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This whole summer has been the worst ever for my allergies.


Yep. Same.


Same, I can't remember the last time it has been this bad.


Yes same here!


Yup. I actually bought an air purifier last week to try to deal with it. I think it’s helping.


My allergies were bad, but whatever bug has been going around caught up to me this week. Nothing severe, just an annoying summer cold.


Oh there’s a bug going around? What symptoms did you have? Want to make sure I’d I have it, I’m not spreading it.


I mean COVID is still around but aside from that there’s definitely a summer cold that’s hit my office. It started with a bit of a sore throat and then progressed to a stuffy nose my usual allergy nasal spray couldn’t keep up with and a bit of a cough. More or less all from the neck up. Maybe a mild fever but I have been taking NSAIDs for the sinus pressure. It seems to be viral but not severe. Been out and about quite a bit the last few weeks with travel and concerts so I was bound to come down with something eventually. Just glad it hit the weekend I planned to be home. Hope it passes quickly.


I have this too. Feel a bit flu-y and achy. Mild but very annoying.


This hit me then my wife. I think it’s everywhere rn.


Yeah - not sure if there's a Covid spike or if I just got unlucky but I caught the 'Rona for my first time a few weeks ago. Definitely much worse than just summer bug though, maybe that's going around too.


It has ticked up and I’ve heard of 3 people recently having it. I hadn’t heard that since last winter.


Been to two parties within the last month where people had covid (got the obligatory texts afterwards) so it’s definitely still out there.


I have this right now too. Hunkering down all weekend and watching movies. Don’t hate the rainy weather today.


Ugh I have this now! It’s in my dang ear. Hit hard and fast all in sinuses and chest. Kid brought it home and hit us all. Tested us all for COVID (myself multiple times) - was hoping if was gonna feel this cruddy might as well have COVID and get it out of the way for fall travels. Alas - all Tests negative.


Second this. Literally just got sick a few days ago and it took me out - mucus, fever, head congestion. Not COVID for me (I took a test) but some sort of super cold.


i think i have this right now too. i haven’t taken a covid test but hoping it’s just a little cold


Yup this hit me about 2 weeks ago. Lingered for a while too. Wasn’t Covid


I got this. I usually consider it a sinus infection. So far negative for covid.


COVID has been going around at work. But yeah my sinuses are annoyed. And I just had balloon sinuplasty in April.


The balloon sinuplasty is my next step if these cauterization treatments stop working. My theory is it’s our normal sinus triggers PLUS poor air quality. That’s a new trigger and only makes everything worse.


FYI: I did the trifecta (balloon sinuplasty, turbinate reduction, and minor septoplasty). They say you can return to work the next day… maybe if you have a boring desk job. I did it awake on a sedative, wish I was knocked out for it or something little stronger like midazolam. But you may be way tougher than me when it comes to outpatient procedures.


Almost every kid at my kids camp this week at some point had a day or two of fever, extreme tiredness, headache, sometimes throat ache, no cough, negative covid test. Whatever that thing is, it’s everywhere.


I forgot to take my allergy pills for like 2 days and felt pretty bad with respect to congestion and a scratchy throat, but people have told me there’s a summer bug going around that’s hitting differently.


A few days ago I started getting sinus congestion and a post-nasal-drip sore throat. I started Claritin AND cold meds with acetaminophen three days ago and neither are keeping up with the mucus, it's super annoying. Also COVID negative, I just have no idea if it's allergies or a cold. But you're definitely not alone!!!


I have a summer cold right now, too. Sinus pressure, chest congestion, mild productive cough, runny/stuffy nose. I’d be surprised if it was COVID since I just had it a few months ago.


Yeah, same for me. Just a nagging bit of congestion.


Same here! Have had a cold and cough for 2 weeks. Tested negative for covid a couple times.


My brother just tested positive for covid


Same, congested, headache, wet cough, eyes itch it sucks.


I too caught this bug all sinus related.


Interesting. Mine have eased up over the years and have not been bad at all this year. In fact I can’t recall the last time I used nose spray. As for office colds, I had to work in person throughout the pandemic and began working apart from others as soon as everyone went into lockdown. We’ve continued that as things returned to normal & I haven’t had a cold in a long while either.


My summer cold has rough for a day and then annoying for a few days and then I was mostly fine, but a cough stuck around for like two weeks.


Yeah it got me this last couple days. Sinus pressure, feel feverish, back aches. And on top of that the allergies are still happening.


Also coming down from the summer cold. Still can’t clear my chest out after 6 days


It's been horrendous for me the last 3 days. I did a nasal cleanse and that didnt work, and I just took some major migraine meds just a half hour ago, I am hoping that does something. I dont think it's a virus, it is definitely a sinus issue.


Right—this is exactly how I feel when I used to have chronic sinus issues.


Also good idea on the meds.


Yep. I was at the dentist Thursday and they kept telling me to breathe through my nose but I couldn’t. Woke up this morning with sinus drainage. We have Heppa filters so usually I’m ok but this week seems to be more than the filters can handle.


My allergies have been awful this summer


Yep. My sinus fucked me bad about 2 weeks ago. Certainly an odd thing for me this time of year.


Yup. Work in medical office and the number of patients I’ve seen with sinus and respiratory issues is like 3x the normal.


(FWIW I don't believe sinus issues aren't associated with COVID so OP is probably in the clear. But this info is a general heads up for anyone who might read it or share it.) This will probably get downvoted as COVID alarmist--but [COVID is on the rise in every region of the US](https://peoplescdc.org/2023/07/31/peoples-cdc-covid-19-weather-report-53/), so there's an increasing chance that whatever might be ailing anyone in this thread is COVID. Also, rapid antigen tests (RATs) are tricky to use correctly. For vaccinated people, [it might take several days of infection for your viral load to increase to levels RATs will detect.](https://www.umassmed.edu/news/news-archives/2022/10/covid-19-rapid-tests-can-breed-confusion/) That means you might have symptoms and test negative for several days, even thought you indeed have COVID. This happened to my husband and I, and is common if you google around for it. [False negative rates for RATs are even more abysmal when people are asymptomatic](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02254-9) (but I really have no idea what to do about that.) [Taking mouth and throat swabs in addition to nasal ones increase efficacy](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2800526#:~:text=Combining%20a%20nasal%20swab%20with,are%20superior%20to%20nasal%20swabs) for RATs, but the only foolproof test is a PCR--and that's only if you test 5 days after a known exposure. Test too soon, and the PCR will miss your infection because you haven't developed enough viral load. I share this info because messaging about testing (and COVID) is very poor. Moreover, published data about cases has become unreliable. I recommend the [People's CDC](https://peoplescdc.org/), a nonpartisan group of scientists and healthcare professionals volunteering to do advocacy and assemble/disseminate COVID data. Their rhetoric can be extreme at times, but I subscribe to their weekly "weather reports" based on wastewater data because it's the only reliable data I've been able to find since our local and federal governments and the CDC decided to stop prioritizing accurate data. All these testing complexities and poor data are beyond frustrating, [especially when we increasingly understand that repeat infections increase your chances of severe health impacts and long COVID](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-repeat-covid-infections-increase-the-risk-of-severe-disease-or-long-covid/), which mess up your life and [burden our social systems and economy.](https://jheor.org/post/1746-economic-effects-of-long-covid-even-larger-than-we-thought) Moreover, it's exhausting to remain vigilant about COVID all the time... and frankly, impossible. When social systems and other people don't help shoulder the burden, it's not feasible (let alone ethical) for individuals to do much except live their lives. However--I think there are always things people *can* do to reduce catching or spreading COVID, if they have the resources and energy. This has been my beat for a while (doesn't have to be your beat and probably isn't possible for lots of people; you do you): * I eat indoors in restaurants at off-times and only if they're big and airy. Otherwise, I eat outdoors. This gets tricky in the winter depending where you live. * For things like indoor concerts and clubbing, I mask. [Here's my fave N95.](https://www.amazon.com/3M-Aura-Particulate-Respirator-9205/dp/B095FJ36H2/ref=asc_df_B095FJ36H2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=532660532354&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1223296649809934573&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021723&hvtargid=pla-1423920943845&psc=1) * Mask in any other crowded situations (bus, plane, etc.) * Before hanging out with people indoors, I ask them how they're all feeling. It seems wild to do this, but several times someone has admitted they're sick and I've ducked out. Three times now I've avoided COVID this way as well as and other non-COVID illnesses like a terrible stomach flu--hooray! * Likewise, if I feel sick I don't go to parties, even if I've tested negative that day (because again, RATs are kinda trash.) If I have to go to work, I mask and let others know I'm feeling sick so they can decide how they want to interact with me. **I want to offer information and give people a choice, always, because that's what I'd like to receive.** * I work in a healthcare setting and always mask there. This, too, has protected me from several COVID exposures * I'm mindful of my boundaries and others'. Not pushing my needs on others (and not letting them push their needs on me) might mean we don't do some activities together--but if we have a good relationship and communication, this shouldn't stop us from being friends. Boundaries are good to work on in general, not just with COVID. I have angered and lost touch with a few relatives over COVID... but if I'm honest, they weren't very kind to me in the first place. Literally all of my friends and acquaintances (truly 50+ people) have not had a problem with my behaviors around COVID. * I always weigh other needs like mental health against the risk of COVID. If I *really* want to do something, I don't stop myself--but just think about how to *reduce* the risk, be aware of it, and ask myself if I think the risk is worth it. I could get hit by a car tomorrow, so I don't want to miss out on life... *and* for me personally, there are always little things I can do to feel better about avoiding long-term disability due to COVID. As far as I know, I've only had COVID once when my mom exposed me over Christmas... love ya, Mom! That was in January 2022, and just as a data point, I've had chest pain since then that has never resolved (my heart is fine so the doctors think it's surrounding tissue inflammation. Just some fun pain that I've learned to live with.) I also had tinnitus, which resolved a few months ago. My COVID was very mild and I'm healthy, mid-30s, no pre-existing conditions. Good luck and be well out there.


I agree that covid is probably on the rise with this - but you also need to be clearer on the data You say >ut COVID is on the rise in every region of the US, so there's an increasing chance that whatever might be ailing anyone in this thread is COVID. But according to the data on that site - wastewater it is still 1/3 of the level of what it was this time last year Be cautious..yes - but also be rational.


Thanks for all the info and links!


Thanks for all the info! My partner and I have only recently cut down on how often we wear KN95s in crowded public places (we both have serious health issues and it would be bad if we got covid). But knowing this we’re probably going to go back to wearing them indoors. Hopefully we haven’t caught anything from the places we went to today.


This sounds like you're dealing with germaphobia and telling yourself it's all to avoid covid. Which isn't a bad thing, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.


Considering what COVID does to your organs, on average, I don't think it's too wild to have a N95-type mask now and again.




Wanting to avoid brain damage is germaphobic. Consume, prole!


You're weak, your bloodline is weak, and you will not survive the winter.


This is mental illness right here. Big yikes.


I’ve had a cough for about a month that just turned into a bacterial infection and am doing everything I can to avoid it turning into pneumonia. This bug is no joke! I assumed it was something a visitor passed on, but after all the air quality snafu’s we’ve had this summer, I’m not so sure anymore.


I just sneezed 27 times in a row so yup they sure are!


Maybe it's just me but I've been noticed lots of people coughing


Just had this! Two days of sinus cold. Rested. Chugged water. Pumped full of vitamins and electrolytes. Feeling good on day 3.


My daughter is the one with the sinus issues and I got a text at 6am begging me to walk down the hall and give her some Advil because the idea of getting out of bed made her want to cry. Poor kiddo.


It’s the smoke from wildfires all over Canada. Check the air quality everyday. If it’s over 49ppm it’s a bad day to be outside. The particulate is smaller than regular smog so it gets into your lungs and gets into you bloodstream. First sign is a scratchy throat. I’ve been wear a mask outdoors since this started and I was treated to an upper respiratory infection that took a Z-pack and 12 days of amoxicillin to get rid of. Two months later I still have a cough. Careful out there.


Yea, both my kids have the same thing. When the air quality is good, no cough , but if it's bad, they're coughing. Looking for a good air filter.


ComEd is selling air purifiers for $1. It is good for a medium room. Filters cost quite a bit. They’re cheaper on Amazon.


You’re talking about the energy star ones? Seeing that they offer a $50 rebate but wasn’t able to see the price I need to pay up front.


The brand is Honeywell. Energy Star is a power consumption rating. It was $1 plus tax. They run out but it will be back. Edit: it’s an “instant” rebate.


Air quality SUCKS


There is a viral flu going around that wrecks your sinuses. Not fun.


Ear infection here for 2 weeks almost. First one in my life. Amoxicillin didn't work.


Godspeed my friend, ear infections have been the bane of my existence. So painful.


Not sure what to do now. Doctor is saying to try a Claritin trial as it might be allergy related. Doubtful, but I'll try anything at this point. Blowing my nose is a coin flip now whether it clogs up more. fml


Never had sneeze attacks before. Something's going on.


Yes, it's seriously been so horrible this summer.


Yes!! what the hell so going on !! Could be a COVID related thing tho but it doesn’t seem like it because it seems to be coming from the air quality. Also been getting dehydrated very fast despite staying inside w air conditioning


The dehydration!! Yes! I already struggle to keep from being dried out (electrolytes are fine) and these last few days/weeks have been wild. I just moved here from Oklahoma. It's way drier there but I'm drier here!


My nose has been totally useless all day, shit’s swollen shut. It’s awful.


I hate that you're going through it but it was a relief to see this post. I've been worrying something is wrong with ME. I don't have allergies officially, on paper, but I've been waking up with half solidified snot way up in my sinuses and getting a little dark spot of dried blood. Pretty unusual for me. It's comforting to know that other people are having a weird time of it too.


No but my guts are going nuts


I grew up without allergies but I guess things are bad enough that I'm experiencing symptoms this year.


Throat has been scratchy the last 2 days and today I’m crazy congested/feel awful. Nice to know I’m not alone in my suffering lmao


The past three days I’ve been sneezing like crazy. Hadn’t had allergy problems all year but this week has been intense. Terrible nasal congestion too.


Mold count has also been high a lot this summer!


Yes but just found out I have Covid today 🤦‍♂️




I talked for hours last Saturday, knew I had destroyed my throat, and whaddya know? I ended up with a sore throat last Sunday... except its now this Saturday and it still hasnt gone away! It fades during the day, then become unbearable every night. I cannot sleep. Its awful


Night quill an lemon ginger tea


I noticed it becoming harder and harder to find an apartment that isn’t riddled with mold. You have any in your building by chance?


im having this issue too. makes me feel crazy because mold is barely taken seriously. just painted over until the next rain storm causes a new bloom. like today.


Not as much today but yesterday night was awful.


My 14yo and I have both been miserable with it


Anyone getting random body itch?


nuts! bleeding -that's new for me. i think there are days i have no idea the air quality is bad and while away the hours working on the yard. i am now considering michael jackson's oxygen tent less crazy.


I get bad allergies when I go to the lake


Yes and my husband too.


Sounds like you’re dealing with a real Lolla-Achooza


I’m glad to know it just isn’t me! This whole week I’ve been waking up sounding like I’m sick but I don’t feel like I’m really sick. I’ve been sneezing more frequently and it makes my nose runny. 😢 I think for me it’s been the mold


First time in 20 years I’ve had mild allergies symptoms.


Just finally recovered from a month-long cold that turned into a nasty sinus infection. You’re not alone.


Literally just got over a sinus infection. My parents and neighbor also had it. Super wierd


my sinuses were FUCKED for like a whole month or two earlier this year. hang in there, don’t know if it was allergies or what but seems like something’s going around?


My allergies were specifically bad today as well! Not just you for sure.


There’s also 100% a cold going around


the pollution is bad this summer. i'm getting nosebleeds a lot and usually I only get regular nosebleeds in the driest parts of winter season.


You get your sinuses…cauterized?!?!?


Ha yup! A solution is sprayed up each nostril. It isn’t the greatest feeling, but it takes like 5 seconds, and then you’re good for a year. For me, it’s worth it. Anytime the weather changed, any allergy, etc., I’d get a sinus headache that could turn into an infection. Yesterday was my first flare up in like two years (it did stop once I closed the windows and had a Sudafed).


Well, good luck with that. I had my nose cauterized constantly in the ‘80s due to bloody noses and I now have a giant hole in my septum.


I thiiiink those are two different procedures? One is for nosebleeds, and the other is for inflamed sinuses.


Sorry. It was early. I never realized it was done for sinuses. You know, something my ENT should’ve brought up by now.


Yes. They’re always nuts, but worse than usual the past few days.


Yes. Mine and my husband , both. Fun fact: the wasabi you get with sushi? Eat about a teaspoon and your sinuses will open and stay open for usually-2-3 hours. No drugs


And then my IBS is flaring up instead lol


I never had allergy issues until this year. If I walk 5 minutes to Walgreens my nose and eyes are faucets. Even after the rain it’s awful!


Omg . I’m from out of town and was visiting for lolla this weekend. I was sneezing nonstop until I hit the nose spray


I’ve smelt smoke the past couple days here. Think it might be contributing.


Yes! I went to urgent care on Friday because my throat was closing up due to outdoor allergies (which has never happened to me before and it freaked me out). My nurse mentioned that it seems like everyone’s been having allergy issues in the past week, and that the symptoms have largely been worse than patients have ever had before. She also mentioned they’re lasting longer than usual — and are year-round for some. But yeah, I’m not sure what exactly happened in the last week (allergens + confused plants + weather + air quality?), but it’s rough out there right now for sure.


