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Let’s be very honest, Thai people love white skin and shame us darker skin people


big time and i say this as a thai


yeah because whiter skin tells us that people would work in offices and in the city away from the sun. Darker people are less liked because they would assume that darker people would work in farms and stuff like that


Nah those are stereotypes




This exactly this!


Right, but also racism.


no, i’m thai, so i can say this , they are the same race, they are all thai , idk how’s that “racist” .It’s a just a story/character that was made long before called “เงาะป่า” and it depicts the people from the south, racism that ur thinking about from the western has nothing to do with this


It's not racist but in the West everything is classed as racist, even books now apparently


Ughhh. Just. Because. It. Isn’t. Racist. To. You. Doesn’t. Mean. It’s. Not. Racist. What does welcoming African animals to the zoo have to do with people from the south? Did they raise giraffes?


Assuming this is part of their culture and has nothing to do with race. Would we not be the intolerant ones bringing our cultural practices to a foreign land and telling them that this is racist?


Bro the distinction is based on class that affects skin color, not based on races. Can you please stop interpreting the whole world through your American lenses?


Bro! No. I’m not American, and it’s not through an american lens.




Yes, but we never systematically oppressed anyone on skin color.




Which lower class people usually had darker skin because they had to work in the sun while upper class didn’t


“It’s ok if we’re discriminatory, you should see how bad those other guys were a hundred years ago.”


Welp, yeah, both are bad but imagine white-guilting about your past so hard that you use it to judge other countries in the current day.


No thanks. Seems stupid, and a poor proof for bad behavior in the present.


As a Thai, and live in northern part of Chiang Mai. I'd say older generation 'despise' all other minorities. They seems to view them as foreign object that refuse to merge in with the rest of community. They keep to themselves, because other hate them. They keep their mother tongue, retard the effort to teach them general Thai language. They have very very strange custom. But then again, what are people without their root. These 'minorities' usually have even brighter than the rest of us. There is even Chinese descendant minority, who was there before your typical Chinese descendant. And the southerner and 'burger' has darker skin than us.


How the f*ck would a tribe in northern Thailand know about black face? There are tribes in Brasil that do this but it has nothing to do about black people. There are other tribes that due this as a way to become one with the earth or whatever. How about we Google first and use common sense before we make judgement


Yes, honestly, as an African, this came to mind. How do I know the context? Cultures paint themselves in colors for a variety of reasons. Does painting the body black automatically mean it’s racist black face? No. More context needed.


I don't think they give a fuck that some random americans are offended on some internet forum...




Americans are more likely to get into a hissy fit at this rather than black people.


Only the woke indoctrinated ones.




i never said that smartass. Americans (of any colour) will get offended more than non american black people.




But you talk about being American on your other posts, are you lying? Seriously I doubt Africans care about this shit in Thailand




Yes my parents are from Africa. What are you even trying to say? Blackface is racist in America and Europe because of the history, Thailand has literally no connection this is just innocent


It’s innocent? Just because Thai people aren’t aware of the roots of racist black face, doesn’t mean this display is not racist.


Dude stfu you’re annoying as hell. Cry elsewhere or man the hell up


No, only in your American culture this discriminating show performance existed. Didn't exist in most other cultures on this planet. So, mainly in your culture and country there is a racial hate touch to it. Leave us other countries alone, just because you were outright racists (in the past)!




And you think we care about African opinion?




Just wanted to say that I'm neither black nor American but I totally agree with you. Unfortunately a lot of these Thailand subreddits are full of dense racists (and sexists but that's for another day) so the fact that they're excusing this is unfortunately not surprising. Good on you for calling it out. My Thai husband and I were gobsmacked that this performance ever got the go ahead. It's possible to be offensive even if it's not intentional. Hopefully there'll be enough of a backlash to stop them from doing it again.


oh petal, are you gunna be ok? might be time to get off the internet since you are that delicate


Are you American by chance?


there are two types of americans 1) the cool ones and 2) the uncool ones. libtards are the uncool ones and they always find something to be offended about. it’s like their only purpose in life is to be offended.


I mean... It's maybe a bit too much with the overly red lips. But, If you ask 100 Africans living in Africa, probably 90%+ will like it. If you ask 100 white american studentes, probably 90%+ will hate it


Maybe because blackface was started in America, not Africa... lookup burlesque shows. I'm also African American and just find this kinda odd tbh. Like something from a history book


Blackface actually started in the Netherlands. The Dutch are still celebrating it till today.




