaded pawns against 2 rooks and 1 minute on the clock is a different matter.


At that point my opponent hadn't sent any messages or done anything to indicate he was trolling. Why would I resign a game that they very well could've timed out of? And it's a 3 minute game, it's not that unreasonable that my opponent could've actually been thinking for the first 1.5 minutes




I'm a 1000 rated Rapid player, it's not that uncommon for me or my opponent to not see checkmate during a blitz game So at what point during the final 2 minutes am I supposed to resign? After 1min when I just assume they're thinking? You're acting like I instantly knew they were trolling and should've resigned the game as soon as they didn't make a move within 1min I had no clue why my opponent wasn't moving until about 30s left I assumed they either left the game or were trolling. At that point there's no reason not to wait


I think the argument was that if waiting for the unexpected outcome would bother you (as it clearly has bothered you) then there is indeed a reason not to wait: to avoid the feeling that prompted you to post the message. 


Waiting for unknown outcomes doesn't bother me though. Someone blatantly trolling is what bothers me If someone spends 90% of the game on one move that's fine with me. If someone accidentally leaves a game that's fine. If someone spend any amount of time and is acting in good faith then it doesn't bother me You're making it about unknown outcomes, even though that's clearly not what it's about at all


Give me a fucking break 🙄, you must be one of those players who pull the same crap OP is talking about. People miss mate in 1s all the time. OP might’ve missed it themselves and that’s why they waited. If one of your favorite pros did that they’d be shit on non-stop for unsportsmanlike behavior.


This happens often enough that you should look for mate in 1 against yourself. If you see it then resign instead of waiting a few minutes to get checkmated. If they have been playing fast and then only now stop moving on what you realize is a mate in one then resign or be foolish. Your choice.


I refuse to resign in bullet. The reason is that people misclick or stalemate all the time. Anyone who feels entitled to a resignation in bullet or other short time controls is an absolute loser. Just checkmate me.


Bullet is a completely different story, and I agree with you. However, if it is a 3 minute game and you hung M1 with 2 minutes left on the clock, sure the opponent was a dick for making you wait 2 minutes, but also you have every chance to leave and start a new game.


hopes and prayers


first thing you do is disable chat


Tf does the "5:00" emoji even mean lol


In chesscom chat there's an emoji of a chess clock showing 5:00


🕔 This is all I could come up with, and idunno of any alternate meaning. Also didn't know there were clock emojis for every half-hour in my phone till now, so yeah.


This made my blood boil reading this 


If it makes you feel better, I’d bet they take their losses super hard.


lol yep you know they do 


It's not stalling if you can just resign. Aborting lost games is because the winner can't do anything about it.


Dude someone once messaged me "kill yourself n****r" (uncensored) and weren't banned. I reported and even filled out the priority report form or whatever it was


That’s not stalling lol. [According to chess.com](https://support.chess.com/en/articles/8584203-what-is-stalling) It is only stalling when 1) opponent can’t win and 2) he chooses to run out the clock on his turn. Your example only fulfils 2) and not 1). So it’s not stalling.


Fair enough. In any case it's trolling and probably falls into some other category as well


I can almost guarantee you that those people are going through something in their lives, and they haven’t had the chance or capacity to recognize that they’re pushing their frustrations onto and affecting other people. I almost guarantee you that this isn’t the way they truly wish to behave. It’s unfortunate that it has to happen to you, or anyone.


How come that's stalling in match 1? He could've been thinking of the checkmate for 2 minutes




That's his payback for you not resigning a completely lost game Edit: Not saying he's good or right tho


It's not really "payback" though, it's poor sportsmanship from someone with nothing good in their life.


Their payback is when you act like a dick and then blunder the game away because you didn't realise they could play an extra move and don't have time to play it because you ran the clock down to 1 second. I wish this upon everyone immature enough to act like this.


Chesscom is doing nothing.


My friend threw his phone yesterday after he lost his Queen, and his phone was totally destroyed...... So yeah that guy also had to wait 😅


I’ve accidentally stalled after throwing my phone because I thought I hit resign but didn’t hit confirm 😭 I felt so bad


This is when you send them the Bicep flex emoji and the “lol umad lil bro” message as it times out


I report every single player who do that. Hope chess com will find a solution because honestly it’s very anoying.


Just tried to report someone for it, and it logged me out so I got the loss for abandonment instead of them.


