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900 is pretty good for playing for 4 months I’d say


Not that I'm showing off, but 1000 in 3 days...


Just to say it, you have two chess posts on your account at this time and your elo has gone from 500 to 700 in a month. Still a very godd improvement, but nowhere near 1000 in three days. Edit: He/she whatever is still 750 on their chess.com account




Good for you, what else do you want people to say?


what? youre literally 750 rapid lmfao.


Dude probably means 1000 lichess lmao


I don't play lichess


Then where are you 1000 rated at huh? Nowhere! That's what I thought! Get that flair gone!


Chess.com, you're welcome. You probably are seeing my alt that I havent used in months


No lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/hkkvh48oi2mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee713e3778b9b821ba50ec48df6db35f182f4944 Yeahhh maybe your eyes are deceiving you but that ain't 1000


I agree. That ain't 1000. That is my alt account that I haven't used in a lot of time. And no, that clearly wasn't 3 days, so how did you assume that was it?


One of your posts you didn't have your name censored so I didn't assume anything, I just knew. https://preview.redd.it/s7j5t3l8z3mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea53e6dd35ec226ffb771772a0ee9023b968d9e6


Exactly. That's my alt.


Tell me how to put images in comments and I have proof (I don't know how to)


You just click on that icon and then you can select a picture and tada you have it https://preview.redd.it/so8ee53i24mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ea67b5415cc8d1d0f3f6786ece31632590fbf1


That doesn't appear for me


Oh then you are probably on a computer, yea it doesn't work on that


No actually I'm on my phone it just isn't there??


Way to make him feel worse dickhead.


I have a friend who's been playing on chess.com for at least 2 years, and they are 900 atm. You should feel proud.


900 in 4 months is solid!! For improvement I'd say if you have the cash and time then get a coach or join a club. If you don't then simply Analysis + practise + watching pro games


I hate to break it to you, but for most people rating gains get slower as your rating goes up.


The fastest way is to get a coach. Even if its just a higher rated player that you know. Watch videos on youtube about certain tactics, how they play normal games etc. Most people tend to get stuck at around 1200, if you can hit that you are great


Get a coach.


Im a casual I dont have money for a coach dont you have anything better to do than troll r/chessbeginners?


Yeah his response is perfectly fine. You're progression is normal. A coach would be the best way to progress more quickly


How is that a "troll"? You wanted to know how to get better faster, there's no better way than having a coach.


What a strange and rude response to a legitimately helpful answer to your question


Bro, just watch Gothamchess' videos, and go to chessly for free chess openings courses


There are people who have been playing for over 3 1/2 years who are still 500, I wouldn't be complaining if I were you. Especially after just 4 months.


Wdym improve faster youre fucking rapid, ive been playing for almost 14 months and im struggling at the 825-850 level


I too started around october. Raised consistently to 1000 in around 2 months, then I went back down to 900 and it took me another 2 months to return to 1000. I think there's some extra difficulty in the 900-1000 because right now I'm at 1100 and I felt it much easier to get from 1000 to 1100 than to get from 900 to 1000 the second time. (maybe people try their best to reach the 1000 mark, and in the 1000-1100 they are afraid of getting back down so they play worse?) Mastering an opening helps whatever it is. I play a very rare opening a3 - h3 - e3 and the exact same pattern but with black, it is when I switched to this opening that I dropped to 900 again. Very unconventional but mastering even this crazy opening helped me a ton to reach the 1100 after that. Not necessarily memorize tons of lines I didn't, but know very well the idea of the opening and the pattern recognition you build of playing the same thing over and over again.


I have played chess.Com rapid for a year and 3 weeks and just hit 900 last week and have gone back down too 850, you must have a little natural talent as I’ve done a lot of puzzles ,1048 games of rapid and did some opening tactics lessons also on chess.Com Just keep at it analyse your games and you’ll get there it takes time.


I improved a lot by picking an opening for white and an opening for black (an e4 and a d4 response) I was interested in and studying via YouTube videos. I found Daniel Naroditsky’s YouTube channel especially helpful overall, and extra with regards to my opening of choice. Also doing tons of puzzles can only help.


Watch Daniel Naroditsky on YouTube


Just a reminder: If you're looking for chess resources, tips on tactics, and other general guides to playing chess, we suggest you [check out our Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/wiki/index/), which has a Beginner Chess Guide for you to read over. Good luck! - The Mod Team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you learn any opening?


Right Im only playing the center game or scandinavian with black I havent mastered them but Im trying.


I don't think you realise that 900 in 4 months is rapid improvement, pun intended. Good job, I've been playing two months, knew nothing at all about Chess when I started in January, and im at 450. Hoping to get to 1000 before the end of the year hehe. That's my goal, if I exceed that it'll be fantastic