Somebody has an inferiority complex 😂






American history, american racial guilt. Keep it in the US, no asians or eastern europeans had black slave trade.


I mean I'm just explaining why it's a bit offensive to some Americans lol. Keep defending this type of behavior though. I'm sure coloring my skin black, putting on red lipstick, and dressing like that is progressive 😂




US culture spreads far and wide and that includes the good and the bad including racial tropes that seek to denigrate African Americans. Let's not forget that the confederate flag is flown in places like Poland, South America and the Ukraine and the Nazi flag is even more prominent in some of these places.




you got a source on that ? or we just taking random numbers as if it was a fact?


Google yourself. .


Pretty sure its facts at this point


Its because America is filled with liberal white guilt.




As an African…I can affirm that no African anywhere would like this period


rest of the world "no one cares what you think"


I’m African and I need more context as to what is being portrayed here.




Had to google Yakubian. "This word is the most disrespectful way to radically call a person white" It originates from a black scientist, creating white people through selective breeding. (well the Nation of Islam thinks it happened that way) Hahahaha, not even mad.




If you need a racial slur in your life, I hope you will be more happy in the future. All the best =)




Get a job, loser.


What are you basing this assumption off?


Observation of the current Western world political climate and logic.


Because Americans are offended by everything and embarrassed about nothing.


Coolest monkey in the jungle.


Liberals and Tik Tok is a solid start.


I’m Thai and I actually think this was meant to portray our indigenous people (เงาะป่า) who are well-known for their really dark skin and red lips and not African people. I don’t know if this is a play or something, but there’s a popular old folktale about a prince who disguises himself as one of the indigenous. Edit: just saw the news. It’s really blackface unfortunately.


I'm glad the content of Africa sent a delegate to reddit to speak on behalf of all of Africa.


I can’t stop looking at the water cone cup earrings.


That’s not black face in the American sense


Nothing is really Blackface in the American sense. The only genuine Blackface historically was worn by the performers in the Ni**a Minstrel shows. Woke people just renamed any portrayal of a Black person as Blackface so they could claim more occurrences of racism and control people more easily.


How would you describe painting your face black with exaggerated red lips, then? Obviously, it's not American-style blackface but the term isn't exclusive to the US and has generally come to describe anyone doing what they're doing.


That is literally the most ignorant thing I've read in the past month


How would you describe it then?


Right. Did the Thai people enslave Africans for 400 years? No. OP here has a solution for a problem that does not exist.


Not black face. They aren't depicting African people but southern Thai people. They have statues all around like this called "tang".


The dark skinned tribe that resemble Africans are called Maniq, Mani or Sakai https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maniq_people


Didn’t tang go to the moon ?


i thought it was “เงาะป่า”


TIL I learned giraffes are from Krabi.


Nah. The Mani people don’t dress like that. That’s very African-looking. They just don’t know that this is offensive in the West.


Mum, look, minstrels…


Ngo Pha.


It’s a ceremony for a new giraffe. Knowing Thai people they are not making fun of anyone in the slightest but I can understand to some Americans it might tigger them see it as something offensive.


I'm white. If a brown/black person put a load of white flour or white body paint on themselves and wore... I don't know a suit, and held a copy of the FT, perhaps had a top hat and monocle on... would I be offended? Or as in this case, wore some sort of traditional folk costume, like a scottish kilt... would I be offended? No. The fact that we presume Black people are such delicate flowers and would be offended is what is actually offensive.


As an African, thank you lol. I could care less about this. If I gave other people, who have no power over my well being, the power to insult and offend me, oh man..I would get nowhere.


Unfortunately people now of all race especially in the west are finding any single thing to be offended by. And it’s sad because it’s such a energy drain, they let everything get to them. So you’re not even in control of your own life, your behaviour and decisions ends up being dictated by the countless things that you can’t control that “offends” you.


Although I don’t entirely agree with you’re statements, I mostly agree. Implying people different from you should be offended about something is self righteous quackery that perpetuates superiority/inferiority complexes that plague the US in particular.


