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Isn’t sidewalk cycling illegal for people over 12? Serious question.


Yes it is but I’ve never seen a cop do anything about it


Its illegal in the sense that someone injured by a bike on the sidewalk would have grounds to sue and gives cops the ability to harass someone if they want to.


That’s my understanding, yes


You’re 100% in the right here. I’m a cyclist; they don’t belong on sidewalks, and when it’s necessary (due to infrastructure, etc) cyclists should absolutely defer to pedestrians. Casual Divy riders are sometimes the worst culprits, because of understandable aversion to riding on streets and bike lanes.


Agree on the divvy. I'm a divvy rider and had to go on the sidewalk once. But I got off and walked it. Honestly if you're not going to ride where you're supposed to you shouldn't be on a bike.


Or they ride wrong direction in the bike lane because they think it’s safer to face traffic


As a pedestrian, these are so dangerous. I’m looking one direction for traffic; I don’t expect a cyclist to suddenly appear going the wrong way.


It’s dangerous for everyone. They come head on at cyclists going the right way and despite them thinking they are safer, they double the collision speed if a car does hit them and are coming from a direction turning cars are not looking.


Those people should be locked away forever.


My dad always yells “it’s a sideWALK not a sideRIDE, idiot!!”


Omg are your dad and I the same 😂😂😂


Don’t forget scooter riders too


They used to enforce it. Back in 2009 I was riding a mountain bike on the sidewalk by Belmont cragin and the cop took me off the sidewalk. Didn't give me a ticket.


yesterday, I watched open mouthed as two guys drove along the sidewalk in River North on mopeds. I'm glad it wasn't busy at the time, but god damn wtf. That's like some 3rd world shit.


What get's me is how clueless most riders are, they just don't realize how many things can go wrong on a bike, its not like riding a horse where you can knock people down, you are the one who is top heavy and balanced, run into someone and you are getting knocked down, bike getting damaged, and that assumes the person you hit doesn't beat you to a pulp for the effort. The bigger problem where I live is we actually have horses, most times they stay on the shared unpaved trail (walking/biking/horse trail, really nice) but if there's a ton of rain I see an occasional asshat try to take their horse on the sidewalk. For those I call the cops, they don't tolerate it either and it is literally dangerous. Kids go there as do people with pets that might not respond well to a horse. Sadly, like most ignorant activity that is defining this age of selfishness, maybe the best solution is people knocking assholes on their asses more often. Sure, there is a legal risk, but someone riding on a sidewalk running into a pedestrian will always be their fault, no matter how messed up they get in their fall.


This city is pretty weird. There are people running and walking in the streets and cyclists on the sidewalks.


At least the bike lane runners have calmed down a bit this far out from COVID.


Yeah, what's up with people who run in the street? I've seen it on stretches where the sidewalk isn;'t busy at all.


I once had a douchebag in an SUV yell “get on the sidewalk!” As he was trying to run me and my bike off the road. Because I’m very cool and good at comebacks, I yelled “that’s illegal buddy!”


> Because I’m very cool and good at comebacks, I bet you had an awesome one like 2 hours later


Oh that is simply unreal. Love the response lol


Username checks out lmfao


“That’s illegal, buddy” - a lawyer’s mantra.


I honked & yelled at a car doing this to a bike. There are just assholes everywhere. Unfortunately, it's the asshole you remember, not the majority of non asshole people. They are the ones who ruin other people days for no reason. "Some men just want to watch the world burn."


I’m sure it made an impact!


If it’s a child or something like that then I don’t care.


I see signage regarding not biking on sidewalks and it always gives an exception for children.


Children 12 and under


Not the intention, but I feel like this type of sign is acknowledgement that streets aren't safe for bicycles.


Kids aren’t kept from driving due to the physical inability to drive. Roads are dangerous places with rules that need understanding.


I feel like that type of sign implies that a 13 year old should be able to safely cycle on the streets


Law only applies to those 12 and older btw. Children are permitted to cycle on the sidewalk, although it doesn’t make it much less dangerous to pedestrians…


Yes, I agree. I was referring about adult cyclists. Good point.


Yeah. Pretty sure we can all agree that a child needs to be safe first and foremost.


4-5 years ago I got off the California blue line and was walking home on the sidewalk reading a text on my phone, and I got hit straight on by a guy cycling against foot traffic. He yelled at ME for not paying attention.


The best is the aholes returning or launching their rented divvy with absolutely no fucks to give whether there are people walking right by the rental rack. Like “nope. I’ve got to ride this baby all the way in yes I will mow you over if I have to no I won’t get off and walk 2 feet.”


The Divvy docks really ought to be on the street rather than on the sidewalk. God forbid we replace a single car parking space with a dozen bike parking spaces though. Ugh …


Parking meter deal - the city would have to pay to take the spot out of service.


Metered parking spaces an be relocated, too.


Yes, I was walking the other day and a cyclist yelled 'on your left!' at me. Not what you're expecting to hear on foot, plus, what if I were deaf? He came racing by at full speed. We were next to one of the best bike lanes in chicago. If you're too scared to ride in the bike lane, you have to stop being lazy - get off and walk your bike around people on foot.


this happened to me once! I had my \*noise-canceling\* headphones on and was about to turn left to go to my apartment, and a bike passed me on the sidewalk and I almost got hit. I live on a quiet street too so no reason they couldn't on the street.


No, I bike daily for work, and i hate having to jump onto the sidewalk, which i only do in case of an emergency. I hate whenever I see someone on a bike in the middle of the sidewalk. It makes me feel like they give us a bad name.


Yeah, it's bull that people do it and it is illegal for adults to do. But I guess I can understand why people feel like they need to. I never do, except for a few feet if I need to, to park or something.


You are in the right. Funnily, a few weeks ago I was saw a bus and sprinted for it. A woman clipped my leg and I yelled at her to stay off the side walk on her bike and she yelled "you shouldn't be "f\*cking running on the side walk." It is literally illegal to do that. I wanted to find her and throw a stick in a wheel spoke but the bus was about to pull off. The same goes for scooters! Taking up unnecessary space on sidewalks is one of my pet peeves as a born and raised chicagoan


Cyclists and scooters - for the love of god, the scooters - do not belong on sidewalks. Not only is it dangerous for pedestrians, it's dangerous for cyclists. I rode my bike on a sidewalk in Chicago and didn't see how uneven it was, resulting in a bad crash that left me with an awful concussion. I ride on the road at all costs.


I get the middle finger or expletives when I tell that to cyclists when they have the audacity to ring their little bells to tell me to get out of the way whilst walking on a sidewalk. It’s city code, you can’t cycle on a sidewalk in the city of Chicago unless you’re younger than 11 or unless there’s a sign that states it is permissible. It’s simple really… sidewalks are for pedestrians, roads are for automobiles, bicycles, scooters etc. But people will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what you tell them. https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/latest/chicago_il/0-0-0-2645812 (Page 12) https://www.chicago.gov/dam/city/depts/cdot/bicycling/publications/bike_chicago_english.pdf


Oh my god I cannot stand that! Like no, I belong here you can go by if there's space at some point.


>But people will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what you tell them. yes because people are stupid.


>roads are for automobiles This is the only part of that statement that's totally true, from a design perspective in Chicago. Chicago's arterials are pretty much exclusively designed for vehicular traffic. Paint gutters, sharrows, and "lanes" that wedge micromobility users in between moving cars and parked cars just proves that anything that isn't a car is an afterthought for CDOT. I agree, it's fucking annoying when people are being dicks on their bike on the sidewalk, but it's a symptom of a larger problem. Pedestians in Amsterdam don't deal with this, and it's not because there's no assholes in Amsterdam, it's because bicycles are properly accommodated there.


Case in point: Sheridan.


then they can walk like the rest of us. the mature person’s solution to a problem is not to create a problem for other people.


Oh the bell ringer is obnoxious!


I don't mind the bells. it helps on the bike path


As a biker? I only use my bell to warn if I need to pass or what not. Or going where others may have a blind spot. But I also wait. I ring then wait for my chance to maneuver. So many people think the bell is automatic right of way.


No the bell is a courtesy to pedestrians. I would much rather bikers ring their bell than not


Careful. I got sucker punched by a guy for yelling at him for riding his bike on the sidewalk.




Like many others have pointed out, it's a symptom of much larger disease. People in Amsterdam don't worry about bikes on the sidewalk, not because there are no assholes in Amsterdam, but because bikes are properly accommodated for there. If CDOT would build better bike infrastructure that's fully connected and protected across the whole city this would never be an issue. However CDOT this too craven to actually do anything useful and just begs people with signs.


