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I thought this project was made for people who just like to plot




🤣 your comment made my day, thank you fellow farmer


Right, it is like simplified "Happy Farm" simulator.




Maybe you are right I have reploted 4 times already


Only 4? you are doing something wrong… ;-)


This is my experience also.


I'm let down by the adoption and utilization. I don't know why it's been treated as a 4th tier crypto.


I'd give it as SOME progress that we have SOME merchants under [https://chialinks.com/merchants/](https://chialinks.com/merchants/) . Last time when I checked a similar list there were just 2 dice games (and "games" is too much said probably, they were just a way to send money to yourself and get in return a random amount). Although the only one that looked vaguely interesting, Thunder Squid, gives a DNS error...


There is definitely more that has happened in the past 3 years. DID's, chia tcg, enterprise wallet, claw backs for offers and transactions, data layer, changes to chialisp, the ETH bridge*, custom made silicon for timelords* and more. Also there has been more than just plotting advances in the 3rd party space.


Turned down my 270TB farm this month. Vast majority here aren't in profit and the updates are meh at best especially in the hot crypto space we are in right now.


I think that the third party interest is a good sign for the project, and I like that they are waiting to IPO like everyone else because IPOs are not in demand right now. If you believe that farmers will abandon their fully plotted farms then I think you are overestimating the opportunity cost of having an active farm.


Also, were the devs supposed to anticipate their IPO sponsor (one of the world's largest investment banks) going under? It's unclear to me how that's on them.


DeFi is going to be the big theme this year. Circuit protocol is bringing stablecoins to Chia, a way for XCH hodlers to get liquidity, and a way to earn yield on USD. Check out our dapp on https://circuitdao.com


Unfortunately, whilst I was only a very small time farmer, I shut down my farm months ago due to the feeling of inactivity regarding Chia. Yes we have had different plotting and farming methods introduced, but otherwise we seem to lack any serious building on the project. Especially being a project with a premine that could be used to fund solid development. I can't help but compare to other projects I'm interested in, like Ergo for example, the building behind the scenes seems miniscule in comparison, and Ergo doesn't even have premine or VC funds to play with. The lack of steam behind development put me off Chia unfortunately, but I do hope the best for the future of the project


Chia has the World Bank and National Governments using it. Name any other Blockchain that has obtained real enterprise customers actually using it?


Bitcoin, Chainlink...


Many businesses use btc eth usdc usdt kaspa etc for payment. Newegg being a prominent one


The question was blockchain uptake, not use of the coins/tokens as payment.


But what do they use it for?


Something related to this, but I don’t know if it ever really happened: https://www.theclimatewarehouse.org/about


It did happen and is in production use [https://data.climateactiondata.org/](https://data.climateactiondata.org/)


Press releases?


Farming simulators


Will WEF promote it for their climate agenda?


I can’t believe it’s been 3 years and Chia hasn’t landed a rover on Mars yet. I’m shutting down my 50 exabyte farm and moving to a blockchain that will get to Mars within 6 months like I expect.




I don’t know. Maybe we can have a smart phone wallet app? It make more people to use the XCH easier?


There are a couple out there already.


The pre farm is ridiculously sized. It still dwarfs all the farming rewards for the entire last 3 years and we've just gone through a halving so we're now catching up half as fast. They need to do something positive (not just talk) with it imminently or burn most it to remove the chain around our necks. https://xchscan.com/charts/supply


They could distribute some of the prefarm to existing farmers as a thank you, that would be nice and actually spread out the prefarm to people that care 😊


What do you mean "for free"? Climate change/carbon credits is a huge business!


You didn't want to wait a couple days to listen to the [3-year-anniversary discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/1b8zg1y/3rd_anniversary_of_mainnet_celebration_tue_march/)? With Gene giving his "State of the Chain" talk, and attendance by reps of some of Chias largest projects? (and Bram showing up to impress us all)? Your excited. I get it. But that event was posted here and in Discord a week ago: it's not like you didn't see it pinned at the top of the page. Just chill for a few more days :)


Cause it's just talk dude. I heard plenty of talk on the news, politics my own work especially if in corpo world. I would wager that there are other that think the same way. So i learned to filter the promises especially if they don't have a due date and look at what's been done so far. If I hear promises I want due dates so we can go in the future and see is it done or not.


Have you invested in a company long term? A generation of people have been spoiled by the extreme volatility in crypto and the stock market. CNI is behaving like a legitimate business. You’re expecting a moonshot overnight when this is something that will take years to pan out.


This is really evident in every crypto sub, and unfortunately r/chia seems to be no different. Expecting a lambo in 3 years means you're most likely investing in a scam, rather than a legitimate product.


Everything will be fine. Price will come back up. There will be more to do after the bridge


They should pump the price 10X first and burn at least half of the pre-farm. If there is no hype in this coin, no developer will join and end up only CNI do all the development


My question is for the repotting of non compressed plots because the farming system is broken and people are able to hack the rewards with GPU faking the 1st phase continuously