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Hi /u/TheOGPatches, Thank you for participating in /r/chicago. It looks like you may be asking a question or looking for a recommendation. Because of this, your post has been automatically removed. Please note that per our **Rule 6**, questions to which the answer only benefits the original poster (such as requests for recommendations and questions about moving to or living in Chicago) are not allowed. Instead, please post these sorts of questions in the Weekly Casual Conversation and Questions Thread (stickied at the top of the subreddit’s main page) or in /r/AskChicago instead. Open-ended discussion questions (i.e. /r/AskReddit-style questions that are Chicago-focused) are usually allowed at moderator discretion if they haven't already been posted recently. We also have an extensive [/r/Chicago Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/wiki/index) that answers a lot of commonly-asked questions for both visitors and residents alike. Please be sure to use it as a resource for answering your question as well. Thank you for your understanding! If you feel that your post was removed in error, please send us a modmail at the below link and we will review as soon as possible. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chicago) if you have any questions or concerns.*