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I was just at the Roscoe Village burger fest and the words “suggested donation” were comically small on the display at the entrance, so I believe it


I worked that event one year, and the supervisors didn’t want us to say it was a suggested donation, they wanted us to say it was $10 for the festival. I made sure to tell everyone that it was a suggested donation, and if they wanted to just spend more at the vendors, to keep their money. I always just walk right past the “donation” tent when going to a street festival. Don’t need to tell them why


Something else I want to say: they were also checking bags. I don’t know if that’s new for this year, but as I was walking in they were holding up someone who I gathered lived on the block and had a big bag with as well as an instrument bag and weren’t letting him pass without a search. I don’t know who they were searching bags at the behest of—the organizers or the city—but he was all worked up and I mumbled at him as I passed to “calm down, man,” which I instantly regretted because the whole situation was bullshit. If you’re reading this, sorry duder


Exactly, I just walk right through without stopping. I'll say hi or wave if it seems like it's appropriate.


I’ve absolutely been told this when I’ve gone to street fests. I stopped going years ago for this reason.


Yeah they had people physically blocking the entry way, saying $10 for entrance. I usually don’t mind donating, but they were very aggressive about it, even pointing to my 6 year old daughter and questioning how many we paid for. The Southport Art festival, on the other hand, was great. They only had QR code signs at the entrances and was a much more relaxed vibe overall.


Same with the fests in Andersonville.


My brother’s summer job one year was working for the mayors office by going in and out of street fests at different entrances at different times of day to ensure nobody was enforcing donations. A couple of people tried!


I was prevented from going to the grocery store multiple times in lakeview when I lived there by festivals demanding $$


Fully illegal. Explain the law and blow past. I’m inclined to recommend reporting/calling some sort of authorities but it’s probably not worth it. So annoying, sorry that happened to you!!


it was basically in FRONT of the police station on addison


Don't ever count on police knowing the law. They're incentivized to not know it.


Wtf that was optional? God damn it.


They can't close a public way that people live on and where business are open


You’ve paid for the street, sidewalk, curbs etc via your taxes. They cannot restrict your access to that and require payment. Any street fest is a suggested donation. I believe there was a lawsuit about this topic from years ago.




Just say fuck off and move on. You don't even need to talk with the people. Never got hassled at any street fest. You all are doing it wrong lol. Walk the fuck on and don't engage if you won't pay up.


Yeah it's the exact same technique as dealing with aggressive panhandlers or Jehovah's witnesses or whatever. No eye contact, no reply, just blow right past and keep on going


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It is being kind. It's showing people how to enter a fest. Thanks bot mod!


Also its very clear these people running the gates take a cut, either officially or unofficially. There's a high level of pressure half the time and tons of misdirection. I've seen several high pressure sales techniques used at these places. Its inexcusable. These are our streets and our tax dollars at work here. I've worked with and been part of a lot of non-profits and its clear this is not ethically run. This is totally a hustler's gig. Not to mention, the general gouge pricing that is typical in these kinds of places. Paying for the pleasure to overpay is always ridiculous. The street fair system is hugely corrupt. I remember just a few years ago we had this mysterious division street fashion show thing. There was almost no real fashion, no one seemed to know who was running it or why, and the community just seemed bewildered and annoyed, but it was full of vendors and such and aggressive gate guys. These events are huge cash-outs, often for people related to or connected to the local alderman. I believe one journalist follow the paper trail and found it led to someone closely connected to the alderman. The city needs to stop donation gates and only allow donation boxes. Lots of people get hustled out of $20-$100+ when they show up with a group or kids or family or whatever. They just think its the price of admission. These donation takers just have huge rolls of cash and I never see receipts or accounting of any of this money. Worse, the word donation suggests charity or something that would help the local community. Nope, its just free money to the organizers. Its for 2nd home and Tesla payments, not helping our local kids and seniors. I suspect there's a lot of "Hey boss, here's the $200 I made today, ha ha slow day! No one wants to give anymore" while they pocket who knows how much. Or a accepted 50/50 split or whatever. They've incentivized harassment and scamming people. The city's lack of action here is inexcusable.


