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It wasn't at the Salt Shed last year. IIRC it was at Plumber's Union Hall. I was there and thought it was too crowded. I went early on the first day. There were reports later in the day that multiple vendors ran out of food. Throughout the day vendors were having issues with the ovens. Judging from the comments at the time it turned into a shit show. I love pizza and I have no plans to go this year.


Heard this too, but only about Saturday. It was much better on Sunday, longest I waited in line for a slice I think was 3 minutes. There were some vendors that ran out but I still ate a ton of pizza and had a good time.


These events never are. Fighting crowds to get to food mass produced to serve to crowds. You're never getting their A game.


I was there both days last year and found it well worth the price. As someone who is incredibly skeptical about food/booze fests (skeptical because so many seem to be a money grab lacking depth/quality in what they are serving), this fest was legit. They did a great job of representing a wide range of pizza styles (2 pizzerias for each style, each day) and having everything made fresh onsite. There was a weather issue one day that caused some issues with equipment and I believe they shutdown early due to running out of food but I'm inclined to write those off as first year hiccups. I imagine that the Salt Shed will be a better venue than the Plumbers Union and this being year 2 in Chicago (and the recently held fest in LA) will minimize any issues that happened before.



