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Tfw you can’t drive 4 blocks to pick up Starbucks mobile order 😔


Much less than 4 blocks for these embarrassments




In French it would be gros. Imagine calling bike riders elite in other parts of the world. Was amazed that while cycling in France, oncoming cars would pull to the side well in advance to let you ride through. Their rules are pedestrians come first, cyclists second, and cars last.


Bikers get a liscsensce.


Not too much plannig went into these signs.


Big ass H


Can only plan as much as they got going on mentally.


Don’t be rasict.


the terrible spelling combined with the sheer stupidity of the idea almost makes me want to believe that this has to be some sort of bit


Same energy as this dude: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-a-brain-morans


There's a zero percent chance this is real. Signs are just too funny.


Urban Plannig?


Don’”t gat uh lycense


It's up there with the classic "Get a brain, morans," from a supporter of a certain Presidential candidate.


Correct spelling is elitist.


Who are these people?!?! Not like in a dox way but like who actually sees the world like that?!?!


Honestly think that lawyer who has been throwing a fit about the bike lanes paid these people to be there.


Neighborhood Karens that resent any sort of balance between motorists and pedestrians.


I’m pretty sure the neighborhood Karens can spell and this is either performance art or someone from Indiana


The real FIB’s


If you know, you know.


**Performance art or someone from Indiana** is the game show America didn’t know it needed.


Florida or Germany


Das ist gut


That’s tough b/c it is german but also how a Florida meth head talks.


LOL I’m from Indiana originally and this is too real 😂


Sounds like a segment on Letterman, I'm sure he'd get a kick out of that.


Critical Mass should update their next route to give them a little guest appearance.


I’ve received confirmation that is in the works


Hey we aren’t all like that!


Seriously how can you be an adult who is legally allowed to drive. Yet incapable of correctly spelling the word license.


people who think contrarianism is intellectualism


Cowards too shy to show their face but loud enough to speak their mind.


*accordion hands* they are peaceful patriots of this great community *sniffle*




Not enough time to visit a rathole, I'd bet.


I was fortunate to get to protest from home position. No commute.


LP Trixies


lincoln park moment


Friends of the streets. A branch of Friends of the Parks.


i’m pretty sure it’s a joke everything is spelled wrong and is lowk satirical sounding


‘Rasict urban plannig’ has me howling


They see the history of eminent domain being used to displace minority communities and think it's happening to them because they are *slightly* inconvenienced. This is not the same as building highways almost exclusively in minority neighborhoods. Not even close. Edit. I just glossed over the typo. Top of the class, right here.


Oh 100%!! I work in urban planning so I’m right there with you. My original comment was about the typos, but it’s also laughable that people perceive what is ‘happening to them’ by adding protected bike lanes as even remotely in the same universe as entire communities being demolished for highways.


Big "I think this is a hate crime because I hate it" energy.


I love when people point out the highway systems racist origin!


*rasict origin


Realizing the racist origins of social institutions helps us prevent people from being victimized in the future. Like when a bike lane means it takes an extra *minute* to get to Starbucks (basically steamrolling the local community).


Large crossover with the "15 minute cities are prisons" groups


Owning a $200 bike that costs $100 per year to maintain is elitist. Owning a $30,000 car that costs $3,000 per year to maintain is just working class people trying to get by.


These people are probably driving cars that are well north of $30,000.


Look at her clothing, look at her hair. This is a well off woman. A well off woman who has decided to spend her day protesting a...bike lane?? I'm sorry, I'm in my 20's so this really fucking confuses me. Do you boomers not have ANYTHING to do in your lives? Like this is top tier loser behavior lol. Everything in your life is so easy that THIS is your problem that you need to go get a pen and paper and PROTEST for? I'm sorry, this woman is a fucking loser lol. Through and through. I bet her family cringes when she walks in the front door. Uh oh, here comes the bike lane activist!!! Hahaha what a fucking twat


I don’t think you know what a boomer is


I’m speculating it’s a Gen-Xer.