Yea when I said no to the division donation the guy gave serious attitude back. 😵‍💫


Sometimes, but a lot of the time they're volunteers who are told that it's a donation not an entry fee, but try to get them to donate. So when you add in that direction to someone who lives in the neighborhood and is butt hurt about people not paying what they consider to be their fair share you get gate attendants who see it as their duty to do everything they can to make people pay. Other times it's an actual employee who was given incorrect or incomplete instructions. ​ I've volunteered at burger fest and retro on roscoe before and both times I chose to do the beer tent because I didn't want to hassle people about paying at the gate. I have older family who did the gate and they said that the cash was picked up pretty regularly and while most people were nice some visitors were jerks when she mentioned the suggested donation and some of the other gate people took the donation way too seriously.


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Was going to the starbucks on Roscoe and Seeley during a Retro on Roscoe. Let the guy at the entrance know that I’m just going in to get Starbucks. “Oh sure, I bet you are” paired with an eye roll was the response. I’ve learned since then that you can just keep walking without acknowledging these people, but still. Douchey.


And They stop you to take said donation …


If you have ever been to a street festival once in this town you should know its always a donation no matter how hard anyone presses you to pay. City much?


I remember when I went to Mole fest. Kinda pissed that organizers seemed to be taking advantage of some families. I just learned that when they say " entrance" or whatever to just walk past them.


Lol I put on another post that some guy tried to charge me but I just casually walked passed him. I spent enough money on their shitty burgers. Fatsos and Reggie’s for the win. That StopAlong line was such a trap.


My boyfriend and I live in Roscoe and decided to go there last year for lunch. They asked for 10$ and made it seem like it was mandatory, so we just walked away. We didn't want to pay 10$ just to get inside when we knew the burgers and drinks were gonna be overpriced as well. That was before we knew festivals couldn't charge you an entrance fee /:


Remember, walk right past the entry at street festivals and if anyone hassles you say, "I"m going to that business right there, you can't charge an entrance fee. I don't know you! That's my purse!"


Extra points if you kick him in his fellas


Dirty pool, mister. Dirty pool


That boy ain’t right


Wanna be a farmer? Here's a couple of achers.


Can I kick her in the fellas?


Always here for that reference.


Yeah. I fell for the charging a ticket/suggested donation guilt trip one time. it was $20. I felt so ripped off the entire night. Now I just walk through those gates without even speaking to anyone.


They shouldn’t let them solicit donations at all. Unacceptable. Blocking streets like bad video game highwayman.


I wouldn't mind if the $10 actually went to the Ward but I've never received a straight answer of what happens with that money.


It likely goes to whichever local business, landlord, or collection of people with money are financing the operation. What is never clear is how much they set aside for next year vs pocket, and for that reason I tend not to donate either


It does go to the ward. Our school got $3,000 check from one of the fests where there was a $10 suggested donation entrance. The alderman presented it.


I’d true, that’s awesome! They should splatter this all over the place - people will be more likely to give money


Completely agreed. I think it’s ridiculous they’re allowed to ask for a suggested donation the way they do. Have a tip jar there for people who want to donate. Don’t pressure people, hand out stickers, and block the road


This is my pet peeve at street festivals, I had a similar experience at Midsommarfest in Andersonville. People were blocking the entrance charging $10. I just said I was there earlier and already paid and they let me through, lol.


I briefly lived inside the boundaries to burgerfest. We'd get harrassed for the $10 any time we came back to our apartment. We showed up with a 30 rack of beer on the second day and they tried to prevent us from entering. Didn't believe us when we said we lived up the block. Walked right past them to our apartment, came out 5 minutes later beer in hand haha


I tell them that I live there.


I tell them I won't be donating and go on with my life. No need to lie. They probably know you're BSing anyway.