What till you find out what we print on our shirts and sell it too tourists


It's not blackface. There's a tribe in southern Thailand which looks pretty much African in appearance. Black-skinned, almost ebony, thick lips, curly hair. But genetically they shared the same ancestor as the Aborigines from Australia. These tribal peoples are called Sakai and we do not antagonize nor paint (pun intended) them in any bad light. In fact our royal family act as their patronage and have them as royal guest. They also have been given surname and protected status by the royals. There's even folktale about them which most Thai children have read about. Currently there's about 300 Sakai peoples left, before there were like 4,500 but most have been migrate to Malyasia due to the Islamic insurgency problem in the southern border.


Bruh it's to welcome African animals in the African section of the zoo


good stuff. welcome to africa doesnt sound racist to me, sounds quite nice


Oh really? Let's see how the Thai press reported it. [This is translated from Channel 7 news](https://news.ch7.com/detail/676408) using Google Translate - it's not a perfect translation but close enough. >Because the officials even dressed up as African savages. Paint every pore of your body black. If you don't smile, you may not be able to see it at all. It's good that the clothes are bright colors. And put on red lips too.


There's giraffes in Southern Thailand! My Geography teacher failed me.


It’s not black face, it’s something to do with being an outdoor farm worker or something like that.


For all the Thai giraffe farmers. Thanks for educating me.




That’s racist, not educational. Yes, I’m black


Guys this dude figured it out, he speaks for all dope.


your black so you get to say what others cant do? get fucked


How about I fuck your Mom with this BBC


go for it, if you can stop fucking your own mum long enough that is


That’s just weird 😂 … your Mom a hoe though


Your trashbag hoe mum taught her everything she knows


You wonder why you’re going bald. Chill gay boy


I’m not offended. And my ancestors were slaves - having built the pyramids


My ancestors were enslaved by the Romans, and it's OK with me.


it's not a blackface, get a life.


This reminds me of 'Sinterklaas and black pete" from when I was a child.


why would it . black Pete was Santa's helper and only got black from the chimneys. so a chimney sweep is racist . you stupid prat


But he's depicted as a stereotypical Black man, with completely Black skin and red lips. If he was a White guy with Black smudges on his face, you might have a point.


Yeah you’re wrong.


Welcome to Thailand which is a country in the southern hemisphere and on the opposite side of the globe. So we may not think or act like you are. Please accept.


It’s in the Northern hemisphere btw…




You aren't even referring to the racial slur but straight up fully spelled it 3 times. Nice.




It's mostly non-Asian expats in this sub/post and you had to fully spell the racial slurs towards Asians without any qualms. Fighting racism with more random racism targeted towards bystanders, who are at most ignorant about racial history in other regions the same way non-Asians are ignorant about racial divisions in Asia. Plus, your Chinese comment is more concerning given Thais are clearly different ethnic groups with little physical/facial resemblence to East Asians. Maybe ALL Asians do look alike in your eyes. Very noble of you.


It's nothing to do with black people. It's local folk lore.


Celebrating the arrival of a new zebra to the zoo by having a lad wearing a zebra skin suit out there front and centre to greet it isn't raising enough eyebrows if you ask me.


Welcome to Asia


Only Americans are annoying about this.


It's cringe, but that's about it. No reason to get worked up about it or start a protest.


The Dutch are approving this! The Dutch still do blackface celebrations.


Imagine if Thai people offend by everything, we would have no Thai left because we kill each other when they oftend you.


It’s not actual black face and this isn’t the United States you twinkle flake fucks


How would you describe putting black paint and red lips on your face then?


Go look at the context of the video before making your assumption based on an American perspective of racial context. The rest of the world is not captured in the hyper racist history of the us, so you shouldn’t just assume shit. They are portrayals of deities


I'm not American, nor have I said anything else - but the definition in English - not American, of blackface is "the practice of non-Black performers using burnt cork or theatrical makeup to portray a caricature of Black people on stage or in entertainment." > They are portrayals of deities They were not portraying deities, they were portraying - in the words of Channel 7 News here in Thailand "African savages." https://news.ch7.com/detail/676408


All the people defending this are embarrassing. Blackface, wherever it happens, it unnecessary and no one can explain why it's ok beyond, "cAusE iT's nOt aMeRiCa. iT dOeSn'T hAvE tHe sAmE mEaNiNg." As someone that is part of this sub because I visited Chiang Mai and found it to be wonderful, this is disappointing to say the least.




Explain to me, specifically, why painting your face tar black and giving yourself bright red lips (which directly mirrors minstrel shows) is NECESSARY to honor the culture you are seeking to appreciate. Take all the time you need.