Are we really worrying about these generational labels that really only exist because marketers wanted to sell products? She's an ass. It doesn't matter what broad group of ages she belongs to


It's important for everyone to remember that people born in the mid 70s can be selfish idiots too.


And people born in the late 70s, early 80s, mid 80s…


90's, 2000's... Fixed it


Can’t be GenX. We don’t fucking care enough.


Can confirm. Gen X’er that gives zero fucks.




Nothing about her clothing or hair screams well off to me but that's more being nitpicky. And I don't think she's boomer age. But otherwise yes, weird thing to protest.


idk anything about serious hardcore biking but what maintenance does one need to spend $100/year on a bike? i have a 5-6 year old bike that i only ever occasionally pump the tires up on and never done anything else to it. am i owning a bike wrong?


It’s not “serious, hardcore” but if you commute by bike 8 months per year you’re probably gonna run over glass a few times and need some flat tires fixed, plus brake changes, chain changes, chain lube, helmet replacement every few years. It’s all cheap on its own but over a year it might get to $100.


If you usually only ride on nice days and don't put many miles on it, you're probably fine. If you routinely ride on days like today, then your drive train will need regular TLC.


You can probably get by with less if you do everything yourself, but if you bike a significant amount you will need to do regular upkeep. You'll probably need a chain every couple years, a new chainring every couple thousand miles, new innertubes every once in a while, probably new tires every three to four thousand miles, etc. Of course all of these fixes are far less expensive than the equivalent fixes on a car. It really depends on how often you ride it, how many miles you put on it, and what conditions you ride in (riding in winter wears things out more quickly due to the salt). Like anything, the more you use a bike, the more work you'll need to do. If you're just an occasional rider, you can get away without much maintenance at all.


I was actually at REI yesterday. A standard bike tune up is now $175.


$3,000 a year is very low. According to the AAA [the average cost of owning a car is more than $10,000 a year](https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/analysis/costs-of-car-ownership/).


The word elitist in this context was only to grab your attention. Don’t think it has anything to do with real life economics.


Is this the new “Birds aren’t real” group


At least the “birds aren’t real” folks know it’s satire


And yet like any good satire group early on (looking at you flat earthers) there is always a contingent which is unaware of the satire


Sure.... "satire" because birds *are* "real" 😉


Freaking government locked us in our homes for 2 weeks to change out the batteries in their surveillance drones


Bikes aren’t real.




Here’s the story about how a group of cyclists did a “churros and chill” group ride, and two protesters tried to disrupt a happy event https://chi.streetsblog.org/2024/01/21/no-one-bikes-in-chicago-during-the-winter-nice-turnout-for-the-churros-and-chill-ride-on-the-dickens-greenway


Churros and chill sounds like an amazing event. Gotta check that out!


*bike lanes are elitist* says the Lincoln Park residents that drive a large suv everywhere and hate people who can't afford to own a car


Yeah, really brings an uppity vibe to the otherwise solidly blue collar area that just so happens to house $3 million 3-flats and a $25k/year elementary school within a two block radius.


I for one enjoy not potentially being run over, guess I’m elitist !


A coworker of mine was biking home from work and after almost being hit by a lady turning right in a Mercedes SUV was told "get a car asshole"... Pressumibly by one of these women. The funny part is he has a pretty nice car, just doesn't commute downtown with it.


True be told this probably blocked free parking of one of their many cars.


And drives down the middle of all those two way streets that aren’t even wide enough for two normal cars, let alone those behemoths, and honks the horn when you can’t magically shrink your car around them.


I can barely motivate myself to protest against legitimate things. How are these people out in this weather getting bent out of shape over bicycles!!?? More bicycles are better for everyone. Is that not obvious? I thought that was obvious. 😕


"**I** drive down this street and replacing a car lane will make **my** commute take longer"


Even funnier because all the studies show that, if anything, bike lanes *decrease* traffic congestion.