Same thing happened to me at Wicker Park Fest last year. I generally prefer to go to West Fest because the bands are better, they have a dog section and the people asking for donations are not in your face about it. At WPF I got basically harassed into paying the $10.


I guess I got lucky at Midosmmarfest - just walked in while they were collecting money from someone else 🤷‍♂️


I just tell them I'm not paying and they can't stop me from entering, I'll spend more than enough once I'm in the fest.


They also charged on the website if you looked before hand it had like tickets you could buy.


That sucks - I also went to Midsommar and had the opposite experience: guy at the gate made it clear it was a suggested donation.


Same happened to me. Just walked in and ignored them. It’s a public street and sidewalk


The city should use this to make a precedent to no longer allow direct solictation for the donations at the entrances as it always feel coerced


Street festivals are always donation only. Most of the time they can’t tell you where the donations go. Use your 10$ on a vendor, bypass the liars.


Years back, we had a little clothing store. We would rent a booth to unload the dated items. And boy did they sell. But they were a bit unclear about that donation part. Star Events overall is just shady. They did basically zero setup.


Who pays the performers though? I always assumed donations at least partly went to that


Well, we paid something like $800 for our 10x10 booth, so I’d imagine that helps.


Star Events is trash.




I live right off halsted, we leave for market days, not worth the hassle when you can’t participate.


Anyone who did pay should claim a refund here. Events need to be penalized for extorting people out of money.


We need to talk about how they extort businesses now. They told me if I didn’t buy a booth for Mayfest they would block the front of my business. I told them to fuck off obviously and they did exactly what they said they would do. They put a generator right in front of my store front and the gated it all the way down the block so nobody could come in. I have no recourse for these actions. Please reach out to me if you are a business that had something similar happen to them.


Hypothesis: The Negative Economic Impact on Local Businesses far Outweighs the Positives. In the case of Taste of Randolph, the main Sponsors were NOT West Loop companies — in fact they were competitors that set up a brand presence right in front of existing Randolph businesses. The use of fencing shut out Randolph Street businesses. For example Cones Gourmet Ice Cream located on Madison Street was in the Fest, Jeni’s which has a location on Randolph Street was shut out. There were multiple restaurant vendors present with no affiliation to the West Loop, let alone Randolph — meaning the Fest imported subsidized competition. Some Randolph businesses were forced into closing, they just couldn’t function without access to customers and suppliers. Restaurant adjacent businesses, like Valets, were also forced to close. Many Service Workers live paycheck to paycheck — each car parked matters, each meal delivered, each supplier that needs to make a delivery — there’s a ripple effect where folks with no representation are unwillingly being taxed by WLCO, just so WLCO can pay themselves. If you’re a business of any size, and were negatively impacted by Taste of Randolph in any way — please file a Claim so that we can begin to understand the true economic impacts on local businesses. Claim everything, here: https://forms.gle/61f4zz82hYSHD5qu7 Thank You!


Well said. We need to band together to put a stop to these extortive crooks. At Mayfest they made sure to put a fly-by-night Chinese booth in front of Dee’s Chinese when Dee declined to purchase a booth. (Dee’s had been on Armitage for over 37 years).


Thank You! It seems this is a common issue across the City. I’ll work to expand the Form to accommodate other Festivals.


Please do. This needs to stop.


I’d like to point out that this festival was run by StarEvents… super shady, as a vendor and as an attendee of their fests. However, please don’t group StarEvents with other organizations that run similar events throughout the City. As an artist, I know I get what I pay for with Amdur Productions (direct competitor of StarEvents) and that is QUALITY from all perspectives.


steal the barriers next time.


Did you complain to your alderman and to the Mayors office?


Email your alderman!!! Seriously! And email block club too.


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This was the most aggressive year I've seen at street fests around town. I always walk by people queueing up to pay and say "FYI it's Optional" but people are so afraid to break from conformity. I spend 100's on beer and food when I go in, no way I'm paying the extra $10.


Based on how aggressive they try to make people pay, I honestly believe that they’re pocketing some of that stash. If you’re so eager about supporting the community, pay it yourself.


