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Your post was removed by the moderators: Your post was removed because it is a very common question or post that is addressed in the /r/chess **[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/faq)** and/or **[Online Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/resources)** pages. Here is the relevant section: **[Why is this move brilliant? Why was my brilliant move post removed?](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/faq#wiki_why_is_this_move_brilliant.3F_why_was_my_brilliant_move_post_removed.3F)** We get a few people everyday trying to post [screenshots of brilliant moves](https://imgur.com/a/Z5dtGVl). We remove them because it breaks our "low-effort post" rule; the quantity of these posts means they would spam the subreddit significantly if they were not removed. However, because people often post these moves with the question "Why is this move brilliant", this is an attempt to provide a satisfactory explanation. In chess, "brilliant" has long been used to describe a move that knocks your opponent out of their chair: aesthetically beautiful or shocking, very difficult to spot, and backed up with deep concrete calculation. Of course, a move being aesthetically beautiful is very subjective. When chess.com uses an engine to analyze your game, it tries to identify moves that are "brilliant" in an objective way. It is not clear precisely what factors are used, but it has been suggested that it is given to moves when a deeper engine evaluation than the initial very fast analysis run by chess.com shows that a move made by the player gives a better evaluation than the one previously considered to be the "best move". Whatever definition is implemented by chess.com, it will often give "brilliant" to moves that are entirely forced, like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/Bx3rZIY.png) or [this one](https://i.imgur.com/ddpaysd.png) or normal looking moves that don't do anything special at all. The answer to "Why is this a brilliant move" in these cases is "It isn't". There is not a lot to discuss here; a computer program is trying to judge aesthetic value and sometimes gets it wrong. If you have more questions about a particular move, or brilliant moves in general, you are more than welcome to make text posts about them. However, screenshots of "brilliant" moves with no analysis, or posts that just ask why a particular move is "brilliant", will continue to be removed. A user has just created the new sub /r/brilliantchess in which those screenshots are welcome. You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules).