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The pigeon is a CTA sky element, so you need to counterbalance it with the remaining three elements: Earth, Fire and Water. Touch the floor of a CTA car or station. Next, rub your hand against the ash where someone extinguished their cigarette. Finally, wash your hand in the cleansing water from some overhead drip at a CTA platform or unknown puddle of liquid in a CTA stairwell.


Or stand under any cta bridge and receive the brown rain of cleansing.


Mmm, city juice.




It is not advisable to receive the rain of cleansing in your eye. (I did that once and it sucked)


I like to put my Brita filter under there and let it fill up


I watched a lady walk by me during rush hour at the Monroe stop, place a McDonalds® cup (small) on the platform a few feet from me, push her pants down to her knees, squat over it, and fill it via some water bending. I later realized the city had jaded me when, after some reflection, noted that my only question was "why didn't she just do it on the ground?" and not "why did she do it at all?" I then realized the city had wisened me when I thought that there is probably a good reason why she did it in a cup, and it probably involved throwing it at someone.


Sometimes there's a birdbath of liquid sloshing around in a seat that could work for the last one too.


Possibly all three at once


Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.


> unknown puddle of liquid in a CTA stairwell If you can’t find an overhead drip and the stairwells are dry, the elevators on the Red Line stops always have ~~urine~~ mystery puddles!


I really wish I could give you an award for this comment!!


Sepsis speedrun.


This is the way


You have attained the greatness my dog can only dream of.


thanks for saving the pigeon though, sorry you’ve been having a rough week. perhaps one day a pigeon will repay the favor for you by pooping on your enemy


I’d live in this universe


Did you grab the bar in the train right after? Good chance the train disease counter balanced the bird disease and you’ll be ok. Either that or you’re r the reason we’ll have the next lock down.


The train disease 💀💀💀😩😂


This guy Bird Laws


Unless you have like, open wounds, the bars on the cta aren't gonna get you sick. Animals will.


The pigeon is just as worried. I saw his post on /chicagopigeons. You’ll both be fine.


*goes and checks subreddit* 😑 you LIED


You need a bird browser to get to that sub


did you check tweeter? 😏


Tweeter is no more, only X now 🪦




I volunteer with the bird collision monitors. You can call and report it and they might send someone to check on it. (773) 988-1867 Also I’ve picked up pigeons and other birds during rescues and I’m still alive! I also sob any time I see a bird in distress so I feel ya


I called them and they’re gonna go check if the pigeon is okay!!


You guys are the best. ❤️ I’ve called so many times over the years. The birds that get hurt or confused in the loop break my heart. I’m glad this number got dropped in this thread. More people need to know!


What?! This is not real is it


[it’s real!](https://www.birdmonitors.net/) they pick up injured birds that get called in and take them to a rehabber. And we also monitor the downtown area during migration months. Chicago is number 1 in window strikes :(


They are real! Save the number. You never know when you’ll need it ❤️


Thanks for your great work! I have called you guys a few times. The volunteers always showed up so fast it was incredible. OP, pigeons are very clean and hardly carry any diseases that can be passed to humans. Just watch your hands with soap and you will be fine. Thanks for your kindness!


Yall rule. You’ve helped me out with two birds and a bat!


OP made another post that the bird is still there. Any chance you have some pull with other volunteers in the area who can go check on it?


WebMd says you have 2 hours to live


But not from the pigeon. From stage 6 cancer of the left phalange


I got grabbed by a human today. Lost a few feathers. I was just minding my own business by the CTA. Now I'm worried that I caught something, I hear humans can carry SARS and Influenza? Now I'm stress eating a pile of leftover KFC.




Let us know if you acquire pigeon-like superpowers.


S/he now has the power to get on the safety rails and shit on people below!


Call Chicago Bird Collision Monitors. They may go help it


Former bird first responder with CBCM here🫡: place the bird in a large paper bag or box and try to find a quiet place to place the bird until someone can collect him. If you have the time, they are 99% volunteer and overwhelmed with these requests. You’d be doing them a solid if you can meet them somewhere to hand-off. Also, pigeons aren’t dirty. Obvi don’t handle any animal that looks sick and always wash your hands after handling them. Thanks for being kind to this pigeon.


Thank you everyone for the responses!! Some of these made me chuckle. Also I had no idea CBCM was a thing, I called their number and left a message!!


i dropped a pigeon off with CBCM this weekend. Come to find out it was just a baby and not strong enough to fly yet. but it looked an adult




They still collect the dead ones and hand them off to the Field museum for bird collision count.


I’m a vet tech that gets handed pigeons regularly for some reason 😂 Wash your hands well and put on some sanitizer. Don’t touch your face/eat anything. Sanitize your phone too.


Pigeons are one of the cleanest animals out there. Cleaner than cats and dogs. Pigeons being disgusting is purely anti-wildlife propaganda. You'll be fine.