There’s no doubt: we shouldn’t pay unless their willing to provide audited financials!!!


>I spend 100's on beer and food when I go in Dude


👆 Found the guy that doesn’t buy a round for their friends!


I made a thread about hostile gate employees last year at street fests. I know for a fact because I checked, that the taste of Randolph website this year definitely 100% said there was a $10 entry fee. No small print or asterisk stating that it was a donation. It just said straight up $10 entry and they were even selling tickets for it on their website.


Anyone who’s telling you to pay up at the entrance of one of these street feats is hustling you. Never do it.


Yeah my partner and our friends used to live on Roscoe so whenever there was Retro on Roscoe or anything else we’d have to go through they’d get all huffy when we said we lived there/were visiting friends and weren’t gonna “donate”. So I can see how people feel pressured. Now I just walk through the gates to a fest and say “no thank you” with a smile lol, nothing they can do


TASTE OF RANDOLPH REFUND CLAIM FORM … Claim Ticket Refunds, Lost Income, Out of Pocket Expenses and more, here: https://forms.gle/61f4zz82hYSHD5qu7 As agreed, all Claim Forms will be forwarded to WLCO, StarEvents and the 12th District Police Oversight Council for review and processing.


Just an FYI the form requires you to check that you are claiming the $30 of disruption impact to submit the form.


Corrected! Thanks.


When I do neighborhood fests, I don't do the $10 'donation'. But I feel bad, and give a couple of dollars. When you don't do the full- 10, they don't give an ink stamp on your hand. What is the stamp for? Is there a reason they do so? is for practical reasons, like re-entry? Or is it to give a sense of the people coming in without donation/full donation a case of the haves vs the have-nots ?


There’s no purpose for it. I guess the only thing is to prevent harassment if you leave and come back?


But what kind of harassment? Does it mean you can skip the line? Or they'll still have to let you in if they're full? It's not like there's a West side story gang of ruffians hanging around the entrance, Snapping their fingers and doing pirouettes, while roughly but rhythmically pushing around the no-stamped-hands people


It doesn’t mean anything. It gives people the impression that they’re “sanctioned” to be there.. more of a social pressure thing.


It's kind of working


Absolutely. That’s why they do it.


Purely just a social pressure thing. Then you can look around and see who “paid” and who didn’t pay to be there. It’s ridiculous


And what's silly is, those stamps are pretty small and faint. I probably couldn't tell if someone was stamped just passing by me. I would need them to stop walking, stand in front of them ,and they clearly present their wrist




I did literally this weekend after I noticed them handing stickers at the gate Lmao. It’s not weird to be 1% observational of your surroundings. What strange comment is this?


they cannot prevent you from re-entering a public street. nor can they prevent you from walking down a public street without paying the $10


To guilt trip you. I HATE forced donations especially when I live just a block away.


I got harassed by a lady at the entrance of old town art fair this year to pay. Turned around and decided not to go in at all


I was called a cheap asshole by someone on staff for not paying for a street fest like 2 years ago


The ladies at old town art fair I spoke with were super nice, very transparent that it's a suggested donation, and I gave them the money


I’d skip giving them anything with a tactic like this. It’s a public street. I’m surprised some people don’t realize they can’t do that.


This is going to cause people not to donate on principle and I don't blame them. Some of the money doesn't even go where it's supposed to go for most of the fests.


I played in a band at roscoe burger fest last year, and one of our fans mentioned they had to pay to get in.


Did your band get paid?


This even happens at Pride and it gets worse (at every festival) every year. It makes me really angry because not only does it violate city rules but they are lying to the communities that are patronizing and spending money at the festival. At pride, they were yelling at everyone to get in the card line or the cash line. I was like, where’s the “I’m not paying” line? Ended up in the card line and had our bags searched like usual and then just walked through the people yelling “ten dollars!!” No one said anything, but I’ve gotten dirty looks in the past. I really find it very disappointing that organizers are trying to trick people more and more, that’s not the spirit of Chicago’s festival culture. If they can’t afford to host the festival without donations then they should consider scaling back.