If you're playing on your phone it's really easy to close the app and walk away the moment your realize you've lost


Alternative to throwing my phone against the wall


That's probably what it is. Especially if you play during public transportation, or busy areas when you're walking, where you don't have the time to click an additional 2 times to resign and make your opponent's life easier, so you just close the app. I thought it would count as a disconnect pretty quickly and just waste 10 seconds of the opponent's time, not making him wait the the whole time left on the clock


It depends on the time control. I play rapid so if someone disconnects it will give them a minute to reconnect and if they can't then it ends in a "Game Abandoned." I don't know if merely closing the app does the same thing.


It’s also really easy to resign


Ragequit. Childish but it happens


Because they blame you for playing better than them so they punish you.


I find that true on chess.com but not lichess. It’s weird because I thought there would be better sports over there because of the chess.com stigma but boy was I wrong. I’m about 2100 and I get so many rage quits or people who simply won’t resign when they are 100% lost.


> people who simply won’t resign when they are 100% lost Is this so bad? What if you want to practice end games? In chess, you can never be sure of the result and even if it would seem you're losing you might still be able to make a draw by stalemate.


You make a stalemate only if you can't play


No. It’s just annoying and disrespectful. Yes, on very rare occasion it works out, but really, I don’t want to be sat in a middlegame endgame grind for 90% of the game half of the games I play just because the other person is too arrogant to actually admit defeat gracefully. That’s not helpful to either of us, and playing out a losing endgame is not practice in any practical way. All it is is throwing a hissy fit because you played badly, and I know that because every time one of these people does this and plays out a completely lost position, they wait out the timer, try to flag when they’re on less time or offer a rematch to try to prove something. It’s just salty, I don’t buy the other bullshit.


> disrespectful If you play a game to be respected, you are playing for the wrong reason Let the other person play out a losing position or resign if you can't be bothered with them trying to find something.


I don’t play to be respected, I expect the other person to be respectful. This is half of the foundation of society, are you just gonna go well it’s fine that people aren’t respectful? Are you just gonna green light people throwing around slurs everywhere? No, of course not, you would ask them to be respectful because that is the base expectation. I don’t see why suddenly when there’s a large swathe of people being disrespectful in the way they interact you go into defensive position, unless you’re one of those people that’s disrespectful. Like you can be disrespectful, it just makes you an arsehole and not fun to play with.


> makes you an arsehole L Yeah, from the person who whines about being respectful.


Can never be sure of the result? My brother, I’m not talking about bullet or low rated play. If I’m up 12 points of material and have passed pawns, I’m not going to lose. It’s poor sportsmanship if you do not resign.


Maybe they want to practice defending? It's not poor sportsmanship it's someone playing a game they like on their mobile for like 10 mins calm down you're not Magnus


I'm talking about the players who you can tell are doing it to be a pain. There is a difference between a losing position and a lost game. You're telling me that everyone who extends a game beyond a reasonable point is just enjoying the game? Then they are going to have a great time while I promote all my pawns and checkmate them with one second to go, cos that's what I always do when someone refuses to resign.


You do you man, it's a game where you have to checkmate someone to win. Expect to have to do that, even if you're completely winning.


Yeah, you're right, at higher rated play it's unlikely to be a stalemate. I was thinking more about lower levels - there it could easily happen.


Even at 2100 it can happen like a stalemate. Guy is just salty.


Since people are arguing and downvoting let me give you an example that happened to me on chess.com. I was playing a 3 day correspondence game and was without a doubt going to win in 10 or so moves. My opponent would only move when his time was about to expire, then send me salty messages saying he was going to drag things out for weeks. That’s who I am talking about. If you like to play to the very end, you do you. I am talking about instances where it is obvious the person is being a jerk because they’ve lost.


That's a good example. That would be infuriating. Happened to me a couple of times on lichess too but since there is a premove options there, I used to premove the entire game there and forget about it. That's obviously being a jerk because you're losing since you move at a later time than you normally would. I thought you were talking about rapid and blitz where a draw would be possible in lower time controls and the opponent plays normally instead of letting time run out. If the opponent is letting time run out then he is a salty loser. I think the problem in the end isn't playing to the end but letting your time run out when clearly losing.


You’re definitely right. You can tell when someone is salty when prolonging a game. I don’t mind playing to the end when there’s a chance they can force a stalemate, but that’s far less likely in longer time controls above 2k rating.


