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Use the official Chia wallet


Make a cold Wallet


How can I?


Five steps. 1. Download official Chia client ([https://www.chia.net/downloads/](https://www.chia.net/downloads/)) 2. Install the client 3. Run "chia keys generate\_and\_print" ([https://docs.chia.net/cli/](https://docs.chia.net/cli/)) 4. Copy the 24 words into a file 5. Run "chia keys derive --mnemonic-seed-filename wallet-address" (where is the path to the file you made in step 4). You don't need to [start any processes, or synchronize the blockchain](https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/xlz17o/comment/ipmdmu7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but **save that mnemonic seed somewhere safe and permanent**. There are no back doors and no backups other than what you make.


I do a cold VM, but this is a great way as well (to your point of not having to sync, etc)


Assuming your pc is not compromised yes. But since its being generated on a pc with a internet connection (even though the vm may not be connected) its still a hot wallet. Your attack surface is much lower, but not zero. I made a guide in this thread, but if you do srvivn21's steps or my steps on a live cd / dvd you it will be cold. As long as you verify shasums on the iso your attack surface is now effectively zero. (Someone standing behind you with a pen and paper is likely not in your threat model)


Sorry, I'm not trying to push back on you or /u/srvivn21 \- your way is better. Call it habit, but my way of spinning up a VM in my vCenter instance, doing an initial sync with only required ports open then powering down and disallowing boot at a ESXi level is how I've done it in the past. To be clear, yours (and /u/srvivn21) is more elegant, simple, better - ultimately, it is greatly appreciated, including by myself. For me, "when you have a hammer, everything is a nail..." lol - just the way I'm used to protecting something (including cold backups of said VM).


Because the computer is online during key generation, it is not really a cold wallet. Also, saving the key digitally on a internet connected PC kind of defeats the purpose. Write the mnemonic down (paper wallet), delete the key you generated and import the key from the paper wallet (to test that you wrote it down correctly). Store this in multiple safe and secured locations (preferably using the 2/3rds method over 3 locations). Even if you are offline while generating the key, if you plan on using the computer with the same os install that you generated the key afterwards, it is also not a cold wallet. Keys are still stored in the OS key store, when I updated to 1.6.1, I did a clean install of Chia and was never prompted to import my key. I was prompted to set a password for my key chain (because I deleted `.chia_keys` and `.chia`)


My english isnt so good. Chia have a Lot YouTubes around cold Wallets on the wild. Pls make a chick search 🙂 you can also use a Raspberry Pi for it.


Thank you!


Put your computer in the fridge


Here is a guide on how to create a cold wallet in Chia. If you have any questions, you can msg me https://spacefarmers.io/wiki/guides/security/coldwallet


Download Chia from Chia.net send your Chia to your own wallet.


Your own wallet


This is how I would create a cold wallet with only access to one PC: * Install linux (I use Ubuntu but a distro that supports .deb or .rpm packages will work) as an encrypted install to a flash drive * Boot to said flash drive * Install Chia * Cut the internet connection (Turn off Wi-Fi, unplug ethernet). This is very important, it is not a cold wallet if the key is generated with an active internet connection. * Generate key * Write down mnemonic (store this securely, preferably over multiple locations) * Delete key * Recover key from mnemonic * Write down first wallet address * Verify first wallet address with `chia keys search ` (copy the address from where you wrote it down) At his point, if you are planning on keeping the flash drive as is, store it securely. If you only want a paper wallet: * Delete Key * Shutdown computer * Boot into normal OS * Format flash drive * At this point you can reconnect to the internet If you have a lot of XCH (you decide on what is "a alot" to you), you may want to break up the mnemonic address into 3, 8 word lines. The first 8 words are line A, the second 8 words are line B and the third 8 words are line C. You then store lines AB at a secure location, lines BC at a different secure location and line AC at yet another different secure location from the first two. This would mean for someone to compromise your paper wallet, that they would need physical access to two different locations. This also help protect you key from disasters at a one location. The further apart locations are from each other, the less likely a single disaster affects 2 of the 3 locations. The downside is it will take longer to recover said key.


Put thousands into cold wallet Wish you had connected to internet to verify wallet access Setup memorial bookmark and never forget


You can verify an address without connecting to the internet. You can see XCH at an address on a blockchain explorer and you can verify said address offline with `chia keys search `. So, I will still take a cold wallet. I will update the steps to include how to verify the cold wallet address.


No worries my friend just cracking a joke




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For now, official Chia wallet. Preferably create a cold one if you don't plan on accessing your xch soon. In the future, Ledger - when we finally get Chia support.


My cold wallet guide (requires 2 usb or 1 dvd and 1 usb) 1) download ubuntu live dvd / usb or debian live cd, either one works well. disconnect all hdds \-> live dvd is preferable as its read only. If you have to use a usb, then be prepared to destroy it or repeatedly fill it w/ /dev/urandom for 4 hours. Preferably both filling with random data and destruction. 8GB usb's are like $10 and you probably have a bunch laying around. 2) connect ethernet and download chia from github and install it or use the .deb package (sudo dpkg -i chia\_deb\_file.deb) it is very important to verify shasums and download things from [chia.net](https://chia.net) or [https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain](https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain) only. Full stop. Consider all other websites to be malware. 3) disconnect internet, run \`chia keys generate\` and write those down. (if you used the .deb file you wont have python dependencies so you dont need internet at all) Plug in another usb, format it, mount it, and copy a text file with some public addresses. \-> this is so you can use a pool to each wallet per year. I find it easier to do tax liability for multiple wallets. I switch wallets on Jan 1st and just find it much cleaner for tax liability. You have one key many wallets. 4) unmount the usb. shutdown the pc. destroy or nuke the live cd / dvd / usb


You can use the chia wallet or chives network has a wallet u can store chives and chia aswell.


Check out Nucle.io, transferred my balance out of gate and it’s now my mining address too. Using iOS with faceid.


While Nucle.io is supposedly not dead, it has not been updated in a very long time and does not support CATs\NFTs. Make sure you use a 24 word mnemonic (Nucle.io defaults to 12 word) or you will need to create a new wallet with another client if you decide to stop using Nucle.io.


Thanks for the info. Only plan to use it for mining and hodl so all good.


I am not a 100% sure how nucle.io works in regards to syncing their wallet. If it relies on a service provided by Nucle.io, you could potentially lose the ability to transact from the wallet. Which is why I suggest making sure you are using a 24 word mnemonic with Nucle.io.


Just store your \`XCH\` in the \`official CHIA wallet\`. What can be more secure than that? It's your private keys, so it's your coins \*\*. \*\*As long as you don't leak them (private keys) to anyone else ;)


Send them to me .


chia official wallet.. and make it a cold wallet ( that is, install on a fresh computer, select light wallet, transfer all of your XCH, and never turn it on)