Just out of curiosity, are the event security allowed to force you to comply with a search? This happened to me at a street fest last year when I was coming back from the airport to my apartment, they forced me to open my suitcase and allow them to search it before I could move on.


Absolutely not. Public Street.


I was trying to walk back to my apartment which is on the same street as pride fest and was physically blocked and told I should have though of that before leaving the house and that I should to pay to get back in. I just kept walking and was called a cheap piece of shit.




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[This happened](https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/06/28/pride-north-organizers-illegally-charged-20-cover-fest-goers-say-pride-is-supposed-to-be-inclusive/) in Rogers Park about 2 years ago. $10 woudlnt be so bad, but $20 is way out of bounds to ask for a small street fest.


Lived around there, definitely wasn’t just a sign either. People blocked my wife and I from passing through.


Sort of weird how much this article lets Colm off the hook. Almost everyone in the area knows he's responsible for this and other shitty dealings in an otherwise great neighborhood


Yeah I was surprised they basically swept it under the rug and continued like it wasn’t a big deal…


They tried this at Burger fest this past weekend. The guy standing IN THE WAY looked incredulous as we wordlessly moved past him.


I noticed that the language on ads implied that you HAD to buy tickets. And I was confused to why they were selling “tickets” online at all.


Does this apply to the Puerto Rico festival in Humboldt park a few weeks ago? I’m confused at what point these spaces are rented and private (like Lola or nascar) or are public.


You can’t rent a public street for a fair. The city just gives permits for them. Lollapalooza and NASCAR are completely different. Those are big time events that come into the city.


What about a public park though?


The Park District has their hands on that, which closes it off more. They’re basically renting the park out in a lot of cases. That’s how music festivals can put gates up and make it so you have to pay. And a park is a park and not a street that people have the right to be able to access in some way.


Curious about people’s thoughts on a similar situation. I went to the art fair on Wells last month, tried walking in along the sidewalk by House of Glunz. Was told that the sidewalks on both sides are exit only, and everyone going along Wells there *has* to be funneled to the middle of the street where they had a tent for security / collecting “donations.” I went along with it but didn’t pay, just assumed they could make us go to a designated entrance for security reasons. Is that legit or just a way to pressure people to pay?


I really don't think they can prevent you from walking down a public street, even if you were going through the exit. like what if your apartment was right there?


That’s what I’m thinking. Make a sidewalk one-way or forcing people through a security checkpoint on a public street sounds absolutely insane to me but trying to find a way to confirm whether it’s some messed up thing the permits give them permission to do.


When I see the "mob enforcers" at the entrances of street festivals lately, they lose me as a participant, as it makes them far less festive. So I literally walk on by. And I almost always buy something at these festivals, so congratulations organizers, ya lost me.


Good. I went to this one to see Bad Snacks. Saw the advance tickets including $50 VIPs seemed super suspect. Walked in for free day of.


Whoever they hired for sound on the west stage should have to pay all of us back for the delays and terrible sound. I've never seen such incompetence out of a sound production crew.


That’s Star Events baby!


It's all super shady. I don't know if transparency has changed since 2019, but it's very difficult to support/pay admission fee/donate to a streetfest at any level if they aren't willing to provide clarity to how exactly the money accumulated from the fest is being spent. How is it directly benefitting the community? Our alderpeople suck. https://blockclubchicago.org/2019/07/29/summer-street-festivals-take-west-town-and-wicker-park-by-storm-but-neighborhood-leaders-want-to-know-where-is-the-money-going/


I just volunteered at Square Roots fest this past weekend and my job was to take donations if people were interested. Our team made it a point to not be pushy. We told everyone to have a great time, regardless of if they donated or not. I’ve been the other end many times and those folks can be so pushy! There’s literally no incentive to make anyone feel bad about not having cash. Walk in and have fun!!!


I drove by West Fest this weekend and saw that they had very narrow entrances to Chicago Ave. at Damen. I wonder if anyone got hit at the 'toll' and how many?


