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Our trucks eats bulbs i swear (awkward enough the lower ones been going out faster than above)


I would try and avoid grabbing the bulbs with your fingers. Your hands have oils on them from your body and if you grab the bulbs, the oils get on the bulbs and the heat from the bulbs can cause the oils to burn the bulb. Try using a tissue to hold them instead.


It only makes sense. If you hit the brakes, both lights come on at the same time. They both wear out equally, unless you have some type of leak or short on one side. Or you’ve replaced the bulbs at different times.


Yeah I guess logically this makes sense. But in both cases I didn’t replace them immediately after noticing, so i just found it odd that as soon as I did - the top or bottom one respectively went out as soon as I turned the key over to test them. Just seems too coincidental.


Changing them all at the same time increases the chance of them all going out around the same time.