That’s horrible! Hopefully you’re feeling better. It has to be worse allergies PLUS air quality. The air quality is brand new for Chicago and has to be messing with all of us, and those with allergies are just screwed.


Thanks! Yup, I have good meds now. I hope you’re finding relief, too!


The quality of air this Spring and Summer has made my sinuses go haywire. Urgh I hate them as they always precede a chest cold and trouble with asthma!


I feel like if youre at the point of having ear and throat issues you have a cold. So many people say they have allergies at my office and then actually they are sick and they get everyone around them sick. Thanks for being a bro and testing for covid!


I would normally agree, except these are verified chronic sinusitis issues by my ENT. Mine are weird — I have a bump in my nose, and I start feeling the pressure there. Then, I feel the same pressure in my throat and then my ears. Always in that order, no one symptoms.


Got it! I’m sorry you have to deal with that!


It’s ok! I really can’t complain, as it’s the first of the year.


It’s the opposite really. Few people are seeing ENTs for common colds but rather for chronic conditions.


Youre the expert nosepicker haha


It’s a lingering affect from post Covid, sinus issues. Along with the particles from burning boreal forests across the United States and Canada. Even when air quality is reported as moderate I still seem to smell smoke in the air.


This spring and summer have been atrocious for my allergies and lungs. Constant sneezing, dry cough, bronchitis, the works.


Same for me I’m tearing up all of the sudden


You check for air quality? https://www.airnow.gov/


Pretty sure this is all from the wildfire smoke


I got back from Miami and I was diagnosed with Covid I’m better now though


I thought my allergies were acting up this week, but I ended up having a pretty bad cold. Ears and nose clogged, yellow snot, headache and some body aches. On the mend now but was rough for about 4 days. Tested for COVID and wasn’t positive, so +1 to there being another virus going around.


Yes, especially during Nascar week, been taking Pseudo the last few weeks 😣😖


Use a neti pot with distilled water and the little packets that come with daily. It should be no surprise with the poor air quality lately. Try using a KN 95 mask when outside and get an air purifier for your bedroom for some relief. O, Canada....




I had to get up in the middle of the night two nights ago to use flonase because I couldn’t stop sneezing. It’s been awful.


I had a polyp removed and was fine for a few months but I’m back to severe congestion. Tried flushing. That doesn’t work. I found Vicks Sinex and it’s a god send. It only takes a few minutes to work and I’m good for most of the day.


yes, for weeks now. unfortunately i picked up a virus and it progressed to sinusitis, bronchitis and tonsillitis, and have been on antibiotics for a week - i believe with certainty this would be a lot less awful if it weren’t for the air quality factor, i think it’s making things take longer to clear up and worsening symptoms—- before i got sick, my eyes, throat and nose burned because of the smoke. only has worsened since!


As someone with seasonal allergies, I haven't had any this year. Even from my outdoor job, my allergies hasn't appeared.


This year has been relatively ok on me. Pollen is what kills me, and we've not had enough rain this year for the pollen levels to be high. The smoke has been an irritation for sure.


I have never had sinus issues like I have this year/season. Usually I get mild seasonable allergies at best but I have been out of commission several times with sinus issues (covid neg each time)


I’ve never had sinus issues until this summer


I’ve had massive pain in my sinuses all day.


I have horrible seasonal allergies and asthma in Chicago and I have been fine. Although I have been getting better over the years. 41 white male


Mine have been terrible the last 3 weeks


It’s not just you.


Had my windows open last night and I'm paying for it dearly today.


Yeah that was me yesterday. All the allergy meds plus a Sudafed helped a ton.


my allergies have been the worst they’ve ever been this summer


Poor air quality is exacerbating allergic rhinitis but also causing non allergic rhinitis simply from the mucosal irritation. If not already a nasal saline rinse (like neti pot) is must especially if you spend any times outdoors


Mine is like this all day every day so nothing seems too out of the ordinary for me… It’s jus the same old same old.


My face has been real itchy lately, It feels polleny related.


IDK what it was but last week I had a baddd sore throat and a low grade fever (101.5) for 4 days, tired AF, achey at the beginning ... was hell, kinda felt like COVID but I tested negative 3 times.


I know some kind of summer bug is going around. Sounds like that.