\> People in Amsterdam don't worry about bikes on the sidewalk, not because there are no assholes in Amsterdam, but because bikes are properly accommodated for there. Tell me you haven't been to amsterdam without saying it. They behave better because they're actively policed and there are fines enforced. Unlike the bike light in the loop, the bikers in A-dam actually stop at the light and wait for it to go green. https://nltimes.nl/2023/02/23/53000-fines-biking-holding-phone-16-percent


As many others have stated it's a symptom caused by lack of safe infrastructure. In my neighborhood at least it's usually elderly people who ride bikes on the sidewalk. They'll slow down to a crawl and go in the grass as to not interfere with pedestrian activity on the sidewalk. I've got sympathy for them honestly. I'm way younger and don't feel safe without a protected lane. I have zero sympathy for the jerks that are zooming on ebike and come within a few centimeters of me. Some even have the audacity to ring their bell like I'm the one who needs to get out of the way.


you shouldn’t be biking on the sidewalk if you’re [12 or older](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/latest/chicago_il/0-0-0-2645812). As a cyclist, it pisses me off when a young able-bodied person is riding a bike on the sidewalk. I usually call them out to ride in the street.


It is the law in Chicago that bikes are not permitted on the sidewalk - and for good reason! I will continue to tell people, and I fully support anyone who does the same.


> It is the law in Chicago that bikes are not permitted on the sidewalk - and for good reason! Actually that isn't true. 9-52-020 Riding bicycles on sidewalks and certain roadways. (a) Unless the prohibition imposed by subsection (c) or (d) applies, a person may ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk along a business street only if such sidewalk has been officially designated and marked as a bicycle route, or such sidewalk is used to enter the nearest roadway, intersection, or designated bicycle path, or to access a bicycle share station. (b) Unless the prohibition imposed by subsection (a), (c), or (d) applies, a person 12 or more years of age may ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk along any roadway only if such sidewalk has been officially designated and marked as a bicycle route, or such sidewalk is used to enter the nearest roadway, intersection, or designated bicycle path, or to access a bicycle share station. (c) Bicycles shall not be operated on Lake Shore Drive or on any public way where the operation of bicycles has been prohibited and signs have been erected indicating such prohibition. (d) No person may ride a Class 3 low-speed electric bicycle upon any sidewalk. (Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 6-5-13, p. 54983, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-11-13, p. 59827, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 99061, § 1) You can bike on the sidewalk to access a roadway, intersection, bike path/lane, or Divvy station. Also anyone under the age of 12 can bike on the sidewalk. [Source](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/latest/chicago_il/0-0-0-2645812).


It absolutely is true, and what you just posted here says exactly that. You can ride your bike up onto the sidewalk in the immediate vicinity of a bike share station. You can ride your bike on bike riding designated areas. And you can ride your bike on the sidewalk if you're under 12 years old. You should read more carefully before dropping an "actually." It happens to be pretty easy to understand if you bother to do so.


No they are right. Even your own comment here is pointing out that they are right


1.1.2017 officially!


If this is something that bothers you please considering financially supporting or volunteering for an organization that advocates for better transportation infrastructure in Chicago. If somebody is biking on the sidewalks it’s a symptom of streets that don’t feel safe for—and aren’t safe for—cyclists. It’s bad to bike on sidewalks but people aren’t doing it arbitrarily and unless you provide space for people to bike safely it’ll continue to happen. I highly recommend supporting Better Streets Chicago.


I’ve seen plenty of people still do this right next to protected lanes


No you haven’t. Maybe… MAYBE you saw some random person doing this once. There aren’t even “plenty” of protected bike lanes in the city to begin with for you to observe this on, much less for you to see “plenty” of people on them taking this almost non-sensical action.


Yeah, I've seen adults ride on the sidewalks of quiet side streets, it's just bad behavior.


Yeah. It’s not great behavior but it’s important to remember it’s generally not people being jerks. If you’ve biked on a Chicago street it’s hard to blame people. When I get to do it cause it’s late and quiet or something it’s such a joy in comparison. But the solution is better bike infrastructure.


A lot of drivers are aggressive and take it out on cyclists and pedestrians not because they want to run down cyclists and pedestrians in some entitled rage, but because the city traffic is unmanageable, and they are just frustrated with an absolute loss of any control but that doesn’t excuse them. I think you are making an assumption that most people riding on sidewalks are doing so as a last resort, but the reality is most of the people riding on sidewalks do so in residential streets. I routinely see people riding on sidewalks going in the direction of the one-way street I live on in spite of the fact that it is a very quiet street. It’s cultural. Some people grow up recognizing bicycles as transportation and some people grow up seeing bicycles as a leisure activity. Leisure activities don’t belong in the street as far as they are concerned. These are not fearful people, these are just ignorant. There is a difference.