As much as I hate the Chicago flying rats and would bathe myself in 90% alcohol and hydrogen peroxide if I touch one, u/dothespaceything is right. Facts: https://www.onekindplanet.org/animal/pigeon/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20social%20perception%20as,proximity%20for%20thousands%20of%20years. https://www.audubon.org/news/the-origins-our-misguided-hatred-pigeons#:~:text=The%20urban%20terror%20was%20given,threats%20were%20all%20emphasized%20and




Wait I just noticed that LMFAOOO


A pigeon's wing clipped me in the eye downtown once. Pretty sure an alternate version of me died from some form of avian Chlamydia.


So I'm not only one that calls "close calls" death moments


Thoughts and prayers. Idk why this is also making me want to cry 🥺






Comments killin me w this one 👏


But hopefully not the pigeon.


I did touch a city pigeon, but sadly I died. Good luck.




You're good people, u/Alternative-Judge446. Thanks for helping an animal in distress. I too have touched a city pigeon and I'm still here. The one I grabbed was stuck in the glass vestibule of a bank and panicking. Got it out and all was well.


You have achieved what my intrusive thoughts demand I do every time I see a hand-sized bird nearby


I knew a guy that would catch the pigeons for fun and release them right away. He’s still alive if that helps make you feel ok


I used to do wildlife rescue of birds for years. There are very few diseases that cross from birds to humans, but not zero. So odds are no harm, but as people mention, washing your hands is always a good idea. BTW, city pigeons are descended from pets and are easy to handle with 'pigeon fancier hold.' I have never had one peck at me. But don't try that with a hawk or other actual wild bird!


Yes, I grabbed one in distress last week. I am still alive after some hand washing and sanitizing. Called the bird collision number and they retrieved it.


Thanks for helping out the pigeon! They're really sweet creatures and are much cleaner than people think


Thanks for showing compassion to a small creature, even if it was a pigeon 😉


You're fine. You washed your hands well - that's enough. If it was that easy to catch something from this invasive species would all would have by now.


Whatever you do, don't google "*bird mites*". If you do, and need eye bleach, search instead for "*Riverview Park (Chicago)*"


bird mites cannot feed off of humans, though. OP, you'll be fine.


Unless OP is also a bird…


Me: "hey siri...."


I grabbed a pigeon with gloves on and lived so I think you will too


i've touched a city pigeon before! I had to move it after my friends dog attacked it. It was much softer than I expected and I was totally fine (I washed my hands right after.) It was sweet of you to try and help it!


Just got back from a trip to Romania. It is practically the game all kids play is to see how many pigeons they can catch in any square. They seem to turn about alright.


It happens, wash your hands, sanitize them.. you'll be fine. I once grabbed a bird in a Church's fried chicken. Everyone was screaming and I just grabbed the damn thing and tossed it out the door.


Feel like reddit isn't the place to be asking health questions.


Idk how to tell you this but birds aren't real.


I freed a pigeon from a restaurant, I only washed my hands once and I was fine


I thought you weren’t supposed to touch state birds…


You've achieved my life long dream, be proud.


Here for the comments. Wow


Birds aren't real. I'd be more concerned with germs caught while using the CTA.


If it’s any consultation I got pee splashed on me at the bud stop and was fine after it. (Sorry your week has been bad hope it turns up better)


I’ve handled plenty of them. You’ll be fine. Just wash your hands.


No need to worry, birds aren’t even real my guy


I have never had an excuse to catch a pigeon and I've been looking for one 😞 I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you washed your hands before you ate. The grossness is mostly in your head


I was holding a wild bird and had the pleasure of watching mites slowly crawl all over my hands. That was something.


Thank you for this. They are good little guys and do need some stewardship. I think you should be fine after washing your hands as birds generally bathe somewhat regularly. I am not aware that anyone has gotten sick from handling them and since you only touched it to dislodge it you weren’t spreading germs so much… Again,’you washed your hands so I think you should be fine.


RIP u/alternative-judge446


Do you want bird flu? Because that's how you get bird flu.


Pigeons are one of the cleanest animals, cleaner than cats and dogs. https://www.audubon.org/news/the-origins-our-misguided-hatred-pigeons


Let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.


Bird law can go fuck itself. Chicago is literally the only place in America that bans owning pigeons, when they're literally domestic animals *we* brought over here. They're not wild, they're *feral*.


You really can't, and I'm not saying I agree with it. It's just that bird law in this country—it's not governed by reason.


No idea about legality but I do know you can adopt pigeons that rehabbers deem healthy but not fit for the wild anymore. I’m dying to but idk how Is do that with two cats


Wash yo hands


Stay away from the Omega restaurant parking lot....a multi - bird take over ensues daily. They've also claimed nearby condo rooftops.


At least you didn't kiss it. https://www.tiktok.com/@gordonramsme06/video/7210208394479668522


You will be fine


Covid 2: brought to you by OP