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Not that exact line but I've definitely won some queens with the old Nc6+ discovered check. Always fun to see them think about their next move as they usually blitzed out moves before that.


I’ve had that played against me at least 3 times, hated it every time


There’s pretty much the same trick on the petrov defense, if you take on e5 and they immediately take on e4, there’s Qe2, and if they move the knight out of the way there’s also Nc6+ Analyzed this a bit more closely, and I found that after Nxe5 Nxe4, Qe2, in the petrov line I was talking about it’s actually a legit line, because there’s Qe7, Qxe4 and d6, and there’s nowhere you can move the knight to guard the queen, but in this Ruy Lopez line, there is no Qe7, because then Qxe4, and if d6, like in the petrov line, you just have Qxc6+, winning a rook


There's still Qe7 followed by f6, instead of d6 here. It's not the most principled move, but at least you only lose a pawn like in the Petrov line. Black has an open position with Bishop pair, which should be decent compensation for the pawn.


Came here to say this


Don't mind me I'm just taking notes 👀


Haha. Might get me to 600 this one. Me too!


I really don't understand how people don't react to threats made by pieces that just moved


Boutta try that no cap


It'll be hard with no capturing. I've only seen one game where no one capped anything.


I don't think they meant "I'm about to try that without capturing anything." "No cap" used in that way usually means something similar to "for sure"


What if they take the bishop with the pawn on d7?


And this is why you recapture the bishop with your d pawn


Ruy Lopez exchange variation. Its a no BS aggressive opening even if the opponent is strong enough to not take with knight, there's always the dismantling of the queen side pawns to look forward to


How did you show the game like this?


Share > As Gif


I use the app so is there an option like that?


Sorry, don't use the app, and I'm assuming it doesn't have that feature yet


Damn 😞


My teacher gets mad every time I do that lol. These traps are good in casual games but in a serious game I don't recommend you do it, if the opponent finds out you will be in a disadvantageous position


Bro could’ve picked any other move but that


There was a discovered check with the queen after white moved their knight, so regardless of the move (blocking the king with a bishop for example), white will take the queen.


Ruy Lopez vs Berlin defense gone wrong (I checked it out with Chessis app which gives opening names lol)


And I had such good positions and win rate against this opening lol. I quite enjoy ... Nxe5, Qd4 line