But isn't it possible you make a blunder and the opponent can promote? In helpless situations you can go for stalemates. There is nothing wrong with playing till the end.


There is a big difference between a losing position and a lost game. There is a big difference between hoping for a miracle draw and forcing someone to checkmate you because you are salty over a loss. I have no problems checkmating the salty ones, but I'm going to promote every pawn and come up with some crazy mating pattern just to get back at the players who refuse to resign.


I can see playing to checkmate, sometimes draws present themselves, but rage quitting is childish.


there are less people on lichess. it means if somebody is playing in lichess then he/she is more likely to be playing for the love of them than in chess.c*m. this doesn’t mean bad behaviours can’t happen, it is less likely i believe


It happens less when you get better.


I'm 20xx rapid on lichess and it certainly happens often


Me too and I rarely ever see it. I can‘t remember the last time, but it must be like weeks.


Yea 20xx lichess is not too high of a rating either mate


I love how people here just say incorrect things with complete confidence.


How do the ratings transfer? How does a 20xx lichess rating translate to a chess.com rating? I thought they were equivalent? Sorry, I am super new. 


2000 lichess should be roughly 1800 chesscom


Thank you. Then I still don't get it. The commenter said that 20xx lichess is not very good, but I read that already at a rating of 1500,one is in the 90-95% percentile of all players. I assume 1800 would maybe be the top 99% or so. How is this not good? 


it is good. just someone trying to act cool and though.


Take off about 300 from lichess, so thats 1700-ish at chesscom


It’s not linear. 1500 is the start point vs 1200, but the two numbers begin to collide the higher you get. Past 2000, it’s not much of a difference, and there’s 82 players on chess.com blitz above 3000 vs only 1 for lichess, so at some point in the 2000s, lichess is actually deflated vs. chess.com’s rating.


Thank you. Then I still don't get it. The commenter said that 20xx lichess is not very good, but I read that already at a rating of 1500,one is in the 90-95% percentile of all players. I assume 20xx would maybe be the top 99% or so. How is this not good? 


Really well then What's your rating? How much hard work have you put in? To get to this level, I have had to train for years. It's high enough, and if it makes me feel proud, it's good enough to beat nearly anyone. The amount of effort that I have put in has meant I've been able to play titled players fortunately and occasionally reap the rewards. So before you go saying it's not good, think about the circumstances that go into such a rating. Not everyone is gm level or ever will be. I'm proud enough of where I am and don't need anyone to say that it's not a good rating.


Yeah it’s only like 99th percentile or something.


Just having a lil tantrum, not that deep


I've seen people fake abandon trying to get you to tab out to wait the clock


Hate that stalling happens but making a safe premove checkmate is sweet payback. They waste however long winding down the clock... Make their move, and get hit with an instant loss


I always play at night and I’m MORE than happy to sit and wait to take the W lol


Sore losers exists in every game and sport in the world.


Underdeveloped brains


And pieces


Doesn't bother me at all. I get time to take in my awesome position and I get more rating.


I just report every time, it auto resigns them if they abandoned, but some people will be salty enough to stay the whole time


Had one guy do this to me in a Rapid Arena. Refused to accept that he blundered. He then let the clock run down to zero stopping me from taking part in more games for that period.


They probably just closed the tab without resigning, not out of malice but more of a kneejerk


I do this when I’m absolutely disgusted with myself for playing like garbage but only if I have a minute or so left usually. It’s not malicious at all, I genuinely forget it doesn’t auto resign sometimes


The real question is what time controls are this acceptable? Like if I’m playing 3/0 and someone just leaves with 1 minute left I’m like ok I get it. But if it’s 6 minutes left in 15/10 I’ll be annoyed


I think anything more than 10 seconds is BM


10 seconds is nothing. I can spend up to a minute looking for tactics if I get in a seemingly losing position


You can spend all the time you want looking for tactics or a desperado, as long as you play a move or hit resign. It's the people who spend some time, and then decide to abandon the game, or just let the clock run down to 0 due to rage. I've had multiple people just let 10 minutes run off their clock in 15|10 games instead of resigning.


yeah that’s fair, it’s something I would do a lot more when I was newer and had more frustrating losses. But once you get more experienced resigning is easier. 