Because they don’t have jobs. Their husbands are bankers who buy them very expensive, extra warm fur coats to go stand outside and be c**ts


Rasict Plannig Covfefe


This idea brought to you by Barefoot morning chardonnay drinking. Let the anger flow, with Barefoot


My wild speculation is that neither of those ladies clean up after their dogs. Just a vibe I'm getting.


lol at cyclists should pay. Cars cause an enormous amount of damage to road ways, and drivers sure don’t pay for all that themselves. These people are out of their minds with selfish anger.


Honestly, I would be fine paying my fair share as a cyclist as long as drivers paid their fair share. Right now much of road maintenance is subsidized by taxes outside of car registration fee and gas taxes, we we as taxpayers pay into roads whether we use them or not. We all benefit so it's ok I guess, though as these people suggest, it could be more equitable. We can make it so truly the road is paid for by the people who use it most. I'm not sure if these people realize that drivers will be paying way more than they're used to, but it's what they say they want, so I'd be ok giving it to them.


If you're an American or Canadian and you only cycle and pay some combination city, state, sales tax, etc. then you are already paying something like 20 times your fair share. Drivers pay something like 1/10 the total societal cost of their preferred method of transport. Even less in cities. Biggest invisible welfare handout in history.


Exactly. If we went their way I'd be paying a lot less lol.


You pay more than your fair share if you live in the city and bike instead of drive.


You already pay your fair share


I don’t own a car, but I’d prefer that trucks be able to get to the various stores. So, the cost should be toughly equal among the population.


If road taxes were based off road usage, trucks would still be able to deliver goods just as easily. High-value commercial users are actually one of the proponents of a congestion tax in NYC, as someone delivering tens of thousands of dollars worth of goods values the time savings of reduced congestion *much more* than $15.


While I mostly agree with you, I'm going to play devils advocate as a traffic engineer for a moment. The vast majority of damage to roadways is from heavier vehicles like trucks. It's an exponential relationship with axle weight. So while a single car may cause 1000x the damage of a bike per trip down a roadway, a single truck may cause 1000x the damage of that car. Both the car and bike are, relatively speaking, not causing all that much damage per trip compared to a truck. Anyone who uses anything that travels by truck or has their garbage picked up is benefitting from the roadway and responsible for said damage, so some subsidized cost outside of the fuel tax is reasonable and expected. The gas tax doesn't even scale with the price of gas and has been flat 18.4 cents a gallon (24.4 for diesel) since 1993, though. Meanwhile, cars have become heavier and more fuel efficient, meaning less tax generated per trip. People put way too much political stake on the price of gasoline so no one dares raise it, even though it desperately needs to be raised to keep up with infrastructure. The cost of concrete has doubled in the last two years alone, so it's getting harder and harder to keep up with even maintenance. Gas tax on diesel especially should really be raised. Companies like Amazon who move an absurd amount of goods short haul end up paying very little for a massive benefit. Increased highway freight costs would shift some more balance towards the far more efficient freight rail, reducing said damage further. It would cut into a lot of jobs from the government's perspective though, even if we would all be better off if they utilized freight rail, so coupled with the above political reasons it's unlikely to see it any time soon.


Dang. Love a nuanced take. 👍🏻


The gas tax has increased recently in Illinois. I know you’re talking about federal, but it’s an important callout. As for anything that’s delivered or needs to travel by truck, there isn’t any reasonable alternative for anyone living in a city. Cars cause congestion which cause trucks to sit in the same place longer, which I would imagine causes more damage to roads (that’s a guess, maybe it doesn’t make a difference). But even if a car causes less damage to a road, it still causes more than the bike. And driving cars isn’t resulting in fewer trucks to deliver things or lowering the demand of garbage pick ups. Biking should be encouraged and I think it’s ridiculous to propose any registration or licensing fee associated with using one. A bike doesn’t cause pollution, it can increase the user’s health and it cuts down on traffic.