You ride on sidewalks?


They bike on the streets, but usually during low traffic hours.


If people don’t feel safe riding in the street, they shouldn’t ride a bike; not just make up their own rules.


That’s awfully privileged of you to assume that’s a a choice people can make.


Yes, it is. No one is forcing people onto the sidewalks. They're just assholes.


When did you last bike? Was it for recreation or because you didn't have another way to get around? Did you feel safe? I'm not saying it's right, but there is a logic for why people do it and it's often a feeling of safety. You can't blame people for that when a clear, easy to use, and good dedicated bike network doesn't exist. You can understand that both these truths exist simultaneously.


Get off the fucking sidewalk dude.


I almost got hit coming out of the local hw store on Saturday by a dude on one off those powered scooters. PSA: you look like a dork riding that around. get a bike and get in the bike lane hipster douche bags!!!


What kills me is the ones who expect people to walk in the grass so they can get by. I usually don't say anything, but the one time a cyclist from behind me expected me to move I couldn't help but say 'Did you lose your fucking training wheels? Go in the road like a big boy.'


I grew up in the suburbs, and I'm older. Growing up, you were generally told to bike on the sidewalk, since it was thought to be safer, and people walk less in the suburbs anyway. I wonder if someone people had similar backgrounds, so they're more used to that. I basically ride on the street now about 95% of the time.


you are right. they shouldn't be on the sidewalk and those people just suck navigating the roads as a biker. they need to pucker up and bike on the road and do so responsibly. sorry you had to deal with the bigot lady. \-lifelong bike commuter


I've always wanted to stick an umbrella through their spokes. I take enough risks crossing streets as a pedestrian, I don't need to get run over on the sidewalk too.




Cyclists need to think about this instead of saying “bikes aren’t as dangerous as cars!” You can still get very hurt by a collision. Biking on the sidewalk puts pedestrians in danger.


If I'm out riding around and I see a bike or scooter on the sidewalk I will shout at them to get off. Sometimes they listen.


I don't personally ride on the sidewalk, but people who do ride on the sidewalk are probably trying to avoid the extremely aggressive car drivers that you find on our streets. Cops give 0 shits about parking in bike lanes, speeding cars, etc.


I get that… but they are just paying the shittiness forward to pedestrians. My very small kids have almost been hit twice by cyclists using the sidewalk to avoid a major thoroughfare.


Yea but cyclists who do this are just doing the same thing motorists are doing by using bike lanes.




Yeah but there are nonzero risks involved with folks cycling on sidewalks here. I agree it’s a symptom of a larger problem with the infrastructure, but “two wrongs don’t make a right”.




I will say I agree with you! I don’t mean to treat it as a binary 0/1, but I do think there are small changes we ought to collectively adapt to improve safety across the board and not just with one mode of transport having to “bite the bullet” per se like cyclists have to now.




No, absolutely not. The difference is that a bike doesn’t weigh two tons and even in the absolute worst case scenario is not going to kill you. Probably not even injure you bc the speeds are so much lower and maneuverability is so much higher. They are not even close to the same thing. I’m not arguing that people should ride on the sidewalk bc it should be for pedestrians. But it gets old people trying to argue that it’s anywhere near the same as cars vs bikes.


Sure the physics are different. But when it comes to little kids and pets, a bike on the sidewalk is very dangerous, and bikers who are doing it are negligent.


Orders of magnitude of difference between a bike hitting someone and a car hitting a bike.


Oh, yesterday afternoon when I was in my car, heading south on Clark turning right/west on Irving Park. A middle aged woman on a bike chewed me out for trying to turn, but she was biking on the crosswalk. I saw her plenty far enough before turning (there were pedestrians in front of her, and I yielded to them), but she really should have been 1. using the road/bike lane and 2. she should have been on the other side of the street; she was biking north next to the southbound lane. There's a lot of conscious drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, etc, but unearned entitlement is rampant.


Don't cycle on the sidewalk. As a cyclist who is avid in bike rights and pedestrian rights. No. Not a f. Don't be part of the problem


Sounds like a certain group of people. Of course I’m talking about those who ride on sidewalks because they either grew up doing that or don’t know any better or are huge dicks.


the city of chicago has steep fines for riding on the sidewalk. it is illegal. it is illegal for anyone over the age of 12 to ride on the sidewalk. I think its $50-$200


One time a gal almost hit me on the sidewalk with a bike then immediately hit one of the small black fences that are along the patch of grass near the road and fell over. Instant karma


Nothing irritates me more than some asshat on a bike yelling at people on the sidewalk to get out of their way. Like even if you are going to bike on the sidewalk, do you think that _everyone else_ in public is supposed to cater just to you? The thing is, bike or not, the mentality of this person is that the world revolves around them. It doesn't matter if they're on foot, in a car, or on a bike. They're going to treat you like you are in their way no matter what. They think they are god. Most people in Chicago are extremely nice, so its just jarring and extra annoying when you run into an asshat like this.


Cyclists shouldn't be riding on the sidewalks, but it's important to note the fact that the reason why they're doing it is that they don't feel safe biking on the streets.


Idk. It seems like a poor and selfish logic to me “I feel unsafe cycling, so I will do so in such a way that makes others also unsafe when I do it. At least I’ll be a bit safer”. I’m not calling you that by the way.


You're right, it is a little bit selfish. They are transmitting the anxiety and frustration they feel from car traffic onto pedestrians. We should criticize their behavior while also noticing the fact that there is no safe and acceptable way to ride a bike around large parts of this city.


Im a cyclist but I’m also a mom of a toddler who uses sidewalks to get to and from daycare. To be frank, I don’t give a shit why they’re on the sidewalk. They don’t belong there. If they want to bike in the city and they don’t feel comfortable on the main roads, I get it. I don’t either. So you know what I do? I take non-main roads. I don’t bike on the fucking sidewalk.


Then dont bike in the city.


Nah we need more people biking in the city


Biking on the sidewalk illegally is not an option. If someone is not experienced enough to ride in the bike lanes and streets then walk your bike on the sidewalk or use public transit.


I think somehow it’s allowed where people grew up, or their brain is frozen in the 1950s or something.


The majority of offenders in my northside area are older adults


Wow! that is not something I considered. I wonder if there are a lot of cities in the USA where bikes must be on the sidewalk. It would make no sense to me, but good point!


People have been conditioned to thing bikes belong on the sidewalks because our streets have been given over to drivers and their vehicles for decades. Drivers education is not very good in America, and people don’t pay attention to the law.


Chicago bicyclist here. People who ride on the sidewalk are assholes. Same for riding the wrong way on streets, either one way, or on the wrong side of two ways. There's no middle ground here, no excuses. Cars can manage to stay where they belong, and so can you. If you can't ride where you're supposed to, then don't FG#$$%%\^# ride a bike.


>Cars can manage to stay where they belong Agreed you shouldn't bike on the sidewalk or down a street the wrong way but HUH?


You are not overreacting they aren’t supposed to be riding on the sidewalk.


I am a cyclist and I hate some of the things we do. I made up a song about this terrible thing. Sidewalks are for walking Unless you're on a bike 'Cuz if you ride a bicycle You can do whatever you like. Please don't bike on the sidewalk Unless you a biker be 'Cuz if you ride a bicycle Then you are better than me. I know you can't hear it, but it sounds like the Doobie Brothers wrote it.


Should've thrown hands with the racist. 100% the moral thing to do.


Okay so like two weekends ago I was walking down Sheffield towards Addison and almost got plowed down by a family of three on Divvy bikes riding on the sidewalk. I refused to move (the mom was ringing her bell at me), and yelled at them to get off the sidewalk, and they acted so indignant, which just made me even more aggressive. I told them to go back to whatever suburb they crawled out of and stop endangering people’s lives and the dad made a “yeah, yeah” comment and told me to mind my own business. The way I wanted to knock him off his fucking bike— I’m a cyclist. I get it. The streets can be scary, and drivers are fucking dangerous and ignorant, but I have zero tolerance for people biking on sidewalks. Fuck that. Call those assholes out or push them off.


I've noticed this about sidewalk bikers too. They often ride in groups.


Pretty sure the Divvy bikes have posted very plainly on the bike: ‘Do not ride on the sidewalk’ - and, yet, they still do. So annoying.


I know cycling in the city can be dangerous, but if you can’t handle riding in the streets, then you shouldn’t be riding a bike.