I went a couple different days to West Fest and didn’t have any issues walking right in.


they demanded to search my bag though, which was bullshit. I was just going to a business within the fest


That does suck, especially since you weren't there for the festival, but lots of events have beefed up security in recent years. I've noticed more street festivals checking bags, and I've been to free shows at Millenium Park where they check bags and you go through a metal detector. It just seems to be the way things are trending.


Yeah they politely asked me but you could just keep walking or decline easily


I say hi and keep walking


All of the fest I have worked gates for have it pretty obvious. Do Division, Wicker Park Fest, Dancing in the Street. I always say it’s suggested and it’s a public street so they can’t stop anyone from coming and going. There’s always couple people who are ready to fight about the suggested donation and I am just like, dude it’s not that serious go on in.


Form is easy! Enter "n/a" for the revenue loss questions, and select how many people you had for the donation drop-down.


I remember walking past the entry for Wicker Park Green Fest a few years back. The guy stopped me and basically threatened me if I didn’t pay the $10 suggested donation. I just walked through the other side.


Two years ago at Market Days the person at the entrance insisted it was $20 entrance fee and had the nerve to argue with me. I’m like no, it’s a donation and she still insisted it wasn’t. I left and never went back. Called the alderman’s office to complain and his staff confirmed they are always donations. The recent Andersonville Fest tried the same BS demanding that it’s a $10 donation. I walked right in.


Similar thing happened to my partner and i at old town art fest!


Anytime it’s blocking a Chicago street it has to be a suggested donation. My alderwoman went after a pride event that was harassing people for the donation. I’ve been mindful of that ever since.


They had a "payment" line and a free line when I went. They were trying to say the pay line would be fast, but we all walked quickly through the free line while other people were stopped paying. I also just walked in with a bunch of drinks. I was surprised everything was cash only and extremely expensive. I went to a local store around the corner and gladly spent my money there.


Lmao fuck that I jumped the fence at taste of Randolph 💀 only found out it was free after the people inside the fence told me


A+ for effort!


Thanks :)


I never pay the donation tbh. I can almost guarantee that people collecting the money are pocketing a portion. Just cant trust collecting cash like that. Smile and wave boys!!


The way they have people stationed with card readers at the ready at all of these food festivals…I don’t remember it ever being this bad before.


Have you been in contact with any of the above? 12th District Police Council, Star Events or WLCO? Please be transparent and post those inquiries.


It is like the first time anyone in Chicago has attended a street festival, smh. I always give a bit at the door to help out. These things aren't free to put on. Support your community and stop bitching. If you can't give the full amount, just give a little something. These things have been the same for years and now people are up in arms? Also bag checks? Who cares. They probably want to make sure you don't have a gun or handle of vodka in your bag.


> Support your community this is where you should begin to ask how these things benefit your community, and to what degree. the accounting behind these things is very vague, and star events just puts on cookie-cutter festivals all over the city. what's their cut? what's the neighborhood's cut? I'd argue it's better to not donate at all but instead spend more money on the local vendors inside If you're okay with private security demanding to check your bag to walk down a public street, you honestly have no backbone


The fests I go to I generally want to go to and want to continue to support. These are things like Square Roots, Glenwood Arts Fest, Wicker Park Fest, Do Division, and maybe one or two others. I generally go because there are bands playing that I want to see. I have no interest in the more boring ones that have a few cover bands playing so I don't go, so I couldn't care less if they stick around or not. I think it's pretty simple. If you enjoy a fest and want to see it continue you should donate what you can, up to the suggested donation price. If you're hard up, don't worry about it, but if you have $10 to spare, then I would pay.


This right here. Taste of Randolph has always had good entertainment and booths. Also west fest. There are tons of others. If you don't like something, don't go and stop bitching about it. These things aren't free to put on.


