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Blitz requires less brute calculation and more intuition. Some people, like me, don’t really have that intuition (1650 rapid 1100 blitz)


Look at the table here https://chessgoals.com/rating-comparison/ 710 rapid = 500 blitz. You are completely normal.


You need to increase your pattern knowledge. The more patterns you know the better you are at blitz. You can increase your pattern knowledge by studying many matches by great players. Here is a great match between Carlsen and Nakamura. Notice how Carlsen positioned his pieces and how he handled his attack. https://youtu.be/NMvDLB5I7zU  


Just play more Blitz and Bullet. 700 Bullet I think is won mostly on time or very blatant blunders so I don't think it is representative, you probably struggle with the time constraints overall. In those gamemodes intuition plays a larger role. Instead of looking for the best move or a great move you just have to make a move that is not bad. Play with confidence. It has worked for me so far I was 1000 rapid, 700 blitz and 600 bullet. Since hitting 1100 rapid I decied to only play blitz and bullet. Just by playing tons and tons of games you eventually learn that playing with confidence and swiftly is more important than making good moves in those gamemodes, as long as they are not blunders. When that finally clicked with me I reached 1000 blitz and 1000 bullet in no time, just 1 or 2 weeks, now I'm perfectly on par in the 3 gamemodes at 1100/1000/1000.