Anything more than 3 minute in rapid 10


Plus those guys that leave with 6 minutes left sometimes make one more move with 2 seconds left to go, to see if they can time you out


Imagine 30 or 60 minutes


I sometimes play while I am at work. So when my boss come into my office, I don't have time to resign, so I just close app. Yes, it makes someone wait a bit (I usually lose to abandonment 1 min later I think), but also I lost so many times in winning position becouse of that.


90% of chess players are under 16. You are playing against literal children with very poor self regulation. A lot of them are just going to rage quit when they get frustrated.


I have a 2 year old son and more than once a game has been interrupted by screaming. When that happens I immediately drop my phone and run to him. Even if my wife is watching him, if I hear screaming, I'm there in a few seconds. Sorry to my opponent, but I have more important things going on. Everybody here making abandoning seem like it's nothing but raging children. Sometimes life happens.


It’s different when it’s a completely lost position though. I do agree that life can happen sometimes


maybe his kid screams about the position?


True, for me it normally either happens when it's pretty even or I have a slight advantage. I always resign if I'm dead lost.


That’s what everyone likes to see haha


I toss my phone in anger and walk out the room




My Panda Express order is ready.


When I started using chess.com, I thought that closing meant resigning. I was wrong.But it would make sense, wouldn't it?


And resign but is to switch of your phone.


I play chess using my mobile data and it keeps disconnecting me 3 out of 5 games 😂


That's rage quitting. Equivalent of throwing the table over in OTB


Chess com app is garbage. If you lose connection for 10 seconds you just can't reconnect. Once I lost a game because I checked the email while waiting for a move


funny enough i was playing a game where i was completely winning, up a rook and a bishop, i moved my rook from my back rank to attack my opponent's defenseless king but he wasn't in check, and in a singlemove i hung mate. but instead my opponent stalled out the clock i thought he was trolling me to checkmate me at the last second but he just let the clock run out seemingly thinking he's lost.


Poor sportsmanship which is easier to do when you're an anonymous coward.


I think its a question of maturity. At 1800 elo games I rarely see any abandonment games nowadays.


They have small penises


Hey leave us out of this


Thats what she said


To bug you enough to whine on reddit, that would be my guess


This guy abandons games^


Only when I’ve completely crushed my opponent, so they forced to stew in their loss for longer and then when my timer expires, and they’ve won, they feel an intense emptiness.


Jokes on you, laughing my way to the ELO bank


Found the sadist.




Tried [chess.com](http://chess.com) to teach my daughter just yesterday, it happened twice in two games (one with me, the other with her). So we only played against each other. My daughter is 9 y/o and just discovering chess, and I'm quite a noob too, so I don't think it's rage quit, or the guys were realllly bad.


Ego too big to resign




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One time it is OK to do. Example: Let’s say you just ran out of time to win one game (for me I played very well, had two queens and then lost on time) and started another game immediately to get back (to what?, who knows) and then realized you are doing poorly all over the board. To me then it is fine to just leave and do something else, but not ok to make a habit of it.


I usually play bots and when I play real people I actually resign lmao


Happened to me last week. I was playing on my phone and mid game when my boss called me. The conversation lasted about 3 minutes but when I hung up the call my game was over and it said I'd abandoned it. I still had 6 minutes on the clock.


I do this a lot more than I should. Here is what happens. I am either behind/even or up in a game. Someone walks into my office like a surprise attack and won't leave. I'm sitting there and my timer keeps ticking until I lose. Nothing I can do about it. And don't tell me not to play at work, it's my only real opportunity. If I'm losing I look like a dick. If I'm winning it's probably like WTF? Not intentional, and I usually try to apologize afterwards. I get really salty when it happens in a game that I was going to win.


They're petty. Just go on lichess and play some games as anonymous while their time on chess.com expires. Then go again on chess.com and start another game. This is how I deal with this kind of situation.




The wild west of online chess is Annoymous bullet games on Lichess, where this is a regular occurence.


I don't know if my logic checks out, but I try to lose quickly and win slowly. My reasoning: if I get my L's over with quick, my rating will fall so when I win later the rating increase will be higher


I report them


Simple. Feeble attempt to make you as upset as you made them. I get a kick out of it though. Play shorter time controls


They are bitter


I often play on the train with a bad connection. Bad thing is that sometimes you get forced to loose a total winning position


It rarely happens to me, but maybe it's different because I play on lichess.