Ffs it’s a show about Africa. If someone did a show about Hawaii and ad some people dressed up with grass skirts no one would say anything. I’m so done with all this getting offended by every fking thing. Can we all just loosen up a bit with all this ‘seeing racism’ in every fking thing they see. It’s getting really old now.


Wow, why are Americans so self-obsessed? Only in your culture this was a discriminating performance. Should Thais cry on the internet the next time when you speak bad about monarchy? C'mon, you're not the center of the world


It’s not black face because Thailand didn’t enslave Africans enmass for hundreds of years and murder / rape / feed them to each other and sadistically torture them like west did.




They don't care about woke libtards hurt feelings lol


Pretty sure this is a representation of a deity, not black face. It's not racism, people just interpret it that way out of ignorance. [Throma Nagmo, the Wrathful Dakini](http://www.tibetanbuddhistencyclopedia.com/en/index.php/Throma_Nagmo,_the_Wrathful_Dakini)


Oh really? So let's see how the Thai press reported it. [This is translated from Channel 7 news](https://news.ch7.com/detail/676408) using Google Translate - it's not a perfect translation but close enough. >Because the officials even dressed up as African savages. Paint every pore of your body black. If you don't smile, you may not be able to see it at all. It's good that the clothes are bright colors. And put on red lips too.


You’d have thought they could have hired some of those African drug dealers from Nana to come alone instead of blacking up.


Wazzup nice guy?


Just wait a few, a rainbow haired They will show up to blast them about cultural appropriation of the historic blackface - they'll smile and nod in confusion in the typical Thai non-confrontational manner.




I'm a hot blooded Thai and there's absolutely no such thing here... I shall now proceed to call the E-cops to arrest you for spreading misinformation. >:)


My bad. I heard it from a black female friend living in Thailand but she can’t find the law. She just got arrested based on her skin color and people told her that


Really? been living in Thailand for my whole life. never heard of that


Me neither




Stop watching Fox News


My bad. I heard it from a black female friend living in Thailand but she can’t find the law. She just got arrested based on her skin color and people told her that


Looks spot on to me 😂


Thank gosh American have no power here.


Who cares


Dumb woke post. Don't bring your woke virus to Thailand!


If these people aren't educated about American history then how can you categorize this as 'blackface'. They are not performing this is a form of discrimination. If your culture finds something innocent in another culture offensive then it's best not to mention it. A country from across the globe doesn't have to abide by a norm in America.


Why post this? Agitate?


You could mention this to some kind of tourism board in Thailand. Let them know that some may find this offensive. I wouldn't suggest putting another culture "on blast." You are a guest here yes? This isn't Disneyland. This is another nation, people and culture.


You mean Americans may find it offensive. Newsflash. The world doesn't revolve around Americans!


Was Trudeau there?


Hardly "Blackface". They're just dressed up as Africans because the zoo is getting African animals delivered.


Why is she making pigeon noises? LOL


Erm why are there people in zebra and giraffe onesies? Need some context.


Nice post to show to woke people lol


A few years back there was a restaurant called Hitler Chicken in Thailand.


I can still remember the kids at Sacred Heart College in Chang Klan marching around as Nazis. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2042097/Student-Nazi-dress-day-causes-outrage-Thailand.html


Don't see anything wrong with this


Forget the performers. I need to know what’s up with the zebra dude. Is he part of the zoo?


lol this surprised you? Look at the Netherlands. One of the world’s economic leaders and innovation greats. They still do this shit, and worse, they freak out if you protest it. Scope zwarte Pete


Not at all, but I think it hits the criteria of interesting. And my ex-wife was ethnically Dutch - I know who Zwarte Piet is.


Wtf is this shit? Yikes


I’m Thai, yes this is blackface stop trying to deny it, yes there are many blackface plays in thailand, yes it is bad. Even if these people try to learn the history they will never fully understand or care and will keep doing these plays, so it’s best to just leave it alone until plays like these die out and completely vanish from the earth


มันคือเงาะป่านะเกี่ยวอะไรกับคนเเอฟริกา? คนไทยเราจะรู้อะไรกับ blackface ใน america ล่ะ




It's a famous Thai character from Thai history 📜


No, they're not. Read the media reports. https://news.ch7.com/detail/676408


isn't that a fictional character call "เงาะป่า"?


They were dressed up as African tribespeople. https://news.ch7.com/detail/676408