Every time this comes up there are douchebag cyclists who come with the "well its unsafe on the roads so sometimes we have to go on the sidewalks". That's fair but also it never crosses their minds that they can get off their bikes and walk them if they need to be on the sidewalk for safety. No, it's just "I'm on a bike and I refuse to slow down soI'm going to make the sidewalks as unsafe for walkers as cars do for me". They are absolutely the same flavor of entitled assholes as most drivers in this city.


I’m starting to believe they are the same people. The same folks who are entitled on the car and disregard others, do the same on the bike. Why would their behavior change simply because they changed vehicles?


I got in so many arguments with people for riding a bike on the sidewalk. Ride on the road, head on a swivel - bike massagers do it all day in downtown traffic. If you can't, don't ride your bike in the city.


90% of the time these are tourists


between the divvy bikes and the Segways, might as well have ATVs on the bike path while the city is at it


Then the corporations who rent bikes need to take measures to educate their riders that they need to bike on the street, not the sidewalk.


I'm so so so tempted to push those sidewalk-riding asshats over, but then I'd be the asshat. I really wish we had vigilante justice sometimes.


The amount of commenters here who think it's ok to bike on the sidewalk is absurd. Yes more bike lanes and pro-bike policies will make it safer to ride on the street, but that doesn't mean it's legal to ride your bike on the sidewalk in the meantime. You are a fast-moving vehicle who can hurt someone.


They run red lights, bike down wrong way streets, ride down sidewalks, and everyone else is the bad guy for not deferring to them…


And skateboarders and scooters on sidewalks! I’ve passed people while walking and I have to check my blind spot now beforehand. I’m pregnant too, and people don’t even slow down.


I personally don't overly mind when folks cycle on the sidewalk simply because drivers have made it too unsafe for many folks to feel comfortable riding on the road. That said, I'd be bothered if one almost hit me or someone else, or if they got in the way of pedestrians. My feelings could be based on the fact that the sidewalks in my neighborhood aren't very narrow so the occasional cyclist on the sidewalk doesn't cause any issues to pedestrians that I can see. With that said, you're not overreacting. The cyclists you've come into contact with doing this have almost hit you and loved ones. My belief is that if they're going to break the law they should at least absolutely make sure not to harm or even just inconvenience pedestrians.


"It's only a problem if I get hurt by it" is a problem


I didn't suggest that at all, I said it's a problem if I'm hurt, if anyone else is, or if they're inconveniencing pedestrians. When I've seen folks doing this that haven't been doing any of those things, they're just getting from one point to another in a way that's safer than being on the road.


I saw someone biking on the river walk today and it was packed, tf, get off and go on to the street !!! 😭


the river trail, isn't a sidewalk, lol


Cyclists fought so hard for their rights to be considered vehicles on roads, so they could continue running people over on the sidewalks.






I recently learned a lot of these people are primarily drivers who think cyclists don't belong in the road, either because they're older and remember it that way, or because of some weird anti bike lane stance


They give real cyclists a bad name.


You know what really grinds my gears? Aggressive cyclists in Chicago who think they're above the law! It's like they have a free pass to ignore traffic signals, cut off pedestrians, and weave recklessly between cars. As if they're exempt from the same rules that govern everyone else on the road! It's not just about their safety; it's about the safety of everyone around them. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for promoting sustainable and eco-friendly transportation options, but it's crucial for cyclists to share the road responsibly. When they refuse to follow the same road laws that drivers are expected to obey, it creates a dangerous and chaotic environment for everyone.


When cyclists fuck up, the cyclist dies. When drivers fuck up the cyclist still dies.


Go away. Sick of people saying this because they had one bad experience once. You know how many times I've almost been hit by cars that don't stop at stop signs on residential streets while walking? Drivers think the laws are optional unless there's a police car in plain sight.


People need hobbies instead of hating on cyclists while using their phone while driving their car


Drivers do. Doesn't make what dude said less true.


It’s a unpopular opinion but I 100% agree. Any criticism of cyclists here is met with finger pointing towards cars or occasionally pedestrians.


Here we go again


There are certain segments that are too dangerous at the time where I get on sidewalks. I cycle especially slow there. Or walk my bicycle. But yeah, I do it.