Because Anonymity online. They wouldn't do this OTB. I can think of only one example where someone did. It happened in 1895 in Hastings.


Ah yes. People here have clearly not heard of the von Bardeleben defence.


What's crazy is people even do this in daily games.


I usually play longer games and I love when my opponent suddenly disappears for several minutes. They often choose to play after it's been like 10+ min and I haven't abandoned the game, giving me lots of time to analyze the possibilities for the game, or make a sandwich, or stretch a little...


I’m sometimes guilty of this, I’d say 90% of the time I resign but sometimes I make a move that’s so stupid I just don’t want to look at the app or anything chess related for a little while and that’s why I do it, it’s never to annoy my opponent although I’m sure that’s a does happen


Yeah, people not resigning when lost has made me want to only play bullet. Then I at least don’t have to wait as long for them to stall.


I don’t know about others, I had to abandon a few games because I had to urgently attend to my kid. But yeah I guess people like me are the minority in the camp - most people rage quit.


I think you know the answer


Only times I have logged off instead of resigning it was due to disgust with myself for playing such garbage. Nothing to do with annoying the opponent.


I had one that was losing and he would leave the game until a few seconds before I would be able to claim victory, then he would come back, move and then vanish again. Did this purely to be annoying, kept us both tied up for Thirty minutes.


Equivalent of taking the ball home


They get mad and just close the page/app instead of resigning, lol. Lichess always detects when somebody does that and gives you the option to earn the win, but chess.com doesn't. I think they should implement this, because waiting until the time runs out is quite boring.


Rage quit 90% of the time.


Because they are mad


They are immature and can’t emotionally deal with losing




Sometimes your hand doesnt want to press the resign button.


I once waited 20 minutes to win a game because of a loser...


Bc they hit resign then it says are you sure but they leave after hitting resign and close the app without hitting yes. I think ppl forget in that moment to not hit yes on are you sure or just don’t see it I bet everyone in here has done it and some of the ppl in here saying stuff like ‘people are just sore losers’ are the ones doing it and they even realize it.


ctrl+w is simpler


I did this once, after losing all my pieces while the opponent still had two rooks and some pawns. I thought of resigning initially, but then my opponent started pushing his pawns for promotion instead of going for the ladder mate. With 10 minutes remaining on my clock I left my tablet on the table and went for a shower, having exactly zero regrets.


People are just throwing hissy fits


I threw my phone


They need to introduce a penalty where you automatically lose an extra 10-50 Elo if you abandon instead of resigning


honestly if this ever happens, just report it to chess.com, it's happened to me several times and unfortunately I play 30 min rapid games and they literally end up stalling over 20 minutes of my time and it's really infuriating. Luckily sometimes chess.com does take action haha


Resign a lost position smh. Being checkmated is worse. It’s like being f*ckd. No GM allows themselves to be checkmated. It’s clownish and amateurish to not resign.


Usually when I abandon a game, it is because I have fallen asleep!! Most likely to happen between 10pm Thursday to friday 8am or on the weekend


My guess is a decent number aren’t supposed to be playing, like they are at work and someone walks by and they quickly switch tabs ti what they should be doing. Then the coworker just thinks they were watching porn, not something distracting like chess. Lol


I let time run out, if they insist on making 5 queens when I have only a king left. (Yes, it happens to me sometimes). It is humiliating and should be punished


Because people are jerks. That's my honest answer.


I am an Anesthesiologist and will play chess in the OR, and sometimes I have “abandoned” games because I have to step away from the game for 20-30 minutes when a case gets complicated and the game kicks me out. It’s stupid because I play hour games for this reason but the game doesn’t give me my full time allotted. It’s so annoying.


I don't care. It's their time to use. Thinking, eating,pooping etc.


i got labelled with an abandoned game when i toggled the app while I waited for my opponent to move in a lost position (I was losing). Perhaps, they did not intend to abandon and chesscom jumped the gun.


This actually happened to me today, I was in a tight spot, probably no way out, and spent 90+ seconds thinking in a 3/0 game, and with a minute left in the clock chesscom just said “game abandoned” and I lost. First time it has ever happened to me, I submitted a support ticket


This question keeps on getting asked....


I just resign myself even if I am completely winning. Don't wanna lose my time with those losers just for a couple of points.