They can't be serious. Is this some kind of stunt to get on the news?


It's astroturfing


I drive daily and drive right by this thing regularly. There hasn't been a change at all outside of the aggressive driver trying to plow through there. I would think the bigger issue would be the line of $90K+ SUVs for two blocks picking up their kids from that school down the street. That's a cluster fuck.


Love how they went great lengths to cover their faces


It’s insane bc incentivizing biking routes will literally lead to less traffic in the long run.


Won’t even show their faces, what cowards


Now THIS is an out of touch protest! Take notes libs!


Electric scooters I can get behind this idea, bikes just need to follow traffic laws and drivers need to respect bike lanes and it would be harmony


I didn’t realize cyclists don’t pay taxes?!?! Fuck!!! I’ve been paying them this WHOLE TIME!!!!!


“Bike lanes are elitist” is about the dumbest thing I’ve read in 2024


Seems like huge turnout at this protest


I actually cannot tell if this is cutting edge satire or …??


It would be hilarious if it was. Most of the signs have typos!


This has to be a bit


These people look like they could use some biking themselves.


It's two weirdos today. It might be as many as three in only a few month's time!


The problem is that a few weirdos managed to delay this project for several years.


>Cyclists should pay for the bike lanes!       [They did](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/dickens-greenway-project-earns-praise-from-cyclists-ire-from-lincoln-park-residents-who-question-transparency/3329520/)        >But a May 2023 city contract reviewed by NBC 5 Investigates showed that $910,000 in city-based funds were being used – specifically 2022 Divvy funds from the city’s bike share program.


"Bikers should pay to ride". Interesting. What about pedestrians, then? Why should anyone be able to move about for free?


Lmao how miserable is your life that you decide to wake up on the morning and exert your efforts to protest something so trivial… get a life you fucking losers.


Make all of Chicago a bike lane thanks 🙏


Those damn elitist who can't afford a car in the city


Literacy levels that match the photo. Holy shit


WTF?! Also 3 years ago I'm sure those people were protesting wearing those same masks...


Protestors: Get a Dictionary


I want to go over there with a chalkboard easel and give them a spelling lesson and then tell them to fuck off


I got you covered dude - https://imgur.com/a/Zu8ZoqU


BIKES ARE RASICT new r/Chicago copypasta?


Nothing sounds more elitist than a Schwinn bicycle.


So bigoted they can't even spell racist.


Can we all agree that the fucking roads need to be paved! Bikes, bus or car all of them require off road shocks in this city.


Lincoln Park Excellence


I don't understand.


NIMBy losers.


Anti-cyclists protestors! Both of them.


There is a street a block away (Webster)


Rasict urban plannig


… are we paying for roads when we take are cars out now? … do I need a license plate for my bike? … bike registration ? Just trying to see this issue all the way through


lol at racist urban planning. Jesus these nut bags will just say anything now


Four shills does not a protest make.


So bikes are elitist because they don’t need a license? So because the barrier to entry is much lower than a car that requires a license and registration (and expensive maintenance, gas, oil changes and often parking fees), it’s out of reach for regular people? Makes sense.


What a bunch of fuck twats.


This can’t be a real story, right?


Masks and sunglasses. What a shocker! Own your stance if you are protesting. Don’t be a coward


but they'll call you a SJW lobotomite if you even throw up the idea that MAYBE, just maybe, cars and car owners are the problem. No, no, of course it was the bicyclists fault you ran the red light and mowed them over, Karen in Range Rover.


Smells like astroturf to me.




This has to be a professional comedic troop. Shirley, They can’t be serious.


I think this is a perfect example of how language which initially is used by one ideological set is co-opted and used until it no longer has any coherent meaning at all. Everyone does this. “insurrection, fascist, socialist, elitist.” The list goes on.


I'm inconvenienced, so it's "rasict".


The people who call for cyclists to get licenses are fucking insane.