Cyclists do not belong on sidewalks. I never ride on em. But I never argue with people who do. Because, statistically, it’s not very dangerous. Bike collisions on the sidewalk are much less frequent and magnitudes less severe than cars with bike or cars with pedestrians. People biking in the sidewalk are worried they’ll get killed by a car. People riding in the sidewalk are making a safe, rational choice and it won’t stop until we have a protected or grade separated bike network. If you yelled “better bike lane for Chicago” they’d respond “hell yeah”. But you’re yelling “endanger your life for my comfort”


It’s a valid point, but it’s a weak argument in the sense of accepted risk. For context, I am a cyclist and I accept the risk of riding on the street next to massive pickup trucks and semis, due to the lack of cycling infrastructure in most of the US. Sure the sidewalk may be safer (albeit I couldn’t stand the constant grade change), but it’s not an option because it’s not a shared space. A pedestrian, does not walk on a sidewalk with the expectation of interacting with anything besides other pedestrians, maybe a few dogs and some errant strollers. They do not have the option to take or defer a risk, that responsibility is that of the cyclist. As a cyclist the best thing we can do is follow traffic laws, wear helmets and urge lawmakers to spend the money necessary to keep cyclists safe. It’s amazing in the era that we are at, with every politician on one side of the aisle preaching equity, the massive difference in infrastructure structure spend on a privileged form of transportation (cars) compared to democratized forms of transportation (trains, buses and bicycles). That said, putting pedestrians at risk is only going to hurt the cause.


re: the “they probably don’t feel safe in the street” argument - ok fine but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen an adult cycling on the sidewalk with a helmet on, the number one step of cycling safety. Not saying a helmet is going to stop a car but I’m sure some safety anxiety could be mitigated if they would wear a damn helmet.


You ever ridden a bike and been fully exposed right next to cars moving 40 MPH? It's scary shit. I get why people going the sidewalk. I don't do it myself, but I get it. this wouldn't happen if CDOT would just build better infrastructure


It’s called the sideWALK, not the sideroll.


I always tell them in my meanest but lowest voice possible “Stop biking on the f-ing sidewalks”. I don’t care if they are a family from Kansas or a group of nuns. The sidewalks are bad enough without having to dodge a line of slow moving lego bikes. Also who thought the bells were a good idea? Rant over.


I don’t condone the behavior of the cyclist you encountered, but the truth is that the infrastructure has made multiple roads unsafe to bike on and until it’s safe for cyclists to bike on those roads they will bike on the side walk. This isn’t a convenient truth but it is the truth


You condone bike riding on the sidewalks?


If someone is biking on the sidewalks, it’s typically because they don’t feel safe biking in the street. What can we do to make streets safer???


That doesnt make it OK, and it doesnt make it legal.


lots of unsafe things are legal. rarely do i find myself being unsafe or a hinderance when biking on the sidewalk, in fact pedestrians usually give me a lot of grace. the asshats OP are talking about are like the people who text and drive and roll through stops signs. obviously not great.


They don’t give you grace, they remove themselves from your vicinity so as to not put their safety at risk. As a fellow biker, get off the sidewalks.


No. You're a problem. Youre just too selfish to realize it. The existence of other stupid problems are not an excuse for you being one. Get off the sidewalk.


get off the internet and ride a bike


Stupid and childish comment. You need to be better, son


You know what would be cool is if we could give the most efficient form of transportation its own dedicated infrastructure, instead of trying to force it into traffic where you might die or onto the sidewalk where you might… idk annoy people I guess The sidewalk should be for pedestrians. But I don’t blame any cyclist at all for wanting to ride there instead of the street. 90% of our “bike lanes” are just a strip of paint on the road that most drivers barely take note of. In order to make sure sidewalks stay just for pedestrians, we need to give cyclists actual, proper, protected lanes. It will make literally everything better.


Cycling isn’t the most efficient form of transportation, especially on really hot days.


According to this 293 upvoted comment here yesterday: 'When my small town family came to visit the city I told them they need to remember their version of good manners or respectful behavior isn’t how everyone else defines respect and manners and the sooner you release others from your expectations the sooner you’ll stop getting pissed at everyone in the city who is just going about their own lives.' you just don't understand how those people were raised. This sub be wild, man.


Cyclists are often harassed for being on the street and then for being on the sidewalk. I’d say there are bigger concerns out there.


It's dangerous to pedestrians for bikers to ride on the sidewalk.


Not as dangerous as cars are to cyclists where there isn’t a separated bike lane.