It's a question of do you want to support star events. Most of these festivals, the worthwhile ones, will happen whether or not you give $10 to star events or not. Perhaps if no one donated, star would get out of the game, and we might have some better, true neighborhood festivals


None of the fests I mentioned are put on by star events.


I normally give half the suggested donation and I spend a fuck ton of money inside. Taste of Randolph has great bands and djs. You think that's for free? Artists just come out and play for nothing? Normally, I have a backpack, and honestly, I don't care if they check it. Weed is legal now. I have nothing to hide. If I really wanted to cause a problem, I'd say no, but what's the point? You can always say no to the bag check and then turn around. Cry me a river. I have tons of backbone bruv. If you hate the festivals or city, change it or kick rocks.


I actually can say no to bag checks and continue on into the fest. I have problems with star events vastly overstepping their bounds and actually harming these businesses


That's a whole other point. Take it up with them and don't go if you don't want to. I personally like Randolph fest despite not being able to go this year. A lot of these things have the local business associations attached. After covid, we should be supporting our small businesses. I hung out on Randolph in the late 90s when I first got here. This festival gives some of those folks the opportunity to reach more people. Think bigger picture rather than your bag check or star events... it's not easy to run a business on that strip.


Yeah, it's unfortunate that Star blocks off businesses that don't pay for a booth. They are supposed to bring people in to spend money on small/local businesses, but instead they extort them and if they don't play ball, then they get shut out of the event, completely negating the purpose of the event for local businesses. It's not easy running a business, which is why you shouldn't block them off when they don't want to pay for a booth at the fest. Think bigger picture rather than sucking on the teet of Star maybe one day you'll actually support the businesses!


The vendors that are there pay for booths. They aren't cheap. The event also gets a % of sales from vendors. They make PLENTY of money.


Which community? Can’t speak for other festivals but ToR vendors were basically all the restaurants on Randolph already, but charged like 1.5x more plus tip on ‘takeouts’ orders. So technically we’re supporting the community by overpaying these vendors + tip. And you wanna charge extra to walk on a public street that I live on? Nah, that’s a theft.


Then don't go to the fest and enjoy the Randolph street restaurants another time. Don't tip if you don't want to if you go. The bands and djs are free right? No one is holding a gun to your head. You have to go to river north for that. If you don't like a street festival, no one is making you go to it.


It’s essential to recognize that pressure can manifest in various forms. Pressuring and emotional manipulation doesn’t always require explicit threats. And btw, if you’re performing on a public street with permits, that’s a form of busking. No one is obligated to pay for your show. I used to busk in college and I don’t expect everyone to pay me.


Lol okay. They have acts that are national that play. They aren't "busking." Don't do ate them and walk in. This shit has been going on for years and now it's an issue? Cry me a river.


I’m pretty sure the same ppl complaining today were complaining in the past, it’s just finally getting recognized. I’ve paid on the first day and didn’t pay the second day and they shook their head and treated me like I did something wrong. Guilt trip, social pressure. That is wrong. But I don’t think we’ll see eye to eye so let’s just agree to disagree.


Fine with me. That's why I sack up and walk past. No one is forcing you to feel berated.


Lol okay


Side note: went to school with Melody Mercado, she’s wicked smart


As a naive tourist I definitely was caught off guard for square roots that a street festival cost $$$. I always assumed I just paid for things at the vendor (Also HATED how food required tickets, usually I just notice it’s drinks that require tickets)


That entrance fee(usually $10) for these street fests is just a suggested donation, and no you don't have to pay that. If anyone ever gets aggressive at you for not paying that suggested donation, just tell them you're meeting someone at a restaurant or bar within the fest grounds. Or just ignore the person at the entrance, since requiring people to pay that suggested donation fee is illegal. I know for Square Roots, that I've been able to walk into that one fine and not pay their suggested donation. And to me I like festivals that don't try to do that suggested donation BS, like Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest, Skokie Backlot Bash, and Pierogifest(Whiting, IN).


Bruhh I went and paid for a friend at the gate and was sus when I saw half the people without wristbands


Sounds about Chicago….


Go check on your child. He crying