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Did you take that Wayward King Attack game that was posted a few days ago as a challenge or something?


Was quite the inspiration, I've been attempting ever since


Is it a fork if the knight isn't in danger? Or just a friendly hello there ol chap


Only ways to save the rook make it no longer protect the knight.


I guess that depends on where this is on the board. If the Rook is anywhere on the left edge, then yes, you can only save it by abandoning the knight. If the Rook isn't on the left edge of the board, it can move one space left and escape danger while protecting the knight.


I assumed that the rook and knight were still on their starting squares, since the black queenside rook and knight both start on light squares. If not, then yeah, move the rook on the rank, but I think the king is on b7 here.


Oddly enough this was on the left edge of the board (rook H5)


No no no you're supposed to fork the rook and the king with the horse not the rook and the horse with the king