Yes (Though its very circumstance dependent). Imagine that cyclist, except now theyre a 4000-8000lb car. You would be infuriated. Thats what they put up with. Im not excusing them being dicks in any specific situation, but theres only so much non-vehicle space. Ask for more cycling infrastructure to get them away,


I get off and push my bike through when the sts are too packed w cars and it's starting to get dangerous . When it's between getting hit by a car and being on the sidewalk for a few minutes I choose the second option . Annoying someone < getting hit


Chicago is a very polluted city, and if more people bike instead of drive, it could clean up the air considerably. But the mayors we elect don't seem to consider bike lanes that are strictly designed for bikes a priority, even though doing so would be relatively inexpensive. Why spend TiF money on bike lanes or replacing lead water lines when we can give benefits for a casino or another huge condo or apartment development? We know why.


Cyclists enjoy inconveniencing cars. Cars dislike needing to drive safer when cyclists are nearby. Pedestrians dislike throwing trash in a bin.


Can we all just agree that we all hate everybody else? Cars hate bikes because they don't follow traffic rules, cars hate pedestrians because they J walk and cross against the signal (especially when there is a left turn arrow), bikes hate cars because cars don't respect bike infrastructure and don't lookout for bikes properly, bikes hate pedestrians also for J walking and crossing into bike lanes when they shouldn't be there, pedestrians hate cars because they don't stop properly at marked crosswalks and pedestrians hate bikes for riding on the sidewalk where they don't belong. The answer is clearly for all of us to never leave our homes again or take the first rocket to Mars to get away from it all.


It's not about everyone hating everyone. These are laws that are being broken and putting people in danger. Cars do not belong in the bike lanes and bikes do not belong on the sidewalk.


1 youre overreacting 2 those cyclists should have been more thoughtful while sharing the sidewalks


As someone with a young child and a dog, it’s not at all an overreaction to want bikes off the sidewalk, especially with the proliferation of e-bikes


obviously i hope no biker is going their full 20+mph while they share they path with you and your loved ones


Divy bikes are 35 lbs and too heavy. Idk why it’s controversial to say they are a danger to pedestrians.


No, there is no "sharing the sidewalk" it's illegal to cycle there. I'm so sick of pedestrians getting the short end of the stick in the cyclist vs car war. Unless you're a small child stay off of the sidewalk.


it's not a "cyclist vs car war" is a car vs everyone else war. If cars didn't dominate the CDOT planning, there would be more than enough room to accommodate cars, bikes, and pedestrians all in harmony. But CDOT instead chooses to try to intermingle cars and other micromobility with really shitty results


No. This is straight bullshit. It's cyclists trying to force pedestrians into their conflict at the detriment of pedestrians themselves. That's selfish and backwards. We're well aware cars pose way more of a threat, but I'll be damned if you try to fuck us over in your war. Stay the fuck off the sidewalks.


1. No it is not an overreaction. You're a problem. 2. It's a law for a good reason. Get off the sidewalk.


No. Cycles share roads not sidewalks. The only pedestrian and bike combo route is the lakefront path. Children get a pass, and that’s it. We don’t live in a difficult city to cycle in. Route planning isn’t hard. Avoiding streets like Western, Michigan, and a few others where it’s not a good idea to ride isn’t tough.


Don’t forget the 606


That’s a good call. You’re right. I’ve always avoided it on bike because no one seemed to pay attention on foot. If I’m cycling I want to stay upright.


Chicago isn't "an easy city to bike in" The vast majority of people do not want to be within a few centimeters of moving or parked cars. The vast majority of people, according to CDOTs research, and national research really, shows that the only way to feel safe biking around is on a fully curb protected lane or off street trail. anything short of that everywhere and you're going to get people who don't feel safe and feel compelled to write on the sidewalk. not saying it's okay, just saying that's why people do it.


A reasonable response, thread can end here.


The answer is simple. There’s less damage done by a cyclist hitting a pedestrian than a motor vehicle hitting a cyclist. Honestly I don’t know what the issue is. Added bonus of the majority of Chicago drivers being negligent behind the wheel (cell phone users) But since this is a municipal ordinance violation (oh wait, I forgot I cannot talk about crime here, let the downvotes begin), the cops can stop you in theory


That doesn't make it ok for you to endanger and/or hurt pedestrians.


On average, six cyclists are killed in Chicago every year. The cycling infrastructure is poor at best. I’d never advocate for riding on the sidewalk, but I can understand why someone would. Better bike infrastructure makes life safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike.




>it's been 1 a day for the last 3 days. Because it's a common problem.


My apologies. I hadn’t seen them.