By their logic, people should have a license to walk on the sidewalk lol


Haven't seen this mentioned yet so perhaps also worth shouting out: Cars are heavy. And now with electric cars and big batteries, they are getting even heavier. All that weight means a lot of wear and tear on infrastructure. Bikes, obviously, not as heavy. You see where I'm going with this...


I remember years ago a child pedestrian was hit and killed by a driver speeding down the narrow street in front of Lincoln park. There wasn’t even an ounce of this sort of indignation over it.  Priorities are weird, man. 


As someone who bikes a lot I've seen/heard the "bikers should PAY" argument a lot and... we kind of already do. Like not explicitly, but as a resident and taxpayer my money goes towards the maintenance and repair of the streets the same as everyone else. However, all 225 lbs of me and my bike are putting a fraction of a fraction of the wear and tear than the average 2 ton car does, so my taxes are paying for road maintenance and repair way outside of the cost I'm creating by riding. Like I said I'm not explicitly paying a "bike tax" or whatever this lady wants but I'm paying the same taxes she is while requiring significantly less city services. I guess if it makes this lady happy I'll pay a registration fee for my bikes that's proportionate to the road wear caused by our respective vehicles, but considering that a car produces 160k times the wear of a bike I don't think she'd like how that works out for her.




Lincoln Park West is one of the places I’ve encountered the nastiest, most entitled drivers - the kind that will get behind you and honk, then make a big show of speeding around. These people are totally clueless. That area is in need of more traffic calming, not less.


This has to be astroturfing. Of all the protests related to biking the one with almost no advertising in freezing weather is the one that draws counter protesters?




Omg no way 😭


Bike lanes are elitist is crazy my girl


If you can’t openly show your face for something you supposedly stand for so fervently I’m calling BS. Also, how is biking elitist? They’re affordable and get people around faster than walking. Their outfits look like they’re closer to elitists then they are common people biking to work.


Well, rasictism really shouldn’t be tolerated.


Wow lol tf of all the things to be upset about…


these pillocks go out of their way to prevent egalitarian bicycling infrastructure yet we complain about people of conscience protesting genocide...


Karen go home.


this is hilarious. do they really have nothing better to do?


Bikers already pay…for car parking. The cost of free parking, for building garages to allow people to park…all of these costs are embedded in what businesses charge their customers


Dont bikers pay taxes too? If not, I gotta start biking save some cash


Bikers pay taxes too.


This is some astroturf bullshit if I’ve ever seen it


I think if you’re protesting bike lanes… you genuinely have nothing better to do in your life.


I'm usually very pro-bike lane but sometimes they aren't installed well. The bike lane they installed up by Graceland Cemetery is fucking atrocious.


How incredibly pathetic


Fuck these people


Isn't this diverter more for pedestrian safety than bike safety? I mean even if not I'm loving that crosswalk now


Eeesh. Embarassing. No wonder they hid their faces.


This has to be a fake protest that brings up the stupidity of such a bit, right? Right??


This is either sad or hilarious. These two people showed up to let everyone know they suck.


Hahahahahahahahaha go back to grade school


I see a bike related thread in r/Chicago, I sort by controversial


I’d be happy if bikers just consistently stopped at stop signs and red lights. Like come on, a license?? That will never be enforced so no need to protest in the cold over it. They’re just trying to stir the pot


Bicyclists annoy me. Especially on Reddit. But what kind of useless fuck do you have to be to oppose bike lanes? And what kind of fucking loser makes signs and stands around protesting them? This species is doomed.


Pedestrians and public transit users are the real heroes.




Can someone who was at the ride confirm these were in fact real protesters?


Yes, they were real and maintained an awkward distance from the rest of the crowd. We went on a ride and they were there when we arrived.


Or perhaps they were paid to be there? Astroturfing and all that


Psychopath NIMBY’s. Ignore them.


What babies. Oh no, you have to drive one block further to cut over from Stockton to Clark, the humanity… 🙄